What if MJ met obama?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In the past MJ met with past Presidents and was seen with them... what if MJ met and was seen with obama? That would be great to see :) Whats your thoughts on that?
Unfortunately the name "Michael Jackson" don't sounds much better. The most part of EUA still thinking that MJ is guilty,pedophile,freak ...I believe that Obama respect Michael but...you know...

To me is very sad and unfair with the man that elevated the name of his country to most high degree.:(
I think Obama is an intelligent person, one that knows that MJ was NEVER capable of those things. I also think that Mr. Obama would be THRILLED (pardon the pun) to have MJ at the White House!!
IT would be cool, it's possible, lol anything can happen. :lol:
I thought I read an interview somewhere about him talking about his music or something like that? I can't find it lol. :lol:
IT would be cool, it's possible, lol anything can happen. :lol:
I thought I read an interview somewhere about him talking about his music or something like that? I can't find it lol. :lol:

Obama was talking about MJs music??how cool.. I think thats what you mean :unsure: yeah that would be cool if they met. I think his daughters are MJ fans. :)
I think Obama is an intelligent person, one that knows that MJ was NEVER capable of those things. I also think that Mr. Obama would be THRILLED (pardon the pun) to have MJ at the White House!!

But some people are not!During trial I saw that the majority of ppl believed that MJ was guilty.This is stupid!
Course Mr.Obama repect and appreciate alot Michael Jackson.
what if a coconut fell from a tree and konked us in the head? :bugeyed
I think Obama is an intelligent person, one that knows that MJ was NEVER capable of those things. I also think that Mr. Obama would be THRILLED (pardon the pun) to have MJ at the White House!!
wannabestartinsomething said:
Obama would probably be star struck.
Haha :D That sounds so likely with Obama. Considering his age, it's very likely he was/is a fan. If the famous Obama i-Pod list is just a small portion of his favorites.

If Mike met with all those previous presidents, meeting with Obama is a strong possibility.
They both have similar stories. The both broke racial barriers and became what no one thought they could be. No one thought a black artist would ever break records set by white artists and outsell white artists to become the biggest selling artists ever of any colour. And no one ever thought a black man would become President.
"Our daughter will have us turn on Michael Jackson, and she and our little one will perform for us. And Barack will get up and dance with them every now and then. He thinks he's a much better dancer than he is, but he's not bad." - Michelle Obama (2004 Interview)

Michael's music was also played during warm-up right before Obama's democratic convention ceremony in August, and Anderson Cooper reported at the time that MJ's music made things more fun in the arena.


Also, a lot of fans seem to get the impression that connecting Michael's name to any high profile person or event will result in widespread backlash, since they believe that the overwhelming majority of people now look at Michael as a freak etc... Some fans were concerned the same way when Michael announced that he'd be greeting U.S. troops stationed in Japan, and meeting with top commanders over there. Yet, when it actually happened, we saw THOUSANDS of U.S. troops ecstatic and overly emotional that they actually got the chance to meet him, they had dance-offs and everything in celebration. I saw no negativity come from that, only positivity, despite what people might have assumed.
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what if michael met obama ? obama would be like this :jumpy: and i would be like this :boohoo: because i wasnt there and michael would be like this :shades:
Will be wonderfull!I have sure that Mr. Obama and his family appreciate Michael Jackson.And the majority of americans?I'm not saying the all of the fans,course but all of people.

Sorry but I STILL read and watch some people talking bad things about him.This is disgusting !
"Our daughter will have us turn on Michael Jackson, and she and our little one will perform for us. And Barack will get up and dance with them every now and then. He thinks he's a much better dancer than he is, but he's not bad." - Michelle Obama (2004 Interview)

Michael's music was also played during warm-up right before Obama's democratic convention ceremony in August, and Anderson Cooper reported at the time that MJ's music made things more fun in the arena.


Also, a lot of fans seem to get the impression that connecting Michael's name to any high profile person or event will result in widespread backlash, since they believe that the overwhelming majority of people now look at Michael as a freak etc... Some fans were concerned the same way when Michael announced that he'd be greeting U.S. troops stationed in Japan, and meeting with top commanders over there. Yet, when it actually happened, we saw THOUSANDS of U.S. troops ecstatic and overly emotional that they actually got the chance to meet him, they had dance-offs and everything in celebration. I saw no negativity come from that, only positivity, despite what people might have assumed.

From the above quote - Michael's music playing during warm-up....maybe they met each other already??
"Our daughter will have us turn on Michael Jackson, and she and our little one will perform for us. And Barack will get up and dance with them every now and then. He thinks he's a much better dancer than he is, but he's not bad." - Michelle Obama (2004 Interview)

Michael's music was also played during warm-up right before Obama's democratic convention ceremony in August, and Anderson Cooper reported at the time that MJ's music made things more fun in the arena.


