What michael jackson mannerisms do you like?

i love it when he laughs, especially when he's with people he feels very comfortable with..and when he bites his lips, so sexy :cool:
I really love when he says "Oh boy!"...soooo cute! :wub:

And I love how sometimes when he's dancing, he shakes out his hand...if anyone knows what I'm talking about...he usually does it when he's doing a skip/walk step...like he doesn't even realise he's doing it :D
Oh! Charming. He said the word charming alot. He called Louie the Llama a "charming sweet animal..." he talked about himself and used the word charming, that people expected him to be the same charming sweet kid he was at 11 or 12 and felt that in growing up he was somehow disappointing his fans. He also used the word charming in LWMJ talking about the slumber parties being charming and sweet and innocent. Charming. I forgot to add that. :wub:
Hard to choose - a voice isn't a mannerism, but I love his voice. And yes, words like "charming." The shy, embarrassed responses are adorable - hard to believe the same person could be so utterly confident and swaggering on stage.

Here's a video called "Michael Jackson is so CUTE when he is shy or embarrassed!" -

It's adorable.

At the beginning of one part of the home movie series - I think part 2? - there's the scene where Michael is on stage and he's surprised with a big birthday cake. He almost breaks down crying - it was such a touching response.

And the home movie scene where he's celebrating his first Christmas, with Liz Taylor. He walks into a room full of gifts and says in this little voice, "Santa came?" Aww ...
I've always noticed the interview stare too, I find it extremely funny, he gives them nothing as far as non-verbals go when he's listening, no head nod or anything just staring :lol:

thats true!! he is just staring at the guy .he is just like,"oh....shamone,what's the point of his words?i must catch it "

I also LOVE when he takes a deep breath before he says 'well' when he's about to explain something... SO.CUTE!

YES! here he is out to say"Ummmm.........well"
:wub:AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I looooove this thread:wub:
I really really love it when he says "oh boy!!" that really gets me. Like I rewind a video just to hear him say it again. Love the lip biting of course, the wiping of his lips with the back of his hand, when he laughs in a really high pitched tone, his gyrating moves, the crotch grab during his performances, ohhh man there are just too many to list!!
I love how he's always biting his lip. In interviews, when accepting awards, when he smiles, when he gets shy...ahh it's just frikkin' ADORABLE.

Here is a MUST-SEE video compilation that counts down MJ's "Top 10 Sexiest Moves"... makes me melt! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=810T1WymyE4

I noticed the same thing when he gets shy ans smiles and biting his lip......AWWW I just love it....thanks for posting Michael is so beautiful
ohh this ebony interview is one of my favorites!!
i love love love it when he gets shy but for some reason he has to look at the camera and he just nods with his head while staring at the camera without saying anything..
at around 3:36
I've seen him doing this at some other videos also
LOL! That video was awesome. I love when MJ's holding the girl on stage and his hand is going down her back and just about when he's going to grab her butt he stops and balls his fist....CLASSIC!!

I remember the footage! :lol: I was like, "Mike, you missin somethin?":D

Like the threadstarter said, the peace sign is the first thing that comes to mind. He threw the sign even when things were real rough like, during the trial. That's real strength. No matter what they say, he was tough.
And the home movie scene where he's celebrating his first Christmas, with Liz Taylor. He walks into a room full of gifts and says in this little voice, "Santa came?" Aww ...

aaw has anyone a link to this???? PLEASE
That eboy jet interview is so amazing, he looks incredible. I love his jacket, his outfit and have you guys realized that his mannerisims have remained the same since the off the wall days? That's what i feel anyway. It's been constant throughout flux.
I don't know if it counts as mannerisms, but I love his speech. He was in the business for years and Motown had peeps to help him enunciate, and to his dying day you could still hear the ghetto come outta him through his speech. Always dropping the 's' at the end of words, and there's an interview where he says 'funky', but the way he says it the 'n' isn't really well spoken so it kinda sounds like sumthing else.
I don't know if it counts as mannerisms, but I love his speech. He was in the business for years and Motown had peeps to help him enunciate, and to his dying day you could still hear the ghetto come outta him through his speech. Always dropping the 's' at the end of words, and there's an interview where he says 'funky', but the way he says it the 'n' isn't really well spoken so it kinda sounds like sumthing else.

I never thought he had a ghetto-ey accent! What do you mean?
i love the biting the lip....."pardon?"....big smiles.....and a hot guy who's shy is so attractive

This is exactly what is in my mind :lol:

ohh this ebony interview is one of my favorites!!
i love love love it when he gets shy but for some reason he has to look at the camera and he just nods with his head while staring at the camera without saying anything..
at around 3:36
I've seen him doing this at some other videos also

this is one of my favourite interviews from him too, i can keep repeating this video, just really love how he say "pardon" and how he bite his lips :wub::wub:
I like that swagger he has in his walk sometimes, like that time he was first walking into the building to announce his This Is It tour.

And when he puts both his hands over his heart.

And when he makes a kiss face with his lips on stage :) And roughens up his whole expression.


I also love how humble and polite he is whenever he goes up to accept an award. I've seen people like Lil Wayne jump on top of the freakin stage like a wild animal to recieve his ONE award. And Miley Cyrus jogs up on stage and starts waving her hands all in the air.
But Michael never did that ever, even when he one his EIGHTH award in one night, he was just so classy and calm. I just LOVE how he doesn't boast. (maybe when he gets home and no ones watching. who knows? but he never does it right then and there)
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love this thread! and i love everything that you're all mentioning about him. all put together, he's just One Class Act. even in middle age, i look at him and i see one very classy, elegant gentleman. yes, even when he's wearing a suit over pajama bottoms. i love the aviator glasses, too, but i love the reading glasses more. there really is no one else who has that kind of appeal to me. his fashion style is original, and he wears his clothes well.

in terms of specific mannerisms, i like it when he shakes his hand or works his fingers and the hop-kick steps when he's a "slave to the rhythm." he performs the same songs in a concert tour over and over again, but it's like he's singing them for the first time, the way he gets so involved.

i also love how he was often holding hands with his mother or his children. even with LMP. he's very sweet.

he loved Katherine so much and i thought it would be so nice to be his mom in the next life (if there is). bwahaha - of course i'd rather be his wife!!!
I also love how humble and polite he is whenever he goes up to accept an award. I've seen people like Lil Wayne jump on top of the freakin stage like a wild animal to recieve his ONE award. And Miley Cyrus jogs up on stage and starts waving her hands all in the air.
But Michael never did that ever, even when he one his EIGHTH award in one night, he was just so classy and calm. I just LOVE how he doesn't boast. (maybe when he gets home and no ones watching. who knows? but he never does it right then and there)

:D well said
ohh this ebony interview is one of my favorites!!
i love love love it when he gets shy but for some reason he has to look at the camera and he just nods with his head while staring at the camera without saying anything..
at around 3:36
I've seen him doing this at some other videos also

Awwwww.. Now I have to watch this one again! :heart: