What do you think about the invincible album?

The Invincible album is absolutely amazing! Like Michael said, it's different from all his other albums because the year this one came out, he was a father and wanted to take his music to a whole new level that has never been heard before. And he did! All the songs are awesome.
Well, the only Mj albums i've ever bought are Invincible, History (i also bought History In The Mix but i dunno if it counts) and the remastered Bad, Dangerous,Thriller and Off The Wall. Invincible is the only album that really disappointed me. I really liked/like the first single which was released i.e "You Rock My World" because of its cool melody and the Fred Astaire dance move etc.... Unfortunately, when i bought the album and listened to it for the first time, i had to force myself to like it like "let's listen to it again i guess i did not hear all the nuances". I did not have to do that for the other Mj albums i've bought. On this album, there are more songs i like or do not like at all than songs i love. The "Invincible songs" i love are Invincible, YRMW, Threatened and Break Of Dawn.

That being said, Invincible was not promoted the right way e.g Mike wanted to create a phenomenal music video for "Unbreakable" and wanted to release this single instead of YRMW but it did not happen. Promotion also means live performances but i think YRMW is the only song from this album that Mike performed. Had more songs been performed live, i'm sure i (and many other people) would like this album much much much much more. I liked Threatened a lot before seeing the This Is It rehearsals but i like it even more now because of that other "sound dimension" the live stage sound takes you to + the way Mike spontaneously danced to it. The last chorus of Threatened would have been CRAZY in live performances. Lack of music videos and live performances. Too bad. Just my two pesos.
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Invincible is the least Michael Jackson-like album. Probably because he worked with so many co-writers and co-producers on it that at the end that classic MJ-feel somehow went missing. It has its moments, like Unbreakable, Threatened (which is one of my fave MJ songs), Whatever Happens (his voice has so much passion singing it), Speechless (one of the few classic MJ moments on the album - no wonder, he wrote this one alone) or Heartbreaker with its (at the time) progressive dubstep feel, Don't Walk Away too, but overall I think it's the weakest and the least MJ-like MJ album.
Not really a favourite of mine. Couple of tracks are really great though. But overall, nah.
Ok album not my favorite. Good songs are Unbreakable, Break of Dawn, Your Rock My World and Speechles
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I think the main problem about Invincible is the quantity of producers that MJ worked with in this album, like was said on Joseph Vogel's book it was too many cooks in the kitchen to create Invincible, but it's still a great album which has truly masterpieces like: Heaven Can Wait, Speechless, Whatever Happens and Unbreakable. Besides that it even had the lack of promotion which detracted album a lot.

I LOVE, LOVE MJ's Invincible Album.
Below is one of my favorite songs from the album: :wub:


Here's another one of my favorite's from INVINCIBLE:
Whatever Happens

Can you say: "Speechless"


and of course, "Don't Walk Away".

Did someone say uh "Break of Dawn"

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Invincible is the least Michael Jackson-like album. Probably because he worked with so many co-writers and co-producers on it that at the end that classic MJ-feel somehow went missing. It has its moments, like Unbreakable, Threatened (which is one of my fave MJ songs), Whatever Happens (his voice has so much passion singing it), Speechless (one of the few classic MJ moments on the album - no wonder, he wrote this one alone) or Heartbreaker with its (at the time) progressive dubstep feel, Don't Walk Away too, but overall I think it's the weakest and the least MJ-like MJ album.

Pretty much sums up how I feel about it too....I can't really add much more...

Although, I have to admit that with this album, there are sounds to be discovered every time I listen to it....Play it loud, or in a good set of headphones....That's how to enjoy this album....The vocals are outstanding as well....
I liked that Michael wanted to do something different. That's the artist in him. I have to admit I don't listen to this album as much but I do appreciate and like a lot of songs. It's too bad it didn't get the promotion behind it but it still did well considering that. I think it could have been better received but the media were clouding people in their judgment of Michael the person and taking away from the music. I felt at this point people were not giving the music a chance no matter how good or who worked with Michael. After this it just got worse for Michael. But I believe in time this album can get appreciated more.

Oh, but did you see the "Butterflies"?:wub:



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Invincible has moments of genius, but also has a few of my all time least favourite MJ songs. As others, including Joe Vogel, have said - there are too many songwriters and producers.

Songs I really like:

Whatever Happens - this song is genius.
Don't Walk Away
Butterflies - MJ's vocal performance on this song is sublime.
Break Of Dawn

Songs I think are okay:

Heaven Can Wait
The Lost Children

Songs I don't like:

2000 Watts
You Are My Life - probably my least favourite MJ song. Really don't like it.
Privacy - not a good song.
I felt at this point people were not giving the music a chance no matter how good or who worked with Michael.

