What do you consider 'HOT' in music?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
we've just witnessed a bet juvenile personality say that MJ is not hot. and that Akon is. so...what is your definition of 'hot'? if you were running the charts, what would be your criteria? what would you decide is number 1?

after all..are we not the ones who buy the music? are there 2 definitions of popularity? Michael's version...and..Akon's version?

to me...what is hot is what i actually buy at the moment..no matter what i SAID i would buy.

we have no way of truly knowing how hot Akon is, do we? is it determined by radio? is that more legitimate than the report that Thriller is once again number 1..only..this time, it's on a different kind of chart?

or..is perception, reality. someone on tv says that an artist is hot..so..we take their word for it, despite the sales of Thriller.

is a song hot, only if it's a song released in 2008?
is thriller not really hot, because it's from 1982?

yeah..lol..a lot of questions...but, the gist of this thread, is my interest in what people think should be a determining factor on what is HOT and what is NOT.

as far as i am concerned, it's not hot unless you buy it. and we bought thriller..again.

Akon may be downloaded a lot..or..not...maybe someone is just saying it's downloaded a lot..and we have to take their word for it. but it is ironclad that t25 was bought yet again, over and over.

are there too many variables to truly determine what is hot?

perhaps that cancels everyting out..and..in the end...the only real hot stuff is what we think is hot in our own hearts. right?
we've just witnessed a bet juvenile personality say that MJ is not hot. and that Akon is. so...what is your definition of 'hot'? if you were running the charts, what would be your criteria? what would you decide is number 1?

after all..are we not the ones who buy the music? are there 2 definitions of popularity? Michael's version...and..Akon's version?

to me...what is hot is what i actually buy at the moment..no matter what i SAID i would buy.

we have no way of truly knowing how hot Akon is, do we? is it determined by radio? is that more legitimate than the report that Thriller is once again number 1..only..this time, it's on a different kind of chart?

or..is perception, reality. someone on tv says that an artist is hot..so..we take their word for it, despite the sales of Thriller.

is a song hot, only if it's a song released in 2008?
is thriller not really hot, because it's from 1982?

yeah..lol..a lot of questions...but, the gist of this thread, is my interest in what people think should be a determining factor on what is HOT and what is NOT.

as far as i am concerned, it's not hot unless you buy it. and we bought thriller..again.

Akon may be downloaded a lot..or..not...maybe someone is just saying it's downloaded a lot..and we have to take their word for it. but it is ironclad that t25 was bought yet again, over and over.

are there too many variables to truly determine what is hot?

perhaps that cancels everyting out..and..in the end...the only real hot stuff is what we think is hot in our own hearts. right?

Well to me every generation has what they consider to be a Hot artist. To those who are from a different generation from Michael's would not think Michael is hot. I'm talking about some of the people who parents were big fans of Michael Jackson. The younger kids like Chris Brown, Neyo and Usher who all copy from Michael. Just like the generation before Michael had Jackie Wilson and James Brown and they viewed Michael as copying his style from them. What Michael has is longevity and that is much more important then being hot. James Brown had longevity. I might add in a technical sense and by todays standards, Michael is not hot anymore, but that doesn't mean that he is not making an impact through out the world of music and Akron, Usher, Chris Brown and others are an example of Michael's longevity.
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i kinda get what you are saying...

so..but..if a mother and a daughter decide to buy an MJ record
and only the daughter buys a Chris Brown record..and they both love MJ to death...should the daughter consider MJ to be of longevity, and Chris Brown to be hot? but the daughter should not consider MJ to be hot? lol..jus curious on your take on that..
i kinda get what you are saying...

so..but..if a mother and a daughter decide to buy an MJ record
and only the daughter buys a Chris Brown record..and they both love MJ to death...should the daughter consider MJ to be of longevity, and Chris Brown to be hot? but the daughter should not consider MJ to be hot? lol..jus curious on your take on that..

Yes Michael would be of Longevity, but Chris Brown would be Hot to her. As she learns more about Michael and his contributions, then he would be HOT!. That's how I would see it. It's the samething with fans who are in their teens loving Michael Jackson. Most of those fans got their love of Michael from their parents and they think he is hot.
MJ is not hot right now.

He's still a star. He's still a big name in music. He's still respected. He has the potential to be hot again.

"Hot" just means current. MJ can and probably will be current again, but when you haven't had an original studio album in seven years, it's natural that people who are releasing the albums and getting radio play will be "Hot".

When MJ releases a single, an album, does some appearances and hopefully a tour, he will be the current, "hot" thing.
MJ is not hot right now.

He's still a star. He's still a big name in music. He's still respected. He has the potential to be hot again.

"Hot" just means current. MJ can and probably will be current again, but when you haven't had an original studio album in seven years, it's natural that people who are releasing the albums and getting radio play will be "Hot".

When MJ releases a single, an album, does some appearances and hopefully a tour, he will be the current, "hot" thing.

so..radio is ur determining factor?
MJ is not hot right now.

He's still a star. He's still a big name in music. He's still respected. He has the potential to be hot again.

"Hot" just means current. MJ can and probably will be current again, but when you haven't had an original studio album in seven years, it's natural that people who are releasing the albums and getting radio play will be "Hot".

When MJ releases a single, an album, does some appearances and hopefully a tour, he will be the current, "hot" thing.
Yep!! You said it. That is so very true.
In a way, I think it's the only factor. To the hardcore fan it may not be. But you know the old saying. "OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND".

so u are considering MJ to be out of sight, tho ryan seacrest can't stop talking about him? tho the press is always on his back..tho..right now..teenagers are still chasing him?
MJ is not hot right now.

