What if MJ met obama?

If Michael makes a successful comeback (I'm sure he will), then I'm sure the chances of a Michael Jackson and Barack Obama meeting is very likely to happen.
I know it made me really angry to think that people are still pathetic enough to put their time and effort into making these stories.

"Our daughter will have us turn on Michael Jackson, and she and our little one will perform for us. And Barack will get up and dance with them every now and then. He thinks he's a much better dancer than he is, but he's not bad." - Michelle Obama (2004 Interview)

Michael's music was also played during warm-up right before Obama's democratic convention ceremony in August, and Anderson Cooper reported at the time that MJ's music made things more fun in the arena.

That's so cute!

of course, you can't assume Obama likes MJ, let alone "respects" him. Nice thought though :)
Course Mr.Obama and familly respect MJ.Me,you,all of the fans in the world...
But there is thousands ppl that never will respect Michael Jackson...It's the reality...
Well, it is not funny. Whether it is satire or not.
This is disgusting!!!So after read this horrible article can you doubts that MJ could appear with Mr.Obama WITHOUT any jokes?Please...

Who cares? The people who make jokes are going to continue doing it no matter what he does. That's no reason that Michael Jackson's own fans should be apprehensive about him meeting the President. And seriously, negativity about him taking part in a major public meeting is ridiculous. At that point, you might as well admit to yourself that the accusers and Sneddon won. Is being associated with Michael Jackson really that much of a slight that the President would stay away from him for reputation purposes? When his wife is talking about her kids being fans and when they're playing MJ's music at conventions, it's incredibly irritating that some fans are implying "oh Obama wouldn't want any part of that because then people will say he supports pedophiles."

People are going to make jokes when he releases a new album and is back in the media too. Guess he shouldn't do that either.
Who cares? The people who make jokes are going to continue doing it no matter what he does. That's no reason that Michael Jackson's own fans should be apprehensive about him meeting the President. And seriously, negativity about him taking part in a major public meeting is ridiculous. At that point, you might as well admit to yourself that the accusers and Sneddon won. Is being associated with Michael Jackson really that much of a slight that the President would stay away from him for reputation purposes? When his wife is talking about her kids being fans and when they're playing MJ's music at conventions, it's incredibly irritating that some fans are implying "oh Obama wouldn't want any part of that because then people will say he supports pedophiles."

People are going to make jokes when he releases a new album and is back in the media too. Guess he shouldn't do that either.

Sorry but nobody is perfect like you.I'm CARE!I dont like to see,read nothing that disrespect Michael,bad things...
This make part of my personality...what can i do?People are different....EXCUSE ME!