What do you want the next album to be titled?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I think HIStory vol.2 would be a great name
I'd say it should be one word, a song title from the album like on Michael's previous albums.

Legacy, Remember, self-titled album.. those would be good too.
Legacy or L.O.V.E.

I don't know. I'm terrible at picking names. lol. But I like those two. :)
I think Legacy would be a great name. L.O.V.E is good too, but Legacy is something that it is really about..
What about
´Legendary: Michael Jackson 1958 - 2009'
' Legacy: Forever & Ever'
' Music Continues'
LMAO! why? HIStory vol.1 is already out there, isn't it best if we make a continuation of the title? :p

There's already a Vol. 2 - HIStory on film. ;)
"Still The King" after the song he did with Will.I.Am :)
also its awesome as Will.I.Am said MJ wrote the song and shows that even in death he is "Still The King" :)
I think it should be a one letter word which is also the name of one of the songs. but otherwise 'Legacy' would be a good choice too. I like that one.
Well... He was bad, dangerous, historical and invincible... now what?

Best one. I think they should use this. Think about it, Michael's career with Epic/Sony just makes sense this way:

He was Off The Wall.
He was a Thriller.
He was Bad.
He was Dangerous.
He made HIStory.
He was Invincible.
He is Eternal.
The album tracklist should be put online and then fans can vote for which song they think should be the title track
I think we have to remember there will be more albums after this one. So if we call this Eternal where are we to go with the next one?
Great idea though!
I hope that the album won't be called L.O.V.E. That's to damn cheesy for an album title in my opinion.
I don't want it to be called Legacy, just in case it turns out to be rubbish. I'm not saying it will be.....I want it to be good :) But knowing Sony, if they release an album full of demos or remixs or something lame, then MJ's 'Legacy' won't be living up to much.

I like Eternal or Swansong or something like that.