What happend to Frank Dileo


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Why did Frank stop managing Michael? Did Frank quit himself or did MJ let him go?
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as far as I know, Frank was accused by some dancer (a girl) that he tried to molest her , but i dont believe it
I had also heard a similar story. Regardless of whether he got the 'boot' from MJ though they have seemingly always had a good friendship. Frank stood up for Michael many times during his recent trial. Hes a good guy. I think it would be great if he was still his manager - there isn't too many people Michael can trust but Frank is certainly one of them.
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yeah, I heard that they are back together - bussinesly, they always remained frends
i dont like what frank did between mike and tatianna from twummf they would have make a great couple but frank pulled her off stage when her and mj kissed i dont like that all
he answered one of my questions a while back when they did this thing organized for fans to send in questions and one of the ones he picked to answer was mine :) so i like him....
according to frank i think he said sony wanted him out so they could replace him with their own ie sandy gallin jim morey.frank is a head of a company.there was announcements and info about it several months back. him and mj are good friends and became close after frank came and supported him during the trial
^ Yes from my understanding.. SONY wanted to use there own PR and bring there own manegement team together for Michael...

The timeing of it does make sence too.. Frank gets dismissed Soon around the Sony contract..

It's pretty clear in recent years that Michael and Frank have had sometype of contact, and Michael is thankful for Frank in someway.. Either business wise, friendship wise, or both.. We don't really know. Frank did show up to the verdict and supported Michael, Michael did THANK Frank in the T25 booklet.. That tells us they have not fully parted.
^ Yes from my understanding.. SONY wanted to use there own PR and bring there own manegement team together for Michael...

The timeing of it does make sence too.. Frank gets dismissed Soon around the Sony contract..

It's pretty clear in recent years that Michael and Frank have had sometype of contact, and Michael is thankful for Frank in someway.. Either business wise, friendship wise, or both.. We don't really know. Frank did show up to the verdict and supported Michael, Michael did THANK Frank in the T25 booklet.. That tells us they have not fully parted.

I heard or read the exact same things you've pointed out.
when did frank get the boot? Also frank scares me a little he reminds of a mobster.lol Also didn't michael's mom say that he tried to keep the family away from michael or was that someone else?

I was watching a video and the interviewer asked a question and frank was like 'I'll answer that". And I was like dude seems controlling. Maybe I read to much into it but I don't know. I don't really care to much for him.

i dont like what frank did between mike and tatianna from twummf they would have make a great couple but frank pulled her off stage when her and mj kissed i dont like that all
can we say CONTROLLING:mello:
i dont like what frank did between mike and tatianna from twummf they would have make a great couple but frank pulled her off stage when her and mj kissed i dont like that all

Let me ask you a honest question - does that whole thing makes any sense to you? Why would Frank pull her off the stage just because she kissed MJ? BTW, Frank never pulled her off the stage, she did her thing and left the stage. According to her account, she was yelled at by Miko Brando (the late Marlon Brando's son and one of MJ's best friends) and that Frank gave her a nasty look. The next thing she knew, she was replaced by Sheryl Crow. She came to the conclusion that she was "fired" from the Bad Tour but she does not know why she was fired. I have a very hard time beliving her story. You can't judge Frank based on what he did to that nobody. He had a job to do and he did the job.

Frank was let go by Sony for various reasons. MJ never fired Franks, from what I understand.

Also didn't michael's mom say that he tried to keep the family away from michael or was that someone else?

Katherine said something like that in her book. I think that MJ was very busy at the time and barely made time for the family. I can't see how Frank kept MJ away from the family when most of the family members were grown and had their own families to tend to. MJ cannot always be a provider for the family.

'I'll answer that". And I was like dude seems controlling. Maybe I read to much into it but I don't know

Yeah, you are looking too much into it. MJ and Frank worked together and maybe before the interview, Frank told MJ how they were going to do the interview. MJ runs the show and I think MJ and Frank came together and controlled how things were going to happened. I never see MJ as the kind of person to let people control him.
I have heard a whole bunch of conflicting stories about what happened to Frank. But I personally think that if Michael would allow Frank to manage him again, I think that Frank would do a great job at promo for Michael's new album and/or other future projects. But I will go with whatever Michael decides. He has my full support.
no one but frank and mj know that facts that went on.most fans seem to comment based on mixture of reading the likes of tabloidarelli and chinese whispers. all that matters now is they are both close friends again and frank cares for mj very much.which is a rare thing in mjsworld
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Frank controlling MJ dosn't necessarily mean that he tells MJ what to do. it could mean that he keeps certain information from reachiong MJ or give the media information about MJ without MJ even knowing about it. It was this type of thing I believe katherine was talking about. Even Debbie Rowe mentioned it in her court trial. So did Lisa marie. The inner circle kept information away from MJ so he had no knowledge that certain people were trying to reach him or what people were saying about him. It happens. The same way that fanmails would be sifted through to make sure nasty mails didn't get to him.
No mention about family members trying to get something from him.
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no one but frank and mj know that facts that went on.most fans seem to comment based on mixture of reading the likes of tabloidarelli and chinese whispers. all that matters now is they are both close friends again

I agree. I have to admit that I'm very proud of Frank Dileo. He (among others) stood up for Michael during the worst time in his life when so many people were just tearing him apart in the media.
i dont like what frank did between mike and tatianna from twummf they would have make a great couple but frank pulled her off stage when her and mj kissed i dont like that all

As Bee said, I honestly don't believe Tatiana's story for a second. IMO she was after the publicity...think about it, why would she go kissing him ON STAGE! plus MJ and Frank had a very thought out strategy to market Mike's image, who's to say Michael wasn't the one who fired her to begin with, just through Frank.

I was watching a video and the interviewer asked a question and frank was like 'I'll answer that". And I was like dude seems controlling. Maybe I read to much into it but I don't know. I don't really care to much for him.

can we say CONTROLLING

Actually that's a very very common thing, sometimes a celebrity's mouth can be their own worst enemy (think LWMJ) and it's common that on interviews and press conferences the PR/Management people step in to answear the questions they think should be handled by them, that's their job.
Katherine said something like that in her book. I think that MJ was very busy at the time and barely made time for the family. I can't see how Frank kept MJ away from the family when most of the family members were grown and had their own families to tend to. MJ cannot always be a provider for the family.
I don't think michael's momma would have said that if michael was just to busy. I think it was a little bit more to then just michael doesn't have the time. I'm not talking about coming to see the family and hanging out as like you said everybody had their own family and business to deal with. Also even if michael was busy I'm sure he could have picked up the phone to call his momma for a hot second. But how do you know to call her cause she wants to speak to you or just check up on her baby, when you DON'T get her phone call. This was the 80's and cellphone weren't around. or so I don't think:scratch:. So michael had to rely on peeps to take his calls and get the message back to him.

How ever I do think michael my have avoided some member like the plague (lol) because of to much "michael can you do this" and other hand outs.

Frank controlling MJ dosn't necessarily mean that he tells MJ what to do. it could mean that he keeps certain information from reachiong MJ or give the media information about MJ without MJ even knowing about it. It was this type of thing I believe katherine was talking about. Even Debbie Rowe mentioned it in her court trial. So did Lisa marie. The inner circle kept information away from MJ so he had no knowledge that certain people were trying to reach him or what people were saying about him. It happens.
BINGO! That's the controlling I'm talking about too. Now why would you do that without other agendas? I can understand screening out fan mail. That's just doing your job but, keeping michael from knowing someone called as close to him as his MOMMA!?! That is DEAD WRONG. Also why get mad that michael is getting some action on stage and you not. If michael liked her and wanted to kiss tiatana then that's HIS BUSINESS. You don't go and fire home chick. Also I didn't know other peeps (lisa and debbie) said this about frank. I am so sorry but....

If it is true that that bloated mother FREAKIN FRANKer kept things from michael, then I have zero respect for dude and im glad he's out of michael's life. I don't care how good of a manager he was you don't do that. :mat:
I don't think michael's momma would have said that if michael was just to busy. I think it was a little bit more to then just michael doesn't have the time. I'm not talking about coming to see the family and hanging out as like you said everybody had their own family and business to deal with. Also even if michael was busy I'm sure he could have picked up the phone to call his momma for a hot second. But how do you know to call her cause she wants to speak to you or just check up on her baby, when you DON'T get her phone call. This was the 80's and cellphone weren't around. or so I don't think:scratch:. So michael had to rely on peeps to take his calls and get the message back to him.

How ever I do think michael my have avoided some member like the plague (lol) because of to much "michael can you do this" and other hand outs.

BINGO! That's the controlling I'm talking about too. Now why would you do that without other agendas? I can understand screening out fan mail. That's just doing your job but, keeping michael from knowing someone called as close to him as his MOMMA!?! That is DEAD WRONG. Also why get mad that michael is getting some action on stage and you not. If michael liked her and wanted to kiss tiatana then that's HIS BUSINESS. You don't go and fire home chick. Also I didn't know other peeps (lisa and debbie) said this about frank. I am so sorry but....