Also, a lot of fans seem to get the impression that connecting Michael's name to any high profile person or event will result in widespread backlash, since they believe that the overwhelming majority of people now look at Michael as a freak etc... Some fans were concerned the same way when Michael announced that he'd be greeting U.S. troops stationed in Japan, and meeting with top commanders over there. Yet, when it actually happened, we saw THOUSANDS of U.S. troops ecstatic and overly emotional that they actually got the chance to meet him, they had dance-offs and everything in celebration. I saw no negativity come from that, only positivity, despite what people might have assumed.
Thanx for the quote TSCM. That's lovely^_^ Maybe Barack and Michelle Obama put the girls on to MJ's music.
I understand some fans worryin about the possible backlash like that cuz we all care about him to the level as fans. I personally, like you, don't worry much, tho. Whatever he does and wherever he goes, there are be both positive and negative responses.
Bob George said:
They both have similar stories. The both broke racial barriers and became what no one thought they could be. No one thought a black artist would ever break records set by white artists and outsell white artists to become the biggest selling artists ever of any colour. And no one ever thought a black man would become President.
It was the point that was made in this thread repeatedly and I was one of 'em, but it feels great to hear it again:yes: I believe many other members share the view. I'm really proud of Mike and Obama.
Will be wonderfull!I have sure that Mr. Obama and his family appreciate Michael Jackson.And the majority of americans?I'm not saying the all of the fans,course but all of people.

Sorry but I STILL read and watch some people talking bad things about him.This is disgusting !

^ Oh plz shush up! Everyone loves Michael Jackson and everyone is over the trial so get over it yourself!
By the way Michael got nothing but support (despite the media) so i dunno where your getting your grabage from... If it were anyone else, they'd be over, period! Even if all signs were pointing to innocence, they'd be finished! Michael has a reputation and a history of being a true humanitarian and his songs have always been directed at love and peace... to top it off all signs pointed to his innocence, people arn't stupid which is why the trial hasn't affected him. Michael gets nothing but love & hysterica (mobbing) everywhere he goes! Nothing changed! Look at Thriller 25 how well it's done for example! I could goon and on...

"Our daughter will have us turn on Michael Jackson, and she and our little one will perform for us. And Barack will get up and dance with them every now and then. He thinks he's a much better dancer than he is, but he's not bad." - Michelle Obama (2004 Interview)

Michael's music was also played during warm-up right before Obama's democratic convention ceremony in August, and Anderson Cooper reported at the time that MJ's music made things more fun in the arena.


Also, a lot of fans seem to get the impression that connecting Michael's name to any high profile person or event will result in widespread backlash, since they believe that the overwhelming majority of people now look at Michael as a freak etc... Some fans were concerned the same way when Michael announced that he'd be greeting U.S. troops stationed in Japan, and meeting with top commanders over there. Yet, when it actually happened, we saw THOUSANDS of U.S. troops ecstatic and overly emotional that they actually got the chance to meet him, they had dance-offs and everything in celebration. I saw no negativity come from that, only positivity, despite what people might have assumed.

Thanks so much for this quote TSCM, I had heard that the family love Michael's music (but who doesn't). Also I agree with your comment below. The footage of Michael's visit was a joy to watch, all this macho troops where so excited to see MJ.

They both have similar stories. The both broke racial barriers and became what no one thought they could be. No one thought a black artist would ever break records set by white artists and outsell white artists to become the biggest selling artists ever of any colour. And no one ever thought a black man would become President.

So true Bob George, they may have already met at some point but if not I think they would have a lot to talk about and get on like a house on fire. It would be so wonderful if Michael would perform at the inauguration, but......I doubt that will happen
I think it could be possible. I'm not sure if we're going to get any inaugural performance, though. I think it has already been planned who's going to perform.

I think this will be more of a time for him to be working on his comeback rather than to concentrate on other things.

In the end, who knows. :fortuneteller:

We'll have to wait and see if anything materializes at all.
"Our daughter will have us turn on Michael Jackson, and she and our little one will perform for us. And Barack will get up and dance with them every now and then. He thinks he's a much better dancer than he is, but he's not bad." - Michelle Obama (2004 Interview)

Michael's music was also played during warm-up right before Obama's democratic convention ceremony in August, and Anderson Cooper reported at the time that MJ's music made things more fun in the arena.


