What has happened to Michael’s fans since his departure?

Sharon B. Sidney

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I received a phone call from a fan today that left me extremely sad… I have had other calls and have observed many things going on and I am praying for change.

What has happened to Michael’s fans since his departure?

What would he think if he knew of all the arguing, lies and backbiting within the fan community being done “in honoring him?”

I have silently watched and listened trying to find truth amidst fans with so much anger, hurt and deception that I should be dizzy. I am not dizzy, I am disappointed and I feel safe in saying what has been going on would deeply sadden Michael Jackson.

I am not speaking on behalf of Michael’s family, any fan club, person or group but I am speaking up in the love for Michael Jackson.

Michael had an eternal love for his fans that will forever remain and it seems it is his fans that are causing other fans heartache, stress and grief. This should NOT be happening!!!

Let me list a few things that I highly suggest people reevaluate:
I will start with fighting because to me the results of such can be the most detrimental. Fans who have placed restraining orders on other fans for threats each has been accused of making is shamefully unnecessary.

People who act as if one person wronged them and they are innocent of any wrong doing is foolish- the truth catches up to you.

People who lie about others or try to paint people as a horrible person to others because of a personal disagreement or dislike is tabloidish.

People who tell fans to delete other fans from their pages because they don’t like them is juvenile and very hurtful to the person who has been rejected.

People threatening to go to people’s homes or damage their pages is criminal!

I could go on and on.

Do not think for a second that Michael’s family is behind any particular group or person fighting against any other person or group. They are not fully aware of what is going on in the fan community, what certain fans have actually said or how certain people are capable of being. If I continue to see hatred towards other fans please believe me I will let them know.

I am asking everyone to stop hurting each other, stop vying for credit of I did this or we did that when the fact is everyone is expressing their hearts as best they can.
If you don’t agree with someone please don’t tare them to pieces! Did you see This Is It? Did you witness Michael’s character in life? Did you see how lovingly he guided people towards what was right and better? Can we find it in our hearts to do the same?

Why are fans being accused of stealing money? That is very sad and there was no way for me to find total truth in those accusations so I say this, any fan or group wanting to raise money for a project should do so with a proper shield to protect them and those donating to whatever cause they have enacted thereby setting up a charity that would give an account of funds collected and spent. All other collecting should be deemed as possible fraud and avoided at this point so that accusations can cease and those who are just with honorable intentions should not have any problems with this suggestion.

I understand setting up a charity the legal way, with overseers takes time but it is more than worth it to end suspicions and accusations which has caused far too much division amongst the fans.

I am asking those who care for Michael to do things in a manner that would honor him because the fact is to truly honor a person is not in words, signs or banners but actions of love that they have exhibited, thereby returning the affections they have shown to you back into the world.

Please receive this letter in the heart of which it was written, one in great concern for the hurt Michael’s fans have been expressing, the rejection Michael’s fans have been experiencing and the anger and suspicion that is like a cancer creeping throughout his fan base.

Please show love,

God bless!!!

Sharon B. Sidney
Nice. I love you, Sharon. You seem like really nice.

I think fans are like that because of many reasons. Some don't 'accept' his passing (obviously it's hard because of the circumstances), some are bitter how many things didn't get finalized they waited for years, and some even think Michael himself let them down by passing. In addition to that many fans don't trust anyone else but Michael himself so it makes them extremely critical about things that can be planned... But, I think if Michael was reading this board, believe it or not, he would understand. He always understood his fans because they supported him like almost no one else... L.O.V.E.
I think what has happened to Michael's fans is extremely sad, and ALL need to take a step back and reflect on what his message really was? Michael's message could not have been any clearer. It was TOLERANCE for differences, and it was KINDNESS. So often, I see fans attacking one-another, for various and multitudinous reasons, for which they feel entirely justified. NO. We must be KIND to each other. Words are powerful, and words can HURT. It's pretty easy to be anonymously cruel, but isn't that exactly what the tabloids did to Michael?

Have you guys seen the recent news about bullying? I see so much of that, on the message boards. These boards are for discussion. Opinions vary, but that does not mean anyone has a right to attack anyone else for a difference of opinion. There is far too much of that. Behind every user-name, there is a real person, and your words really do make a difference. . . . . .

