What has happened to Michael’s fans since his departure?

Thanks to everyone for expressing yourself and also to those who thanked me for the post...

Someone said there has always been arguing etc. amongst the fans but I've never seen things like this. It's horribly sad and I understand peoples anger and frustrations but I can't understand fans deliberately hurting other fans...

I remember when I first found out there were message boards where people who appreciated Michael and his music would come I thought it was pretty cool. Now it seems everywhere I go there is so, so much malice, hatred, cruelty, inconsiderateness and hostile anger amidst others there that rather than uniting people as Michael's music has always done we push people away. I want to embrace Michael's fans and rather than start wars of hate I say let's kill eachother with kindness. It sounds kind of silly but I think a nice long hug could melt even the iciest heart.

I recall someone telling me once what goes in the well is what comes back up and it's also true with people... They said if people throw trash and polution into the well then that is what they will get back... Maybe the people who are so hostile haven't had their wells overflow with love to the point that all the toxins have been flushed out and we're still getting the bad stuff that life has thrown down in their hearts. Maybe as we spread words of love and encourage others to do the same then all of our hearts can be flushed again and make pure. Wouldn't that be awesome?

I miss Michael Jackson and I really wish he were here, he'd know what to do.

God bless each of you for taking the time to bless us who have read your wonderful in here. They are truly wonderful and I appreciate you!

God bless!!!
We've become disillusioned, bitter, angry, irrational, powerless, sad, hopeless, spewing hate (and death threats)....all that with L.O.V.E

Originally Posted by Sharon B. Sidney
Michael I’m Sorry,

I know if you knew of all the anger, disunity and malice going on with your fans amongst each other your heart would be hurting and you‘d be deeply sad.
. I’m sorry I don’t know how to stop it.

I’m sorry that despite others and my personal pleas people do not turn away from their actions of retribution towards the love you encouraged in the hearts of all…

Look at us, a bunch of drifting souls claiming we stand and fight for unity, peace, truth, justice and you with stones in our hands guised as words of attack or disguised as standing up for self or the truth…

We play war with each other and many innocents are brutalized and further wounded in the crossfire. I’m sorry!
Read our words. What do we say? After all has been said not even words spoken mean a thing because in one sentence we stand for you and truth, in another we despise the love you have united throughout the globe amidst your fans. We murder- not bodies but hearts. We deceive, not with slight of hand but empty apologies, broken smiles or slanderous words behind another’s back.

We are your fans. Scattered about looking for solace in the depths of darkness. We find another to embrace our pain but they only leave us more wounded than before….

Where is love?

Where are we?

Where are you now that we need you more desperately than ever before? Our king of hearts your kingdom is falling, divided in pieces from within by those who claim to support you…

Who are we? Are we the ones who said we’d fight for justice and for love while the love we had has crept away from our own hearts?

Look about. We’re not one but many scattered about spreading the message of “Michael” that it seems we can’t recall because our actions contradicts the words we type and disperse, the conversations we have and deny or change for our own conveniences…

We are your fans. The ones who said we’d love you unconditionally and never let you or your message die- but we burry it. In every word of malice we speak or write to those and or against those you love we pierce it in the heart.

Look it’s barely beating…

Could we revive the love you had for us? Could we remember that we stand together or not at all? Could we forsake titles and entitlement for love peace and unity- - - for you? For your sake I wish we could because if you could see us then I know your heart would break, that you’d shed many tears of torment and despair…

Should you know what goes amiss in your kingdom? “While the cats away the mice will play” and oh how we’ve played. We’ve played the game of hide and seek, I’m here, I’m there look at me. We’ve played the game of devil’s well, from what’s truth or lies you cannot tell, words dug so deep, they inner twine, they recruit deception in weary minds.

I’m sorry Michael.

I tried to think of a way to write to your fans and plead with them on the love in their hearts for you, to realize that you love each and every one us but as I played it all out in my mind it came up empty and there was no resolution in it…

So here I am only writing words to send across the oblivion of internet in sincerest apologies to you on behalf of us your fans to say I’m sorry.

You may ask in this what did I say or do but it is neither that which I’ve said or done that makes me a part of this tyranny, it simply that I recall we are one united in love as they fall I fall with them, as one hurts I cry tears, as one lashes out in anger I pray that unity and peace would return that your kingdom built on love would remain so that you would always have your place with us to call home.

The bells are ringing. We’re in distress. Who is there to help us?


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I never expected things like these to happen and to be honest, I got sick trying to understand why people do certain things, so I just take two steps out of all that mess and I rather keep this far.