If it is true that that bloated mother FREAKIN FRANKer kept things from michael, then I have zero respect for dude and im glad he's out of michael's life. I don't care how good of a manager he was you don't do that. :mat:
No, they did not say it about Frank. They said it about MJ's People. I am of the belief that there were a lot of elements around MJ that needed MJ as cash cow,. He was being ripped off and he didn't even know it. It was important to keep MJ away from his family so that they wouldn't find out. They spread the myth that his family wanted his money, but the facts did not add up.
Joe Jackson sold his house to Michael so that he could use the money to launch Janets and latoya's career. That doesn't sound like scrunging off Michael to me. In any case, I would have expected Michael to buy a home for his parents as other celebs do. Michael didn't even do that. So I really do not know where this idea that they scrunged off Michael came from. Joe just did not raise his children to scrunge off other people, not even their own. Even the girls went out to work. Lots of strangers were scrunging off Michael and I don't hear them attacked half as much as Michael's family members.
I do believe that michael did cut ties with his family for a while. I believe that was a big mistake. I believe that was when he was manipulated by others. And when they set him up. I hope the channel of communication is back on again. I was very pleased to see him calling Tito in Devon. Nothing should come between you and your family.
No, they did not say it about Frank. They said it about MJ's People. I am of the belief that there were a lot of elements around MJ that needed MJ as cash cow,. He was being ripped off and he didn't even know it. It was important to keep MJ away from his family so that they wouldn't find out. They spread the myth that his family wanted his money, but the facts did not add up.
Joe Jackson sold his house to Michael so that he could use the money to launch Janets and latoya's career. That doesn't sound like scrunging off Michael to me. In any case, I would have expected Michael to buy a home for his parents as other celebs do. Michael didn't even do that. So I really do not know where this idea that they scrunged off Michael came from. Joe just did not raise his children to scrunge off other people, not even their own. Even the girls went out to work. Lots of strangers were scrunging off Michael and I don't hear them attacked half as much as Michael's family members.
I do believe that michael did cut ties with his family for a while. I believe that was a big mistake. I believe that was when he was manipulated by others. And when they set him up. I hope the channel of communication is back on again. I was very pleased to see him calling Tito in Devon. Nothing should come between you and your family.
You have good points. This is why I don't like the possiblility that frank may have been keeping things from michael. Because why do that if you really love michael and care and NOT doing something sneeky and underhanded. This is a good reason why you shouldn't be away from family esp. your mother. Ppl love to get you out there by yourself and try to take advantage of you, have you thinking what they say is best for you when really its' a set up. I don't know about other members of michael's family (far as not wanting handouts) but I know that if katherine isn't like that, and if said this about frank then something was defo not RIGHT with him.

A lot of those tabloid storys came from frank too didn't they? even still I don't think frank had michael's BEST interest at heart from what michael's mom said.:no: Then michael's next team didn't have his best interest at heart. Matter fact no team of michael has his best interest at heart:no:. Gosh man its so hard trying to find loyal ppl. I know michael went through some serious heartache in his life. I really wish him all the best.
Well, that is your opinion about Frank. At first, I did not really want Frank to come back to MJ's camp. He did enough for Michael. However, after taking a deep look into the whole thing, I feel that if MJ wanted Frank back in his camp, I am all for it.

A lot of those tabloid storys came from frank too didn't they? even still I don't think frank had michael's BEST interest at heart from what michael's mom said

Yeah, but MJ participated in those tabloid stories as well. MJ was in control of his career and he would agree to something with Frank regarding on how MJ was going to managed. However, it is possible that Frank did things behind MJ's back. That is just part of the business.

So I really do not know where this idea that they scrunged off Michael came from. Joe just did not raise his children to scrunge off other people, not even their own.

How do you know that Joe didn't raise his children to do that? Were you there? Did you know that there were documents released, last year, that stated that Randy took some money from Michael when he was his manager? Why would a brother do something like that to him? And as a matter of fact, I would not rely on MJ's ex wives on anything regarding what MJ's people did to him. MJ makes the decisions. If he didn't want to talk to his family, he does not have to. If he did not want to talk to his so called "wives" he did not have to. He is in a very evil and nasty business and sometimes money and blood do not mix. MJ had to watch his back with everyone. You cannot always assume that family will be there for you when you need them. MJ was very lucky during the trial because he has a great support team regarding his family. Frank was there for MJ when MJ needed him. He came there with his own money and helped supported him. Debbie and LMP never gave a damn and when Debbie went on the stand, she told fables and garbage when she really had no business being there. If she accepted the fact of her decisions instead of opening her mouth all of the time, then maybe she would not have been called to the stand and told her fables of BS.

