What if Michael Jackson release a new album soon?

Thanks for the link Damien! :D
Omg.. I'm a lil excited lol... HMH getting closer to a release hopefully.. !!
Thanks for the link Damien! :D
Omg.. I'm a lil excited lol... HMH getting closer to a release hopefully.. !!

well yea radio is step 1 in the process to it being released. if all the listeners turn around say they hate it then it wont be released as a single lol, but that aint gonna happen..

its definately made its way to radio a LOT sooner than I expected.
With no disrespect intended....

The dude has been working non stop since he was (5) years old....

Be patient...he'll release an album/cd when HE thinks its ready...

He Gives and Gives and Gives and he Gives...For Gods sake...people need to give Mr.Jackson a break, some space to breeeeth..!

Heal The World~~~"Education Is the Key"
With no disrespect intended....

The dude has been working non stop since he was (5) years old....

Be patient...he'll release an album/cd when HE thinks its ready...

He Gives and Gives and Gives and he Gives...For Gods sake...people need to give Mr.Jackson a break, some space to breeeeth..!

Heal The World~~~"Education Is the Key"

So in the meantime we cant talk about it?
All Im saying is give the dude a break...some air...!

lol, he has all the air he wants over in vegas.. and time.. its just fun to give our opinions, and read other peoples opinions, about what we predict may or may not happen:) no one is stealing michael's air or stopping him from having a break. not at all.
lol, he has all the air he wants over in vegas.. and time.. its just fun to give our opinions, and read other peoples opinions, about what we predict may or may not happen:) no one is stealing michael's air or stopping him from having a break. not at all.

Put yourself in HIS shoes...walk in his moccosins...If you were were HIM...reading this thread/website what would YOU think...?

Many keep forgetting...HE is a "HUMAN BEING" just like the "REST" of us...HE has "NEVER" disappointed us before...and "HE WON"T" now...HE holds HIS fans/admires with the UTMOST "love & respect"...KEEP THE FAITH..!

Patience is a "TRUE" virtue...! All I'm saying, "LAY OFF" the "pressure" for a release date...

Give the dude some "AIR" to breeeeth~~~

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Put yourself in HIS shoes...walk in his moccosins...If you were were HIM...reading this thread/website what would YOU think...?

Many keep forgetting...HE is a "HUMAN BEING" just like the "REST" of us...HE has "NEVER" disappointed us before...and "HE WON"T" now...HE holds HIS fans/admires with the UTMOST "love & respect"...KEEP THE FAITH..!

Patience is a "TRUE" virtue...! All I'm saying, "LAY OFF" the "pressure" for a release date...

Give the dude some "AIR" to breeeeth~~~


i think u need to settle down and read the thread again.

we are not demanding anything. michael doesnt owe us anything

we are simply discussing possibilities of what is ahead of us and what our personal preferences are. thats the idea of a discussion board.

and to answer what i think michael would say if he came here... "oh look damien thinks i should release in december, but look this person thinks it wont be out til at least march 2009, haha check this out they think its a bad idea to do this and a good idea to do this and these 2 people are arguing about this... looks like i have them all fooled haha they have no idea im doing _____________"

exactly what he would want. he WANTS mystery. none of us know what he is gonna do and conversations like this one, positive debates and discussions relating to his upcoming projects, whether we agree or not are a WIN for michael jackson.
I agree damien. I don't think Michael browsing around fan sites all day and feeling pressured. The only pressure I think he feels is from himself, and before, from management, labels etc. I don't think he has the pressure from these guys that much anymore and that can only be a good thing. Michael would go insane if he'd try listening to the fans because everyone wants different things. Wrong outfit, wrong producers, wrong songwriters and the list goes on. And to think the only thing we can agree on is that Michael should work alone. If he read that he maybe just think, "How sad is that, they want me to work all alone, but thats no fun." LOL
I agree very much with you damien.

This is a discussing forum. It's a place for us fans to come and talk about what's going on.
If a new album would be here sooner than expected I would be very happy!!!!!!! Although I am just happy with everything he has given us so far. i can wait, I am in no rush for a new album.
Disagree. We USED to get info about the album's 6 months in advance when producers (rodney jerkins) couldn't keep their mouth shut. In case you didnt notice, Michael will not let the collaborators talk in detail about this album. He wants SHOCK value. Where is the shock value if you tell everyone all the info 6 months before it actually happens;) MONTHS before Invincible came out you could see Jerkins saying "OMG man we got this tune YRMW which is like classic Mike, I think it will be the lead single bla bla bla"... Michael wont allow for anything like that to happen this time! Jerkins totally ruined any potential surprise on the last one by blabbering, and Mike has worked with him again, but he has said NOTHING this time;)

