What are you doing this very second?

Thinking about getting some breakfast and all the work I need to do today.
Listening to Coast 96.03 & wondering why my cat is practically sleeping in her food bowl!?!
I'm sitting here watching Ellen on tv and wondering why guys CAN be so stupid. Especially this one.....Man I can't wait until I have an amazing man and then he comes back from Japan and sees that I don't need him....'cause I don't! And and and.....he just makes me wanna SCREAM
cleaning my refrigerator, doing an honest attempt at getting my place tidy and in order- and looking forward to going to see a movie with a friend tonight ( my reward for being sutch a good girl.... :D )
Working at home on some school work that shall be delivered on friday- and its unbearingly boring, so I have diecided to get all of it done today- leave the rest of the week to subjects I like more............Guess I am going to sit here in front of the comp. the rest of the day......sigh....