What sells 20 million plus albums instead of 5 to 10 million

I love pizza

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I don’t think you can pull off a 20-30 million album seller anymore without the masses. To me the masses are not relying on the teens and 20 somethings, but the 40 to 50 year old and older person to go out and buy your cd/download.

If I was Michael’s manager here is what gameplan I would layout:

• Its time to stretch yourself. Michael, in my opinion, gets a little lazy in his dancing relying on his unique style too much. Look, there are not many performers at his level that have the ability to pull off different styles so why keep relying on the same stuff. I would love to see something like a Nicolas Brothers style of performance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBb9hTyLjfM The dancing community that go to dancing schools is a huge community of middle age and older. I know, my parents have been into this for years. Could you imagine the press reaction and fan reaction if Michael did a performance like this on the tv show Dancing with the Stars. Enough said.

• Pull off a tv special like Elvis 68 comeback special. No fireworks, no big lights, just Michael on a small stage with 3 or four musicians and quality ones like Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, Poncho Sanchez, Chris Botti. And of course unplugged. Watch this Elvis video and envision Michael doing something like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAonlWEWYF8&feature=related

• Hit all the massive tv shows that get the wide age demographics American Idol and as I already mentioned Dancing with the Stars with class performances

• The album from all the rumors will be going with tunes that your can hum to and can’t get them outta your head is already a get the masses concept. Not throw away dance tunes that are hot for one year, but ones that last forever.

• Drop some of the Michael quirks like the surgical mask. The average Joe on the street sees that and it doesn’t help album sales. The Off the Wall years and they way he dressed was just like any other normal guy.

Just some of my 2 cents.
Oh uh, ok lol.

Even if he were to do all you suggested, I defo don't think he could pull those 20-30 million anymore. Heck I don't believe anyone could anymore.

And as for the last suggestion, he doesn't even wear that mask anymore, and they aint really quirks, thats just how he is. He done it for so long so how that would affect album sales is beyond me.
Firstly: I don't want him to dress like any other guy. He was never any other guy. If I would want to see a street kid I would look through my window.
Secondly: I don't see how your ideas would push the sales. What he has done in the past was obviously the right way to have real success. He is part of that business for a long time now. If he does not know how to sell - WHO?
Thirdly: Today it is almost impossible to make good money only with music. That's why they do fashion, perfumes and to make real money they have to tour. He shouldn't do much promotion and extremely expensive video's (like he used to) cause I'm afraid that new album and it's promotion will cost more money than he probably gets for it.
In this day and age, NOBODY sells 10 to 20 million. 5 million is now a major accomplishment.

So before we start down this road, if you are banking MJ's measure of success on how many copies of a CD that we aren't really sure that he is going to release anytime soon --

Firstly: I don't want him to dress like any other guy. He was never any other guy. If I would want to see a street kid I would look through my window.
Secondly: I don't see how your ideas would push the sales. What he has done in the past was obviously the right way to have real success. He is part of that business for a long time now. If he does not know how to sell - WHO?
Thirdly: Today it is almost impossible to make good money only with music. That's why they do fashion, perfumes and to make real money they have to tour. He shouldn't do much promotion and extremely expensive video's (like he used to) cause I'm afraid that new album and it's promotion will cost more money than he probably gets for it.
That is the absolute truth. What some fans seem to forget is that MJ has done it all. Every popstar out there want to be where MJ is. He has nothing to prove anymore. Furthermore, he is really where the real money is. he is the boss now. Ask Akon, Emenem and all the bigtime postars out today, who is really making the money in music and they will say it is MJ.
Music catalogue is where the real money is, not making records or record sales. Mj making music is like a little hobby for him now. He is taking his time over it too. Fans need to have patience and stop worrying about MJ's success., He has already made it. Read MJ's thank you to john Branco in the Ultimate collection. He has already done all there is to do in music. More than any other popstar in music history. just because the press denies it, doesn't make it less true.:yes:
i see no reason why he cant sell big numbers considering what vince did and the fanbase mj has. presuming it has proper promo on all levels. 15-20 mill would be no surprise. .

id love mj to do an unplugged style show its something fans have craved for many years a change from the standard show. its such an obvious thing to do imo. i have no idea why he hasnt done it in the past or doesnt think about doing it (if he hasnt) maybe to skinned down for his liking.not hiding behind a huge production of lights and dancing etc? but it would be perfect to showcase a differentside to his talent. its to good thing and to obvious a thing that imo i doubt it will ever happen.shame that it would be
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It would be a surprise to me Elusive. The industry today just doesn't support those kinds of numbers.