not just jerkins but you were getting info in general months or so before. track names were coming out news about possbile release dates.promo that would build up in the months before a release. so considering how nothing is happening and its so quiet its not difficult to be of the opinion that until news starts to trickle out more than just " i submitted songs to mj yet i havnt heard anything" then nothing is gonna happen in the near future. until news starts getting released about mj being on a label and things developing im not getting my hopes up about it been any further down the line then mj messing in the studio with melodys etc that have been sent to him by everyone and anyone. until theres a label/managment pushing him then god knows when anything will see the light of day. without the sort of evidence that we have had through the years with other releases interms of knowing how far along it was its just a case of sitting waiting and hoping that 6 months down the line something actually happens and then after that 6 months again...nothing much changes and re the bahrain suit that may be another issue
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not just jerkins but you were getting info in general months or so before. track names were coming out news about possbile release dates.promo that would build up in the months before a release. so considering how nothing is happening and its so quiet its not difficult to be of the opinion that until news starts to trickle out more than just " i submitted songs to mj yet i havnt heard anything" then nothing is gonna happen in the near future. until news starts getting released about mj being on a label and things developing im not getting my hopes up about it been any further down the line then mj messing in the studio with melodys etc that have been sent to him by everyone and anyone. until theres a label/managment pushing him then god knows when anything will see the light of day. without the sort of evidence that we have had through the years with other releases interms of knowing how far along it was its just a case of sitting waiting and hoping that 6 months down the line something actually happens and then after that 6 months again...nothing much changes and re the bahrain suit that may be another issue

there IS a label though... Michael Jackson is a Sony BMG signed artist. He is discussing with them the new album now. Like I said, track names and info and release dates WONT be leaked this time. Michael has said that if u wanna work on it then dont talk about it. ALL the producers have said they can NOT talk about it. Like I also said, MJ wants to SHOCK.. if we knew it all in dribs and drabs like Invincible lead up then there would be less surprise. Tracklists were release for Invincible FIVE MONTHS before the album came out! I highly doubt that anything like this will happen again. I reckon it will all be VERY close to the release when we hear all this kind of stuff. Mike aint been on total lockdown and a secret mission almost for 2 years to let all the info eventually slide out 5 months before the album comes out haha.
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there IS a label though... Michael Jackson is a Sony BMG signed artist. He is discussing with them the new album now

well theres been no offical anouncement in regards to mj being signed to a label. im talking about that kind of thing not fan speculation that hes working with them again because its the most likely thing that will happen.

yeah i agree interms of things being kept quiet but not knowing anything at all and how far things are along is a hard thing lol especially with mj where it goes on for so long and you could be just as much inclined to believe that jack has happened as much as the album nearly being finished. when theres no evidence you kinda think either ppl are good at keeping quiet track names etc or nothing other than what i sad above has happened lol
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well theres been no offical anouncement in regards to mj being signed to a label. im talking about that kind of thing not fan speculation that hes working with them again because its the most likely thing that will happen.

Not fan speculation. Sony BMG Director told me personally Michael Jackson is not a freeagent he is contracted to Sony BMG as we speak and they are discussing new album terms as we speak. We was brief but to the point and very clear about that.
well im not one to believe what gets posted on boards. i hardly doubt someone like howard stringer for eg would be telling anyone and everyone such information. if hes already signed to sony new album terms would have already been finalished b4 any agreements were signed. its common knowledge that sony are seen as the label that mj will work with again.
well im not one to believe what gets posted on boards. i hardly doubt someone like howard stringer for eg would be telling anyone and everyone such information. if hes already signed to sony new album terms would have already been finalished b4 any agreements were signed. its common knowledge that sony are seen as the label that mj will work with again.

sorry i dont run an official place to post it, and no it was not the person who u mentioned who told me it is the director of sony BMG in australia, who has an office and close colleagues in Las Vegas as well. He did NOT say MJ is signed on for the new album, he said they are DISCUSSING it. He said MJ is CURRENTLY contracted to Sony BMG.

I highly doubt that MJ closes the door on other prospective deals before viewing their terms and discussing things with them as well, but at this point the label that has MJs signature for the time being is Sony BMG.

Okay I even confuse myself reading this... ill explain in simple terms.

[*]Michael Jackson is currently signed to Sony BMG as his label.

