What movie would you like to see MJ in?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Purely hypothetical question here. What movie, tv show, or whatever would you like to see MJ in? Can be past, present or future. And in what role?

I think he would fit well somewhere in a Dr. Doolittle-type movie cuz he likes animals.

It would be neat if he could do the voice of an animated character in a Disney movie... lots of possibilities there.

He could be great in a sitcom...

He'd probably be great in a drama as well; a crime show maybe...

Maybe a question with a shorter answer might be what movie/show would you not like to see MJ in. :lol:

This is just for fun; I actually prefer he invent his own multi-media extravaganzas; he's so great at it. :)
Michael Jackson should have been considered, and would have done an amazing job in the role of 'Ra', brilliantly played by actor Jaye Davidson in the Rolland Emerich epic film, 'Stargate' from the '90s. Michael would have been fantastic, and it would have been something that people wouldn't have expected.

I also think Michael would be brilliant in a main role in a type of film which would be a cross between Transformers, The 5th Element, Matrix, and the japanese tv anime show, Neon Genesis - Evangaleon. A live action, sci-fi, anime film, with Michael playing the experiences warrior, Captain/Commander, sending his troops out to defend the world against baddies or aliens.

His grace and moves would also be cool for playing a vampire, perhaps in another sequel of Blade!

:popcorn: I'd watch all of the above films with MJ in them! :coolio:
a Hayao Miyazaki animation

:woohoo:That would be amazing!

I would definately also like to see him in Phantom of the Opera. Srsly. Remember that lovely red number that gerard butler had on? Guh.....*ahem*:blush: Or maybe something like Interview With The Vampire. MJ could TOTALLY pull off the anne rice-ian look.
horror movie. I don't care what people may say. I think MJ likes the genre, and the fact that he IS so nice and harmless, makes the aspect of him being, lets say a VAMPIRE, even more entertaining :lol:

It would be a dream come true of mine if he acts as a vampire ANYWHERE.
well I wish that Poe movie would have been filmed and released..

I would either like Michael to be in a based on a true story movie, or an inspired by his life movie.. Where things in the movie are not HIS life story but are symbols of truths of his life.. Type of thing like Ghosts.. Not a movie like ghosts, but u know how Ghosts was metaphor of MJ's life..

Use that idea in a complete different type movie. in more indepth view
yeah me too :( That Poe movie would have also been a dream come true for me too...Cuz Poe is my favorite author :( :(
Type of thing like Ghosts.. Not a movie like ghosts, but u know how Ghosts was metaphor of MJ's life..
Yeah, I see what you mean, and I love it. Kinda like 'The Truman Show'.
But that's a good idea for a short film, not neccesairly a movie. I agree with J5master, Michael would make a perfect vampire.

:toofunny: :toofunny:
Can you really see him carrying a gun?

But I like the idea of Michael wearing that Neo outfit,lol.
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Purely hypothetical question here. What movie, tv show, or whatever would you like to see MJ in? Can be past, present or future. And in what role?

I think he would fit well somewhere in a Dr. Doolittle-type movie cuz he likes animals.

It would be neat if he could do the voice of an animated character in a Disney movie... lots of possibilities there.

He could be great in a sitcom...

He'd probably be great in a drama as well; a crime show maybe...

Maybe a question with a shorter answer might be what movie/show would you not like to see MJ in. :lol:

This is just for fun; I actually prefer he invent his own multi-media extravaganzas; he's so great at it. :)

Some kind of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde drama... cuz I think he is an excellent actor for sure.
I would love to see Michael in a really deep movie.Oscar worthy material. Like and Adrian Brody type part..in the move The Piano or like A Beautiful Mind where MJ plays like a mathmatical genius. I would LOOVE to see him in movies where he really can show is acting chops, I want to see him bring people to tears (in a good way) he would blow peoples minds!