From anyone.
i see no reason why he cant sell big numbers considering what vince did and the fanbase mj has. presuming it has proper promo on all levels. 15-20 mill would be no surprise. .

id love mj to do an unplugged style show its something fans have craved for many years a change from the standard show. its such an obvious thing to do imo. i have no idea why he hasnt done it in the past or doesnt think about doing it (if he hasnt) maybe to skinned down for his liking.not hiding behind a huge production of lights and dancing etc? but it would be perfect to showcase a differentside to his talent. its to good thing and to obvious a thing that imo i doubt it will ever happen.shame that it would be
MJ could do that if he had his brothers with him. he did a lot of that with his brothers.:D

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he doesnt need his bros. the MTV unplugged shows were very popular in their time with other artists mj should do a show like that with a live orchestra etc totally different from what hes done in the past. hearing him sing live with live music in a small environment would be incredible
And with internet downloading, lol no one ain't gonna be buying records like they did before in the 90s and earlier.
if this CD ever gets released, I will by a minimum ... MIN-NA-MUM !! of one a week, for the rest of my life :chichi:
OT but :rollin: I just noticed the rep trick. Go on witcha baaaad self!
That is the absolute truth. What some fans seem to forget is that MJ has done it all. Every popstar out there want to be where MJ is. He has nothing to prove anymore. Furthermore, he is really where the real money is. he is the boss now. Ask Akon, Emenem and all the bigtime postars out today, who is really making the money in music and they will say it is MJ.
Music catalogue is where the real money is, not making records or record sales. Mj making music is like a little hobby for him now. He is taking his time over it too. Fans need to have patience and stop worrying about MJ's success., He has already made it. Read MJ's thank you to john Branco in the Ultimate collection. He has already done all there is to do in music. More than any other popstar in music history. just because the press denies it, doesn't make it less true.:yes:

Excellent post! It's so true. Michael has done it all, and he is and has been more successful than any other artist ever has or probably ever will be. The thing is, it took a while to sell 30 million albums anyway; it isn't something that happened or would happen in a year. As others have said, nowadays, it probably won't happen. Sure, it would be great if it did, and I know I will do my part. :D

If you want to see how successful he is, just look around. How many people imitate him still? Everyone knows him from age 4 to age 84 and all over the world. He owns a music catalog that is making him a lot of money, he's had massive hits over the years, and he's very talented with his writing, producing, and arranging; not just his singing. Some of the songs I like the most from him were never major hits; heck, some of them weren't even released before like "On the line". I absolutely LOVE that song, but it wasn't even a hit, so you can't base anything on just how many hits he's had either.

His dancing style is unique and he has done different things over the years. Sure, he's still done his traditional moonwalk, the spin and a couple of other things, but he's also incorporated many different dance style together with his own. Look at the Black or white video and see what i mean. He can do any kind of dance; he even does tap dance. Some people like Elvis just had one way they danced if at all, so he's already above them, lol.
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I think all of you make sound points. I just see every appearance as an opportunity. Dance wise I think we haven't seen 50% of what he's capable of doing and I think all of us can agree on that.

The recent news about Lavelle Smith being in Vegas. Yeah thats good in the sense that things are happening, but I'd more impressed if he pushed himself outside of the box and say hired Lavelle, Savion Glover and a top broadway choreographer. I really don't think its hard for him dance the way he does, its natural, but I want him to feel unnatural and push himself. Case in point, when it did the live Dangerous stage performance on the American Music Awards and then repeated essentially the same thing on the Dick Clark special, I was let down because the pedestal I put him on as an entertainer is extremely high. Its like Fred Astaire doing the same dance routine in two movies. Its not something you would expect.

All this being said, whatever he comes out with I know will be great, I guess I want him to be the modern day Fred Astaire, see him dancing in movies, doing more couple dancing in videos and performances. Just like going back to my original post of doing something we've never seen before. I know he has the talent and ability to do this stuff, but in a modern way.
The only way someone can reach 20 million now is an AMAZING ALBUM, AMAZING PROMOTION, and CREATIVE SALES TACTICS..

I mean if Amy Whinehouse can sell over 10 million.. Michael with GREAT promotion and getting creative as hell with different ways to sell the album, it can reach 20..

