Weekends Daily News July 17 - 19


NY gallery resumes sale of Warhol's Jackson

EAST HAMPTON, N.Y. — An Andy Warhol portrait of Michael Jackson is back on the auction block at a New York art gallery.

The Vered Gallery in East Hampton, N.Y., removed the painting from a sale that closed last Sunday.

Gallery co-owner Janet Lehr said Thursday it's again available to the highest bidder.


The 30-by-26-inch painting shows a smiling Jackson in a red jacket from his 1980s "Thriller" days.

It's owned by a private collector.

Because of renewed interest in all things Jackson since his death, Lehr says it's anyone's guess how much the painting might fetch.
Prospective buyers must register with the gallery to bid via e-mail, telephone or in person. The auction closes Aug. 18.


Today in
Michael Jackson History

1993 - Michael Jackson's single "Will You Be There" hit #9 in the U.K.

1997 - Michael Jackson's "Blood On The Dance Floor: History in the Mix" was certified gold by the RIAA.


I have always loved that work. I remember when it was used on the cover of Time magazine back in the day. I thought Michael was the most beautiful man ever created. Still do.
It is a very lovely picture. And Warhol's' work is so classical that Michael Jackson almost was destined to be a part of that collection =)

Kathy Griffin reveals she was an extra on Michael Jackson's ill-fated 1984 Pepsi commercial.

"I was happy to be an extra. I was just part of the crowd scene," the comic explains to Extra. "I will just never forget seeing Michael Jackson from a distance and just thinking, 'Oh my God, that's Michael Jackson.' You kind of can't believe it."

Griffin says she remembers the scene -- shot in L.A.'s Shrine Auditorium in front of 3,000 fans -- "vividly.

"Jon [Lovitz] was there. They were taping it. We really didn't notice [his hair on fire at first]," she says. "When it actually happened...he was literally spinning, and then there was smoke and a bunch of people kind of jumped on him.

"They didn't tell any extras what was going on. Then rumors kind of rippled through the audience," Griffin goes on. "By the time I got home that night, it was the biggest news story on the news. It's fascinating somebody had that tape.

"And we never knew how serious the injury was," she says. "I could only imagine that [it] was very painful."

Musiga honour Obama, Michael Jackson

Mrs. Diana Hopeson, President of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) has called on African-Americans not to forget their roots but return to the continent to contribute to Africa’s development. Mrs. Hopeson says Africa’s development will need the collaboration and support of all and African-Americans have a special role to play.

“We must praise President Obama for visiting Africa within just six months of assuming office. It is a unique achievement which also serves as a very good example for many Africans in the Diaspora to visit the continent and contribute to Africa’s development,”

Mrs. Hopeson also known as Diana Akiwumi stated on her impressions of the visit of Barack Obama to Ghana. Mr. Obama, the first black man to become president of the USA paid a glowing visit to Ghana last Friday to Saturday in what was his first visit to sub-Saharan Africa since taking office. MUSIGA organized a little soiree on Saturday night at the W E B Dubois Centre in Accra to commemorate an after-party of the Obama visit as well as serve as tribute to recently deceased pop music icon Michael Jackson. Though it failed to draw the expected patronage, it was still a well-organised event which more importantly served it purpose. Musicians such as Odeefour, BB Brew, Bernice Ansah, Slim Buster, Chizzy Wailer, Mrs. Hopeson herself and many others thrilled the Dubois Centre to its foundations.

The crowd, mostly made up of Americans and African-Americans living in Ghana, were also ecstatic rising up on many occasions to join the various artistes on the stage to dance to their good tunes and also chant and hail the name of Barack Obama and Michael Jackson incessantly. Wind Africa, a musical band which also performed on the night even went a step further to exhibit a flurry of Michael Jackson’s famous ‘moon-walk’ in honour of their hero.

Mrs. Hopeson, one of many who signed a book of condolence opened on the night in honour of Michael Jackson, hailed the American music star as the most influential musician of all time. She said Michael Jackson not only was Jackson a legend who did well with his own music and career, he also inspired many others to become musicians or become music fans.

“I am personally very sad we have lost Michael Jackson so soon. He is a legend who will forever remain in our hearts because for many of us, we were motivated by Michael Jackson’s music to become musicians. His success gave me the belief that I could also do it and today I am so sad that we have lost him,” the President of MUSIGA said solemnly.

