What happend to Frank Dileo

but BEE how can you say that we weren't there to know how joe raised his children or assume that the family may have done wrong but not frank when you weren't there either? I for one don't think it's a part of business to keep michael away from his family unless michael asked him to. IF that's the case and michael just wasn't call himself, then I doubt katherine would have even said anything about it in her book. It MUST have bothered her for her to mention it. I also don't think she would just lie on frank either.

You can't just assume that michael's family did wrong (which I think ONLY a SELECT FEW did) yet give frank the benefit of the doubt when katherine (whom I believe) said this about frank...and then say "well it's a part of business." um no it isn't and nor does it make it ok.

Also how do we know that these tab stories weren't put out WITHOUT michael's knowledge. I'm sorry but its a screwy way of thinking to put out lies when you already on top of the game. With that said I'm gonna say agree to disagree becuz I simply do not think Frank had michael BEST interest at heart. Sure I could be wrong but that's just my gut. Who knows he may have came to the trial out of guilt, because A LOT of what went on in the 80's when michael was with him GREATLY EFFECTED michael NOW.

Datsymay I am (mostly)with you on this one. I'm gonna get K's book and read it for myself too. Datsymay have you read her book?
I have read Katherine's book, but I don't remember much of it. I may have to read it again. I read Joe's book too, and it was one of the most honest and sincere book, I felt.
Katherine reminds me so much of my mother, she had 9 kids too, but Katherine is very outspoken. She speaks as she finds. On 2 Occasion she appeared on tv to dispel allegations that Michael made. She also did it with latoya.
I believe that it may have been Michael's wish to cut off contact with his family. He did that through his minders. It was plain to see, that during this period Michael was not having any contact with his family. There is a story that they went to Japan to see him and he refused to see them. I don't know how true it is, he got married twice and they were never invited. Michael told Oprah that he sees the family often and they go to each others house for family reunion. Few weeks later Rebbie told the reporter that the last time she saw him was at grandma's funeral 2 years earlier. jermaine said he wrote the song to remind him where he came from because he was not communicating with the family.
I don't know what was going on, but it wasn't very pretty, esp when you see MJ and the Chandlers all over the tv screen. I don't even want to say anymore on the subject, except to say that, MJ is an ANGEL, but he aint no saint.:Dimo
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Michael was larger then life already. His music and videos had the world captivated with that alone. If you go in the thread moddie777 started about the 80's you will see that michael's talent had the street corners empty ALONE. Peeps wanted a piece of michael, wanted to simply touch michael not because he "slept in some chamber" but because he was the coolest guy in the world from his music.

Those stories were need at all. The man's sunglasses alone was enough to create the larger then life appeal. besides he WAS larger then life anyway. lol
I agree with this wholeheartedly. I also do not believe that MJ had anything to do with the stories that were put out there about him. Katherine said he was troubled by them.:D
I have read Katherine's book, but I don't remember much of it. I may have to read it again. I read Joe's book too, and it was one of the most honest and sincere book, I felt.
Katherine reminds me so much of my mother, she had 9 kids too, but Katherine is very outspoken. She speaks as she finds. On 2 Occasion she appeared on tv to dispel allegations that Michael made. She also did it with latoya.
I believe that it may have been Michael's wish to cut off contact with his family. He did that through his minders. It was plain to see, that during this period Michael was not having any contact with his family. There is a story that they went to Japan to see him and he refused to see them. I don't know how true it is, he got married twice and they were never invited. Michael told Oprah that he sees the family often and they go to each others house for family reunion. Few weeks later Rebbie told the reporter that the last time she saw him was at grandma's funeral 2 years earlier. jermaine said he wrote the song to remind him where he came from because he was not communicating with the family.
I don't know what was going on, but it wasn't very pretty, esp when you see MJ and the Chandlers all over the tv screen. I don't even want to say anymore on the subject, except to say that, MJ is an ANGEL, but he aint no saint.:Dimo

ok maybe I need to read joe's book too.lol I DON'T think michael would just cut off all ties with his family without there being a real reason. Also I do think joe was harsh on the children. I don't know how he painted himself in the book but It probably wasn't in the same light as how michael painted him so. Really it's different point of views plus a little untruths going on here on both sides. I think jermaine was a little jealous of michael though and don't trust him as far as I can push him. If Jermaine really felt that why did he say in WTTB michael "change his skin color" knowing michael had VIT. Also why make a public song about it.
Come on now Jerm. He is Not credible IMO.:smilerolleyes:

DAY I don't know if michael did that or not (you can't rule it out) also you don't know if ppl were trying to sway michael with whispers in his ear about his family. "oh michael you don't need them, they probably just want money from you" or "michael this that and the other" :doh: who knows. Michael defo ain't no saint but how do you go from thinking you can't make it on your own as a solo artist to I don't want to talk to them at all. Without good reason. Yes I know you could argue that he had MEGA success and felt he didn't need them but MEGA sucess don't make you no longer love your family either. I could be wrong none of us knows what happen really happen so... I'm just throwing MO's out there. Anyway boo bear will always get the benefit of the doubt first unless I straight up know he's lying. Like on the ed bradly interview. Come on now mikey:doh:

oh and DAY what is "minders?" did you mean managers?

