Were you in Santa Maria?


Hey you guys,

I am wondering which ones of you were actually in Santa Maria during the trial. Please post if you were there, and during which period. :)

Were you in Santa Maria? Yes
When were you there? May 15 -25, 2005

I was with my friend at the time, Bertine aka Johnny Depp on the boards.

yes i was there on two of those days, trying to aim for the verdict day. i missed, but i was glad to see him live.
^^what a lucky little monkey!!!!!!!
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^^what a lucky little monkey!!!!!!!

hoo hoo ha ha!, baby! lol

and nooo..i'm not offended. strangely, everytime i feel connected to Michael, whatever comment is directed at me, feels strangely complimentary. lol
I went to visit a friend there, we went to the court house on a day that Michael didn't have to be there. It was quite an experience to see everything in action. The reporters with their spinning minds seeing what they want to see. The fans showing support in every which way. The spectators overlooking it all like a circus show. It was really wonderful to spend time in the company of other fans to see what everyone is like and experience the passion they have for him.
Yes I was there with my friend for two weeks in April.
I was lucky enough to get into court 5 times and Michael walked past me so close I could have reached out and touched him. How I stopped myself I'll never know, but I didn't want to be thrown out of court.
I was both a magical and extreemly sad time for me. I also felt so angry because Michael should never have been there at all, he looked so sad and tired and yet his light/aura was still burning strong.
yes I was in Santa Maria from 30 march to 5 april 2005. I was in the court on friday April 1 and went to Neverland nearly everyday during my stay. While in Santa Marie I took part in The Many Nations, One Voice rally at the court, fan party and candlelight meetup outside Neverland. I was also lucky enough to be there for the Roses For Michael project and was privilaged to be amoung the fans Michael invited into Neverland that day, Monday 4 April 2005
double post...........
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my wife went twice.. I never had the chance to go..

MJ saw my wifes sign and said 'ew pretty'.. Then Nancy took it and MJ kept it.

MJ looking at the sign..

U can see him look at it at the arraignment before he goes on the car.. If you watch back on tape.
Ahhh cool Kopv!!!! :)

@Moonstreet.....I just love that. You told me about this in London when I was there. I love stories like yours :yes:
thanks, at the time it just felt the right thing to do. I went to Santa Maria cos I was soo fed up seeing the crap day in day out in the mainstream media and having to go to fansites to find out what was really happening. My main aim in going to Santa Maria was just to be there and join in with the support for Michael. I only expected to see Michael get out of the car and walk into the court. I never dreamed that out of such heartache and dispair , a rainbow of love woud shine for a few hours and help us forgot just for a while, why we were in Santa Maria.
I wasn't there. :( I reeally wanted to go but I just couldn't. I was in Sri Lanka in April-May to help after the Tsunami. :( I really really wish that I could have been at the courthouse to support MJ though. That is liek the ONE thing that keeps "haunting" me..you know, it feels like I SHOULD have been there and I wasn't and it just gets to me. :boohoo: I did send a HUGE banner though for the banner project and I also sent money for the rose project. And I went to a vigil that was held for MJ in my town.
^ I have better ones from MJ's 45th bday party but not on my computer..

ur welcome for sharing though.. :)
Yes I was there with my friend for two weeks in April.
I was lucky enough to get into court 5 times and Michael walked past me so close I could have reached out and touched him. How I stopped myself I'll never know, but I didn't want to be thrown out of court.
I was both a magical and extreemly sad time for me. I also felt so angry because Michael should never have been there at all, he looked so sad and tired and yet his light/aura was still burning strong.
ohhhhhh I could feel that magical moment when he just passed u by!:wub:
Yes i was in santa maria the very first day the trial started. It was January 30th 2005:yes: I will never forget that day.
Yes I was there. I went twice. I was there April 5 and 6... and something like May 22-25...I got into the courtroom once each time I went and I got a hello from him standing behind the red line after every break (remember standing behind the red line???)...I am soooo glad I went....
yes I was in Santa Maria from 30 march to 5 april 2005. I was in the court on friday April 1 and went to Neverland nearly everyday during my stay. While in Santa Marie I took part in The Many Nations, One Voice rally at the court, fan party and candlelight meetup outside Neverland. I was also lucky enough to be there for the Roses For Michael project and was privilaged to be amoung the fans Michael invited into Neverland that day, Monday 4 April 2005

WOW!:woohoo: You are so lucky. *cpughcoughihateyoucough*:Just kidding lol: What was it like to be there for so many awesome moments like that?
Yes I was there. I live in Los Angeles so I would drive to Santa Maria 2-3 times a week since the very first day until the last verdict day. I went inside the courtroom countless times as well.

It was both a very sad (and tiring) but unique and beautiful experience at the same time since I saw/met Michael daily, went inside Neverland quite a few times and spent time with my friends all week long for months. I had to take a couple of quarters off college and I was broke as a joke because I would hardly go to work but it was well worth it.
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We stopped for gas in Santa Maria on our way back home to Northern California, March & May 2005. The 101 and central coast is like driving in a picture, it's beautiful.
Yes I was there. I live in Los Angeles so I would drive to Santa Maria 2-3 times a week since the very first day until the last verdict day. I went inside the courtroom countless times as well.

It was both a very sad (and tiring) but unique and beautiful experience at the same time since I saw/met Michael daily, went inside Neverland quite a few times and spent time with my friends all week long for months. I had to take a couple of quarters off work and I was broke as a joke because I would hardly go to work but it was well worth it.

LOL....I remember the evening when I was outside Neverland with a bunch of other fans including you...and I had a migraine attack and just wanted to get back to my hotel. But the fans that drove me to Neverland had no plans of leaving and you kindly offered to drive me and my friend back to our hotel. I'll never forget that :wub: So thanks again even though I know you don't remember :ph34r::lol:

@Janey4MJ: I went into court 4 times out 7 and I remember Michael being so close to me as well. You had to sit on the right side of the middle section to be that close. I don't know either how I didn't touch his butt :lol: I guess us fans can be serious when needed :mello::p
Ahhhh, what memories, so many different emotions when looking back!

I was there from Friday 1st April to Friday 8th April, i was also lucky enough to be invited inside Neverland on the Monday which was one of the most incredible days in my life.

I returned to Santa Maria on Tuesday May 24th and did not come home untill Wednesday 22nd June. I was lucky enough to be one of around 15 fans who were inside the courtroom for the closing arguments and the verdict on the 13th June..... i then partied for around 7 nights solid at the Mavericks bar (Santa Maria) then came home and begged to keep my job!! haha.
Dutchie, thanks for starting this thread. I really do love reading of the experiences of all of you who sacrificed time and money to support Mj at his moment of crises. I loved watching you outside the courthouse and the posters you made. It was an incredible experience for me. Never had any popstar been so loved.
hoo hoo ha ha!, baby! lol

and nooo..i'm not offended. strangely, everytime i feel connected to Michael, whatever comment is directed at me, feels strangely complimentary. lol

LOL, don't worry, monkey's are cool!

I really wish I could've been there :(

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Dutchie, thanks for starting this thread. I really do love reading of the experiences of all of you who sacrificed time and money to support Mj at his moment of crises. I loved watching you outside the courthouse and the posters you made. It was an incredible experience for me. Never had any popstar been so loved.

You are most welcome :yes: :flowers: