Zaldy's designs were extremely bling and probably would have looked fantastic on, but when watching the feature on the DVD I just kept thinking they were far too over the top - the BoW outfit, for instance, as nice as it looked, it didn't scream "BoW" to me like the simple white t-shirt and shirt with black trousers and knee pads - that's the ultimate BoW outfit, imo. And the same is true of a lot of the outfits by Zaldy. They simply aren't what we associate with the songs.
But then, had we seen MJ on stage in this plethora of new outfits, we'd probably now all be raving about how they are now a fundamental part of his wardrobe, it's only because we're disconnected from them that we can't judge them in the same way we can the Dangerous tour gold all-in-one body piece thang (you know what I mean, the WBSS outfit) or the HIStory tour gold pants (which need no further explanation around here, lol).
I'm also aware there was some confusion about whether Zaldy or M. Bush would be designing the outfits - seems a very suspect set-up if this really happened, I mean, did they really employ two designers to spends thousands of dollars on costumes, one lot of which they never intended to use??!! Really? Hmmm...
Have we any proof M. Bush had designed/fitted any new outfits for TII?
As for the rehearsal outfits - the lion shirt and grey jacket looked fantastic, as did most of MJ's wardrobe, except the orange trousers (!!) and the OTT shoulders on the Human Nature jacket.