Probably releasing different versions of the album over time.. like a special edition, then a fan pack edition, then a double disc edition with bonus DVD.. I mean have to get pretty creative and just pump it out.. Even if others know ur just trying to higher sales.. In the end of the day, those sales can reach..
My goodness gracious, expecting Mr.Jackson to exceed what he has already accomplished would be putting an aweful lot of pressure on him...I think we need to be very proud/grateful for the album/cd sales/compositions he has already created...and allow him to be creative without doggin him about album/cd sales eveytime he has a new album/cd com'in out...

The amount of success of an album shouldn't be measured by the amount of money/sales it creates; it should be more about the individuality, creativity, innovation, and quality of the artists talent...NOT...all about the marketability..!

Just because an album/cd sells, doesn't make it a good one...I, like so many will purchase an album/cd and there are only one or two songs I enjoy...yet...because of sales/marketability they win/get all these awards...Whatzupwithat..?????
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the peer to peer killed the music industry ... but i think that Michael Jackson can do this .... it's a great challenge
My goodness gracious, expecting Mr.Jackson to exceed what he has already accomplished would be putting an aweful lot of pressure on him...I think we need to be very proud/grateful for the album/cd sales/compositions he has already created...and allow him to be creative without doggin him about album/cd sales eveytime he has a new album/cd com'in out...

The amount of success of an album shouldn't be measured by the amount of money/sales it creates; it should be more about the individuality, creativity, innovation, and quality of the artists talent...NOT...all about the marketability..!

Just because an album/cd sells, doesn't make it a good one...I, like so many will purchase an album/cd and there are only one or two songs I enjoy...yet...because of sales/marketability they win/get all these awards...Whatzupwithat..?????
Good post. My sentiments exactly:yes:
My goodness gracious, expecting Mr.Jackson to exceed what he has already accomplished would be putting an aweful lot of pressure on him...I think we need to be very proud/grateful for the album/cd sales/compositions he has already created...and allow him to be creative without doggin him about album/cd sales eveytime he has a new album/cd com'in out...

The amount of success of an album shouldn't be measured by the amount of money/sales it creates; it should be more about the individuality, creativity, innovation, and quality of the artists talent...NOT...all about the marketability..!

Just because an album/cd sells, doesn't make it a good one...I, like so many will purchase an album/cd and there are only one or two songs I enjoy...yet...because of sales/marketability they win/get all these awards...Whatzupwithat..?????

Good post. My sentiments exactly:yes:

I agree 1000% too, but having lived through the good times, its was something else. Its just about wanting the mass magic back. The kids born in the 90's don't have a clue how great it was and no amount of youtube videos will get you there. Remeber what MJ said to Quincy when Bad came out, he told him it would be bigger than Thriller (I think he said something over the top like 50 or 100 million sales, I might be wrong), but thats the killer instinct, thats mass appeal. Thats the mindset of MJ. I just want him to push himself to places where he hasn't been before, mostly in dance to appeal to that larger audience the 40, 50, 60 year olds. Thats why Dancing with the Stars is such a big hit, its mass appeal across age ranges. Thats the audience MJ should go after, us fans on this board will buy the album no matter what, we're automatic sales, we're not the target market.
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I agree 1000% too, but having lived through the good times, its was something else. Its just about wanting the mass magic back. The kids born in the 90's don't have a clue how great it was and no amount of youtube videos will get you there. Remeber what MJ said to Quincy when Bad came out, he told him it would be bigger than Thriller, thats the killer instinct, thats mass appeal.
Ya can't repeat what's already been done. That level of Michaelmania in the 80s was a once in a generation/lifetime kind of thing. I'm not sure that MJ wants all that. He paid a much too high price for it.

But it's HIStory and his legacy and no one can take if away from him, even if they try today to play it down.
i see no reason why he cant sell big numbers considering what vince did and the fanbase mj has. presuming it has proper promo on all levels. 15-20 mill would be no surprise. .

id love mj to do an unplugged style show its something fans have craved for many years a change from the standard show. its such an obvious thing to do imo. i have no idea why he hasnt done it in the past or doesnt think about doing it (if he hasnt) maybe to skinned down for his liking.not hiding behind a huge production of lights and dancing etc? but it would be perfect to showcase a differentside to his talent. its to good thing and to obvious a thing that imo i doubt it will ever happen.shame that it would be

15-20 million copies sold wouldn't be a surprise?!
Elusive, you must not understand how messed up the music industry is right now. You keep talking about an MTV unplugged-style show. That's a good idea, however it won't guarantee legendary album sales.
Michael has enough fans globally to insure that his next CD sells in between 5-10 million, but 15-20 million?
C'mon man, that's just stretching it. Not to mention, it puts alot of pressure on MJ.
Pressure I'm sure he doesn't want at this stage in his life and career. He needs to just focus on making good music and raising his kids, not trying to be the record shattering superstar that he was in 80's.
Those days are long gone.