Yes, that is also true. But IMO that started basically after Thriller or Bad. Maybe that was also the reason why he choose to work with so many "hip" producers/co-writers on Invincible. Because on the previous albums truly great songs have been completely ignored or even trashed by the media, so maybe by the time of Invincible he became a bit insecure.
Well there's been hundreds of threads about the Invincible album. I love it! I would say it's either my 2nd or 3rd favorite album of Michael's :) There's no beating songs like Speechless, Threatened and Whatever Happens.
i love the invincible album, probably my least favorite though.. the thing that really gets me is that it had the potential to be an absolute masterpiece, i mean this could have easily been the greatest album Michael ever released if the tracklist had been something like this:
We've Had Enough
Another Day (ft. Lenny Kravitz)
You Rock My World
What More Can i Give
One More Chance
Whatever Happens
Heaven Can Wait
A great Album and "different" which is good because Michael always pushed the barrier for great music. Yes too many collaborators on this project but that aside his vocals were spectacular. It was Michael's last solo album (besides Michael) so I'd want to remember this masterpiece as a great work of art. Invincible, just like his other later albums (History, Blood on the dance floor) were severely underrated unfortunately.
Michael does something different with all his albums. HIStory sounds nothing like Dangerous, Dangerous sound nothing like Bad, Bad sounds nothing like Thriller and Thriller sounds nothing like Off The Wall. All those albums were different but they still had that classic Michael Jackson sound to them. Invincible (For the most part) was really missing that classic Michael Jackson sound

I just don't get it when people say that Michael was trying something different with Invincible when he did that with all his albums. It's not like every album sounded like Off The Wall up until Invincible was released
Invincible is very underrated. My personal favourite tracks are Unbreakable, You Rock My World, Heaven Can Wait and the awesome Threatened, which would have been a massive hit if MJ promoted the album as he would have liked to.
I admit it's not of my favorite album but reading articles or hearing it was Michael's biggest commercial album failure ever is absolutely outragious. In The first decade of the 21st century music started to be a shallow meaningless crap and certainly Invincible is not such things.
I love this album and always felt it was very under-rated. There are some stunningly beautiful songs on it.
- Unbreakable should have been single #1 with a crazy inventive video! Not to mention, he should've been performing and promoting this song on every awards show at the time.

- Heartbreaker, I felt, had the same kind of fast paced dance rhythm of WBSS and would have made a great second song during the Invincible Tour (had there been one).

- Invincible is a song that I'm not crazy about to be honest. It starts with a sound where it seems like it's going to be big and loud, and it's just a repetitive beat throughout. Although, MJ's vocals are the best part of this song. Btw, did we really need Fats to rap in this or Heartbreaker??

- Break of Dawn is an awesome track that should've made it onto radio. I will admit though that the "go to the park and play" line kind of made me cringe occasionally.

- Heaven Can Wait I believe actually did crack the Billboard Hot 100 Singles charts at number 100 or 99. People can't deny when a great song is a great song. Love this song.

- You Rock My World is an MJ song that should have had a much better video. Honestly, this video is just no good in my opinion. Also the intro with Chris Tucker on the song doesn't add anything to the song at all. Love the song, hate the video.

- Butterflies is also amazing in every way. Such a great groove and some of MJ's absolute best vocals. Definitely should've had a video. Even if it was just him at a piano or standing alone at a mic stand, I feel like it would've been just enough to give Mike his last #1 hit. The song made it to #14 on the BB Hot 100 chart strictly on AirPlay alone!

- Speechless isn't my favorite MJ song, but it's not horrible. Just a little cheesy for my tastes, but I still love that it was written and produced by MJ alone!

- 2000 Watts I don't like. Cool beat and use of sounds, but like what's the point of this song?

- You Are My Life, ugh.... gag me

- Privacy, again, ugh...

- Don't Walk Away kind of grew on me, but still not a fav of mine. A cheesy for me also.

- Cry is a song I like. I don't love it, but it's not a bad song at all. My only issue with this song is that it's too similar to Man In The Mirror in some parts. I remember hearing it for the first on the radio a week after 9/11.

- The Lost Children.... I absolutely hate this song. The worst song he ever released in my opinion. Why, after everything, did he release a song with this title? Sounds to me like it belongs on a bad Christmas album.

- Whatever Happens is one of the BEST songs MJ ever released! This should've been all over the radio and MTV in 2001. This is proof that songs can sound awesome and have substance!

- Threatened would've made the best short film ever! Just the amount of work and patience it would have taken to get the Rod Serling part right is mind boggling. Loved it in This Is It!!!
Underatted unfairly so many great tracks on there

You Rock My World
Break Of Dawn
2000 Watts

I personally think that Xcape should have been on it
- The Lost Children.... I absolutely hate this song. The worst song he ever released in my opinion. Why, after everything, did he release a song with this title? Sounds to me like it belongs on a bad Christmas album.
I always thought that it was a song he could sing to his own children. Like the good father he was, is like he was teaching them to pray. So I don't see it "corny" or "cheesy" having that image in my head.

About the title, I see nothing wrong with it. After all, MJ never stop caring for the children and working for them in spite of what the media or misinformed people thought of him.
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For me The Lost Children is the most heartfelt song on Invincible along with Speechless. Probably because those were the only two songs that Michael wrote and composed completely by himself on that album.
- Whatever Happens is one of the BEST songs MJ ever released! This should've been all over the radio and MTV in 2001. This is proof that songs can sound awesome and have substance! --crazyvegasmj

I agree--it's a beautiful song and so well performed by Michael and Carlos Santana. Joe Vogel said it was going to be performed at the Grammy's but then all promotion for Invincible got cancelled due to the whole contract dispute with SONY and Mottola. Such a freakin' shame!!

Songs I also love on Invincible--Don't Walk Away, You Rock My World, Break of Dawn, Heartbreaker, Heaven Can Wait, Speechless