I didn't mean to get a little off topic, but I am tired of fans trashing someone that simply did his job. That is all that MJ ever wanted, imo, for anyone that recieves a pay check from him to do. The man has built a lot of tough skin so he can deal with the nastyiness of the music business. If that means, that he had to ignore his family for a while, then that is what he has to do.To add this: I do not think that Frank fired Tatiana. That woman was telling the media fables about her supposed relationship with MJ and maybe Frank did not like that about her. If they did have anything together, then MJ kept it quiet while she told her dancer friends and the media about it. I do not think that Frank would interfere into MJ's personal life just because he felt that Tatiana was a "threat". I think this chick was fired from the tour maybe because they found something stank about her. Frank gets the blame from what happened to her and that is not right. She is an adult would made sure she was kicked off of the tour. Goodness. Lay off the blame game.
I could have sworn michael released a statement refuting any allegations that Randy misused any of his money. i could have sworn that it turned out that Randy was indeed trying to help MJ to refinance and it turned out wrong. Maybe I was mistaking.

Joe worked 3 jobs to support his family, and he later trained them and put them on stage, all of them worked. Don't see how that translate into training his kids to scrunge, but I wasn't there.
If Michael didn't even buy a house for his parents, I don't know where the idea that they scrunge off him came from, not that it is any of fans business if michael contribute to his family wellbeing. God knows a lot of strangers have fed off him in the past. Don't know why fans have a problem with Mj giving assistance to members of his family if they fall on hard times.
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those tabloide stories helped and hurt Michael...

There is a reason they put them out there... It's P.R.. Creating an image larger than life.. It is very smart the way they did it.. All covers were simply not thought through all the way..

If Frank knew then what he knew now, he would have done it different and smarter.. Michael too..

Frank saw how the media twisted things over time.. But at the time they were great ideas and PR moves.
I have a lot of respect for Frank Dileo, he was Michael's best manager. Plus he's proved himself to be far more loyal to Michael then Quincy Jones.

I believe Frank's story that Sony split his working relationship with Michael because together they were becoming too powerful. Because people have forgotten how powerful Michael was in the 1980's (not that Michael hasn't continued to be powerful).

I'm sure there are things Frank did whilst being Michael's manager than Michael didn't approve of. But from what I know Frank really cared about Michael like a son or younger brother. His fault may have been he was too over protective of Michael. But what ever there differences were when Michael sacked Frank, they obviously left them in the past because Frank was working for MJJ Productions again in 1996 when as he was managing Michael's nephews 3T.

Does anyone have a link Frank Dileo's web site.
but BEE how can you say that we weren't there to know how joe raised his children or assume that the family may have done wrong but not frank when you weren't there either? I for one don't think it's a part of business to keep michael away from his family unless michael asked him to. IF that's the case and michael just wasn't call himself, then I doubt katherine would have even said anything about it in her book. It MUST have bothered her for her to mention it. I also don't think she would just lie on frank either.

You can't just assume that michael's family did wrong (which I think ONLY a SELECT FEW did) yet give frank the benefit of the doubt when katherine (whom I believe) said this about frank...and then say "well it's a part of business." um no it isn't and nor does it make it ok.

Also how do we know that these tab stories weren't put out WITHOUT michael's knowledge. I'm sorry but its a screwy way of thinking to put out lies when you already on top of the game. With that said I'm gonna say agree to disagree becuz I simply do not think Frank had michael BEST interest at heart. Sure I could be wrong but that's just my gut. Who knows he may have came to the trial out of guilt, because A LOT of what went on in the 80's when michael was with him GREATLY EFFECTED michael NOW.

Datsymay I am (mostly)with you on this one. I'm gonna get K's book and read it for myself too. Datsymay have you read her book?
those tabloide stories helped and hurt Michael...

There is a reason they put them out there... It's P.R.. Creating an image larger than life.. It is very smart the way they did it.. All covers were simply not thought through all the way..

If Frank knew then what he knew now, he would have done it different and smarter.. Michael too..

Frank saw how the media twisted things over time.. But at the time they were great ideas and PR moves.

Michael was larger then life already. His music and videos had the world captivated with that alone. If you go in the thread moddie777 started about the 80's you will see that michael's talent had the street corners empty ALONE. Peeps wanted a piece of michael, wanted to simply touch michael not because he "slept in some chamber" but because he was the coolest guy in the world from his music.

Those stories were need at all. The man's sunglasses alone was enough to create the larger then life appeal. besides he WAS larger then life anyway. lol