What Michael Jackson song are you listening to now?

Hold My Hand :(
Let me get one thing straight. I am not a fan of Akon. But I wish so much that Michael and Akon had released this song..it's beautiful. Can you imagine the excitement for all MJ fans if they had released it..and it would have been a hit I'm sure.
Man In The Mirror...

at a grocery store. on a night, i didn't want to go to the grocery store. but i was shocked. it was the highlight of my shopping experience, and made me not regret going, after all. but during the playing of the song, over the speaker system, some creep interrupted the song. not for any significant announcement, such as..'clean up on aisle 5', or somn...but...he did, in order to say...'Goodnight, George.'. no other songs, played over the speaker system, were interrupted for anything insignificant. it felt like the guy interrupting, was envious of Michael. i mean, i hadn't heard anything by Michael, over a grocery store speaker system, since the 90's. so..it felt like they decided to play it, out of guilt, tonight. but, the begrudgingness was in that man's voice, when he interrupted it.. that's what it felt like..

a man interrupting, giving off that vibe...it's usually a guy that is envious of MJ..way more often, than it being a girl.

all the other music coming out of that speaker, sounded like shit sinking in quicksand. the speaker was dead. but when MITM came on, the speaker came to life..
it was like the rest of the music was sunk deep in the speaker, but MITM came flowering out.

that's when i realized that, above all others

Michael Jackson's music is TRULY. TRULY. TRULY. Magical!
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"Break of Dawn" from the Incvincible Album. It is my Favourite MJ Song, I can listen to it ten times in a day.
"Break of Dawn" from the Incvincible Album. It is my Favourite MJ Song, I can listen to it ten times in a day.

who can resist that one????


Delicious MJ wispering to your hear.... :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub: