What do you think about the invincible album?

Probably if Michael had composed more songs by himself on that album would be a different story. I didn't like he had many people working on it either. I loved Speechless and I liked TLC lyrics, for some reason its music kind of bores me.
I think that if 3 or 4 tracks were removed from Invincible we would have gotten a much better album. I know that Michael liked to give the listener as much as possible but sometimes less is more
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is this a new thread? because i've seen a lot of threads on Invincible, in here, and I've answered so many, i want to make sure i'm not posting for more than one time, in one thread. :D but like any MJ album, it's excellent and the many threads in here belie the media and critics' claims that the album didn't do well with Michael fans.
is this a new thread? because i've seen a lot of threads on Invincible, in here, and I've answered so many, i want to make sure i'm not posting for more than one time, in one thread. :D but like any MJ album, it's excellent and the many threads in here belie the media and critics' claims that the album didn't do well with Michael fans.
"Didn't do well with Michael fans"? That's a straight lie or pure ignorance :smilerolleyes:
If we'd had social media back then, maybe they wouldn't have made such claim cuz individual fans' voice woulda been heard a whole lot more. I can just imagine what it woulda been like, with MJ fans all over the Internet showing mad love for the album.
Invincible is an amazing album! I can totally tell Michael worked so hard on it and it came out brilliantly. It just makes me mad Sony wouldn't support it!!
Invincible could never live up to the hype that preceded it. MJ started working on songs in 1998. Between then and when the album was eventually released, we kept hearing "This is gonna be the best album he's ever made" and "This is music that no one has ever heard before". Then Invincible was released.....

And, frankly, it wasn't the best album he ever made. It wasn't even close. I feel like Michael's music had been evolving all the way up to HIStory. And BOTDF felt like a natural progression. I was so excited to see where he went next. Unfortunately, I feel like Invincible is more of a sideways or even backward step.

For starters, there are too many weak songs. The second half of the album has some instantly forgettable songs. It's the first time I listened to a new MJ album and thought "That's it?". There's no Stranger In Moscow or Morphine or Who Is It. Even the anthems - Cry is like someone doing a bad Michael Jackson impersonation. What happened to the man who gave us Earth Song? Is this weak R. Kelly effort really the best he could come up with?

It begs the question, had Michael lost interest by the time Invincible was eventually released? Why only 2 tracks solely written by MJ, when on his previous album, HIStory, he had written some of the most personal, powerful and poignant lyrics of his career. Invincible is like an outtakes album in places. Yes, the songs are good, but they're not GREAT. And not what we'd come to expect of a Michael Jackson finished product. Even the cover art seems like a lack lustre effort.

Don't get me wrong, there are some wonderful moments on Invincible. And some spine-tingling vocals. Speechless and Whatever Happens are particular favourites of mine. While I think Heartbreaker is sonically ground-breaking with a chorus that instantly grabs you.

And what of the rumour that MJ intentionally left the best songs off Invincible because he knew what was coming with Sony? This, I find hard to believe. Although I cannot fathom how We've Had Enough did not make the album, there are no other Invincible outtakes that I have yet heard that I think would have improved the album. The only other one is Hollywood Tonight but MJ stopped working on it fairly early on, so it was never really considered for the album. In saying all that, all we can do is wait and see on this front. Because if rumours are to be believed, there could be another 20 - 30 finished tracks from the Invincible sessions on top of what has already been released/leaked.

All in all, I feel Invincible is the album that could have been. Obviously all the Sony stuff changed everything and the album would have been FAR more successful had there been singles, videos, awards show performances, even a tour. The world was hungry for Michael Jackson back then. But the opportunity was missed. For reasons beyond, but also reasons within, Michael's control.
I know the "INVINCIBLE" album is SUPERNATUAL AND UBNREAKABLE!!!! :fortuneteller:

Invincible is my lover!!! I'm crazy about this album. I love his voice...is more mature than the past. For me is one of the best albums ever
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I remember listening to the HIStory album around Christmas time in 1995 as a child and being simply amazed. My ears had literally never heard anything like it (Stranger in Moscow was like a sonic revelation).

Then I listened to the Invincible album six years later at the record store during lunch break at school and returning late to class and I was rather disappointed in the very beginning. Somehow I expected more ("You ain't seen nothing yet" still ringing in my ears I guess). I couldn't even say what exactly it was that I was looking for. I must say though that I was very excited that Michael for the very first time used the words "making love" in Break of Dawn as I was when he sang "stop f***ing with me" in Scream, ha ha.

Anyways, the album has grown on me and his vocals are so exquisite on Invincible. In general I felt then and feel now that even if I might not consider it my favorite album that the production and execution are typical of any Michael Jackson production and that is simply supreme. So as a consumer of the product and the music itself I have always felt infinitely grateful to Michael for giving us the very best quality in his work.