We should have seen this coming.. Mike and T-Pain

ShouldAH seen it COMin' baybeh!..... Soz, I just started singing that when I saw the thread title. :p

This T-Pain - is it possible he only does a quick rap or something in Michael's song, instead of a duet? And maybe Michael sees something in him that we can't because of the way T-Pain's music is produced? I understand the concerns here, but Michael does know his stuff. ;)

#1 where is there a confirmation?? have I looked over it?? Why are we all buggin' out over T-Pain..

I have said this SO MANY times by now.. Don't judge what Michael will come out with, by who he's working with.. He's worked with SEVERAL people that while we first heard about it, it was like WTF?? COME ON.. he's put Shaq O'neal on his record. No1 complained after HEARING the music did they??

just wait to see what MICHAEl can pull out of a person.. Michael sees potential, not what they've done.. He sees something some1 does and sees where that can be taken. not where it's been..

He's a creative geniuse.
#1 where is there a confirmation?? have I looked over it?? Why are we all buggin' out over T-Pain..

I have said this SO MANY times by now.. Don't judge what Michael will come out with, by who he's working with.. He's worked with SEVERAL people that while we first heard about it, it was like WTF?? COME ON.. he's put Shaq O'neal on his record. No1 complained after HEARING the music did they??

just wait to see what MICHAEl can pull out of a person.. Michael sees potential, not what they've done.. He sees something some1 does and sees where that can be taken. not where it's been..

He's a creative geniuse.

Because if Akon is working with him, oh T-Pain can be easy to tag as a collaborator. :lol: I actually don't think they're gonna collaborate but it's a nice gesture.
Stevie Wonder did a song with a UK group called Blue.. and NOBODY tripped over that..and Stevie is still in tack...as well has his genius-ness

Michael has been around the best in the music business all his life.. let him do what he wants... if you don't like it.. just don't buy it...and rest your case...

who knows.. we don't have confirmation of anything yet..

and still T-Pain and Akon put money in Michael's pocket... already with every song u hear them do ..especially Akon... so if he wants to do something with his artist.. let him be...
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Akon and T-bloody Pain in the Ass are from the same Vein, so we should have forseen him meeting up with Michael. Now This "T-Bloody-Pain in the ass" has got away with alot of things: Retouching his voice when singing, His lame to the core lyrics, his overlooped monotonous beats and Making waves while at it.. but actually meeting up with MICHAEL JACKSON? WHAT? I think T-Bloody-Pain in the ass" is the worst artist to ever to get a deal. I'd listen to Afroman or Lou Bega anytime over T-Pain, reall he PERSONIFIES the word rediculous.
T-Pain is riding the charts Like crazy rite now which brings me to my point.. I dont think Michael heard T-Pains "Buy you a drink" or "I'm in love with a stripper" and said "wow this guy is wonderful". MJ still wants to ride the charts as badly as he did back in the 80's and he just handpicked all these clowns who are BIG today since collaborations seem to be the order of the day these days.
I really hope Michael does not like what this joke of an artist has to offer and dump the track, (if its made), just like he did with Diddy. If that doesnt happen I'l have to console Myself with what WBSS21 said that at the end of the day, it'l be Michaels Timing, Michaels arrangment and best of all his vocals on the track. As long as its that, then I'l have to TRUST Michael, as long as T pain keeps his Pen out of the way coz I dont want to see Mike singing "We in the club like..ooo... oooo....oooo" anytime soon.
I'm sry, but what's the discussion? Is T-Pain working with Michael?
I'm not gonna pretend that I like the idea of Michael working with someone like T-Pain or Akon or Kanye West. I think as artists, they're total jokes and lack any real, substantive talent. But at the same time, I'm not worried because, one, we could be looking at Michael not doing anything, not putting any material out or undertaking any projects, and he would be totally justified in that, and two, I trust in Michael's talent to overwhelm anything mediocre which might touch the album. As lacking in talent as these people are, and a very real argument can be made that they are, Michael is more talented then they are talentless. So in the end, I'm not concerned and I'm sure as shoot not gonna complain because I feel grateful that Michael's decided to continue on with his career in the first place.

