What movie would you like to see MJ in?

This might sound kind of silly........but I would love to see MJ in any one of Tyler Perry's movies! I'm kind of a fan of his work. Hell, Michael gets mentioned in enough of them, he should just appear in one of them.

Michael and Madea............................Oh Lord!!
I say MJ should've been in RUSH HOUR.

Chris tucker (at karoake bar): Man this is how you sing Michael Jackson! Don't stop til u get enough! He he!!

MJ (in the audience): CHRISTMAS!

Chris: HEY! Who in the HELL called me that!??

MJ (appears by the stage): (whispers) Come on man, I'm undercover. Play along, your name is CHRISTMAS.

CHris:.........(stars wide eyed at him).....What the hell man, my name is AGENT....

MJ: SHHH!!!!! (gets on stage and grabs the mike) He doesnt know how to impersonate Michael Jackson. I can impersonate michael jackson, look at me. I'm an impersonator. he doesnt know what he's doing! I'll show you how it's done in a minute guys. (grabs Chris tucker back stage)

Chris: MAN WHAT THE HEEEEEELLL are you DOIN?! My name is Agent carter and I don't know who you are but...

MJ: I'm Mike jackson.

Chris: yeah some impersonator...

MJ: No I'm not really Mike Jackson. That's my code name.

Chris: Yo' CODE name?

MJ: The agency told me your code name was Christmas.

Chris: man somebody lied to you. Now go on and take your sorry impersonating--

MJ: My real name is Michael jackson.

Chris: But you just said your name wasn't Michael jackson.

MJ: But it IS.

Chris: no it aint. It's Mike jackson.

MJ: No it's not.

Chris: But u just said--

MJ: LOOK CARTER. Mike Jackson is my CODE name...I'm undercover as an impersonator named Mike. My REAL name is MICHAEL JACKSON.

Jackie Chan (sees Michael) : Oh my god! It's YOU!

Chris: WHO?

Jackie Chan: HIM!

Chris: WHO??


Jackie: But it's YOU!

Chris: Who's Yu? Agent Yu?

Jackie: No YOU! (point at MJ)

Chris: Dat ain't Yu. thats....Mike

MJ: NO, carter. I'm NOT.

Jackie: Carter, that is...Agent Michael Jackson.

Chris: Ya'll better stop playin wit' my emotions man! First you (michael) steal my spotlight and call me CHRISTMAS in front of the honeys. Then you (Jackie) come around and say that's really michael jackson. And we're under cover getting chased,maaan i didn't sign up for THISSS!

yeah i ran with it. LOL Hahahahaaaaaaaa

OH MY GOD! AHAHAHAHAHAH!! :hysterical: I can so imagine it, omg thats' so hilarious and funny!! *can't breathe* AHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHABBA
i deeply wish he had played as Peter Pan in HOOK or as J.M Barrie in Finding NeverLand ( dont get me wrong. my comment has nothing to do with color or race. i simply believe he could play as him better since he is Peter Pan himself)

i wish him was in STAR WARS maybe as obi wan! ;) or Anakin! :D

i simply love seeing him acting in a movie :wub: :heart: i wish he play in a loooooooooot movies :)
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