Weed, let's be serious for a moment.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Why is Weed illegal if alcohol and tobacco aren't? Seriously studies have shown that weed is actually the least harmful out of the three. So really now, why is it illegal?
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Why is Weed illegal if alcohol and tobacco are? Seriously studies have shown that weed is actually the least harmful out of the three. So really now, why is it illegal?

I can only assume by this statment you have never had to live or loved someone addticted to weed.
not really, and i don't even know much about it. That's why i created this topic. All i've heard is what i wrote in my OP. I didn't even know weed is addictive.
not really, and i don't even know much about it. That's why i created this topic. All i've heard is what i wrote in my OP. I didn't even know weed is addictive.

It is addictive and destroys lives and reltionships. The psychological affects are horrible and they change people. Im talking long term users here not recretional drug taking of it though.
It is addictive and destroys lives and reltionships. The psychological affects are horrible and they change people. Im talking long term users here not recretional drug taking of it though.

The same can be said about AAs though. So if you're going to ban it due to "addictions" then there are more dangerous stuff out there. I am not going to assume that weed is healthy or "ok". But why is it worse than the others?
The same can be said about AAs though. So if you're going to ban it due to "addictions" then there are more dangerous stuff out there. I am not going to assume that weed is healthy or "ok". But why is it worse than the others?

Alll drugs have different effects, AA's is of course a problem - its addiction as a whole.
I cant talk about the scientifics behind weed as I dont no and wont claim to. All i can say from personal experiance of being around a weed addict it destroys u as a person. It should be class a as far as im concerned
For instance with tabacoo its addictive , you go out have a fag get your hit of nicotine and nothing about you changes could you imagine if everyone smoked readily available weed? We'd all be walking around with mega personality disorders!
Weed isn't really addictive. Not from a chemical standpoint anyway. A person can become habitually and psychologically addicted to it, just like you can get addicted to anything else. You can say the same thing about... spending too much time on the computer. You can say the same thing about being addicted to food which actually kills people, but everyone would look at me like a crazy person if I suggested that fast food and potato chips become outlawed.

Alcohol and cigarettes are, by far, a million times worse. At this point I think marijuana is illegal more or less because it always has been and that's the status quo.

And for the record, I don't smoke anything.
Long term use of weed can cause schizophrenia.

I think that would be enough to put anyone off.

cigarettes cause lung cancer.

alcohol causes liver failure

fast food (like the guy above suggested) causes obesity.

I am not talking as if weed is good. I am simply saying it's NOT worse than the others, therefore it should be treated at least with the same standards as the others.
cigarettes cause lung cancer.

alcohol causes liver failure

fast food (like the guy above suggested) causes obesity.

I am not talking as if weed is good. I am simply saying it's NOT worse than the others, therefore it should be treated at least with the same standards as the others.

Yeah, I agree, and I don't do any of the above (alcohol, fast-food, 'weed,' etc). My personal theory is that it wouldn't make the government money, perhaps because people could grow it themselves. Look at cigarettes, WOW, at least here in the states the taxes can be huge on them! They're so unhealthy they're banned at pretty much all indoor places, now even some outdoor places, yet the government will still let you buy it at a crazy price, so long as you do it in your own home. Likewise, alcohol is a pretty big money-maker. @ one point in the states alcohol was illegal in the 1930s, but so much money was made from bootleggars, it became legalized (not sure if that's the 'official' reason, but monetarily, it makes sense). Again these are just my own personal theories and not the gospel, but yeah, kinda funny one can be illegal and not the other.
So it's not a health issue? It's either a financial or a racial one? LOL well it's going deeper that's for sure :D
But that's just for the US... what about other countries?
Well...as a citizen of the weed-city Amsterdam :)lol:) I think I can pretty much tell how annoying it is. Think it's quite strange that it's only legal here.

There are coffeeshops all around, but there's also one like right on the corner of my university and I think...70% of the students goes for a joint every single day...just because they're bored or think it's cool, or need to be 'relaxed' for a test or something.
It's pretty irritating when you have high peepz around you often...and that smell, damn...you can smell that through all.
Although people get really funny, I think it's just a bit overrated/stupid/too much of a 'I wanna be cool' thing.

But seriously...why would you need such stuff? Really beats me why drugs, smoking, alcohol or all that shit has ever been invented by someone....:scratch:
Money, I think. If weed was made legal, money would be lost. As for other things yes weed can be harmful but it can also be helpful. Medicinal etc.

The United States is lucky, most famous people get a slap on the wrist if caught smoking weed but in Japan your career is pretty much over (one girl's career has pretty much been ruined there for smoking a cigarette when under age)

Even for regular people the laws are a bit easier in the US.

But that's off topic.

But that's the reason why it's still illegal in my opinion. It was legal until about 1933 in the US though.

The reason why alcohol and such aren't illegal?

In the US it would be prohibition all over again. It didn't work the first time, it certainly won't work now.
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If you are talking about the legality of weed, you can harp on and on about how it's not an addictive substance and alcohol and cigarettes are much worse, but none of that matters. Not to me. What matters to me is the right of the individual to be stupid, put harmful substances in their body and engage in any sort of harmful act as long as they are the only ones being harmed and they are endangering anybody else directly. Marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes, guns, all these things can be harmful but all these things should also be legal.
I hate how it often becomes a preaching game when one tries to use good reason to question the law on marijuana.

Person A: Why is pot illegal?

Person B: Why would you want to smoke weed anyway? Don't you know that if you smoke weed, then blah blah blah blah blah blah will happen to you?

Like, it's the person's choice, and you can ask the same question for a million things that are legal lol.
IMO, and I will say this knowing what happened to a few ppl that used to be close to me, I don't think weed is addictive, I actually don't think it’s that harmful. However, I think it leads to using other drugs that ARE harmful in some ways, when the "high" of the weed stops working, some people begin to search for something a little stronger, this is where your crack, cocaine, heroine, meth, etc comes in. There are those who can handle JUST weed, who use it to relax, but there are those who use it to get away from something too, imagine making it easily available to all the people who want to "get away from something" now imagine that the weed stops working for all those ppl and they're on the search for something stronger.....what happens?

ETA: My views are from a "safety" stand point, I also feel the same way about alcohol. It shouldn't be available to some people because they simply can't handle it. I'm not keen on cigarettes but I've never heard of a cigarette driving accident. Aside from second hand smoke (and honestly a lot of places have stepped up to try and prevent that), the only person being harmed is self, in the case of the other two, depending on the situation it can involve harming others.
Why is Weed illegal if alcohol and tobacco aren't? Seriously studies have shown that weed is actually the least harmful out of the three. So really now, why is it illegal?

The simple answer is that they can't regulate and tax weed because it's part of the underground economy.

It is addictive and destroys lives and reltionships.

So are/does alcohol and cigarettes.

cause goverments make loads of money off alchohol and tabacco

^ Yup. The govt doesn't give a damn about the health and wellbeing of the public.

Prohibition happened because alcohol manufacturing and sales weren't yet regulated. Once they did Saloons and Bars popped up everywhere.

You best believe that once gov't can get their share of the profits it's ALL good.
Wouldn't the government make more money out of weed? :?

it would take many years to turn into a business like with alcohol and tabacco. laods of ppl over here are always getting caught for having pot plants in their house. why u gonna go to the shops and buy a pack of weed cigs when u can grow your own. impossible to police

he simple answer is that they can't regulate and tax weed because it's part of the underground economy.
exactly its all about the $£
I hate the argument that weed isn't legal because it'd be too hard to regulate and tax. Why should that matter? People are such control freaks. They need to know exactly what everybody is selling and buying, how much they are selling/buying it for, and how much of that money is going to the government. It's BS. Government should just repeal laws against the possession, use and trade of marijuana. Why do they need to write up a 1000 page bill full of regulatory controls and tax stipulations?
I never touch the stuff. yuck. It smells like cooked poop. lol.
I used to have friends who smoked regularly. I hated hanging out with them when they were high. They were so clumsy and lethargic. Hopeless but happy. Work never got done.
Had to fire them.
I needed sharp minds to work with. Weed makes you dumb. heh!
I'm done with this subject.
I have friends that smoke it (strange considering they all used to say they'd never touch it) and I don't see the point. Half of them go into college baked, get stoned during breaks etc. and then go home and smoke even more. I just fail to see the point, why should you have to get high to have fun? And if Weed isn't so bad then what do you do when the high wears off? Take something else...

I've always said I'd never touch it, and I'll stick by that. :yes:
So, because it's annoying and/or doesn't cater to what other people want to do, it should stay illegal.

Why isn't Twilight illegal?

Seriously, it gets frustrating when folks respond to this topic with "well why would you want to smoke weed anyway?". I just don't get it. Clearly it's the individual's choice, just like they choose to drink beer and have a cigarette.

And Nar, people shouldn't be getting high when they're working anyway... just like they shouldn't be drinking alcohol at the workplace, which is actually a rule at most jobs. You can do that without banning a substance as a whole for no particular reason (other than economic reasons, which is a sh*tty reason as explained by Bob George).
I never touch the stuff. yuck. It smells like cooked poop. lol.
I used to have friends who smoked regularly. I hated hanging out with them when they were high. They were so clumsy and lethargic. Hopeless but happy. Work never got done.
Had to fire them.
I needed sharp minds to work with. Weed makes you dumb. heh!
I'm done with this subject.

if they were drunk they would be even clumsier though no? so why is alcohol illegal then? Make no mistake I never drank nor smoked weed. But it really is hypocritical for them to ban one and keep the other. As it turns out by the thread replies it's merely money issue, nothing more... interesting..
if they were drunk they would be even clumsier though no? so why is alcohol illegal then? Make no mistake I never drank nor smoked weed. But it really is hypocritical for them to ban one and keep the other. As it turns out by the thread replies it's merely money issue, nothing more... interesting..

Hmm..seriously, you should ask your local sheriff department, ie. a cop. I'm sure they know exactly why.
All you're getting here are pretty good speculations that even has me wondering. :p
See if you can get in touch with a police officer if you ever see one. It may be a money thing. I wouldn't be surprised. But then again, it can be something muuuuch much deeper than we know.
Actually, everyone's responses are different to pot. Not everyone will be "psychologucally damaged" or even addicted.
much like beer, cigarettes, alcohol, over the counter drugs etc etc etc etc. yea.