Weed, let's be serious for a moment.

much like beer, cigarettes, alcohol, over the counter drugs etc etc etc etc. yea.

but cigarettes and alcohol do make the consumer dependant on them. That's medically proven. Weed, on the other hand, has proved it cause no dependance what so ever.
but cigarettes and alcohol do make the consumer dependant on them. That's medically proven. Weed, on the other hand, has proved it cause no dependance what so ever.

Yep. And as in everything else, if you abuse any substance then you'll harm yourself. You could virtually kill your lungs with too much oxygen.

But most people who use drugs do not abuse them, and many illegal drugs do not readily become sources of addiction even in the hands of abusers. Like ASIS already mentioned, nicotine and alcohol fall into the same addictive category as heroin and morphine.

Consider food.. people destroy their lives simply by overeating. Obesity is the greatest public health problem in the US. Why aren't they banning cheeseburgers?

So why should the responsible majority of us have to suffer because of someone else's ignorance?

Most vice laws - prohibiting private behaviour that harms no one - are wack. They have nothing to do with preventing harm and everything to do with not angering god.
Well I live in Adelaide (which is pretty much Amsterdam for the southern hemisphere) and we have ridiculus laws like; you can have weed as long as you dont buy it from someone & you cant have more than 2 marajuana plants. As Ive had alcohol issues in my family, I dont understand why weed isnt any worse than alcohol either?
This is a weird subject for me, but I'll ramble for a minute on it....

This is from a person in which this particular substance was a huge problem for a number of years... which I'm not ashamed to say that because after years of it, I've successfully been able to now stay away from it for over two years. ;)

Personally, I don't think it's chemically that addictive.... but... If you have an addictive personality to certain things it's pretty much LIKE it is addictive. It can get to the point where it's all you use your money for and freak out when it runs out and like rip the house apart looking to see if you stashed some, etc. It really can get like that.

Is that the way 90 percent of smokers are though? Probably not. But it can be a problem. It's just a different sort of 'dependancy'. Especially for those who are depressed or have anxiety.... you can sort of get hooked on it.

As far as it being illegal, I actually agree with it. Even though I think alcohol is WAY worse as far as impairment so it's sort of a paradox.... Pot can still impair you. It can slow down your reactions and make it hard if not impossible to concentrate, etc. I was in the car where the driver had smoked and he blew right through a red light... we were lucky, nobody was driving the other way... it was super irresponsible...

So it's hard for me to say which is worse.... but I think booze is because of the impairment but pot is not very far behind....
Weed should not be illegal. It could make the government millions, also it would make alot of drug dealers obsolete and would also lower crime and stop people from being jailed for passive crimes such as possession of or dealing marijuana.

Prohibition didn't work in the 20's, it's not going to work now.
Weed should not be illegal. It could make the government millions, also it would make alot of drug dealers obsolete and would also lower crime and stop people from being jailed for passive crimes such as possession of or dealing marijuana.

Prohibition didn't work in the 20's, it's not going to work now.

Yeah you do have a point about the people being jailed for possession... ruins their lives for something so small.... or at least prevents them from getting the good jobs they would have... I've known a few over the years that have gotten caught. When there are people who do really bad things and aren't in jail...... Doesn't really seem too fair....
but at the same time the impairment thing is not safe. Imagine if the people I was riding with had hit a family in a car or something? You know?
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Yeah you do have a point about the people being jailed for possession... ruins their lives for something so small.... or at least prevents them from getting the good jobs they would have... I've known a few over the years that have gotten caught. When there are people who do really bad things and aren't in jail...... Doesn't really seem too fair....
but at the same time the impairment thing is not safe. Imagine if the people I was riding with had hit a family in a car or something? You know?

Well, as long as marijuana is illegal, people who break the law and smoke it will smoke it wherever the hell they want because they're breaking the law anyway. Whereas alcohol is legal but it's against the law to drink and drive. Why can't there simply be laws to prohibit use of pot in certain situations?

I think your personal experience has a lot to do with your stance here, which is understandable, but I would hate it if laws were based on the personal lives of the lawmakers (which a lot of them probably are, but I digress). I'm sure you don't believe that fatty foods should become outlawed, and yet it's claimed more lives than marijuana ever will. This example is sort of overused in this thread, but probably because no one on the other side of the fence has managed to dispute it. Something being potentially psychologically addicting is no reason to ban it because ANYTHING can be psychologically addicting; how many people waste their lives watching TV and playing video games? I tend to agree with arXter that it's a case of people who have abused a substance ****ing it up for everybody else who just want to have some fun and won't develop any serious problems.

If I woke up tomorrow and sex was outlawed because of STDs, and there was a thread created about it here where someone who has crabs came in and was all "no guys I agree with the new law because you have no idea how painful it is when you get a sexually transmitted disease," I would probably want to punch said dude in the nuts.
If I woke up tomorrow and sex was outlawed because of STDs, and there was a thread created about it here where someone who has crabs came in and was all "no guys I agree with the new law because you have no idea how painful it is when you get a sexually transmitted disease," I would probably want to punch said dude in the nuts.
Ha! Ahhhh I missed your... wit.
Asis, did you talk to the police yet? I urge you to do so. You'll might get a better answer from a cop.
Well, as long as marijuana is illegal, people who break the law and smoke it will smoke it wherever the hell they want because they're breaking the law anyway. Whereas alcohol is legal but it's against the law to drink and drive. Why can't there simply be laws to prohibit use of pot in certain situations?

I think your personal experience has a lot to do with your stance here, which is understandable, but I would hate it if laws were based on the personal lives of the lawmakers (which a lot of them probably are, but I digress). I'm sure you don't believe that fatty foods should become outlawed, and yet it's claimed more lives than marijuana ever will. This example is sort of overused in this thread, but probably because no one on the other side of the fence has managed to dispute it. Something being potentially psychologically addicting is no reason to ban it because ANYTHING can be psychologically addicting; how many people waste their lives watching TV and playing video games? I tend to agree with arXter that it's a case of people who have abused a substance ****ing it up for everybody else who just want to have some fun and won't develop any serious problems.

If I woke up tomorrow and sex was outlawed because of STDs, and there was a thread created about it here where someone who has crabs came in and was all "no guys I agree with the new law because you have no idea how painful it is when you get a sexually transmitted disease," I would probably want to punch said dude in the nuts.

Yep, I probably would ruin it for all the casuals! I do miss it :mello: but can't go near it. Such is life I guess. I appreciate the view of those who can just smoke it for fun once in a while.... and the rest of your post actually cracked me up... I was sitting here going yeah yeah okay LOL :lmao:

I too like your wit ;) And you are probably right, you CAN get addicted to just about anything in the world if you have the personality for it.
Asis, did you talk to the police yet? I urge you to do so. You'll might get a better answer from a cop.

I don't live in the US, i live in the UAE currently and my home town is saudi arabia. Alcohol is illegal here so they actually hold a very strong argument against weed.
Yep, I probably would ruin it for all the casuals! I do miss it :mello: but can't go near it. Such is life I guess. I appreciate the view of those who can just smoke it for fun once in a while.... and the rest of your post actually cracked me up... I was sitting here going yeah yeah okay LOL :lmao:

I too like your wit ;) And you are probably right, you CAN get addicted to just about anything in the world if you have the personality for it.

I actually don't even smoke, lol. I just like being right about stuff.