What if Michael Jackson release a new album soon?

I was thinking the same thing you know.. I think he is up to something around his birthday..
That would be nice but I'm doubting it. Would he release it during the time of the King Of Pop compilation? Maybe call the album 50? Lol.
I also think that some type of announcement is gonna be made on his birthday. I mean I don't think it is far fetched for him to announce the release date of the new album on his birthday.
I would love for that to happen but i am doubtful. I think it would be a cool idea to have an announcement in the booklet of the King Of Pop album similar to Michaels message in T25, then make a worldwide announcement on his birthday. Personally im not going to hold my breath though. I think if we don't get some sort of confirmation as to when the album is coming out either this month or next month i don't think we will be getting a new album this year.
If he does that?


I will be so overly happy. :mello:

Finally. A new album.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay. :woohoo:!~!WE@RWB ZFS

& then I would probably have trouble breathing.

But then again, I'm not getting my hopes up... I'm just saying.. IF.. he plans on making an announcement of some sort. :lol:
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i mean the 'To my fans around the world message' in the T25 booklet. He could make some sort of announcement about the new album that way.
The album isn't coming out this year, so get used to it. I am sure Akon made a deal about releasing his single first and his album doesn't come out until October. So I wouldn't expect Michael to release anything until late November or December with the album coming out in March 2009. Granted Michael can do whatever he wants to do, but to release it in August on his birthday would not be smart. He needs at least a month to promote it if not more. I am not getting my hopes up anymore until I hear official word from MJ himself…
It will come soon for sure.. But around his birthday (Aug/Sep)... I can only keep my fingers crossed, I wont put my hopes into it.. But I will keep my head up for it..

I do think though that the Hold My Hand video will be out REALLY soon though.. Since the Akons album is released in October.. He'll probably have the song one/two months prior to its release.. And MOST people have a video for there single prior to ALBUMS release.. I personally think the first MJ single will come after 'Hold My Hand'..

first single I think we could get WITHIN the next few months, but I think the album will be Q4 of the year or later.. Mike I think will finish up working with Akon and work with Neyo for a month or 2.. By the time the album is coming to a complete, the first single could come out.. Then the album release date set, then the albums release..
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i doubt there will be anything this year let alone within a month. everyone knows how releases work and u start getting real info at least 6 months before.theres no evidence to say its anywhere near finished.or that finished songs have been recorded. its plain crazy to think there will be anything this month
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The album isn't coming out this year, so get used to it. I am sure Akon made a deal about releasing his single first and his album doesn't come out until October. So I wouldn't expect Michael to release anything until late November or December with the album coming out in March 2009. Granted Michael can do whatever he wants to do, but to release it in August on his birthday would not be smart. He needs at least a month to promote it if not more. I am not getting my hopes up anymore until I hear official word from MJ himself…

yep, you`re right. I think that we can expect a new album next year (2009). The commercial preparation for Michael`s new album would be too short (to create music videos, press releases, marketing campaigns) all in one that costs time.
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Sadly I don't think we'll get the album this year,

But it sure would be fantastic!
I really wish Michael would've given us more information than "sooner than you think" because that doesn't narrow it down at all! :lol:
Some fans think it's coming in the next few months and I've seen some even say over a year. LOL!! I sure hope it's sooner than a year. :p
And I hope he wasn't talking about this 50th b-day album :/
The wait is killing me! But I'm glad he's taking his time on it :happy: This album is going to be really important for him and I just know he's going to be VERY picky about it.
I love the way that everyone that's working on this project with him are keeping it hush-hush. It's SO fun this way! Mike have this going nicely.

:yes: :popcorn:
The album isn't coming out this year, so get used to it.

