Weekends Daily News July 10 - 12 More from Shelia Jackson Lee

Umm... the News of the World supposedly have an exclusive new 4-hour interview with Latoya saying she will "nail Michael's killers"...???? I won't post the link as it has that last photo of Michael. I was wondering if it fake or not...

mail claim the same
I'm sure LaToya and the rest of the Jackson clan know way more than we know by now. Maybe this murder angle aint to far off. The LAPD certainly not ruling it out.
Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed, Dr Klein included

Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed

Multiple doctors are being asked by the L.A. County coroner's office to provide information on the singer's treatments, sources say.

By Richard Winton, Harriet Ryan and Cara Mia DiMassa
July 10, 2009

Investigators trying to determine how Michael Jackson died are faced with the daunting task of creating an accurate medical biography for a superstar whose ailments, surgeries and doctors have been tabloid fodder for three decades.

Jackson has seen more than a dozen doctors since 1993, according to various public records and accounts, and investigators are now collecting as much medical data about him as possible.

Sources told The Times on Thursday that the Los Angeles County coroner's office has requested and subpoenaed medical files and records from a number of doctors who treated the singer. That is in addition to at least three search warrants issued last week as part of a Los Angeles Police Department probe into whether prescription drugs played a role in his death.

A source who has seen one of the coroner's office subpoenas said it asked for "any and all" of Jackson's medical records "including radiology and psychiatric records."

An attorney for Dr. Arnold Klein, a Beverly Hills dermatologist who treated Jackson for nearly 25 years, said his client was among those receiving a formal request from the coroner's office.

"It was a standard form subpoena and we turned over medical records to the medical examiner in response," said lawyer Richard Charnley.

Authorities have identified some of Jackson's doctors from the medications and other medical evidence they recovered from the Holmby Hills mansion where Jackson was stricken two weeks ago, according to sources familiar with the investigation. But those sources said that some of the medications lacked prescription labels and that officials are trying to determine how Jackson got them.

A longtime Jackson associate, who spoke on the condition that he not be named because of the investigation, said the pop star had little trouble finding doctors eager to treat him -- and prescribe him drugs.

"They rotate in and out," said the source. "There were a lot of doctors over the years. . . . They liked to be known as Michael Jackson's doctor."

Experts said the task before detectives and coroner's investigators amounts to a medical jigsaw puzzle. They must get a strong handle on his medical status at the time of his death, including pre-existing conditions, previous medical procedures and his drug-use history -- things that can be gleaned through many of the records requested and subpoenaed.

After gathering information about what was prescribed and in what quantity, investigators with medical training look at the patient's history, the possible reasons each drug was prescribed, the side effects and the interactions with other medications. Investigators must also cross-reference files to try to recreate what a physician knew at the time he or she wrote a prescription.

Ed Winter, assistant chief of the coroner's office, said the office does send subpoenas out in death investigations. "In many cases doctors will hand over the records," he said. "In some cases they will ask us for a subpoena to get those records."

Winter would not comment on whether subpoenas were issued in Jackson's death. Authorities have stressed that it's too early to know whether any crimes have been committed and that much depends on the official cause of death.

While officials are awaiting the results of toxicology tests conducted by the coroner's office the day after Jackson's death, they warn that those tests may not answer all the questions. For example, sources have told The Times that detectives found large amounts of the powerful anesthetic Diprivan at Jackson's home. But experts said that the drug moves through the body quickly and might not show up in some tests.

It's an extremely potent drug that is supposed to be dispensed by a person trained to administer anesthesia.

Paul Wischmeyer, an anesthesiologist at the University of Colorado who co-wrote a 2007 study of Diprivan abuse for the journal Anesthesia & Analgesia, said that Diprivan would be "probably undetectable" in the bloodstream in 20 minutes after a single dose.

But he said that there are other ways that pathologists have used to identify the presence of the drug in autopsies, if they know what to look for.

In an interview with Larry King on Wednesday, Klein said that Jackson was using Diprivan "when he was on tour in Germany." It's unclear exactly when that was, but the last time Jackson was on tour in Germany was 1997.

Klein said that Jackson "was using it, with an anesthesiologist, to go to sleep at night. And I told him he was absolutely insane. I said you have to understand that this drug, you can't repeatedly take. Because what happens with narcotics, no matter what you do, you build a tolerance to them."

