What gets you into a song? (the beat, music, lyrics?)

What do you look for in a song?

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
even though i do appreciate a song as a whole, i find that i concentrate more on the production.

just wondering what you lot look for in a tune...
Not sure if I'm supposed to be able to, but I voted for everything. If I had to absolutely choose only one, I guess I'd say composition, but then again I kinda contradict myself because I've often not gotten into a song until I've just payed attention to the lyrics.

Luther Vandross' songs usually have okay production and are usually composed pretty well, and of course he sings good, but a lot of the songs (especially the Dance With My Father Album) tell stories and draw you in lyrically.

I don't know, that's a hard one.
I voted for composition & vocals.
Because I'm not professional in music I just like the song to be catchy with good vocals and at first I don't really care about the lyrics either.
But what more I listen to a song that more I listen to the lyrics too and they become more important.

But basically for me it just needs a good melody with good vocals, because bad vocals can kill a song that would be great in better vocals! ;)
Composition because it is always about the songs. and then you gotta have the talent and then the Production, but the song itself has to be saying something and it has to have all of the key ingrediants to move you.
I voted for composition and lyrics, though they all matter.

There are songs I like only for the lyrics and that before I listened to carefully, I even hated, lol. And there are songs that aren't much lyrically, but instead have a killer melody.

Usually, the voice matters a lot to me as well, I rarely listen to an artist whose voice I don't appreciate. Yet, it can happen, lol. And besides, there are many artists whose voices I absolutely LOVE (Beyonce, Mariah, Christina Aguilera, Prince), but I never listen to their music simply cause it doesn't say anything to me. (I'm hard to please :lol: )

This is why I appreciate artists who write everything (music, lyrics etc) themselves most - they are capable of combining all these elements and come up with something good (I'm talking about the case where the result is a good song :lol: ) It usually turns me off if I hear that for every different element from a song there was a different composer. It's like instead of listening to a story, I have to distinguish a larger number of stories.
For me it depends on the type of song. If it's a pop song for example i tend to focus more on the medley and the vocals but if it's an Hip Hop song i'll focus more on the lyrics
Nine times out of 10 it's the music. When it makes me move or groove ., it's ON!
Then I concentrate on the lyrics. But sometimes when I hear a hook,
it'll make me pay more attention to the other aspects of the song faster. :)
I voted for production, composition and vocals. If i had to choose one thing it would be the beat and instrumentation. That's why I love Michael's vocals in songs like Workin' Day and Night - it sounds like percussion.
Lyrics are completely meaningless for me, I'm concentrating on music. Vocal is just a pure sound in my perception and I don't care about connotative side of this sound.
This is not easy... I vote for vocal, I can listen MJ or Michael Bubble(they have the best voices for me) the worst songs ever just becouse their are singing, I listening them so deeply, I feel their voices on my heart,

But melody is important to...

M_Angel ;)
I always listen to Lyrics i find songs boring without them although i do like some Instrumentals
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Production, for sure. Without that, the song doesn't have a ground to stand on.
Nine times out of 10 it's the music. When it makes me move or groove ., it's ON!
LOL! SOOO true!!!

This is a good question :yes:
I probably have to say the melody first, cause without a good melody you have nothing.
The production/music is soooo important cause there is so much repetitive crap coming out now, and it just sounds....crappy. I love any good production and i especially love real instruments on a recording.
The lyrics are very important too cause if the music/production/melody is good, then really good lyrics could make me fall in LOVE with a song!!! lol!
Also a voice can change a whole song! My favorite example is MJ's (of course) demo of "love never felt so good" His voice is SO beautiful on that song, and I don't think anyone could sing that song like that, and the piano is amazing, and the tone and warmth of Michael's voice with the piano is amazing!! And then add in the lyrics and i'm in LOOOOOVE !!!:wub:

I really think everyhing has to come together as a whole. That's why I think Michael and Quincy were PERFECT together (lol, of course i love mj on his own too!!!!) I think they took everything into consideration and every aspect of everything was perfect :yes:

well......obviously I can't decide which one to vote for, lol!
loving the personal break-downs.

it's interesting, i thought more would choose lyrics. but as a couple here already said, i too hardly ever concentrate on lyrics for the first few listens.
the composition...if u can sing well and blow my mind then u got me.
Like when i heard Bleeding love...i was just so amaze by the vocals i fell in love with the song/leona lewis.
Then the lyrics and everything fell into play. But def the singing and lyrics. Ive heard nice productions with horrible singin lol def not a good look
I chose composition. Production would have been one too, but if the melody isn't good already, or the hook isn't there....production wont do much else. I am definitely more of a melody person. I looooooove great melodies. Thats probably why i'm such a fan of MJ...LOL!

I think I heard this quote before from a movie called "Music and Lyrics". Cheesy movie, but had some good sections.

"A melody is like seeing someone for the first time. The physical attraction. Sex. But then, as you get to know the person, that's the lyrics. Their story. Who they are underneath. It's the combination of the two that makes it magical."

That's kind of how I feel about a song.
I look for everything when I comes to music..especially the production & composition..if the song doesn't sound good to the ear, I won't listen to it..but if that artist can sing, and the song has great lyrics, then that's a PLUS!!
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Usually it's the beat that gets my attention, if it makes me wanna shake my butt then I sit up and pay attention.

But then it depends on the genre of music you're talking about! The beat makes me want to move...but I am a dancer at heart!

With slower songs I listen more to the melody and lyrics, probably the lyrics first. Some songs are so simple yet so beautiful, like Pink: Glitter in the air, or Prince: Sometimes it snows, or Indeed MJ: Speechless :)
even though i do appreciate a song as a whole, i find that i concentrate more on the production.

just wondering what you lot look for in a tune...

Well, voted lyrics and composition, even tho' I look at the song in a whole, mostly!
If there's a track with really awesome lyrics but the beat and the melodies and stuff aren't too good, then it's really hard for me to like it. If I have a song with really nice melodies and great rhythm but the lyrics are bad, well then I'll probably like it more or find it easier to like it rather than the other way round. Tho' all in all it's gonna be hard as long as not everything in the song is good! :)
Composition...Vocal...Lyric for me..
Michael's music has it all. His music never failed me. I cant stop listening to his tracks..
It's easy to listen to and at the same time, the music enters my soul..
I voted for composition and production....These are definitely the most important for me.
But, of course, that doesn't mean that if the lyrics or vocals suck I like the song.....