Also, a lot of fans seem to get the impression that connecting Michael's name to any high profile person or event will result in widespread backlash, since they believe that the overwhelming majority of people now look at Michael as a freak etc... Some fans were concerned the same way when Michael announced that he'd be greeting U.S. troops stationed in Japan, and meeting with top commanders over there. Yet, when it actually happened, we saw THOUSANDS of U.S. troops ecstatic and overly emotional that they actually got the chance to meet him, they had dance-offs and everything in celebration. I saw no negativity come from that, only positivity, despite what people might have assumed.
Thanks for the quote. Agree with you, I see no negativity coming from it at all.. It'd be wonderful if MJ met Mr. Obama.
Jesse Jackson should introduce MJ to Mr.Obama since he's a long time friend of MJ and that Jesse's daughter is Obama's daughter's godmother. :D They should get together. lol
Also, a lot of fans seem to get the impression that connecting Michael's name to any high profile person or event will result in widespread backlash, since they believe that the overwhelming majority of people now look at Michael as a freak etc... Some fans were concerned the same way when Michael announced that he'd be greeting U.S. troops stationed in Japan, and meeting with top commanders over there. Yet, when it actually happened, we saw THOUSANDS of U.S. troops ecstatic and overly emotional that they actually got the chance to meet him, they had dance-offs and everything in celebration. I saw no negativity come from that, only positivity, despite what people might have assumed.

Thank you for saying that. I wish fans would not believe the hype. It is just hype. Barack Obama is a way smarter man than some people take him as. He is not going to judge MJ based on unproven nonense. Also, MJ was found not guilty and he is innocent. So, I really do not understand why some people would care about supposed backlash. If people stop caring about what a few haters say, stop focusing on the hype and focus on what is important, then things would be alright.

I would love MJ to meet Barack. They have a lot in common. They really do. His daughters loves Mike's music and Mike's children can play with Barack and Michelle's daughters. I would love that and I hope that happens one day. I would also love it if MJ was invited to the inaugnation (sp) in two months. :)

Whatever he does and wherever he goes, there are be both positive and negative responses.

Right. That is the way of life. MJ made this far in his life and he is not gonna let haters stop him from doing whatever the hell he wants to do. Barack had his haters as well and that did not stop him from making history last week.

Fans gotta understand that we all care about Michael, but MJ is a grown man who can handle himself. He knows how to deal with his haters. The world does not stop because the haters want to hate. Let them. Mike isn't gonna let them get to him.

I wonder if Michael voted for him?? Or if he even voted at all...

I doubt that MJ votes. However, I wouldn't be surprised if he registered to vote just to vote.

Michael's nephew Taj voted for Barack Obama. I think Michael is a democrat because he performed for Bill Clinton at one of his political functions.

I didn't know that about Taj. Good for him. I do not think any of us truly know what is MJ's political background regarding if he is a democrat or republican. MJ lived in Santa Barbara and that is a known republican/conservative county. MJ lived in L.A. which is a liberal/democratic city. So, we really have no idea if MJ is either republican or democrat or independent.

Oh plz shush up!

Wow, you do not have to attack that member like that. She was voicing her concern.

and that Jesse's daughter is Obama's daughter's godmother.

Wow, I didn't know that. That is awesome. Thanks for sharing.
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Just because Michael has performed as two events with Bill Clinton doesn't make him a democrat. I think Michael will perform wherever he's been able to either get exposure for some of the causes he supports or for one of his charities. I think Michael supports certain efforts and such, and if the democratic party supports those also, then it's a place he can sponser them. But I don't think he has any political affliation.
^ Oh plz shush up! Everyone loves Michael Jackson and everyone is over the trial so get over it yourself!
By the way Michael got nothing but support (despite the media) so i dunno where your getting your grabage from... If it were anyone else, they'd be over, period! Even if all signs were pointing to innocence, they'd be finished! Michael has a reputation and a history of being a true humanitarian and his songs have always been directed at love and peace... to top it off all signs pointed to his innocence, people arn't stupid which is why the trial hasn't affected him. Michael gets nothing but love & hysterica (mobbing) everywhere he goes! Nothing changed! Look at Thriller 25 how well it's done for example! I could goon and on...

Hey,Tink!!Hold on!More respect,ok?
I'm not hypocrite!The image of MJ isn't the same after the trial,surgerys and anothers stuffs!
If you want close your eyes and simulate that sh** not happens...ok!Fine!
Go to your Neverland,Tinkerbell!I'm stay here.In the real world!

Edit:I always love Michael!I'll always beside him,support and love him!But unfortunately ppl are stupid!I hope one day he will be respected for your wondeful job and colaboration for the world music!And these stuffs go to the hell!
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