To honor Michael, above all, we must be. . . . kind. . .
Yep, im in Australia and ive heard SO MANY AWFUL THINGS about fighting fans. Fans using MJ to make money etc etc. It is horrible and all it does is make me pull away from the community and have my own little fan space. Its very sad.
I think what has happened to Michael's fans is extremely sad, and ALL need to take a step back and reflect on what his message really was? Michael's message could not have been any clearer. It was TOLERANCE for differences, and it was KINDNESS. So often, I see fans attacking one-another, for various and multitudinous reasons, for which they feel entirely justified. NO. We must be KIND to each other. Words are powerful, and words can HURT. It's pretty easy to be anonymously cruel, but isn't that exactly what the tabloids did to Michael?

Have you guys seen the recent news about bullying? I see so much of that, on the message boards. These boards are for discussion. Opinions vary, but that does not mean anyone has a right to attack anyone else for a difference of opinion. There is far too much of that. Behind every user-name, there is a real person, and your words really do make a difference. . . . . .

To honor Michael, above all, we must be. . . . kind. . .

You said a mouthful!!! I think my favorite part of what you wrote is "Behind every user-name, there is a real person, and your words really do make a difference. . . . . . "

Thanks and love to you too Topflux! I have to disagree with you when you say that you think Michael always understood his fans. I think he always loved his fans but people are hard to understand sometimes...

PYT I understand your wanting to pull away as you say but perhaps what his fans are in need of is people like you to come together all the more shine a light and show love...

I don't have an instantaneous solution but WE have to make things change.

God bless each of you!!!
I think what has happened to Michael's fans is extremely sad, and ALL need to take a step back and reflect on what his message really was? Michael's message could not have been any clearer. It was TOLERANCE for differences, and it was KINDNESS. So often, I see fans attacking one-another, for various and multitudinous reasons, for which they feel entirely justified. NO. We must be KIND to each other. Words are powerful, and words can HURT. It's pretty easy to be anonymously cruel, but isn't that exactly what the tabloids did to Michael?

Have you guys seen the recent news about bullying? I see so much of that, on the message boards. These boards are for discussion. Opinions vary, but that does not mean anyone has a right to attack anyone else for a difference of opinion. There is far too much of that. Behind every user-name, there is a real person, and your words really do make a difference. . . . . .

To honor Michael, above all, we must be. . . . kind. . .

I agree with your every word.:)
Well I think MJ fans are still deep in the grieving process and anger is a part of that. I admit, sometimes like the other poster said, I want to just withdraw and hold MJ in my heart on my own but I don't think that criticizing the fans is going to make a difference. The worst thing happened. It takes time and fans are not just going to be all lovely about it.
Yaazgurl I understand what you are saying but there is a huge and drastic difference between being all lovey and being outright hostile and cruel...

I am sad to say that there are fans who are hurting other fans by their actions and I hope they just failed to realize it rather than think they simply don't care about anything or anyone other than their own agenda...

It is my hope and prayer that those who participate/participated in such actions acknowledge the hearts of others and stop and encourage others to do the same.

Anyone who claims to have cared for Michael will care for what's important to him and that is to love not tare other people apart or have others alienate them etc. Anyone who would knowingly do such things needs to recognize that they are participating in tearing apart what he spent a lifetime building up in the world and stop.
Unfortunately there is and always has been competition and bickering amongst the fan community as well as with individual fans...I don't think it's unique to MJ fans alone though. Since his passing much of that has gotten worse. Not aware of all of it. However, I know there have been problems at the courthouse and FL with fans acting out and doing highly inappropriate things. As far as message boards go, people can agree to disagree and leave it at that. It isn't that deep. I guess that is a matter of growing and maturing as people. Bullying is all over the net. Saying your going to show up at someone's house and threats like that shouldn't be tolerated, that kind of thing should be turned over to authorities.

Also, I'd caution anyone to think twice about handing money over for any reason to anyone on the internet. Unless you are aware that whom you are giving it to is on the up and up and if they are not can you can afford to lose it?....Once it's gone, it's gone. I should think Michael Jackson's family have better things to do than worry about bs going on in the the fan community, that's not their responsibility nor was it ever Michael's to deal with. The family have bigger fish to fry.
Well I always try and think let's just agree to disagree. Don't really know why some people can't think that way anymore. I guess emotions still run very high.

I'm glad you made a thread like this though. I like seeing that other fans still care about each other as well.
I have seen many interactions on boards and other places were I just shake my head. Some people just can't open their mind to a different opinion regarding Michael because they for some reason believe they know him better than others.

I agree things like that have been going on for some time now (before everything happened) but it has indeed gotten a lot worse.
It seems fans are now more concerned with proving their point and being right in their eyes than respecting someone else and their opinions. The feeling of superiority that is expressed sometimes while arguing with other fans is what really gets to me sometimes.
Sometimes it just takes the fun away from coming to these community's. (although I can't stop myself from still going to them ;))

I wish things would calm down sometimes but I catch myself getting very heated about certain subjects as well. Usually I wait with replying so that I can calm down some before posting.
In truth we all probably care so much about Michael that we still have this feeling of protecting him. Sadly were starting to use it against other fans instead of the real evil out there.
Sadly we're starting to use it against other fans instead of the real evil out there.
That's certainly one way of putting it xrisx and I like the way you word... There is a real evil out there and when fans are busy being hateful and cruel to the point of arguing and making threats and getting threatened
in return then no one wins... The man we say we support we fail by not upholding his cause.

It's time we stand for love and stop all of the bickering and let the example Michael lived for live in us by keeping his message alive. The opposite of that is to disregard love, have no concern for others and treat people any way that is convenient to self and letting his message die.

Michael Jackson lives through the message he left with us "it's all about LOVE" and as scripture puts it "above all else LOVE."

God bless!!!
Thanks and love to you too Topflux! I have to disagree with you when you say that you think Michael always understood his fans. I think he always loved his fans but people are hard to understand sometimes...

Well, maybe 'understood' was the wrong word.. I meant he understood like caring way, you know, the meaning of his fans. Of course he was from time to time amazed how some of the fans went nuts, but overally he loved his fans because he knew there wouldn't be Michael Jackson the pop star without them..
he loved his fans because he knew there wouldn't be Michael Jackson the pop star without them..

Don't forget because he had an amazing, loving and empathetic heart, and because his fans loved him without limits!

God bless!!!
Many thanks Sharon for this thread.
I'm a fan of Michael since a very long time but I'm talking on forums only since few months ago, the needing to talk about my feelings since his passing - But I discovered something I wasn't ready for - in my mind fans are united in the love a person who had so given to us and support each other - maybe I was naive, because I discovered without understanding why there was a kind of contest of who loves him the most, who knows him best, and trashing each one who's not agree in a very disrespectful way and this brings nothing.
We are all differents, it's our wealth, we have differents points of view, we should sharing them - but we all love the same amazing person and THIS should be the most important thing -
And really I'm not sure Michael would understood these "fights" between his fans because of him - he was a such respectful, humble and caring person.

So please, don't forget that it's All for L.O.V.E:angel:
Since 25.6 it has been an unbelivable journey for all the REAL fans.
We have expirienced something we never though would happen. Sometimes I just find myself thinking " This is not happening, this can not be real ".
I have allways been very sensitive about Michael and I would get angry if someone says something bad about him without knowing anything about him.
It is not so different on fan-boards. Some things that were said left me spechless.
Love and understanding and tolerance also have limits. at least for me.
I allways try to leave it at " agree to dissagree ".
Once people become emotionally involved, they don’t always behave rationally, and I’m not sure that reasonable words will get ‘through’ to them. I suspect that local disputes like this just have to burn themselves out (like small brush fires); I don’t think they will ever ‘catch’ across the whole community.

My one very fervent hope is that the family (especially Mrs Katherine Jackson, and eventually the children) are never made overtly aware of fan disputes and never involve themselves or comment, even in the most well-meaning way. Once petty jealousies among fans become formally acknowledged, it would be too easy for ’sides’ to make special appeals, to try to claim family backing and even to publicise disputes especially to get family attention. I think it would be best for the family to follow the example of the (current) British monarchy as regards their treatment of politicians; be polite to all sides, never get involved and never comment, no matter what kind of mess the politicians (fans) get themselves into.