good points DAY. can I call you Day (DAtsymaY)? :D
It's quite a mystery to me about Frank not working with Michael. I'm still glad to hear they're still friends and that Frank still defends Michael no matter what.
wow...i always wonder when this subject comes up...sinceit's not from the usual suspect i'll entertain it for a brief moment.....

it's funny how some fans base their like or dislike of a person on if they're fan friendly or not...well i spoke to him and he answerd a question so i like him...honestly? weren't tehre other people in mj's camp that did that but were asses?

i take what uncle tookie says w/ a grain of salt. kudos on him to support mj at the trial. but honestly, this business relationship ended HOW MANY YRS AGO?

y don't we hear about sandy gailin or zia or others who've worked for him in the past? just frankie boi?
I estimate around 10 years ago I think.
sorry but no one can keep u from ur family. he knows where they live, hell he owns the damn house so if he wanted to speak to someone, he could've.

and in PHM there's footage of jan and katherine backstage singing along to mj's songs...so exactly how was he kept from them? anything he did, he did by himself.

now u can keep messages from people, but not the person itself.
but BEE how can you say that we weren't there to know how joe raised his children or assume that the family may have done wrong but not frank when you weren't there either? I for one don't think it's a part of business to keep michael away from his family unless michael asked him to. IF that's the case and michael just wasn't call himself, then I doubt katherine would have even said anything about it in her book. It MUST have bothered her for her to mention it. I also don't think she would just lie on frank either.

Yeah, I was not there. You are right, I was not there. Frank might have done wrong to Michael, but if MJ didn't like that, he could have fired Frank at that time. I never said it was part of the business for MJ to stay away from his family. Michael, at one point, did not want anything to do with his family. So, he made the decision not to. He was busy a lot. He couldn't help that. Yeah, it must have bothered Katherine because she is like any mother that loves her son. She wants him to be OK. I never said that she lied on Frank. Yeah, some things might have happened, but she can't always protect MJ all of the time. MJ was grown and he had to do what he had to do. I still stand by what I said. BTW, MJ did see his family some times and did take some of his family members on tour. How come that is not bought up on here?

You can't just assume that michael's family did wrong (which I think ONLY a SELECT FEW did) yet give frank the benefit of the doubt when katherine (whom I believe) said this about frank...and then say "well it's a part of business." um no it isn't and nor does it make it ok.

Well, not the whole family did wrong. It makes it OK when MJ didn't see a problem with it and was behind the image he and Frank created. Katherine has a right to be worried about her son. However, unlike some of her other sons, Michael was out there doing a job in a business that is cut throat. I gave Frank benefit of the doubt because he and MJ came together and did what they had to do. That is why. I stand by what I said about that. If his family was that concerned about Michael, then why didn't they work for him at that time?

Also how do we know that these tab stories weren't put out WITHOUT michael's knowledge. I'm sorry but its a screwy way of thinking to put out lies when you already on top of the game. With that said I'm gonna say agree to disagree becuz I simply do not think Frank had michael BEST interest at heart. Sure I could be wrong but that's just my gut. Who knows he may have came to the trial out of guilt, because A LOT of what went on in the 80's when michael was with him GREATLY EFFECTED michael NOW.

I am curious, which tab stories? If MJ didn't want to have an image like that, then he should have not planted stories and not be a private person. MJ knew that was going to happen to him. It hurt him but it helped him too. It made him more mysterious and interesting. It kept people talking. I didn't say that he put "lies" out there, I said that Frank might have done things behind Michael's back and that it is part of the music business. Frank did not have MJ's best interest at heart? Just because he might have did things that you didn't like? The last time I checked, MJ was grown. If he didn't like what Frank was doing at that time, he had the power to get rid of Frank at that time. A lot of what MJ went through in the 1980s, might have a lot to do with what happened to MJ during the trial and now, but like I said, MJ was grown and made his decisions. He didn't have to plant ANYTHING about himself. He didn't have to be private with his personal life. He didn't have to create P.R. Stunts. At the end of the day, MJ made his choices. Period. I love Michael, but some of the things that happened to him are based on the choices that he made. That does not mean that every choice he made was a bad one. It is not his fault that the media hated him and wanted to ruin him. It is also not his fault that the media ran with things and whatever. Frank was the ONLY manager that MJ had that came forward and defended him. I do not know if he felt guilt, but I do believed that he felt terrible for MJ and was there for him. That is enough for me. The business is evil enough, but MJ is a lucky man to have a few people that care. So, we are gonna agree to disagree. At the end of the day, it is MJ's choice whether to have Frank in his life again.

I also do not believe that MJ had anything to do with the stories that were put out there about him. Katherine said he was troubled by them.

But he did not do anything about them. I think it is fair to say that Katherine said the things that she said about Mike in her book because she is a mother. Mothers care about their children. However, their children grow up and face the world alone. Katherine could not protect Michael all of the time. If she did, how would MJ learn about the world? Sometimes, things happen for a reason. BTW, I read Katherine's book as well.