What did you hate the most about LWMJ?

I agree. LWMJ was the beginning of the end.

I also agree with this, which is why I cant watch it but i do want to watch it because MJ was super sweet and funny and just.. himself. I hated Bashir's narration when he would turn a perfectly inocent/generous/cute/pure situation or comment into something nasty. Its like, when i first watched the interview i would love seeing the footage of MJ, then Bashir would do his commentary afterwards and i would be like WTF?! Totally twisting EVERYTHING.

I hate how pushy he was with questions Michael was obviously very uncomfortable answering, I understand that it's an interviewers job but theres still a line and he was constantly crossing it. I didnt like watching MJ put under so much pressure with unnecessary questions about sex etc, it was just like BACK OFF!!
the time it occurred, wasnt a great time in his life, could have been so different given those circumstances. Bashir tried to ruin him!