What about a reality TV for Michael

I'm leaning towards a "no" to any kind of reality show involving Michael. I don't trust shows like Big Brother - they can be heavily edited and I can see that kind of show (or a documentary) being edited to make MJ out to be crazy. We've seen how this kind of thing can work. Michael being involved in some kind of music/dance reality show sounds better, but then ultimately I think he should just get back to his music. He is best at expressing himself through music and dance and people should get to know him through that. It provides for far fewer misunderstandings, media manipulation and it's safer for Michael. That's why people forget all about the MJ controversies as soon as he starts dancing or singing.
What about a short simple interview where he shows his funny side or his being normal and doesn't take things too serious??
doesn't take much to show someone's humanity... reality show are simply crap tvprograms...nothing usefull or interesting.
I can't picture Mike ever doing any kind of reality show. First of all it's not reality. The producers stage it all (ex: Survivor, Real World, Bachelor, etc), so it's all a load of crap anyway. And they would likely want him to act like he was on stage every time the camera panned to him because that would make the ratings jump (Think "OMG Michael Jackson's on TV grabbing his crotch, you gotta see this! Can they put this on TV?!) Mike is too cool for a genre (if you can call it that, personally I call it an infestation of crap) that has long overstayed it's welcome.

As far as him doing PR to coincide with a potential album release... He'll come up with something that is uniquely him, as he has done before :)
Big brother wouldn't not be good for him. Even though he'd get many votes because he's so nice, others in the BB house would try real heard to fuck with him and disrespect him, and he don't deserve that.

I'd like him to do American Idol, but I know he's not going to want to say anything negative to the contestants when they suck. It would still be great to see him, though.
I agree that Michael going on Celebrity Big Brother would not be a good idea. The others would be insulting him non-stop from the minute he got in the house. They'd be joking about his appearance and all the other garbage they hear about him. Just disrespectful. And they would be doing that because they want haters to vote for them. I think Michael should stay away from that show. It wouldn't be a healthy enviornment for him.
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lol, I think ya'll are crazy if you think anyone would have the guts to say shit to Michael's face, lol. He's Michael Jackson. They'd be tripping all over themselves just to talk to him. And once people get to know Michael, they always, always end up liking him, a lot. Nobody would say crap and further more, I don't think they would even talk behind his back. Michael's got charm up the wazoo and he's as nice as they come. That doesn't mean I think he should go on a show like "CBB". But its not because I think the other housemates would harrass him. It's because he's way too big of a star to do anything like that, he doesn't need it to sell himself, and the media would rag on him for doing it.
Reality tv would be a terrible idea for Michael. Almost anytime he does an interview or makes a tv appearence, something controversial is said or done and I just don't see it turning out well . Besides, Michael is too big of a star to do reality tv. It's not for him. If anything, I wouldn't mind seeing like a two or three part special on him working on his upcoming album (whenever that's coming out) because I think that would be cool to see how how he works in the studio and all that, but for him to do an actual reality show, no that would not be good for him or his career. Michael is too much of a private person to ever do that anyway. He likes the mystery that surrounds him I believe and doing so would take some of that mystery away. Nope, don't see this ever happening.