The sci fi and vampire thing is cool too because he physically fits the parts easily, I would totally shell out $$$ to see Mike in the next Underworld :punk:
I would love to see Michael in a full length musical, something original that he himself would come up with. His imagination is vivid and he's already had his stories adapted to both film and music, with "Moonwalker" and "Scared of the Moon". I think it would be perfect for Michael to showcase his talent in a way he hasn't yet been able to, to an extent he hasn't yet been able to. He could direct the film, which I know is a passion of his, he could play the lead character and display his acting abilities, which are pretty good in my view, he could compose the musical score and sing lead on the songs, and he could choreograph the dance numnbers and be the lead dancer on each one. It would be incredible I think. He could really blow people's minds I think. And especially since, in recent times, the musicals which have been done are more dark in nature then was the case with classic Hollywood, he could show off his dramatic side. Michael's life has been so hard that I don't think he would have any trouble conjuring up the appropriet emotion for heavy scenes. Like he did in "Bad", when he was fighting with Wesley Snipes, Michael thought back to confrontations he had had with his own father to get the right emotion, and considering what he's been through, he could do that for any type of film, method acting. I think he learned that from Marlon Brando and Katherine Hepburn. I would also like to see him in a drama of some kind.
Bad Boys. Seeing MJ walking around with a gun, swearing and acting all bad ass would be really funny
I would like to see him in the role of the clown/doctor with a dark past (he wears clown makeup to hide from the police for something he was accused of but was not guilty. I think someone died in his care or something. I forget exactly the case against him. In the end he actually is a GOOD GUY in the film) in a remake of the circus film, "The Greatest Show On Earth".

I loved the original film. I love circus movies, period. Now that I think about it, I might order that movie from Amazon.com or somewhere on DVD. It's been a long time since I watched it and it always entertained me.

He could also play one of the other characters, like the lion tamer or one of the guys in the high wire acts.

But for Michael the role of the clown/doctor would be fantastic.
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It has been such a long while since I watched this movie that I forgot who the main star attractions were. The role of the clown/doctor was played by none other than the charismatic Jimmy Stewart (Mr. Smith Goes To Town and A Different Life). The boss of the circus was Charleston Heston (The Tenth Commandments). They were 2 huge stars from old Hollywood.

I just copied this from Amazon.com and it really refreshed my memory about this movie.

Editorial Reviews

Amazon.com essential video
The Greatest Show on Earth is a heaping helping of flapdoodle served up by one of Hollywood's canniest entertainers: producer-director Cecil B. DeMille. This overripe melodrama purports to be life inside the Ringling Brothers Circus; maybe it's not, but the circus ought to be like this. The actors wrestling with the purple dialogue are: early-career Charlton Heston, as the tough-as-nails circus manager; Cornel Wilde and Betty Hutton as trapeze artistes; and Gloria Grahame (who won an Oscar), dangling from elephants. Best of all, James Stewart plays a clown who--for mysterious reasons--never removes his makeup. (Stewart took the supporting role simply because he'd always wanted to play a clown.) This is a fried-baloney sandwich of a movie: it ain't sophisticated, and probably isn't good for you, but once you start you can't stop. It was the box-office champ of 1952, and it shocked everybody by winning the best picture Oscar. --Robert Horton

With all the movie remakes of today, this movie would certainly be on my list to go out to watch at the movie theater.

Plus, if Michael played the Jimmy Stewart part of the clown (it's not known in the movie that he's a doctor--I gave away the juice of the role...Sorry):p he would have some big shoes to fill. I know the critics would go crazy if he would actually pull it off and do a great job. They would go crazier if he bombed. This is all hypothetical, so I'm going to say he would SMASH IT!:lol:

Well, anyway, that's my 2 cents on the topic.:D
I say MJ should've been in RUSH HOUR.

Chris tucker (at karoake bar): Man this is how you sing Michael Jackson! Don't stop til u get enough! He he!!

MJ (in the audience): CHRISTMAS!

Chris: HEY! Who in the HELL called me that!??

MJ (appears by the stage): (whispers) Come on man, I'm undercover. Play along, your name is CHRISTMAS.

CHris:.........(stars wide eyed at him).....What the hell man, my name is AGENT....

MJ: SHHH!!!!! (gets on stage and grabs the mike) He doesnt know how to impersonate Michael Jackson. I can impersonate michael jackson, look at me. I'm an impersonator. he doesnt know what he's doing! I'll show you how it's done in a minute guys. (grabs Chris tucker back stage)

Chris: MAN WHAT THE HEEEEEELLL are you DOIN?! My name is Agent carter and I don't know who you are but...