I often wondered why there were so many MJ fan groups and Boards (aside from the need for different language groups), but actually this diversity is one of the strengths of the fan base. If personality clashes result in the collapse of one group, there are plenty of other groups whose members can view the situation dispassionately and carry on without getting involved. I don’t think that seeing this happen elsewhere makes any group immune from division and self destruction but hopefully people do see that this kind of public dispute results in loss of credibility to both sides and is ultimately a pointless and damaging waste of time and energy.
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I still love him and mourn him but I come into this board every now and then.
I was not a part of any fan boards or groups pre-June 25, 2009. I just never felt the need for it. It wasn't about being part of a group of fans, for me. It was about Michael and just enjoying him and his music. Once Michael died, joining fan boards seemed logical (as I'm sure it did to many fans who started joining fan boards right after his death) as a way to connect with other fans and thereby also to feel connected to Michael. So I can't really compare to anything pre-June 25.

It would seem to me though that there must have been some natural differences, contention, and in-fighting among fans before Michael died too. Whenever you have different people coming together to share opinions, there is always going to be a certain amount of discord, even when those people share a common cause or passion--and even one as special as Michael.

There's no way for people to agree with each other and get along all the time. That's just not possible. But I do agree that some fans go too far and really should re-evaluate their love for Michael and all that he stood for, so that they can be a fan with integrity, and sincerity, and respect, and kindness. And if we could all just remember to "agree to disagree" and move on (gosh, it really is that simple), things would go so much easier in the fan community sometimes.

I appreciated your words, Sharon. Thanks so much for sharing them.
I agree that it's very sad, but rest assured it's not everyone. :hug: This is one of the reasons I wish we'd get more involved in the Legacy Project actions and things like Major Love Prayer (see my siggy)... things that are based on LOVE and that everyone can do together. We need to remember, like you said, kindness, forgiveness and also unity. We're a huge part of Michael's legacy and that's a very real responsibility, as I take it. We're all different (ages, experiences, etc), yes, but it's kind of hard to talk about love all the time and then act in direct contrast to this message. Ouch. In any case, I still love ya'll. ;) We're still a family and I hope we will always remain as such. :heart:
while i've seen disagreements, sometimes passionate, which isn't delving away from love, i haven't seen death threats and too many money issues on this site. if so, the president has nipped it in the bud, before at least I saw it...i've been here almost everyday. and as far as passionate disagreement, indeed, mottolla treated Michael so bad, that Michael called him a devil. and since there were religious mentionings.. Jesus had passionate disagreements with the pharisees. does that mean, either Jesus, or Michael was without love? no. perhaps, it meant, love is not something to be stepped on. in the case of the religious phrases you mentioned..from what i read, i wouldn't want to be any of those pharisees, when Jesus spoke to them...but the Bible says that we shouldn't lean to our own understanding, about scripture..so..i state that i am only speculating, where that is concerned. i do see a strong modicem of protectionist feelings for Michael, because fans love Michael. surely, we don't know the full depths of all of Michael's feelings, to assess what they all were. indeed i know Michael was about love..i know Jesus is about love...and i know MJ's fans love Michael. there was bound to be some change, in the fanbase, after the unexpected and horrifying death of Michael Jackson.
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Myosotis- "My one very fervent hope is that the family (especially Mrs Katherine Jackson, and eventually the children) are never made overtly aware of fan disputes and never involve themselves or comment, even in the most well-meaning way. Once petty jealousies among fans become formally acknowledged, it would be too easy for ’sides’ to make special appeals, to try to claim family backing and even to publicize disputes especially to get family attention. I think it would be best for the family to follow the example of the (current) British monarchy as regards their treatment of politicians; be polite to all sides, never get involved and never comment, no matter what kind of mess the politicians (fans) get themselves into."

Sometimes even the monarchs, presidents and ambassadors release statements that they are not involved with people or events causing conflicts...

To be honest with you the absolute LAST thing I would want is to make the family aware of the specifics of what is going on within the fan community. However, some of the people who think they are being backed by this person or that person are wreaking havoc, stirring up chaos and breaking peoples hearts. It is my hope that their actions were from a lack of awareness... They have no more reasons/excuses to not be aware. It is time we care for each other. Past time actually! What was that saying when you point a finger at one person you have three more pointing back at yourself? I expect certain peoples consciences to convict them and set things straight, at least that is my prayer. The other option is for me to speak up and be those other three fingers...

TinaG thank you for sharing with us! I think the words you have said are a perfect example of what I am talking about... You came to message boards because you were hurting and looking for comfort, connection and community. I am certain many fans have done that/continue to do that since June 25th. There are the people in the midst of "the drama" and there are some subjected to "the drama." It needs to stop and only by allowing love in our hearts can we do this.

It may seem a bit harsh or out of character for me to say I will let people know what is happening if I need to but that is my way of announcing to fans the seriousness of all that is going on. It is horribly sad and I have never seen anything like it... Imagine if you were in the military inside of a bunker ( a bunker is like a safe semi hole for troops to wait in and stay safe from gun fire) then one of your comrades starts shooting at you and the others??? Can you imagine that? That is what's going on in in the fan world. People who are saying they support Michael are shooting at their allies and disregarding what Michael taught shared. It is sad, horrible and so very wrong.

People may not always agree but it is never neccesary to outright attack others and once again as TinaG said and I quote "There's no way for people to agree with each other and get along all the time. That's just not possible. But I do agree that some fans go too far and really should re-evaluate their love for Michael and all that he stood for, so that they can be a fan with integrity, and sincerity, and respect, and kindness. And if we could all just remember to "agree to disagree" and move on (gosh, it really is that simple)"

Thank you TinaG and God bless everyone here for supporting, spreading and sharing the message of LOVE!!!
Michael I&#8217;m Sorry, <BR><BR>
I know if you knew of all the anger, disunity and malice going on with your fans amongst each other your heart would be hurting and you&#8216;d be deeply sad.<BR><BR>
. I&#8217;m sorry I don&#8217;t know how to stop it.<BR><BR>
I&#8217;m sorry that despite others and my personal pleas people do not turn away from their actions of retribution towards the love you encouraged in the hearts of all&#8230;<BR><BR>
Look at us, a bunch of drifting souls claiming we stand and fight for unity, peace, truth, justice and you with stones in our hands guised as words of attack or disguised as standing up for self or the truth&#8230; <BR><BR>
We play war with each other and many innocents are brutalized and further wounded in the crossfire. I&#8217;m sorry!<BR><BR>
Read our words. What do we say? After all has been said not even words spoken mean a thing because in one sentence we stand for you and truth, in another we despise the love you have united throughout the globe amidst your fans. We murder- not bodies but hearts. We deceive, not with slight of hand but empty apologies, broken smiles or slanderous words behind another&#8217;s back.<BR><BR>
We are your fans. Scattered about looking for solace in the depths of darkness. We find another to embrace our pain but they only leave us more wounded than before&#8230;. <BR><BR>
Where is love?<BR><BR>
Where are we? <BR><BR>
Where are you now that we need you more desperately than ever before? Our king of hearts your kingdom is falling, divided in pieces from within by those who claim to support you&#8230;<BR><BR>
Who are we? Are we the ones who said we&#8217;d fight for justice and for love while the love we had has crept away from our own hearts?<BR><BR>
Look about. We&#8217;re not one but many scattered about spreading the message of &#8220;Michael&#8221; that it seems we can&#8217;t recall because our actions contradicts the words we type and disperse, the conversations we have and deny or change for our own conveniences&#8230;<BR><BR>
We are your fans. The ones who said we&#8217;d love you unconditionally and never let you or your message die- but we burry it. In every word of malice we speak or write to those and or against those you love we pierce it in the heart. <BR><BR>
Look it&#8217;s barely beating&#8230;<BR><BR>
Could we revive the love you had for us? Could we remember that we stand together or not at all? Could we forsake titles and entitlement for love peace and unity- - - for you? For your sake I wish we could because if you could see us then I know your heart would break, that you&#8217;d shed many tears of torment and despair&#8230;<BR><BR>
Should you know what goes amiss in your kingdom? &#8220;While the cats away the mice will play&#8221; and oh how we&#8217;ve played. We&#8217;ve played the game of hide and seek, I&#8217;m here, I&#8217;m there look at me. We&#8217;ve played the game of devil&#8217;s well, from what&#8217;s truth or lies you cannot tell, words dug so deep, they inner twine, they recruit deception in weary minds.<BR><BR>
I&#8217;m sorry Michael.<BR><BR>
I tried to think of a way to write to your fans and plead with them on the love in their hearts for you, to realize that you love each and every one us but as I played it all out in my mind it came up empty and there was no resolution in it&#8230;<BR><BR>
So here I am only writing words to send across the oblivion of internet in sincerest apologies to you on behalf of us your fans to say I&#8217;m sorry. <BR><BR>
You may ask in this what did I say or do but it is neither that which I&#8217;ve said or done that makes me a part of this tyranny, it simply that I recall we are one united in love as they fall I fall with them, as one hurts I cry tears, as one lashes out in anger I pray that unity and peace would return that your kingdom built on love would remain so that you would always have your place with us to call home.<BR><BR>
The bells are ringing. We&#8217;re in distress. Who is there to help us?<BR><BR>
~There&#8217;s Only Us~<BR><BR>
Fellow fans of one so true
Might I ask this of you
Could we sit aside our fits of pride
In honor of our love
Can we unite<BR><BR>
I&#8217;ve watched us all
As best I can
I&#8217;ve tried so hard to understand
I&#8217;ve seen the depths and heights of man
But can&#8217;t figure it out
But I&#8217;m only human<BR><BR>
I&#8217;ve seen this
The hearts that break
People looking for escape
Not finding a place<BR><BR>
I&#8217;ve heard some say
Trust me, trust us
I say to you
Trust only Jesus<BR><BR>
In this kingdom
There should be no divide
Just us and we
Not me and I<BR><BR>
Look in the mirror
There&#8217;s none better than you
You&#8217;re glorious
We all rule<BR><BR>
To you I plead
Please stand with love
Stop taking sides
There&#8217;s only us<BR><BR>
To take a side
Is to perpetuate a mess
Let&#8217;s just pass out hugs
And all be blessed<BR><BR>
Let&#8217;s let the past drift away
And let&#8217;s all reach for brighter days
Do you agree Michael would be proud
If selflessly we showed what his love was about<BR><BR>
Our actions and words
Show what we believe
Do we build on his truth
Or destroy it like thieves <BR><BR>
Let us think on our actions
Or for ways to repair
The broken bridges
That no longer are there<BR><BR>
We can&#8217;t take much more
Enough is enough
We&#8217;re destroying ourselves
And there&#8217;s only us<BR><BR>
Sharon B. Sidney
Sharon B. Sidney;3031114 said:
Michael I’m Sorry,

I know if you knew of all the anger, disunity and malice going on with your fans amongst each other your heart would be hurting and you‘d be deeply sad.

. I’m sorry I don’t know how to stop it.

I’m sorry that despite others and my personal pleas people do not turn away from their actions of retribution towards the love you encouraged in the hearts of all…

Look at us, a bunch of drifting souls claiming we stand and fight for unity, peace, truth, justice and you with stones in our hands guised as words of attack or disguised as standing up for self or the truth…

We play war with each other and many innocents are brutalized and further wounded in the crossfire. I’m sorry!

Read our words. What do we say? After all has been said not even words spoken mean a thing because in one sentence we stand for you and truth, in another we despise the love you have united throughout the globe amidst your fans. We murder- not bodies but hearts. We deceive, not with slight of hand but empty apologies, broken smiles or slanderous words behind another’s back.

We are your fans. Scattered about looking for solace in the depths of darkness. We find another to embrace our pain but they only leave us more wounded than before….

Where is love?

Where are we?

Where are you now that we need you more desperately than ever before? Our king of hearts your kingdom is falling, divided in pieces from within by those who claim to support you…

Who are we? Are we the ones who said we’d fight for justice and for love while the love we had has crept away from our own hearts?

Look about. We’re not one but many scattered about spreading the message of “Michael” that it seems we can’t recall because our actions contradicts the words we type and disperse, the conversations we have and deny or change for our own conveniences…

We are your fans. The ones who said we’d love you unconditionally and never let you or your message die- but we burry it. In every word of malice we speak or write to those and or against those you love we pierce it in the heart.

Look it’s barely beating…

Could we revive the love you had for us? Could we remember that we stand together or not at all? Could we forsake titles and entitlement for love peace and unity- - - for you? For your sake I wish we could because if you could see us then I know your heart would break, that you’d shed many tears of torment and despair…

Should you know what goes amiss in your kingdom? “While the cats away the mice will play” and oh how we’ve played. We’ve played the game of hide and seek, I’m here, I’m there look at me. We’ve played the game of devil’s well, from what’s truth or lies you cannot tell, words dug so deep, they inner twine, they recruit deception in weary minds.

I’m sorry Michael.

I tried to think of a way to write to your fans and plead with them on the love in their hearts for you, to realize that you love each and every one us but as I played it all out in my mind it came up empty and there was no resolution in it…

So here I am only writing words to send across the oblivion of internet in sincerest apologies to you on behalf of us your fans to say I’m sorry.

You may ask in this what did I say or do but it is neither that which I’ve said or done that makes me a part of this tyranny, it simply that I recall we are one united in love as they fall I fall with them, as one hurts I cry tears, as one lashes out in anger I pray that unity and peace would return that your kingdom built on love would remain so that you would always have your place with us to call home.

The bells are ringing. We’re in distress. Who is there to help us?

~There’s Only Us~

Fellow fans of one so true
Might I ask this of you
Could we sit aside our fits of pride
In honor of our love
Can we unite

I’ve watched us all
As best I can
I’ve tried so hard to understand
I’ve seen the depths and heights of man
But can’t figure it out
But I’m only human

I’ve seen this
The hearts that break
People looking for escape
Not finding a place

I’ve heard some say
Trust me, trust us
I say to you
Trust only Jesus

In this kingdom
There should be no divide
Just us and we
Not me and I

Look in the mirror
There’s none better than you
You’re glorious
We all rule

To you I plead
Please stand with love
Stop taking sides
There’s only us

To take a side
Is to perpetuate a mess
Let’s just pass out hugs
And all be blessed

Let’s let the past drift away
And let’s all reach for brighter days
Do you agree Michael would be proud
If selflessly we showed what his love was about

Our actions and words
Show what we believe
Do we build on his truth
Or destroy it like thieves

Let us think on our actions
Or for ways to repair
The broken bridges
That no longer are there

We can’t take much more
Enough is enough
We’re destroying ourselves
And there’s only us

Sharon B. Sidney
:better: :angel:
I'm trying to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and believe that all this recent anger is part of the grieving process that people are still going through. It's easy to lash out if you're still hurting inside. I just hope that everyone finds inner peace soon, and eventually can move onto the last and most important part of the grieving process; acceptance.
Obviously the tone has changed and we are all hurting. I remember the excitement of whenever he touched down into the country, every time we heard something new was happening, the excitement when I went to the WMAs, the excitement when TII was announced etc. Then everything changed. We're all grieving and the pain will never go away. There will never be any more of the excitement of what Michael was coming up with, what he was doing when I heard that he was on his way to London etc. And that I don't think I will ever process.
Something positive to join in together for LOVE: in 15 minutes (from the time of this post) the MJ fam is joining worldwide in Major Love Prayer ... a prayer to send love to the world (and each other) for healing and peace:

Unfortunately there is and always has been competition and bickering amongst the fan community as well as with individual fans...I don't think it's unique to MJ fans alone though. Since his passing much of that has gotten worse. Not aware of all of it. However, I know there have been problems at the courthouse and FL with fans acting out and doing highly inappropriate things. As far as message boards go, people can agree to disagree and leave it at that. It isn't that deep. I guess that is a matter of growing and maturing as people. Bullying is all over the net. Saying your going to show up at someone's house and threats like that shouldn't be tolerated, that kind of thing should be turned over to authorities.

Also, I'd caution anyone to think twice about handing money over for any reason to anyone on the internet. Unless you are aware that whom you are giving it to is on the up and up and if they are not can you can afford to lose it?....Once it's gone, it's gone. I should think Michael Jackson's family have better things to do than worry about bs going on in the the fan community, that's not their responsibility nor was it ever Michael's to deal with. The family have bigger fish to fry.

Agree. Fans bickering back and forth aint nothing new. This was going on long before Michael passed. I feel that now since Michael has passed it shouldnt be as much as it is but this is something that has always been especially over the internet on message boards.
your post made me cry.. i feel it too .... i miss what we used to be ...
we're not gonna get ourselves back , aren't we? my heart hurts with every fight i see among fans..with every dissection of what is said and who said it and what ulterior motive they have...i'm sick and tired of it .... i look for LOVE and can't find it anymore ... all there is , is hurt and sorrow and anger and judging one another. ..and that hurts like hell ...because the more i see it around the less i feel michael's spirit in us.....we need to learn to love again ..let's be friends. and bless u sharon for writing this.
Sharon B. Sidney;3031114 said:
Michael I’m Sorry,

I know if you knew of all the anger, disunity and malice going on with your fans amongst each other your heart would be hurting and you‘d be deeply sad.

