Wendy Williams Show

Wow, it really seems many celebs hate Wendy/Wendell and it's well deserved, she's a conniving bitch. I don't even get why people give media time to that kind of trash.

I :lmao: over the "check the neck" comment! I've seen drag queens looking more feminine than Wendy.
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^^Now you guys are making me want to see this neck. I have to wait till I am in a client's home and they put their tv own. Actually that is where I saw Wendy--someone puts the tv on and tells me look at this. I never knew people called her a man, though.
And again she feels this way about Michael and yet his darling sister LaToya has no problem laughing and having a good time with her on her show.

Wendy Williams is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned
Oh well Latoya and company go on any show whether the host has crucified their brother or not. I guess they feel, they have to earn a living so they can't be choosy.
Wow, it really seems many celebs hate Wendy/Wendell and it's well deserved, she's a conniving bitch. I don't even get why people give media time to that kind of trash.

I :lmao: over the "check the neck" comment! I've seen drag queens looking more feminine than Wendy.

Yeah, even Bruce Jenner's neck is more smooth than Wendell's.
And again she feels this way about Michael and yet his darling sister LaToya has no problem laughing and having a good time with her on her show.

Wendy Williams is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned

yea, I know. you know what though Wendy talks smack about Latoya too. heck she talks smack about all the jacksons. even michael's kids. mostly blanket though. nothing to cruel though. she just calls blanket a strange, unhappy, little boy. something along those lines.
yea, I know. you know what though Wendy talks smack about Latoya too. heck she talks smack about all the jacksons. even michael's kids. mostly blanket though. nothing to cruel though. she just calls blanket a strange, unhappy, little boy. something along those lines.

You have a woman that gives people advise talking about a child. Now I understand why these rappers were after her when she was on radio. I guess now she left them alone.

It does not seem to me as though she does any research. I see her pulling some tabloids out and then commenting on what is printed.
You have a woman that gives people advise talking about a child. Now I understand why these rappers were after her when she was on radio. I guess now she left them alone.

It does not seem to me as though she does any research. I see her pulling some tabloids out and then commenting on what is printed.
this is exactly what makes her a laughing stock. how can anyone take this woman seriously? she's all about tabloids. she always bragging though how she does her research and gets to the bottom of things, how she gets to the truth. she must really think she's all that. like I said before the woman wouldn't know the truth if it hit her in the face.
It's funny though it seems wendy can dish it, but she cant take it. I remember back in 2012 when wendy was a contestant on dancing with the stars (she was horrible). anyway she would receive critcism from the judges and maybe even some fans. she would come back the next day on her show crying her eyes out. saying how she was "hurt" and what not. I was just sitting there starring at her with disbelief. she can dish it, but she cant take it.
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LOL I didn't realize so many people hated her. It's nice to know people put her in her place. I feel better now.
LOL I didn't realize so many people hated her. It's nice to know people put her in her place. I feel better now.

same here, I didn't realize so many people didn't like her either. she loves talking smack about alot of people. I'm surprised kanye west hasn't went off on her yet. you should hear the way she talks about him.

and I'm not sure if beyonce and jz have forgiven her yet on how she through them under the bus buying into that whole beyonce wasn't really pregnant, but faking it to get attention mess. they considered her a friend and was shocked how she bought into all that "beyonce is faking her pregnancy".
yea, I know. you know what though Wendy talks smack about Latoya too. heck she talks smack about all the jacksons. even michael's kids. mostly blanket though. nothing to cruel though. she just calls blanket a strange, unhappy, little boy. something along those lines.

Wow... that is just straight up hater hypocrisy. She implies that Michael hurt kids yet she goes and says those things about his own kids, which can also be considered a form of hurt. :puke:

It's good to see that there are many out there who aren't cool with her and are rightfully speaking out against her. That Method Man diss video was awesome. XD You have to wonder why her show is still going; I guess her ratings must be somehow decent enough to warrant her sticking around.
So I see I'm not the only one who thinks she's a man.

I personally know professional drag queens that are more feminine than Wendell. . . :lmao:

To quote Austin Powers, "You have to admit... she is rather mannish!"

Most people around Michael don't know what loyalty is seriously, about Latoya going to that nasty bitch's show even when he/she has been mean and venomous for years.
^^Now you guys are making me want to see this neck. I have to wait till I am in a client's home and they put their tv own. Actually that is where I saw Wendy--someone puts the tv on and tells me look at this. I never knew people called her a man, though.

:lmao: Petra xD Martin says it best *dies* check the Adam's apple!
Maybe this Wendy Williams person is hoping Michael Jackson will do the same thing it did for "Oprah," back in Feb., of 1993, boost her ratings through the roof!

Tonight, on the insider (cbs tv) NeNe Leakes unloaded on Wendy Williams, calling her among other things mean and nasty.

1:42 and 2:07. I think he said it best. Sadly on the released version her name is edited out.
I remember seeing the episode you guys are talking about. She was talking about a celebrity (i forget who) who is using the same lawyer MJ used at one point. Saying "that's the same lawyer that got Michael Jackson off" and then looking at the camera like "he can get anyone off if he got MJ off". But Thomas Mesereau is the attorney that was with MJ when he was found NOT GUILTY on all counts. Wendy makes fun of everyone, and doesn't know what she's talking about most of the time. We all know MJ, and know the real story. So to hell with everyone else....
I remember seeing the episode you guys are talking about. She was talking about a celebrity (i forget who) who is using the same lawyer MJ used at one point. Saying "that's the same lawyer that got Michael Jackson off" and then looking at the camera like "he can get anyone off if he got MJ off". But Thomas Mesereau is the attorney that was with MJ when he was found NOT GUILTY on all counts. Wendy makes fun of everyone, and doesn't know what she's talking about most of the time. We all know MJ, and know the real story. So to hell with everyone else....

yes, that's for durn sure. half the time she don't even know what she be talking about. i said it once I bet some of these celebrities be laughing at her through their tv screens because she really think she knows what's up and up in their lives. she's a tabloid addict. that's all she goes by tabloids.
That's all it is, just gossip/tabloid junk. I'm still wondering how much makeup they used to hide that Adam's Apple?
I liked her at first because I didn't know about her radio background and thought she was funny. But it took about 3 episodes before you realize her sources are only tabloids and she's the classic example of a gossip mongrel.
I was flipping TV just now and she was on with a picture of Madonna. But she was ragging about her radio station playing only Michael 24/7 and hates the new record.
Well New York is playing it and I'm happy about that. !!!
wendy doesn't like the new record huh, not surprised. she always says she doesn't care for slow melody songs. she likes booty shaking music.
You mean she could not find one song on the album to like? I hope she does not influence viewers not to buy the album. Thank goodness Sony did not do promotion on her show.