Whilst in Ghana, President Obama visited the La General Hospital, addressed Parliament before making a journey to the Central Region and to take a personal tour of the Cape Coast Castle. He also called on the Omanhene of Cape Coast.

drove past a haidressers shop near me tonight and it had a big poster of mj in the window. nothing major but made me smile.fans are everywhere
Daily News for Saturday, June 18, 2009

:yes: covering for Dorothy Marie this weekend :yes:

World’s Greatest Reggae Festival Honors Michael Jackson

Posthumous Award To Be Presented During Jamaica’s
Annual Reggae Sumfest, July 19-25

MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica – The 17th Annual Reggae Sumfest which takes place in Jamaica’s tourism capital Montego Bay, will pay homage to the “King of Pop” and legendary performer Michael Jackson. As part of its tribute, Reggae Sumfest officials will posthumously present a Lifetime Achievement Award to the late entertainer.

It was announced by the Reggae Sumfest organizers that members of the Jackson family will be in attendance on International Night Two of the world’s premiere reggae festival on Saturday, July 25 at the Catherine Hall Entertainment Centre in Montego Bay, in order to accept the award.

It is understood that the family will present a plaque of appreciation to the people of Jamaica.

“We are delighted that Sumfest will dedicate this year’s staging to the memory of this international icon,” Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett said. “We feel privileged to have the Jackson family here in Jamaica to receive this honor on his behalf and also to enjoy what our unique Jamaican culture has to offer.”

In honor of the special night dedicated to Michael Jackson, Tito Jackson and his band will also be performing. The last time the Jackson Five performed in Jamaica was in 1975.


Detroit remembers Michael Jackson with cemetery ceremony

Boston Herald -
By AP DETROIT - Two vaults filled with stuffed animals, photos and other items that were put outside Detroit's Motown Historical Museum in memory of Michael ...


LaToya song re-released as Michael Jackson tribute


NEW YORK — A song LaToya Jackson previously recorded to honor her family is now being re-released as a tribute to her brother Michael.
The song "Home" is being made available on iTunes on July 28 by Ja-Tail Records and Bungalo Records, which is distributed by Universal Music Group. A publicity image for the single shows an all-white clad Jackson, with her arm extended upward, with an image of Michael Jackson, also clad in white, to her right.

Ja-Tail company founder Jeffre Phillips says Jackson's older sister had already finished a CD and was about to release a different song as her first single. But after Michael Jackson died suddenly on June 25, the album release was delayed indefinitely.

However, the label decided to release "Home" to pay homage to the late entertainer. Phillips said the company is donating the proceeds to AIDS Project LA, a charity that was supported by Michael Jackson.
Phillips added that LaToya Jackson would not do any marketing or promotion for the record.




Today in
Michael Jackson History

1998 - The city of Warsaw, Poland, presented Michael Jackson with four potential locations for a planned theme park.
Re: katherine jackson may challenge the estate

"Jackson's trust included a "no contest" clause that calls for anyone who challenges the will to be disinherited."

Wow, that's interesting!
My Recollections Of Working With Michael Jackson

By Dale Kawashima
Former President of Michael Jackson’s ATV Music
Head of SongwriterUniverse & SingerUniverse
I had the honor of working directly with Michael Jackson for four-and-a-half years, as President of his ATV Music publishing company (before it merged and became Sony/ATV Music). With his very sad and untimely passing away, I wanted to convey my recollections of working with Michael Jackson, to offer some insight into this great music artist and the person that he was.
Dale Kawashima and Michael JacksonIt was in late summer of 1987 that Michael’s excellent advisor & attorney, John Branca, called me. Branca was familiar with my work as an independent publisher and songplugger for the song catalogs of Prince, Bruce Springsteen and Bob Dylan. Branca said I was being considered for the new position of President of ATV Music, which included the classic catalogs of the Beatles, Little Richard and many other hits. He asked me if I would like to interview with Michael Jackson for this position.
This was undoubtedly the biggest moment in my career. Of course, I told Branca that I was very interested, and then I prepared a presentation for my meeting with Michael. A week later I met Michael in his trailer on the set of his “Bad” video shoot. He liked my presentation, so I was hired!
Michael had just launched his world concert tour to promote his Bad album, so he was mostly on the road. For meetings, he would fly me to Tokyo, and later on to London. I remember having an one-on-one meeting with him, as we rode the bullet train from Osaka to Tokyo. Throughout my years working with him, I would speak to him regularly on the phone about ATV business. Michael loved the music publishing business, and he said he was honored to publish the great Beatles catalog.
In addition to promoting the hit ATV catalogs, I represented Michael’s own song catalog, Mijac Music, which was administered by Warner-Chappell Music. I also signed new songwriter/producers that Michael was interested in. One of Michael’s favorite new writers was Bryan Loren, who worked on many projects and sessions with him.
Working with Michael at ATV was always a very positive experience. He was a very nice, likable person, who was a pleasure to work for. Michael was very enthusiastic about his music publishing business, and we discussed ways to build the company and acquire additional song catalogs.
My experience of working with Michael was so positive, that I could never understand all the negative publicity and allegations made against him. Even after I left ATV at the end of 1991 to work as President of Irving Azoff’s Giant Music Publishing, I still had only fond memories of working with Michael. Yes, his appearance certainly changed over the years. But he was such a nice person, that I could never connect the accused, troubled public image of Michael Jackson with the gentle, kind person I actually knew.
Eight years later, in 1999, I had an unexpected reunion with Michael. One of his top aides called me, and said that Michael wanted to meet with me about working for his publishing company again. I went to see Michael at his suite at the Beverly Hills Hotel.
It was great meeting with Michael again. At his suite, it was just him and his first son, Prince. It was clear that Michael had a good relationship with his son – Prince seemed like a normal, happy young boy, playing with his toys in the hotel suite.
Michael discussed hiring me for a new publishing position – as liaison between him and his two publishing companies: Sony/ATV Music and Mijac Music. It was a very happy meeting, and at the end Michael said, “Michael Jackson & Dale Kawashima – back together again!”
As it turned out, Michael was beginning to experience financial problems, so I was not hired to work for him again. But this 1999 meeting (and subsequent phone calls from him) only reconfirmed my positive impression of Michael. In my opinion, Michael not only was the great music artist and deserved King Of Pop, but he was a fine person who was loved by most people who
truly know him.