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Ya can't repeat what's already been done. That level of Michaelmania in the 80s was a once in a generation/lifetime kind of thing. I'm not sure that MJ wants all that. He paid a much too high price for it.

But it's HIStory and his legacy and no one can take if away from him, even if they try today to play it down.

I'm not sure he wants it either, but nothing would wash away all the bad press like a mega seller and the only way he's going to get that beside great music (a given) is targeting the right age groups and like I said before, he can peform in a basement and the diehards will buy the albums. The target market to sell big is not us, the automatic, always will be there fans.
15-20 million copies sold wouldn't be a surprise?!
Elusive, you must not understand how messed up the music industry is right now. You keep talking about an MTV unplugged-style show. That's a good idea, however it won't guarantee legendary album sales.
Michael has enough fans globally to insure that his next CD sells in between 5-10 million, but 15-20 million?
C'mon man, that's just stretching it. Not to mention, it puts alot of pressure on MJ.
Pressure I'm sure he doesn't want at this stage in his life and career. He needs to just focus on making good music and raising his kids, not trying to be the record shattering superstar that he was in 80's.
Those days are long gone.

i was talking about an unplugged style show not really interms of it creating huge sales. just the fact that is would be an amazing thing for mj to do and for fans and non fans a like to see a totally different side to his talent rather than ppl saying big deal he performed BJ again. a chance for him to do something totally different. which would then help create a new buzz about mj rather than ppl seeing him doing the same ole performances. imagine him doing dirty diana for eg with a full orchestra. violins wailing. live clear vocals in a intimate setting it would be amazing.

and as i said mj has the largest fanbase ontop of ppl who wouldnt call themselves fans buying his music. if vince can sell 10 mill with everything that happened i dont see why a quality album with full promo wouldnt do way more than that. the question is whether mj will have the backing because at the end of the day sales comes about by promo and P.R hype. the fanbase on its own can only do so much as vince showed
10 million, yes...but 20 million? no one is gonna get sales like that again
is targeting the right age groups and like I said before, he can peform in a basement and the diehards will buy the albums. The target market to sell big is not us, the automatic, always will be there fans

aslong as its good music and gets its promo it sells regardless of age groups. ppl forget about the generations mj has been through and how he might not have been seen as cool but if the musics good they go out and buy it. to buying the bad album as an 8 year old to being at college when history and earthsong was huge. seeing the 17-18 year olds i was at college with going out and buying earthsong although at the time they were into oasis and blur (the britpop battle in the uk in the 90's) certainly not what you would call mj fans. but their eyes were stuck to mtv in the college canteen as mtv played the ES video and they were buying the single. you dont have to appeal to a certain age the music does not have age barriers especially when it comes to mj. you create good songs and great videos and it works for itself.
I think it's too much to ask to have Michael try and reach a certain target market. He's always appealed to everyone, that's why he's the king. It also would not be right to take the diehard fans for granted in order to appeal to a different group of unpredictable people. Yes we would buy the album and MJ knows that, but I would think that he actually wants us to enjoy it too and therefore keeps us in mind as well as what the general public might like. All he needs to do to reach people who aren't diehard fans, is to make really good music and to promote it. His talent and persona is larger than life and the more he pushes that, the more he will sell imo - like with History.

It's amazing how much the music industry has changed, even in just the last few years. In 2001 when Invincible came out we were already talking about how artists can't sell the huge numbers anymore. Now it's even worse, numbers seem to have dropped even more. So my question is (if it's not too off topic) how much can Michael sell? If the new album is amazing, if he pulls out all the stops to promote it etc - how much could he sell? Or what if only the fans bought the album, how many would he sell then? About the same as Invincible? These are just hypothetical questions, I'd like to know what people think.

EM: I think your MJ unplugged idea is fantastic. I would love to see something like that. Only problem is I would also love to see one of MJ's more typical performances since I haven't yet.