MJ: I'm Mike jackson.

Chris: yeah some impersonator...

MJ: No I'm not really Mike Jackson. That's my code name.

Chris: Yo' CODE name?

MJ: The agency told me your code name was Christmas.

Chris: man somebody lied to you. Now go on and take your sorry impersonating--

MJ: My real name is Michael jackson.

Chris: But you just said your name wasn't Michael jackson.

MJ: But it IS.

Chris: no it aint. It's Mike jackson.

MJ: No it's not.

Chris: But u just said--

MJ: LOOK CARTER. Mike Jackson is my CODE name...I'm undercover as an impersonator named Mike. My REAL name is MICHAEL JACKSON.

Jackie Chan (sees Michael) : Oh my god! It's YOU!

Chris: WHO?

Jackie Chan: HIM!

Chris: WHO??


Jackie: But it's YOU!

Chris: Who's Yu? Agent Yu?

Jackie: No YOU! (point at MJ)

Chris: Dat ain't Yu. thats....Mike

MJ: NO, carter. I'm NOT.

Jackie: Carter, that is...Agent Michael Jackson.

Chris: Ya'll better stop playin wit' my emotions man! First you (michael) steal my spotlight and call me CHRISTMAS in front of the honeys. Then you (Jackie) come around and say that's really michael jackson. And we're under cover getting chased,maaan i didn't sign up for THISSS!

yeah i ran with it. LOL Hahahahaaaaaaaa
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I say MJ should've been in RUSH HOUR.

Chris tucker (at karoake bar): Man this is how you sing Michael Jackson! Don't stop til u get enough! He he!!

MJ (in the audience): CHRISTMAS!

Chris: HEY! Who in the HELL called me that!??

MJ (appears by the stage): (whispers) Come on man, I'm undercover. Play along, your name is CHRISTMAS.

CHris:.........(stars wide eyed at him).....What the hell man, my name is AGENT....

MJ: SHHH!!!!! (gets on stage and grabs the mike) He doesnt know how to impersonate Michael Jackson. I can impersonate michael jackson, look at me. I'm an impersonator. he doesnt know what he's doing! I'll show you how it's done in a minute guys. (grabs Chris tucker back stage)

Chris: MAN WHAT THE HEEEEEELLL are you DOIN?! My name is Agent carter and I don't know who you are but...

MJ: I'm Mike jackson.

Chris: yeah some impersonator...

MJ: No I'm not really Mike Jackson. That's my code name.

Chris: Yo' CODE name?

MJ: The agency told me your code name was Christmas.

Chris: man somebody lied to you. Now go on and take your sorry impersonating--

MJ: My real name is Michael jackson.

Chris: But you just said your name wasn't Michael jackson.

MJ: But it IS.

Chris: no it aint. It's Mike jackson.

MJ: No it's not.

Chris: But u just said--

MJ: LOOK CARTER. Mike Jackson is my CODE name...I'm undercover as an impersonator named Mike. My REAL name is MICHAEL JACKSON.

Jackie Chan (sees Michael) : Oh my god! It's YOU!

Chris: WHO?

Jackie Chan: HIM!

Chris: WHO??


Jackie: But it's YOU!

Chris: Who's Yu? Agent Yu?

Jackie: No YOU! (point at MJ)

Chris: Dat ain't Yu. thats....Mike

MJ: NO, carter. I'm NOT.

Jackie: Carter, that is...Agent Michael Jackson.

Chris: Ya'll better stop playin wit' my emotions man! First you (michael) steal my spotlight and call me CHRISTMAS in front of the honeys. Then you (Jackie) come around and say that's really michael jackson. And we're under cover getting chased,maaan i didn't sign up for THISSS!

yeah i ran with it. LOL Hahahahaaaaaaaa

:lol::lol: Priceless. I would pay to see that for real.
:lol: So you did; good one!