He's still a star. He's still a big name in music. He's still respected. He has the potential to be hot again.

"Hot" just means current. MJ can and probably will be current again, but when you haven't had an original studio album in seven years, it's natural that people who are releasing the albums and getting radio play will be "Hot".

When MJ releases a single, an album, does some appearances and hopefully a tour, he will be the current, "hot" thing.

if beyonce is on the radio but is low in sales..is she hot?
so u are considering MJ to be out of sight, tho ryan seacrest can't stop talking about him? tho the press is always on his back..tho..right now..teenagers are still chasing him?
I think what you are talking about is pop culture and part of pop culture is how new people learn about Michael and his music . That doesn't mean that he is hot. That doesn't mean that it's bad either.
"What do you consider "HOT" in music?

Difference. Creativity. NOT so hot in mainstream, but 'flow' stream, if ya feel me.
if beyonce is on the radio but is low in sales..is she hot?

Compare to Rhihanna who is also on the Radio with high sales??? No! But that doesn't mean that it's bad for Beyonce. I prefer Beyonce over Rhianna any day. To me, Beyonce is hot with her music. I think Rhianna is a copy cat... So Beyonce is Hot to me.
I think what you are talking about is pop culture and part of pop culture is how new people learn about Michael and his music . That doesn't mean that he is hot. That doesn't mean that it's bad either.

the 'not bad' part..i concur
Compare to Rhihanna who is also on the Radio with high sales??? No! But that doesn't mean that it's bad for Beyonce. I prefer Beyonce over Rhianna any day. To me, Beyonce is hot with her music. I think Rhianna is a copy cat... So Beyonce is Hot to me.

that is what i'm getting at. Beyonce is hot to YOU. not to some unknown invisible electronic entity.
Ok let's put it this way. Everytime Michael or Madonna does something the press, comedians and everyone reports on it. That means that they are still relevent to our culture and to the music industry so yes that are hot in that way.

yeah. i like that.
ambiguous terms like that generally refer to current, relative/comparative mainstream 'success' - and that can be broken down into several, obvious, factors.

seeing the state the business is in, i'd generally stick to more specific and direct terms like,,, "creative", when talking about what i personally currently consider "hot" or "fresh" or "ill" or "raw" or whatever lol.
I don't understand what you mean.

i mean that YOU are the consumer. Beyonce is hot to an actual human being. not because an invisible voice on the radio says so.

if she's hot to a human being..then, she is truly hot. now, just mulitply that by many human beings. that's my definition of hot.
i mean that YOU are the consumer. Beyonce is hot to an actual human being. not because an invisible voice on the radio says so.

if she's hot to a human being..then, she is truly hot. now, just mulitply that by many human beings. that's my definition of hot.
Yes!!! Hot music is in the EARS OF THE BEHOLDER.:yes:
i mean that YOU are the consumer. Beyonce is hot to an actual human being. not because an invisible voice on the radio says so..
Yes!!! Hot music is in the EARS OF THE BEHOLDER.:yes:
to many, marketing (including radio publicity/promotion) determines people's tastes and/or their peers'. we are still largely a superficial society.
ambiguous terms like that generally refer to current, relative/comparative mainstream 'success' - and that can be broken down into several, obvious, factors.

seeing the state the business is in, i'd generally stick to more specific and direct terms like,,, "creative", when talking about what i personally currently consider "hot" or "fresh" or "ill" or "raw" or whatever lol.

Yep that's true, because what I may think is creativity or hot, fresh, ill or raw another person may not.:)
to many, marketing (including radio publicity/promotion) determines people's tastes and/or their peers'. we are still largely a superficial society.

I agree with you on that because some people didn't want to support Michael when his Invincible album came out because it wasn't the cool thing to do by some of the Michael haters so some people jumped on the band wagon of the anti Michael critics. thats how I see it.
"Hot" just simply means whats current or whats popular. That has nothing to do with creativity OR exactly having talent. Most of the artists today may be "Hot" but have no real creative talent in them whatsoever. Thats why popularity and hype doesn't mean anything because it dies fast.
"Hot" just simply means whats current or whats popular. That has nothing to do with creativity OR exactly having talent. Most of the artists today may be "Hot" but have no real creative talent in them whatsoever. Thats why popularity and hype doesn't mean anything because it dies fast.
But remember, there was a time when people felt the same way about Michael Jackson and Madonna earlier in their sole careers. But what made them HOT from a longevity standpoint was their individual contributions to the entertaiment industry. I mean for example, how music videos are made and produced and marketed, Michael Jackson set the standard. How artist use dancers in their production and concert tours, Michael Jackson set the standard. Madonna set the standard as far as women in music having a lot of control over their careers. So those two will always be HOT!!!
But remember, there was a time when people felt the same way about Michael Jackson and Madonna earlier in their sole careers. But what made them HOT from a longevity standpoint was their individual contributions to the entertaiment industry. I mean for example, how music videos are made and produced and marketed, Michael Jackson set the standard. How artist use dancers in their production and concert tours, Michael Jackson set the standard. Madonna set the standard as far as women in music having a lot of control over their careers. So those two will always be HOT!!!

All I'm simply saying is just because your considered "hot" at the moment doesn't mean you are talented or innovative. MJ was hot because he was popular and AT THE SAME TIME he was innovative, creative and talented. Madonna and the rest of todays mainstream are not innovative and have made no contributions to music. That doesnt mean there not "hot" or popular though. Michael Jackson will always be hot because he is a legend which is different from hype.