What are you doing this very second?

Sitting here wondering why my one older cousin is in today's newspaper. It might have something to do with Hurricane Katrina. Seeing how he and his fiancee had lived near New Orleans. And I wish I knew what it was about. But my mother's fiance won't go down and get the newspaper. And she can't do it because she has to go get ready for work.
Sitting here happy at the fact that my mother's fiance did finally go and get a paper. I was right it was going to be about Hurrincane Katrina. And according that story about him he and his wife (I thought fiancee) had lost everything. I feel so bad for those people down there. :(
Originally posted by MJzAngel@Sep 2 2005, 03:57 PM
Talking to too many people. :lol:

Don't I know it :no:

Big bully.
I'm feeling a bit frustrated... See, I'm working on a present to all the MJJF members, but nothing is working as I'd hoped... :(
Originally posted by MJzAngel@Sep 2 2005, 04:20 PM
:pth:  :pth:  :pth:  :innocent:

Thank you for proving my point. I'm telling teacher. :cry: big bully.
Originally posted by Em-Jay@Sep 2 2005, 08:26 PM
Thank you for proving my point.  I'm telling teacher. :cry: big bully.
:lol: :upside_down:
Originally posted by MichealsAngel@Sep 2 2005, 04:40 PM
talkin to an Angel called rosh and a softie called Em-jay

Softy? me? :innocent: :blush:
Wondering why the best friend I thought I had never talks to me on the phone, but instead talks to everyone but me....
listening to botdf cd, i really like the songs ghost and is it scary.

Georgie xxx :D