It would be fun to see him in something that combined humour and horror. How about... a Scary Movie sequel! :p

Or a musical comedy, along the lines of what wbss21 was suggesting. I could see him doing that number in Singing In The Rain; Make 'em Laugh! That movie had some hilarious moments. :D

ladyplatinum- that movie sounds good; I don't remember seeing it before... I'm intrigued, lol.
I would love to see MJ as sweeney todd ...but then again i can't see him in it :p And that was a comedy/horror/musical.
You guys have lots ideas and I just love them. I like to Michael do voices in one of Hayao Miyazaki's animations, I also love to see him do more action movies (with ex. The Rock, Jackie Chan, Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie and maybe he can work with Chris Tucker again.) Maybe he can do comedy movies (teaming up with Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Cedric the Entertainer or Rowan "Mr. Bean" Atkinson) Those are the ideas I can think of.
horror movie. I don't care what people may say. I think MJ likes the genre, and the fact that he IS so nice and harmless, makes the aspect of him being, lets say a VAMPIRE, even more entertaining :lol:

It would be a dream come true of mine if he acts as a vampire ANYWHERE.

God him in a Velvet red lined cape, ok you got me interested, gold pants underneath as well, and a silky red shirt!
I say MJ should've been in RUSH HOUR.

Chris tucker (at karoake bar): Man this is how you sing Michael Jackson! Don't stop til u get enough! He he!!

MJ (in the audience): CHRISTMAS!

Chris: HEY! Who in the HELL called me that!??

MJ (appears by the stage): (whispers) Come on man, I'm undercover. Play along, your name is CHRISTMAS.

CHris:.........(stars wide eyed at him).....What the hell man, my name is AGENT....

MJ: SHHH!!!!! (gets on stage and grabs the mike) He doesnt know how to impersonate Michael Jackson. I can impersonate michael jackson, look at me. I'm an impersonator. he doesnt know what he's doing! I'll show you how it's done in a minute guys. (grabs Chris tucker back stage)

Chris: MAN WHAT THE HEEEEEELLL are you DOIN?! My name is Agent carter and I don't know who you are but...

MJ: I'm Mike jackson.

Chris: yeah some impersonator...

MJ: No I'm not really Mike Jackson. That's my code name.

Chris: Yo' CODE name?

MJ: The agency told me your code name was Christmas.

Chris: man somebody lied to you. Now go on and take your sorry impersonating--

MJ: My real name is Michael jackson.

Chris: But you just said your name wasn't Michael jackson.

MJ: But it IS.

Chris: no it aint. It's Mike jackson.

MJ: No it's not.

Chris: But u just said--

MJ: LOOK CARTER. Mike Jackson is my CODE name...I'm undercover as an impersonator named Mike. My REAL name is MICHAEL JACKSON.

Jackie Chan (sees Michael) : Oh my god! It's YOU!

Chris: WHO?

Jackie Chan: HIM!

Chris: WHO??


Jackie: But it's YOU!

Chris: Who's Yu? Agent Yu?

Jackie: No YOU! (point at MJ)

Chris: Dat ain't Yu. thats....Mike

MJ: NO, carter. I'm NOT.

Jackie: Carter, that is...Agent Michael Jackson.

Chris: Ya'll better stop playin wit' my emotions man! First you (michael) steal my spotlight and call me CHRISTMAS in front of the honeys. Then you (Jackie) come around and say that's really michael jackson. And we're under cover getting chased,maaan i didn't sign up for THISSS!

yeah i ran with it. LOL Hahahahaaaaaaaa

:lol: MJ on Rush Hour would be hillarious!!
I say MJ should've been in RUSH HOUR.

Chris tucker (at karoake bar): Man this is how you sing Michael Jackson! Don't stop til u get enough! He he!!

MJ (in the audience): CHRISTMAS!

Chris: HEY! Who in the HELL called me that!??

MJ (appears by the stage): (whispers) Come on man, I'm undercover. Play along, your name is CHRISTMAS.

CHris:.........(stars wide eyed at him).....What the hell man, my name is AGENT....

MJ: SHHH!!!!! (gets on stage and grabs the mike) He doesnt know how to impersonate Michael Jackson. I can impersonate michael jackson, look at me. I'm an impersonator. he doesnt know what he's doing! I'll show you how it's done in a minute guys. (grabs Chris tucker back stage)

Chris: MAN WHAT THE HEEEEEELLL are you DOIN?! My name is Agent carter and I don't know who you are but...

MJ: I'm Mike jackson.

Chris: yeah some impersonator...

MJ: No I'm not really Mike Jackson. That's my code name.

Chris: Yo' CODE name?

MJ: The agency told me your code name was Christmas.

Chris: man somebody lied to you. Now go on and take your sorry impersonating--

MJ: My real name is Michael jackson.

Chris: But you just said your name wasn't Michael jackson.

MJ: But it IS.

Chris: no it aint. It's Mike jackson.

MJ: No it's not.

Chris: But u just said--

MJ: LOOK CARTER. Mike Jackson is my CODE name...I'm undercover as an impersonator named Mike. My REAL name is MICHAEL JACKSON.

Jackie Chan (sees Michael) : Oh my god! It's YOU!

Chris: WHO?

Jackie Chan: HIM!

Chris: WHO??


Jackie: But it's YOU!

Chris: Who's Yu? Agent Yu?

Jackie: No YOU! (point at MJ)

Chris: Dat ain't Yu. thats....Mike

MJ: NO, carter. I'm NOT.

Jackie: Carter, that is...Agent Michael Jackson.

Chris: Ya'll better stop playin wit' my emotions man! First you (michael) steal my spotlight and call me CHRISTMAS in front of the honeys. Then you (Jackie) come around and say that's really michael jackson. And we're under cover getting chased,maaan i didn't sign up for THISSS!

yeah i ran with it. LOL Hahahahaaaaaaaa

:rofl: I can so picture this!!!
I would love to see MJ as sweeney todd ...but then again i can't see him in it :p And that was a comedy/horror/musical.

I say MJ should've been in RUSH HOUR.

Chris tucker (at karoake bar): Man this is how you sing Michael Jackson! Don't stop til u get enough! He he!!

MJ (in the audience): CHRISTMAS!

Chris: HEY! Who in the HELL called me that!??

MJ (appears by the stage): (whispers) Come on man, I'm undercover. Play along, your name is CHRISTMAS.

CHris:.........(stars wide eyed at him).....What the hell man, my name is AGENT....

MJ: SHHH!!!!! (gets on stage and grabs the mike) He doesnt know how to impersonate Michael Jackson. I can impersonate michael jackson, look at me. I'm an impersonator. he doesnt know what he's doing! I'll show you how it's done in a minute guys. (grabs Chris tucker back stage)

Chris: MAN WHAT THE HEEEEEELLL are you DOIN?! My name is Agent carter and I don't know who you are but...

MJ: I'm Mike jackson.

Chris: yeah some impersonator...

MJ: No I'm not really Mike Jackson. That's my code name.

Chris: Yo' CODE name?

MJ: The agency told me your code name was Christmas.

Chris: man somebody lied to you. Now go on and take your sorry impersonating--

MJ: My real name is Michael jackson.

Chris: But you just said your name wasn't Michael jackson.

MJ: But it IS.

Chris: no it aint. It's Mike jackson.

MJ: No it's not.

Chris: But u just said--

MJ: LOOK CARTER. Mike Jackson is my CODE name...I'm undercover as an impersonator named Mike. My REAL name is MICHAEL JACKSON.

Jackie Chan (sees Michael) : Oh my god! It's YOU!

Chris: WHO?

Jackie Chan: HIM!

Chris: WHO??


Jackie: But it's YOU!

Chris: Who's Yu? Agent Yu?

Jackie: No YOU! (point at MJ)

Chris: Dat ain't Yu. thats....Mike

MJ: NO, carter. I'm NOT.

Jackie: Carter, that is...Agent Michael Jackson.

Chris: Ya'll better stop playin wit' my emotions man! First you (michael) steal my spotlight and call me CHRISTMAS in front of the honeys. Then you (Jackie) come around and say that's really michael jackson. And we're under cover getting chased,maaan i didn't sign up for THISSS!

yeah i ran with it. LOL Hahahahaaaaaaaa

Totally agree with you :lmao:
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hahaha now I really want to see Chris Tucker and MJ in a movie really bad................... their movie would = HILARIOUS!!!! :D