I really don't know what's on with fans in general, maybe we are just lost without him. But as for me... I feel totally lost, very sad and very dissappointed. I wish I could have done more for him, something significant, but of course my head tells me there was never a chance for me. But then no; I can still do a lot just holding on to Michael, his music, his art, his voice, his all.

I don't know. I just miss him. I really miss him so, so much today. Just this morning, even 16 months later, I found myself just about to cry while I was having breakfast, whishing so hard he were alive. And then I longed to be at least one day to FL... and then I didn't know anymore. I just want to cry.

Maybe I should just do it. Crying every now and then is needed.

Goshhhhh.... why did it have to happen??? why???? :weeping:
It's sad what you state Sharon, but it's also human, and particularly in contexts where the worst just happened.
Hope we can all go through, honouring Michael, as he deserves.
I know I'm not alone here when I say a lot of this bitterness, anger and bickering isn't only from grief but the pain and unfinished business in Michael's life before he died, but if we let the pains of the past continue to eat us up we take that anger out on each other. That's giving everyone that ever hurt Michael exactly what they want, a house divided. If we turn on each other for the pains others caused him his name will never be completely cleared. We also have to accept even when his name is cleared, there will still be the cruel, ignorant, and pathetic who could have confessions and black and white evidence on a table in front of them and believe only what they want to.

None of us knew Michael completely but then do we ever know ourselves or anyone completely? Human beings are not easy to figure out black or white entities, we have our complexities, gray areas and change who we are and what we believe all the time. The more we find out about him the more it seems he was like anyone else, he had extraordinary gifts with a light and dark side like everyone else, only more so in every way. Even more incredible was how he never became bitter or jaded even though he had every reason to. Why? Because he knew that's what "they" would want from him, to break his spirit and everything he stood for, now they're after his legacy so we in fight.

But remember the years had made him wiser even if less childlike about his optimism in people, he started becoming more reasonable, but that's not to be confused with cynicism. If we let the pains others caused him make us bitter, they win. We just have to press on and make the effort to know the facts without demanding anyone listen, only those ready to listen will. We need to pick our battles. If Murray is found not guilty it will be a miscarriage of justice but take comfort in knowing we know the truth and sometimes justice takes longer, if it takes a long time for Michael's name to be completely cleared, so be it, as long as it's cleared. That's how we'll win, that' how Michael will win.
Your 100% right Sharon, the fan base has changed a lot since Michaels passing. The hate some of us have towards eachother and even worse Michaels own family is unacceptable. Things need to change here :yes:
I can't tell about the fan community globally, but in the past year I've been a victim to a serious attacks in different forms from fans in my country.I have no longer trust in everyone just because they are fans.
It is very sad... I'm proud of you who have taken the time and made the effort to express and share your feeling on this

We have to be strong and rise above all the negativity. Some people will be hateful no matter what, it's a form of insanity and we haven't found the cure yet so just pray for those who aren't able to appreciate the gift God shared with the world in Michael. Pray for them because not only do they need mental help they are missing out on experiencing him.

Thanks everyone, I didn't expect this feedback but I followed as the holy Spirit led me and I truly feel this thread is a blessing for me and others.

God bless!!!
I know I'm not alone here when I say a lot of this bitterness, anger and bickering isn't only from grief but the pain and unfinished business in Michael's life before he died, but if we let the pains of the past continue to eat us up we take that anger out on each other. That's giving everyone that ever hurt Michael exactly what they want, a house divided. If we turn on each other for the pains others caused him his name will never be completely cleared. We also have to accept even when his name is cleared, there will still be the cruel, ignorant, and pathetic who could have confessions and black and white evidence on a table in front of them and believe only what they want to.

None of us knew Michael completely but then do we ever know ourselves or anyone completely? Human beings are not easy to figure out black or white entities, we have our complexities, gray areas and change who we are and what we believe all the time. The more we find out about him the more it seems he was like anyone else, he had extraordinary gifts with a light and dark side like everyone else, only more so in every way. Even more incredible was how he never became bitter or jaded even though he had every reason to. Why? Because he knew that's what "they" would want from him, to break his spirit and everything he stood for, now they're after his legacy so we in fight.

But remember the years had made him wiser even if less childlike about his optimism in people, he started becoming more reasonable, but that's not to be confused with cynicism. If we let the pains others caused him make us bitter, they win. We just have to press on and make the effort to know the facts without demanding anyone listen, only those ready to listen will. We need to pick our battles. If Murray is found not guilty it will be a miscarriage of justice but take comfort in knowing we know the truth and sometimes justice takes longer, if it takes a long time for Michael's name to be completely cleared, so be it, as long as it's cleared. That's how we'll win, that' how Michael will win.

Agreed. Good post!