Walter Cronkite died yesterday and there is nothing but praise on his "work" ...nothing about his personal life... but just concentrating on his work as
a journalist...

Bitches........................................they argue that since Michael is an icon people want
to know everything about his life and death...

well, they say Cronkite is iconic...............but its all about his work...the double standards makes me vomit!!
I'm sorry but I get a bad feeling about Ms Katherine's attempts to challenge Michael's will. That will is Michael's own wishes. Why is she doing this? Does she think the will is not Michael's? Cause if she accepts the will as his, then her contesting it is 100% going against his wishes. Michael put that no contest clause in there obviously because he wanted to do all he can to prevent people from trying to change his final wishes. I think it is disrespectful of them to try and change his will. This doesn't look good IMO, because people in the media are already claiming that the Jackson family is trying to cash in on Michael's death.
I've just posted an article at the Tabloid Talk section about an exclusive by the Mirror; they claim Klein is going to stake custody of the kids as he claims he IS the dad!? wth?
Yeah and I was just in Walmart and read a story about how Janet is supposed to be vying for custody of the kids from Ms. Katherine. Yeah, right.

You can't believe these tabs....they are running with anything and everything right now. Just to sell papers and get ratings. They know how anxious the public is to know what happened to Michael so they are gonna cash in as long as they could. The fact that the tox report is taking so long is only good for them because they can keep the lies going for now. And keep people tuning in and buying their tabs.
Yeah and I was just in Walmart and read a story about how Janet is supposed to be vying for custody of the kids from Ms. Katherine. Yeah, right.

You can't believe these tabs....they are running with anything and everything right now. Just to sell papers and get ratings. They know how anxious the public is to know what happened to Michael so they are gonna cash in as long as they could. The fact that the tox report is taking so long is only good for them because they can keep the lies going for now. And keep people tuning in and buying their tabs.
I hope you're right... As I said before, only a DNA test (maybe leaked to TMZ) will help this situation, they're insulting MJ's memory by doing this. And this is gonna be front-page news tomorrow. Surely there must be something we can do...?? Convince the Jacksons to get a DNA test? :no: or the tabloids will NEVER let this go.
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Oh geez, a DNA test? Have we officially lost our minds now?lol. For the past 12 years there has been talk about MJ being the father ot P&P. MJ has never ran a DNA test for any of those folks (neither should he have to) and for the next 12 yrs there will be no need to do that as well (unless forced by law to do so).

We are in a brief (hopefully) era of spectacular gossip to the point where it has infiltrated this board. It will pass soon enough. Now I understand why MJ ignored alot of this junk; it becomes so overwhelming one cannot keep up!!
arnie is to busy trying to take away attention from his role in what hap to mike. these claims actually make me laugh and thats hard to do now a days
Daily News for Sunday, July 19, 2009

Not much in the way of "News"....several tabloid stories coming from the UK.... Katherine wants everything, or at least as much as she can control...or maybe Janet wants the kids.... Dr. Klein may be the daddy, or maybe not..... all a bunch of 'ish' that will shake itself out in the future.

the main thing is to cherish your memories - what you were doing when you first saw MJ do the Moonwalk - where you were the first time you saw Thriller. Your first MJ concert, the first time you met him. What the music reminds you of in your life....we have all some of these experiences....and they are ours...and ours alone.


Please post any news here that you may find today

Today in
Michael Jackson History

1986 - Janet Jackson's single "Nasty" hit #3 in the U.S.

1997 - Michael Jackson's single "History" hit #5 in the U.K.

1998 - Michael Jackson attended Nelson Mandela's 80th birthday at the Gallagher Estate outside of Johannesburg