What did you do today?

working :yawn: and were at the football training with a loooooot of running around and across the place.:swoon:
First I organized one of my book cases in my bedroom...
Went with mum to get a NEW Winter jacket with hood... Nice and warm now :D
Then went to work at the book store :cheeky:
Decorated my office with 'meditation' piccies :angel:

Checked FB and NOW chilling with MJJC radio here :chillin:
I wrote about 6 chapters of my current MJJC Blog story 'The LOST BOY' and 'published' them on MJJC Blog :heart:
Went to dinner to my folks ;)
Watched TV with my dad :D drinking tea and nibbling on 'Dino' cookies ;) We usually watch either the Science Channel or Animal Planet...
NOW, I'm :chillin: here...
Get charged with Michael's music :heart:
Translational session of my book project ;)
take a bath and Make lunch
Watch an episode from Buffy, the Vampire Slayer :punk:

Go to work at the book store :wub:

POP in front of the computer with FB and MJJC fun while MJJC radio is playing :chillin:

Just a FUN filled Monday :cheeky:
^^^ WOW :bow:

I did my laundry today and so could work on 'storyboards' for my books...
I :wub: hanging up laundry, gives me the chance to 'talk' to my muse about the current Book Project I'm doing...

Of course, spending time here and chilling with MJJC radio :heart:
^^^ Awww :better:
I spend the morning on MJJC :punk:

The afternoon, I plunged into a 'project' FIT for here :cheeky:

Watched some TV... Science, HIStory :D

NOW, I'm BACK chilling here :chillin:

Slept late and played board games with my family.
I did some Admin and budget stuff :bored:

Some cleaning :sigh:

then I popped in here and listened to MJJC radio.

Then I 'updated' MJJC Blog :wub:

NOW, it's time :punk:
I went to work and had all day doing financial stuff there as it's end of the year and we had to prepare some financial reports also close many projects and having calls with our clients from US as well as with team leads...:sigh:
I slept long :busted:

listened to MJJC radio :chillin:

Creating stuff for my door and mailbox

Created the cover for my 'inspire' book...

Took piccies :tease:
College and went shopping with a few friends. and got me some more MJ stuff:shifty: