Weekends Daily News July 17 - 19

Yeah and I was just in Walmart and read a story about how Janet is supposed to be vying for custody of the kids from Ms. Katherine. Yeah, right.

You can't believe these tabs....they are running with anything and everything right now. Just to sell papers and get ratings. They know how anxious the public is to know what happened to Michael so they are gonna cash in as long as they could. The fact that the tox report is taking so long is only good for them because they can keep the lies going for now. And keep people tuning in and buying their tabs.

Also, the tox report will take another two weeks before released. The LAPD has presented the the case to the DA and the DEA is now involved, they haven't formally come out and said their treating it as a homicide but they have their reason for not. It's been said the investigation has been exhaustive to say the least. But they are leaning towards Dr. Murry as he was the one who administered the propofol and they want to talk to him again. He was scheduled for a third meeting yesterday but did not show up. When the detectives called Murry's lawyer, the lawyers lawyer said, " Murry and Murry's lawyer have declined to say anything at this time". Meanwhile, Dr. Murry has left the state and has returned to his practice in Texas.
The stories have all drifted into the silly season now. Still undermining Michael of course with their innuendos. They must not have any stories to make up at this stage. Scraping the barrell with all the scum who are fabricating stories. All about the money.

I had to laugh I was in the bookstore yesterday and Ian Halperin's book is there titled 'unmasked', the last days of Michael Jackson. Funny how soon after his death that he got the book published and in to print only two weeks after his death. He must be psychic to have written the book before he actually died. LOL! Other book I saw was Taborelli's. I cringe when I see these types of books around. Why can't there be anything decent.
I hope Spike Lee is thinking of doing a documentary on Michael...I think he would do a good job of repping Michael's soul...

as for the tabloids...people are sick of how the media is trashing Michael... sick