We Should Honor Kenny Ortega what he did for Are Michael

I would like to thank Kenny for being a good friend to Michael and putting together this rehearsal footage for us. I'd also like to thank him for carrying on Michael's legacy.
I am so thankful for what Kenny did for Michael, he was such a good friend.
Kenny is just such an amazing and creative person, he was the perfect person to work with Michael.
We all know Michael, he can come up with some pretty mindblowing ideas which are hard to realize, sometimes it would be stuff (like Lightman) on which a lot of other people would say ''Are you out of your damn mind? You must be crazy, it ain't gonna happen.'', but Kenny would try to come up with something to make it work. To make Michaels dream come true.

And I think they were the perfect companionship, they would learn from each other. Watching his tweets and interviews, it becomes clear to me that Kenny really learned from Michael's ideals about love and the environment.

Words can't really describe how thankful I am. Kenny has been nothing but a good person for Michael, he was a teacher, a friend, he trusted Michael's ideas and concepts while I bet a lot of other directors wouldn't.
Kenny has done a lot of positive things for Michael's legacy, he always spoke nothing but nice about Michael. I would like to thank him for being a shoulder to lean on for Michael, the movie and all of the wonderful memories he shared with us, it made me appreciate and love Michael even more than I already did.

We'll never get to see the concerts, we'll never get to see Michael again, but thanks to Kenny we got to see a glimpse of Michael's magic. Even tough I didn't end up seeing Michael live in London, the movie was somehow life changing for me. No, I didn't end up sitting at the O2 chanting his name, but I got see what a loving and caring person Michael was and how different he was than any other artist. There was a lot of stuff in the movie (like how Mike directed his shows), which I probably never would have gotten to see, if someone else touched the rehearsal footage.

And it saddens me that a lot of fans are so mean towards Kenny, accusing him of making money from Michael. I know that Kenny really cares about Michael, I just know, and I bet his heart is just as aching as much as ours is.

I wish there was something we could do, to show him how thankful we are and let him realize how good of a friend he was...
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that was sweet :)

all we can do is that from are hearts we can dream as Michael did image in are hearts of faith that's all we did
if we do it
the faith we care for will come & tell us from there hearts
I'm very thankful to be able to have 'this is it'. Imagine the things people would say if they never saw ANY of the footage! It would be unimaginably harsh- think of the stories they would come up with that would be completely and outrageously fabricated.
I'm so thankful that we have a chance to see what Michael was doing for the fans and his children. His work wasn't in vain because we got to see the amazing show he was planning. We get to see him laugh, get excited, and loose himself on stage. We get to see him immersed in the artform that he lived for. It's so beautiful and touching.
Without being able to see This Is It, I can honestly say that I don't know how I would have gotten through this in one piece. To not know anything that was going on those last few weeks would have been so haunting for so many of us. I can't express my gratitude enough.
Thnak you Kenny
I am so so so so so thankful that we have this footage. Of course it isn't the same as seeing Michael in his element on the stage at the o2 but after his passing at least we have something. The film shows Michael the showman, Michael the consumate entertainer, Michael the creative genuis, Michael the phenomenal dancer, Michael the flawless vocalist, Michael's the messenger, and Michael the mentor. We got to see what the show would have been like. We could have had absolutly nothing and the media would still be going on about how he couldn't dance and sing anymore-they were convinced the show was going to be a disaster and they were all proven wrong.

Nothing will ever be able to replace Michael, not ever, but at least we can see what he had planned. Michael's vision was not in vain. It was all for love. L.O.V.E so thank you Kenny.
Kenny my Angel Thank You :heart:

Wonder whether KO will see these messages of appreciation?

Whatever our thoughts...............I am so so forever grateful that our angel was working on his comeback..........otherwise we would never have this is it........we have this is it to treasue for always.....we cant stop loving him..............MJ that is..:clapping:
Love u more Mike.

Wonder whether KO will see these messages of appreciation?

thank you Billie_Jean09 :D

Whatever our thoughts...............I am so so forever grateful that our angel was working on his comeback..........otherwise we would never have this is it........we have this is it to treasue for always.....we cant stop loving him..............MJ that is..:clapping:
Love u more Mike.


:yes: this is it will be in are hearts forever
:yes: this is it will be in are hearts forever
For eternity.....:angel: I havent yet found the moment to watch my TII dvd....need time :timer: and no interruptions.

Even just reading the back of the dvd is hard to take in.
''Michael developed created and rehearsed for his sold out concerts.'' We werent ever meant to see this dvd as it was intended for Michael's own library....
But I am so grateful that we have it to treasure :better:
For eternity.....:angel: I havent yet found the moment to watch my TII dvd....need time :timer: and no interruptions.

Even just reading the back of the dvd is hard to take in.
''Michael developed created and rehearsed for his sold out concerts.'' We werent ever meant to see this dvd as it was intended for Michael's own library....
But I am so grateful that we have it to treasure :better:

that's o.k :better:just let your heart tell you when you're right to see it :better:
i love to talk with the jacksons brothers about MJ is my heao in my heart i just wish i can tell them & this specail person too we are honor too :)