Wischmeyer disputed that, saying that he had never observed a person building up tolerance to the drug, nor had he seen any such reports in the descriptions from abusers.

One of the few death investigations with a similar level of complexity and public scrutiny was the one conducted after the death of model Anna Nicole Smith, who died of a drug overdose in 2007.

Dr. Stephen J. Cina, deputy chief medical examiner in Broward County, Florida, where Smith died, said that it took the medical examiner's office six weeks to investigate the cause of her death.

In addition, investigators from the Drug Enforcement Administration, three state agencies and the L.A. County district attorney's office pored over evidence related to her death for two years before prosecutors charged her boyfriend and two physicians with conspiracy to illegally furnish the late model with sleeping pills, painkillers and other drugs.

The three have pleaded not guilty, and a preliminary hearing is set for later this summer.

Adam Braun, a former federal prosecutor who is representing one of the defendants, Khristine Eroshevich, said such investigations take much longer than other probes because of the medical expertise required to review cases.

"The patient might be seeing three or four different doctors who are prescribing medications that the other doctors are unaware of," he said. "Just because there is a deadly cocktail doesn't mean the actions of one physician were inappropriate."

Re: Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed, Dr Klein included

oh wow...
Re: Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed, Dr Klein included

Is there a article out already saying that LAPD subpoenaed the records and Klein???
Re: Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed, Dr Klein included

dr. klein...isn't he the same guy who said that "to the best of his knowledge" he is not the father? why stir things up like that with "maybe probably I don't now"? and he's been Michael's doctor for 25 years...it shows what kind of "friends" michael had..good grief
Re: Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed, Dr Klein included

But those sources said that some of the medications lacked prescription labels and that officials are trying to determine how Jackson got them.

that worries me
Re: Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed, Dr Klein included

20 minutes? Isn't that about the same amount of time that lapsed before somebody called the paramedics... ... ...
Re: Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed, Dr Klein included

20 minutes? Isn't that about the same amount of time that lapsed before somebody called the paramedics... ... ...

oh my god yes!
Re: Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed, Dr Klein included

The reports from sources in the Police department are saying that law enforcement must have some of the results from the toxicology report and that is why they are going after the Dr.s. The reports are saying that is why the Los Angeles police chief is saying that there is a possible investigation of homocide besides drug overdose.
Re: Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed, Dr Klein included

20 minutes? Isn't that about the same amount of time that lapsed before somebody called the paramedics... ... ...

20 minutes for a single does.If he was taking it he would have a tolerance,no way would a single does kill him.
On This Day: Michael Jackson sang “Ben” **VIDEO INCLUDED**

On this day, July 12th in 1972, Michael Jackson released the song called “Ben” via the Motown record label. It was written by Don Black and Walter Scharf.
This song spent one week at the top of the U.S. pop charts, and later reached a peak of number seven on the British pop charts.
The song became the first of 13 number one pop hits for Jackson in the United States and his first number one as a solo artist.

Re: On This Day: Michael Jackson sang “Ben” **VIDEO INCLUDED**

Well done Michael!

Only you could get a song about a rat to number one lol
Re: Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed, Dr Klein included

yep which is y the bullshit story of him collapsing and calling the police after three minuts wasn't true. made no sense.

and klien....thehammer is starting to fall.
Re: Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed, Dr Klein included

I get the impression that people here aren't too fond of Dr klein. I saw him at Larry King last week and i thought he was pretty good, honest and positive about MJ.
Or am i wrong when i say that? :). I do have to say i haven't followed every single bit of news about MJ, not as much as alot of people here do...so i do think there's a big chance i'm wrong about this, so if someone could explain me.
Re: Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed, Dr Klein included

um i donates like sperm in the pas.t um i don't know if im like their dad. um i'll like donate or like submit my dna or whatever. um i'll raise them. yeah he and deb had sex. um i told him drugs were bad. lik eum...i gave him a lecture and shit....but then supplied him w/ drugs and all butlike, i gave him a pamphlet saying it was like bad and shit....um...michael was awesome.

yeah. best man ever
Re: Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed, Dr Klein included

20 minutes for a single does.If he was taking it he would have a tolerance,no way would a single does kill him.

No but the added pain killers would.

La Toya said in her interview that the toxicology reports have already come back. Only her family have had them and she said that when they are known public, "everyone will be shocked".
Re: Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed, Dr Klein included

20 minutes for a single does.If he was taking it he would have a tolerance,no way would a single does kill him.
it not really to do with a tolerance. its an anesthetic u dont get addicted to it. if u take any anesthetic you have to be monitored cause u could react to it. ie stop breathing etc and i doubt latoya ment shocked in a bad way with her comment thats if she made it at all
Re: Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed, Dr Klein included

it's like suchinocholyne or however u spell it. on a standard drug pannel, it won't show up and u won't see it as the cause of death. only on an expanded pannel will it be added and people, for a s hort time, were able to get away w/ killing people by using that.

so if he waited, and his conduct surely is suspicious(murray) then it explains y
The LAPD is about to clean house out there in LALA land.. All those doctors that give the rich and famous whatever type of meds they ask for need to be shut down and locked up.. I'm just saying that when the smoke clears, it may be a few doctors facing the judge asking if they can have a plea bargin..but I'm just saying, that's all I'm saying..

Soso and Shaun meet me at the courthouse steps if and when these MOFOs go to trial
Re: On This Day: Michael Jackson sang “Ben” **VIDEO INCLUDED**

Thank you sooo much for posting that ClassX. My God, the tears are still coming. It just hurts so much.

But thanks again for sharing this with us all. On a funny note, I would have been 5 months old....lol.

*Sniff sniff* O.k., no more tears-only laughter.
Michael Jackson game in making

Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker was an iconic game in the Sega console for quite a few years. MJ is now making a return with a new Unnamed title under development. The game is believed to be under development for ’several months’ even before MJ’s death.

The game apparently features MJ’s voice and a Michael like character. Rumors are that the game would also be featuring many of MJ’s most iconic hits.

The speculation about a game with MJ in it have been around since his death. But this one is really under development by the star’s own production company- MJJ. The production house believes that MJ’s unexpected death would not affect the game’s release. “I am sure it will still be released. Michael loved games,” said an MJ Productions representative.

The game would be released in Christmas ‘09. A ‘home console release’ suggest that the game may come on Xbox 360 and/or Playstation. With Sony owning MJ’s music, the chances of the game hitting on Playstation looks happening.

Weird Al Remembers Michael Jackson

Legendary pop music parodist Weird Al Yankovic has written a touching remembrance for Rolling Stone about the passing of Michael Jackson.

Yankovic, who parodied both Beat It (Eat It) and Bad (Fat), reveals on the magazine's website that Michael was a gracious man who didn't mind being poked fun of and was an avid fan of Weird Al's movie UHF.

Writes Yankovic:

The first time around I pursued Michael Jackson about a song parody, it was a shot in the dark. We're talking about the most popular and famous person in the known universe, and here I was, this goofy comedy songwriter. He not only returned our phone calls, but he approved it. He thought it was a funny idea. Then when we did the second parody, "Fat," he was nice enough to let us use his subway set for the video, so he's always been very supportive.

The first time I met him in person was long after I had gotten permission to do "Eat It" back in 1984. There's a contract somewhere that has his signature next to mine, proving that we are the co-writers of "Eat It," which is surrealistic in and of itself. The first time I actually ran into him was backstage at one of his concerts, this was maybe four years later, when Even Worse came out with my second parody, "Fat." I went backstage, and he was seeing a lot of people, but I brought along a gold record of Even Worse to present to him, and he was very gracious and thanked me for it and said some nice things. After the fact, I thought, "That's probably the last thing Michael Jackson needs, another gold record for his storage locker." Seeing him in person was amazing, it was otherworldly. He was and continues to be so iconic, it's hard to even conceive of him as a human being. He always was bigger than life.

Our second meeting was a TV show taping. He was performing "Black or White," and I remember Slash was onstage and I talked to [Michael] briefly afterwards. He told me he would play my movie, UHF, for his friends at Neverland Ranch, and he was very soft-spoken, very quiet, but always very friendly to me.

I considered parodying "Black or White" around that time. Michael wasn't quite so into it, because he thought "Black or White" was more of a message song, and he didn't feel as comfortable with a parody of that one, which I completely understood, and in a way, he did me a huge favor, because I was already getting pegged as the guy who did Michael Jackson parodies, and because he wasn't so into it, I decided to go with Nirvana, which wound up revitalizing my career. I don?t know what kind of career I would have today if it hadn't been for Michael Jackson. In a very real sense, he jump-started my career. "Eat It" basically changed me from an unknown into a guy that got recognized at Burger King.