[*]Michael Jackson and Sony BMG are currenty discussing the possibility of releasing his new album via Sony BMG but no deal has been finalized.
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Michael Jackson is currently signed to Sony BMG as his label.

well theres no evidence to believe that. mjs been under no label since number ones was released which ended his 1991 contract. things such as the TUC were one off agreements with sony.

and its well known that mj has been talking to sony re new releases.
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well theres no evidence to believe that. mjs been under no label since number ones was released which ended his 1991 contract. things such as the TUC were one off agreements with sony.

and its well known that mj has been talking to sony re new releases.

believe it or not, he is signed. if u chose not to believe me i dont mind:)
There's confusion between Michael Jackson and record labels. Hopefully everything will square out by the end of this year.
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Put yourself in HIS shoes...walk in his moccosins...If you were were HIM...reading this thread/website what would YOU think...?

Many keep forgetting...HE is a "HUMAN BEING" just like the "REST" of us...HE has "NEVER" disappointed us before...and "HE WON"T" now...HE holds HIS fans/admires with the UTMOST "love & respect"...KEEP THE FAITH..!

Patience is a "TRUE" virtue...! All I'm saying, "LAY OFF" the "pressure" for a release date...

Give the dude some "AIR" to breeeeth~~~


Don't you mean his loafers? :moonwalk:
believe it or not, he is signed.

it makes no sense signed to release what? obviously not signed to release the new material as you say they are talking about that seperatly. so what exactly. u dont sign someone up for no reason.i things like the UT which contained unreleased songs were one off agreements as a money maker. the others where just G.hits. hes just done a record with akon thats gonna be on another labels release. so premission would be needed to do that. the credits in the release will give info one way or the other
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it makes no sense signed to release what? obviously not signed to release the new material as you say they are talking about that seperatly. so what exactly. u dont sign someone up for no reason.i things like the UT which contained unreleased songs were one off agreements as a money maker. the others where just G.hits. hes just done a record with akon thats gonna be on another labels release. so premission would be needed to do that. the credits in the release will give info one way or the other

for starters T25 needed signing because For All Time was on it..

secondly the Australian version of King Of Pop is the only one in the world so far which will have both rarities AND UNreleased music. something NOT from a previous release.
Like I said, track names and info and release dates WONT be leaked this time. Michael has said that if u wanna work on it then dont talk about it. ALL the producers have said they can NOT talk about it. Like I also said, MJ wants to SHOCK.. if we knew it all in dribs and drabs like Invincible lead up then there would be less surprise. Tracklists were release for Invincible FIVE MONTHS before the album came out! I highly doubt that anything like this will happen again. I reckon it will all be VERY close to the release when we hear all this kind of stuff. .
I hope you're right.
I personally wouldn't want to hear a thing until I have it in my hands.
yeah but as said before. like with the other releases TUC ect that has gone on since the 91 contract ended it was said many times that they were one off agreement deals. no contracts to releases a set amount like with standard deals. so it makes no sense. and as was said b4 everyone knows about the talks re the new album. you try and make it sound something more than it really is. talking to the heads of sony etc. when its common knowledge
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you try and make it sound something more than it really is. talking to the heads of sony etc. when its common knowledge

disagree totally

you try make it sound less than it is..

IT IS WHAT IT IS! Michael is signed to them for WHATEVER reason that may be. Fact. I dont know why, I dont know the terms and conditions and I dont know how long he will BE signed to them for. BUT HE IS CURRENTLY SIGNED WITH SONY BMG.

Nothing more, nothing less. No new album deal. Nothing. But Michael Jackson is NOT without a record label. How can I make it more or less than that. Its pretty simple to understand. Yikes! Time for bed.
yeah but as said before. like with the other releases TUC ect that has gone on since the 91 contract ended it was said many times that they were one off agreement deals. no contracts to releases a set amount like with standard deals. so it makes no sense. and as was said b4 everyone knows about the talks re the new album. you try and make it sound something more than it really is. talking to the heads of sony etc. when its common knowledge

The confusion lifts. :lol:

MJ's gotta be the most silent celebrities I ever heard of in my life. :lol: No musician can be THAT quiet about what he's doing. Yeah, yeah, "he's not like other guys", whatever. :lol:
yeah but as said before. like with the other releases TUC ect that has gone on since the 91 contract ended it was said many times that they were one off agreement deals. no contracts to releases a set amount like with standard deals. so it makes no sense. and as was said b4 everyone knows about the talks re the new album. you try and make it sound something more than it really is. talking to the heads of sony etc. when its common knowledge

The confusion lifts. :lol:

MJ's gotta be the most silent celebrities I ever heard of in my life. :lol: No musician can be THAT quiet about what he's doing. Yeah, yeah, "he's not like other guys", whatever. :lol:
you just know Mike's somehow going to debunk all of our 40,000 posts, arguments and these fan-"investigations" into this new project.

the game's all about confusion.