I am sure Akon made a deal about releasing his single first and his album doesn't come out until October. So I wouldn't expect Michael to release anything until late November or December with the album coming out in March 2009.
Michael is not gonna release at the best time for Akon - he will release at the best time for Michael Jackson, which I estimate to be December this year. Hold My Hand is going to be a single in the next couple of weeks, in Australia at least, with radio getting record label approval to begin playing it from Monday onwards. I doubt that Michael will wait TOO long after Hold My Hand to release his own single.. Striking while the iron is hot would be smart.

i doubt there will be anything this year let alone within a month. everyone knows how releases work and u start getting real info at least 6 months before.theres no evidence to say its anywhere near finished.or that finished songs have been recorded. its plain crazy to think there will be anything this month
Disagree. We USED to get info about the album's 6 months in advance when producers (rodney jerkins) couldn't keep their mouth shut. In case you didnt notice, Michael will not let the collaborators talk in detail about this album. He wants SHOCK value. Where is the shock value if you tell everyone all the info 6 months before it actually happens;) MONTHS before Invincible came out you could see Jerkins saying "OMG man we got this tune YRMW which is like classic Mike, I think it will be the lead single bla bla bla"... Michael wont allow for anything like that to happen this time! Jerkins totally ruined any potential surprise on the last one by blabbering, and Mike has worked with him again, but he has said NOTHING this time;)

I reckon it will be more like Madonna's album.. with people wondering but not knowing anything, the BANG, announcement with release date and all. "Michael Jackson's new album will be released on____, in just over a month"... something like that. Then a hardcore advertising campaign. Give enough time so word spreads and everyone knows about it, but not TOO much time so that the excitement of the idea of a "new MJ album" doesnt fade:)

Thats my 2 cents.
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Michael is not gonna release at the best time for Akon - he will release at the best time for Michael Jackson, which I estimate to be December this year. Hold My Hand is going to be a single in the next couple of weeks, in Australia at least, with radio getting record label approval to begin playing it from Monday onwards. I doubt that Michael will wait TOO long after Hold My Hand to release his own single.. Striking while the iron is hot would be smart.

Disagree. We USED to get info about the album's 6 months in advance when producers (rodney jerkins) couldn't keep their mouth shut. In case you didnt notice, Michael will not let the collaborators talk in detail about this album. He wants SHOCK value. Where is the shock value if you tell everyone all the info 6 months before it actually happens;) MONTHS before Invincible came out you could see Jerkins saying "OMG man we got this tune YRMW which is like classic Mike, I think it will be the lead single bla bla bla"... Michael wont allow for anything like that to happen this time! Jerkins totally ruined any potential surprise on the last one by blabbering, and Mike has worked with him again, but he has said NOTHING this time;)

I reckon it will be more like Madonna's album.. with people wondering but not knowing anything, the BANG, announcement with release date and all. "Michael Jackson's new album will be released on____, in just over a month"... something like that. Then a hardcore advertising campaign. Give enough time so word spreads and everyone knows about it, but not TOO much time so that the excitement of the idea of a "new MJ album" doesnt fade:)

Thats my 2 cents.

As much as you are respected around here Damien, your entire post was also JUST an opinion. No ones knows when the album is coming out so why don't we just patiently wait until we hear official word. I am fine with building anticipation towards the album, but I hate getting let down every time we expect something from him. Let him work his magic, and enjoy it when the news starts filtering in…
As much as you are respected around here Damien, your entire post was also JUST an opinion. No ones knows when the album is coming out so why don't we just patiently wait until we hear official word. I am fine with building anticipation towards the album, but I hate getting let down every time we expect something from him. Let him work his magic, and enjoy it when the news starts filtering in…

what good would discussion boards be without opinions.
even the collaborators on the project only have an "opinion"
the only person who actually knows what is potentially going to happen is Michael himself.

Michael is not gonna release at the best time for Akon - he will release at the best time for Michael Jackson, which I estimate to be December this year. Hold My Hand is going to be a single in the next couple of weeks, in Australia at least, with radio getting record label approval to begin playing it from Monday onwards. I doubt that Michael will wait TOO long after Hold My Hand to release his own single.. Striking while the iron is hot would be smart.
Oh really? :eek: woah, did you like, get a reply from the email you sent or something? :bugeyed
Oh really? :eek: woah, did you like, get a reply from the email you sent or something? :bugeyed

Yep. Some stations are already playing it, and others are going to able to next week. I explained exactly what the station told me and stuff over at Max Jax. Im not gonna write it all out again, but basically, the record label are giving the all clears now, and stations have the option to choose to play it or not. You would assume that they will all choose to play it, right?