Were you in Santa Maria?

Me too, I was there. for 90 days plus 10 days.

It really doesn't feel like it was three years ago... at the same time, it seems a lifetime ago. Funny to see a thread like this re-emerge... I suppose I'm not the only one who still feels the need to revisit those horrible times sometimes.
it was the worst of times and yet the best of times, it brought us all closer cos only the fans could understand what we were going though and yet dreams came true, we made it to Neverland, some where we had all dreamed about but never thought we would ever get to see
No I wasn't and I really wish I went, I feel bad for not going! But I guess since I am in London, I was 16 and I didn't know anyone who would go, and I had exams... I had reasons not to go. But I still feel bad, I really would have felt good to be there. To be apart of the love for Michael. But thats why I made it my goal to see him at the world music awards. Not to just see Michael but to 'welcome' him back to the western world with his first major public appearance. I wanted to be apart of that hype and just love for Michael.
No I wasn't and I really wish I went, I feel bad for not going! But I guess since I am in London, I was 16 and I didn't know anyone who would go, and I had exams... I had reasons not to go. But I still feel bad, I really would have felt good to be there. To be apart of the love for Michael. But thats why I made it my goal to see him at the world music awards. Not to just see Michael but to 'welcome' him back to the western world with his first major public appearance. I wanted to be apart of that hype and just love for Michael.

Awww... no need to come up with reasons why you couldn't go. You just couldn't. You were at home, and I am sure you did your best in supporting Michael online and offline in the UK. And you know what, fans like you were needed in the battle as well. Not just the ones that flew over there.

For me, I was just lucky to have started a full-time job with which I was lucky enough to quickly save some money to go to the trial. 9 days was all I could afford at that time. Had I not had the job, I wouldn't have been at the trial either.-_-

Everything the fans were doing from their homes was felt in SM, though. We went online everyday to check our mail, the boards, and getty images to see if we were on any pics :)lol:). It was like we were all working together for one purpose.

Oooohh, before I forget: SHOUT OUT to ALL the lovely people who were outside the courthouse giving others their lottery tickets so they could have a chance to see Michael up close, inside the courthouse. I saw it happen many times, and I just want to say I admire the people who did it because they knew they were helping make someone's dream come true. :flowers:
:cry: I couldn't go...I was 19 and a freshman in college, school was kicking my butt, so I had to stay home but I so wanted to go. Plus, it would have taken a good $1000 just to fly over there so even if I wouldn't have been in school I still couldn't have made it.
Like Catherine said though, even though I know I had good reasons NOT to go, I still feel like a second rate fan everytime the subject comes up. :(
I was there a few times, during the first arraignment, while after, and then for about a week during closing arguments & jury deliberation... :(
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Oooohh, before I forget: SHOUT OUT to ALL the lovely people who were outside the courthouse giving others their lottery tickets so they could have a chance to see Michael up close, inside the courthouse. I saw it happen many times, and I just want to say I admire the people who did it because they knew they were helping make someone's dream come true. :flowers:

Now that was awesome! :punk:
We sat in the courtroom together once. You were lovely.:D

Dutchie, I know you always tell me that story!! It's so cute.

Hi Arus Honey,
I remember we've also met a few other times:p:punk:
How have you been?
I wish I could be there more that time, but it was very expensive to make that trip from Israel, though if I had the chance I would have stayed there or driven there more often.

I also wanted to be there for the verdict, but I didnt make it. Nevermind... it was emotional enough on Tv:wacko:.
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AW: Were you in Santa Maria?

Wow, another one of these threads... comes up every couple of weeks, huh!? Yeah, I was there for the first arraingment, 11 days in August/September 2004, 17 days in March 2005 and 11 days for closing argument and verdict!

Yeah, like some one said, it was the worst of times and also the best of times! It was great to be able to be there for him... to show support for him in public and in person! Also the fans never before (and also never after) have been that close than during that time!
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Re: AW: Were you in Santa Maria?

Wow, another one of these threads... comes up every couple of weeks, huh!? Yeah, I was there for the first arraingment, 11 days in August/September 2004, 17 days in March 2005 and 11 days for closing argument and verdict!

Yeah, like some one said, it was the worst of times and also the best of times! It was great to be able to be there for him... to show support for him in public and in person! Also the fans never before (and also never after) have been that close than during that time!
Thank you all for being there. It was a moment in history that was never seen before and I doubt ever will again. In years to come it will be spoken about in folklores. I felt I was there with you all in spirit.:)
my wife went twice.. I never had the chance to go..

MJ saw my wifes sign and said 'ew pretty'.. Then Nancy took it and MJ kept it.

MJ looking at the sign..

U can see him look at it at the arraignment before he goes on the car.. If you watch back on tape.

HAHA he is so cute there. :wub:
I wish I could of gone to support MJ but I was only 12 at the time. :(
Awww... no need to come up with reasons why you couldn't go. You just couldn't. You were at home, and I am sure you did your best in supporting Michael online and offline in the UK. And you know what, fans like you were needed in the battle as well. Not just the ones that flew over there.

For me, I was just lucky to have started a full-time job with which I was lucky enough to quickly save some money to go to the trial. 9 days was all I could afford at that time. Had I not had the job, I wouldn't have been at the trial either.-_-

Everything the fans were doing from their homes was felt in SM, though. We went online everyday to check our mail, the boards, and getty images to see if we were on any pics :)lol:). It was like we were all working together for one purpose.

Oooohh, before I forget: SHOUT OUT to ALL the lovely people who were outside the courthouse giving others their lottery tickets so they could have a chance to see Michael up close, inside the courthouse. I saw it happen many times, and I just want to say I admire the people who did it because they knew they were helping make someone's dream come true. :flowers:
:lol: Thanks.
I think it would have been an experience just to be there to support. But never mind! 9 days is great.^_^
It would have been cool, coming together, meeting loads of fans with the same love for Michael, I know hardly any in real life:unsure:, only the internet.:lol:
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:lol: Thanks.
I think it would have been an experience just to be there to support. But never mind! 9 days is great.^_^
It would have been cool, coming together, meeting loads of fans with the same love for Michael, I know hardly any in real life:unsure:, only the internet.:lol:

You don't know any in real life? You're in LONDON! :lol: Even *I* know loads of fans in London!!! :lol:
You all have so beautiful stories.
I was 15 and wasn't allowed :(
He was in my prayers for over a year though:)
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i love these stories wish i could hav met you all
is there a way to make a special thread with pix and videos made by members those who where there in santa maria at the time
i m sure it would be a smashing collection i for one would love to see :lol:
yes, during the 1st arraignment in January 2004, during the preliminary hearings, when Sneddon testified (I got selected to go inside), and during jury deliberations. Unfortunately, me and my friends had to go back that Saturday, so we missed Verdict Day. I really wanted to be there with everyone and celebrate. It was a trying time for everyone.
I was there too in April of 2005. I wanted to go just to see what it was like out there and to support Michael of course. I travelled out there on my own took 10 hours on the plane but my flight was delayed by a day so I missed the fan party :( . I got to go into the court on 4 occasions and I seen Michael up close and I even got a wave from him. I was standing on the pavement near the traffic lights as he left for court and he seen me with my Irish flag and waved at me. I went to Neverland on the same day and got there before he did :D so i could see him going in. He had his window down I got to see him again then too but I didnt run after the SWV when the others did. I just stood back then as it was a bit scary for me. I was outside Neverland for many hours that day. The next day I was due to leave for home. I didnt want to as I wanted to be there for longer. I had some exams on then so unfortunately I had to leave. I did book a flight for SM when I returned not knowing then when it would end but it ended a week before I was due to fly but I cancelled them lucky enough I got my money back too.
Yes I was there with my friend for two weeks in April.
I was lucky enough to get into court 5 times and Michael walked past me so close I could have reached out and touched him. How I stopped myself I'll never know, but I didn't want to be thrown out of court.
I was both a magical and extreemly sad time for me. I also felt so angry because Michael should never have been there at all, he looked so sad and tired and yet his light/aura was still burning strong.
I was there on April 25 and I met a lady named Janey (was it you?) and she was with another girl who I sat next to in the courtroom.
And I was there on Mar. 14 too.:)

yes me was thurrrrr and im still recovering.
Hi Katie. It's me Trina. Don't know if you remember me. I met you at Neverland a few times. I was hangin' out with Carol and Sharon.
I see your baby is coming very soon, that's so exciting. Well, best wishes!:D
i remember carol...hard not to and i still talk w/ sharon....hmmmm.....describe urself! lol

the ranch has a healing property that makes u forget things...either that or the damn plants messed w/ my allergies cuz the longer time goes by, the less i remember about that damn place
Wow all you guys who went over there! I can only imagine the energy there. I couldn't be there because of college and all, but I spent every free minute on MJJF at the time :p
my dad went! he held my signs i made lol. haha altho i couldnt be there, i wore mj shirts 2 skool, 2 the malls, everywhere lol. had on my mj hats. made sure my ringtones wud play when it was really quiet lol. Bumped my ipod loud, blasted the cds and concerts, (which i still do lol)

i remeber after the verdict was read...omg i opened my front door and ran outside screaming like a maniac..tears of joy flowin down my face....haha then i opened all the windows n the house and my room plugged up 4 boomin speakers, plus the cd player volume and PLAYED DS over and over again lol
i remember carol...hard not to and i still talk w/ sharon....hmmmm.....describe urself! lol

the ranch has a healing property that makes u forget things...either that or the damn plants messed w/ my allergies cuz the longer time goes by, the less i remember about that damn place
i'm short, brown hair, it was shoulder length. i think we met twice. once was on mike's birthday after the vegas party.

my dad went! he held my signs i made lol. haha altho i couldnt be there, i wore mj shirts 2 skool, 2 the malls, everywhere lol. had on my mj hats. made sure my ringtones wud play when it was really quiet lol. Bumped my ipod loud, blasted the cds and concerts, (which i still do lol)

i remeber after the verdict was read...omg i opened my front door and ran outside screaming like a maniac..tears of joy flowin down my face....haha then i opened all the windows n the house and my room plugged up 4 boomin speakers, plus the cd player volume and PLAYED DS over and over again lol
:lol::lol:that's cool.
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i realy wish i could have been too but i was in hospital having my daughter at that time but i did follow , support as much as i could :yes:.
my dad went! he held my signs i made lol. haha altho i couldnt be there, i wore mj shirts 2 skool, 2 the malls, everywhere lol. had on my mj hats. made sure my ringtones wud play when it was really quiet lol. Bumped my ipod loud, blasted the cds and concerts, (which i still do lol)

i remeber after the verdict was read...omg i opened my front door and ran outside screaming like a maniac..tears of joy flowin down my face....haha then i opened all the windows n the house and my room plugged up 4 boomin speakers, plus the cd player volume and PLAYED DS over and over again lol

That's so cool!