Its like these fans who are complaining and bitching over "Thriller 25". I was reading some comments over on another discussion forum and they were talking all kinds of trash about Michael and the note he left about the rerelease of "Thriller", saying he didn't try at all, blah, blah. But my attitude is, hey, he could decide to not put anything out, he could decide to become a total recluse and step out of public life and then what? I'm sure it would be vastly easier for Michael to do just that. But he's instead moving on and continuing to create. That's a big deal, after everything he's been through. He DID work hard on that project, don't think he didn't. One thing that's remained consistent about Michael is that, when he takes anything on, he puts his all in to it, he doesn't half ass anything. He's working with marginal talent on those remixes, so I don't know what people expected.

I believe Michael when he says that he's writing the majority of material on this album. I think all these loser acts he's collaborating with are only there to bring a fresh and current surface to the music. But the actual guts of the songs, if written by Michael, will as usual be brilliant. Plus, of course, a major aspect to any music Michael puts out, his vocals. He's about as professional of a vocalist as there can be, he's brilliant. So he can turn even the worst songs into gold.
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right on wannabe. I know what ur talking about in that other forum and thats why sometimes, listening to people's comments about it, I say "why does MJ even bother at times?" Cuz sometimes people can be so ungrateful. But whatever Mj's doing with whoever is alright by me cuz i was DEAD sure MJ was gonna be DONE with all of it after the trial. But he shocked the hell out of me and i'm glad. So bring it on 2008, T25, and whatever else he's got in store!
I'm not gonna pretend that I like the idea of Michael working with someone like T-Pain or Akon or Kanye West. I think as artists, they're total jokes and lack any real, substantive talent. But at the same time, I'm not worried because, one, we could be looking at Michael not doing anything, not putting any material out or undertaking any projects, and he would be totally justified in that, and two, I trust in Michael's talent to overwhelm anything mediocre which might touch the album. As lacking in talent as these people are, and a very real argument can be made that they are, Michael is more talented then they are talentless. So in the end, I'm not concerned and I'm sure as shoot not gonna complain because I feel grateful that Michael's decided to continue on with his career in the first place.

Well like I said, I think if anything if in fact, T-Pain, Will.I.Am, Akon and Kanye are gonna be on the NEW album, they'll probably be reduced to just co-writers. Kan-Man and Will could say a few things or like Kanye did in "Billie Jean '08" just chuckle and go "Uh-huh yeah", lol.
right on wannabe. I know what ur talking about in that other forum and thats why sometimes, listening to people's comments about it, I say "why does MJ even bother at times?" Cuz sometimes people can be so ungrateful. But whatever Mj's doing with whoever is alright by me cuz i was DEAD sure MJ was gonna be DONE with all of it after the trial. But he shocked the hell out of me and i'm glad. So bring it on 2008, T25, and whatever else he's got in store!

Well Michael is a survivor. We all knew that. :lol: Doo-Doo Head ain't a quitter. :lol:
Well he's a survivor, but ya know, he's human. So i would've had no problem if he quit the business. I thought he would. Glad he didn't :D
After what Michael went through, I was shocked at how quickly he bounced back. He's got a will of iron. Anyone else would have crumbled.
You are so right Michael is so strong anyone ele would of been in a crasy place by now. But not Michael isa warrior.
I do not like T-Pain either, but I do not have to bash him. His style of music is not my own and I do not have to like it. However, it is not what I have to like. It is what MJ likes. If MJ wants to work with them, who cares?

What I am trying to understand is why isn't Pharrell Williams, who is dying to work with MJ, not working with MJ? The beats that he would make for Mike would have been sweet. :)
quote Chaos on Akon working with MJ

quote Chaos on T-pain working with MJ
After what Michael went through, I was shocked at how quickly he bounced back. He's got a will of iron. Anyone else would have crumbled.


and that's why I try not to sweat the small stuff...like the photos with the post-it/bandages on his face, who is rumoured to be working with, his hair, his clothes, the 'he's broke stories', the media in general, tabs, etc..

becuz the fact that the man is still standing.... and preparing to deliver .. makes me smile...