. I’m sorry I don’t know how to stop it.

I’m sorry that despite others and my personal pleas people do not turn away from their actions of retribution towards the love you encouraged in the hearts of all…

Look at us, a bunch of drifting souls claiming we stand and fight for unity, peace, truth, justice and you with stones in our hands guised as words of attack or disguised as standing up for self or the truth…

We play war with each other and many innocents are brutalized and further wounded in the crossfire. I’m sorry!

Read our words. What do we say? After all has been said not even words spoken mean a thing because in one sentence we stand for you and truth, in another we despise the love you have united throughout the globe amidst your fans. We murder- not bodies but hearts. We deceive, not with slight of hand but empty apologies, broken smiles or slanderous words behind another’s back.

We are your fans. Scattered about looking for solace in the depths of darkness. We find another to embrace our pain but they only leave us more wounded than before….

Where is love?

Where are we?

Where are you now that we need you more desperately than ever before? Our king of hearts your kingdom is falling, divided in pieces from within by those who claim to support you…

Who are we? Are we the ones who said we’d fight for justice and for love while the love we had has crept away from our own hearts?

Look about. We’re not one but many scattered about spreading the message of “Michael” that it seems we can’t recall because our actions contradicts the words we type and disperse, the conversations we have and deny or change for our own conveniences…

We are your fans. The ones who said we’d love you unconditionally and never let you or your message die- but we burry it. In every word of malice we speak or write to those and or against those you love we pierce it in the heart.

Look it’s barely beating…

Could we revive the love you had for us? Could we remember that we stand together or not at all? Could we forsake titles and entitlement for love peace and unity- - - for you? For your sake I wish we could because if you could see us then I know your heart would break, that you’d shed many tears of torment and despair…

Should you know what goes amiss in your kingdom? “While the cats away the mice will play” and oh how we’ve played. We’ve played the game of hide and seek, I’m here, I’m there look at me. We’ve played the game of devil’s well, from what’s truth or lies you cannot tell, words dug so deep, they inner twine, they recruit deception in weary minds.

I’m sorry Michael.

I tried to think of a way to write to your fans and plead with them on the love in their hearts for you, to realize that you love each and every one us but as I played it all out in my mind it came up empty and there was no resolution in it…

So here I am only writing words to send across the oblivion of internet in sincerest apologies to you on behalf of us your fans to say I’m sorry.

You may ask in this what did I say or do but it is neither that which I’ve said or done that makes me a part of this tyranny, it simply that I recall we are one united in love as they fall I fall with them, as one hurts I cry tears, as one lashes out in anger I pray that unity and peace would return that your kingdom built on love would remain so that you would always have your place with us to call home.

The bells are ringing. We’re in distress. Who is there to help us?

~There’s Only Us~

Fellow fans of one so true
Might I ask this of you
Could we sit aside our fits of pride
In honor of our love
Can we unite

I’ve watched us all
As best I can
I’ve tried so hard to understand
I’ve seen the depths and heights of man
But can’t figure it out
But I’m only human

I’ve seen this
The hearts that break
People looking for escape
Not finding a place

I’ve heard some say
Trust me, trust us
I say to you
Trust only Jesus

In this kingdom
There should be no divide
Just us and we
Not me and I

Look in the mirror
There’s none better than you
You’re glorious
We all rule

To you I plead
Please stand with love
Stop taking sides
There’s only us

To take a side
Is to perpetuate a mess
Let’s just pass out hugs
And all be blessed

Let’s let the past drift away
And let’s all reach for brighter days
Do you agree Michael would be proud
If selflessly we showed what his love was about

Our actions and words
Show what we believe
Do we build on his truth
Or destroy it like thieves

Let us think on our actions
Or for ways to repair
The broken bridges
That no longer are there

We can’t take much more
Enough is enough
We’re destroying ourselves
And there’s only us

Sharon B. Sidney
We are all still hurting...............

And the emptiness probably won't go away............

Grievance can make people go though a range of emotions like: sadness, anger, bitterness and even hatred

There are so many people who hurt Michael during his life and it has become so easy to hate them (I know I do)!!!!!!

Time is obviously the ultimate healer............just don't expect any healing to happen any time soon!!!!!!!!!