We must stop SOPA -UPDATE SOPA and PIPA postponed indefinitely

Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

It's like living in North Korea. Wouldn't have expected that from the US. I don't even live there.
Worst thing for the community here is that we lost a lot of good uploads which were all ok to share.
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

Thank you CaptainEoLove85 for posting that video. We need to hear more about this!

This is mega times worse than SOPA and PIPA. Did some looking briefly now and found this :http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/01/21/1056995/-What-is-ACTA and this: http://www.stopacta.info/about
What is ACTA?
Since Spring 2008, the European Union, the United States, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Australia as well as a few other countries have been secretly negotiating a trade agreement aimed at enforcing copyright and tackling counterfeited goods (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement). Specifically, leaked documents show that one of the major goal of the treaty is to force signatory countries into implementing anti file-sharing policies under the form of three-strikes schemes and net filtering practices.
At a time when important debates are taking place on the need to adapt copyright to the digital age, this treaty would bypass democratic processes in order to enforce a fundamentally irrelevant regulatory regime. It would profoundly alter the very nature of the Internet as we know it by putting an end to Net neutrality.

This is horrible news! If I understand it correctly, among other things, it would mean your ISP would monitor what you look at or download and could result in one's internet connection being severed! And it's all being done IN SECRET! The potential for control of the internet is enormous. Not to mention loss of privacy....
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

I read that the Anonomys group hacked a lot of websites and that the proposal from SOPA has been dropped. Anyone has any news on that?
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

Another thing to be worried about

Oh no......not more..........

This was never about censorship.........this is control, plain and simple!!!!!!!

The fact that none of us ever get a say in these laws is proof that democracy never existed!!!!!!

We vote for a new leader, but they never listen to their voters.......more often they always go against their promises!!!
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

I don't understand why there is no coverage of this in any of the media? This is not about any one country, this is has global implications!

From Wiki:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Counterfeiting_Trade_Agreement
Opponents have argued that the treaty will restrict fundamental civil and digital rights, including the freedom of expression and communication privacy.[7] "The bulk of the WTO's 153 members" have raised concerns that treaty could distort trade and goes beyond the existing Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.[8] Opponents also criticize ACTA's removal of "legal safeguards that protect Internet Service Providers from liability for the actions of their subscribers" in effect giving ISPs no option but to comply with privacy invasions.[9] According to an analysis by the Free Software Foundation, ACTA would require that existing ISPs no longer host free software that can access copyrighted media, and DRM-protected media would not be legally playable with free or open source software.[10]...
The final text was released on 15 November 2010,[20] with English, French, and Spanish published on April 15, 2011.[21] A signing ceremony was held on 1 October 2011 in Tokyo, with the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, and South Korea signing the treaty. The European Union, Mexico, and Switzerland attended but did not sign, professing support and saying they will do so in the future.[22][23] Article 39 of ACTA states countries can sign the treaty until 31 March 2013. European Parliament reportedly has the final decision over whether the treaty is dismissed or enacted.[24]
Poland announced on January 19 that it will sign the treaty on January 26, 2012.[25] A number of Polish government websites, including that of the President and Polish Parliament, were shut down by denial of service attacks that started January 21, akin to protests against SOPA and PIPA that had happened two days previous.[26][27]

With all the uproar over SOPA and PIPA, how did this get a free pass?
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

This was never about censorship.........this is control, plain and simple!!!!!!!

The fact that none of us ever get a say in these laws is proof that democracy never existed!!!!!!

The internet is the only place where you can find real information about what's going on, and what our governments truly do. The media have stopped being the 4th power a long time ago to to join the partnership between politicians and multinational companies.

The rule is simple : keep them scared, keep them ignorant, keep them entertained. Cheap, easy and so efficient that the vast majority of western countries have started using this first american recipe. And it's spreading like plague.

IMO all this is not only about money. The Arab spring and the part that the internet played in it have a lot to do with this.

Is it a democracy when people are kept deliberately kept in the dark/uneducated?
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

Seems like the 2012 doom prophecy was wrong:

2012 is the End Of The Internet!!!!
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

Or, it will be the end of the world as we know it, which is actually the prediction in several civilizations ie the Mayan calendar (which never talked abt Armageddon)? Maybe because the people will realize they have left the wheel to others for too long, and have been manipulated.
Maybe it's the beginning of a global awakening? Maybe we'll create a brand new world? There are other options than communism or liberalism...

"Imagine" sang someone...
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

There're the things you can do about yourself, and your own life. And then there are things on a larger scale, how the world works as a whole. That's what we should work on now, first and foremost. I believe the first part would be much easier to work on.
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

I read that the Anonomys group hacked a lot of websites and that the proposal from SOPA has been dropped. Anyone has any news on that?
It wasnt anymonous that stopped it - I already posted this earlier in the thread.
I just Updated the title of this thread to reflect that so people aren't confused

SOPA and PIPA postponed indefinitely after protests

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- When the entire Internet gets angry, Congress takes notice. Both the House and the Senate on Friday backed away from a pair of controversial anti-piracy bills, tossing them into limbo and throwing doubt on their future viability.

The Senate had been scheduled to vote next week on the Protect IP Act (PIPA) -- a bill that once had widespread, bipartisan support. But on Friday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he was postponing the vote "in light of recent events."

Meanwhile, the House of Representatives said it is putting on hold its version of the bill, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). The House will "postpone consideration of the legislation until there is wider agreement on a solution," House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith said in a written statement.

The moves came after several lawmakers flipped their position on the bills in the wake of widespread online and offline protests against them.
Tech companies, who largely oppose the bills, mobilized their users this week to contact representatives and speak out against the legislation. Sites including Wikipedia and Reddit launched site blackouts on January 18, while protesters hit the streets in New York, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington, D.C. Google (GOOG, Fortune 500) drew more than 7 million signatures for an anti-SOPA and PIPA petition that it linked on its highly trafficked homepage.

The tide turned soon after the protest, and both bills lost some of their Congressional backers.

"I have heard from the critics and I take seriously their concerns," Smith said Friday in a prepared statement.
"It is clear that we need to revisit the approach on how best to address the problem of foreign thieves."
What's the point of postponing it????

Can't they decide once and for sure????....

....or better, I think there should be a public vote on it!!!!!!!

But then again this is a country that creates lies just to invade countries for oil amongst other things......
Actually it is by vote althought not direct vote. Congressman must represent the wishes of the people in their disctrict. They are voted in by the peoploe and can be taken out by the people if they dont. The congressman backed down form EVEN discussing it. becuase the people in theirs disctricts contacted them with disaproval. Now they may revisit it - but they still have to vote according to the people or they jepordise their posisition. Maybe they will decide to allow a direct vote -

I agree certain people in leadership do not always make the right decisions.
but to attack my country as a whole is wrong IMO. :(
Actually it is by vote althought not direct vote. Congressman must represent the wishes of the people in their disctrict. They are voted in by the peoploe and can be taken out by the people if they dont. The congressman backed down form EVEN discussing it. becuase the people in theirs disctricts contacted them with disaproval. Now they may revisit it - but they still have to vote according to the people or they jepordise their posisition. Maybe they will decide to allow a direct vote -

I agree certain people in leadership do not always make the right decisions.
but to attack my country as a whole is wrong IMO. :(

I apologise about that....

...I was referring to the American government not the people.
Here in Poland thousands of people started to protest against ACTA on the streets. How is it in other countries?

I applaud Poland! I haven't seen anything at all from any other countries. I truly do. not. understand. this at all. It is as if it is being ignored by most everyone in the EU and all the other countries involved. Has it been suppressed by the media? Or do people not understand the possible ramifications of this 'treaty'? Why did they care about SOPA and PIPA and not seem to be interested in ACTA? (overdosed on acronyms? ) Even here, people are criticizing the US and yet remain silent on what is going on in other countries regarding this secret treaty. SMH
merci! ^^

I guess one has to go looking for info on protests against ACTA. I see there are protests in various countries. My faith is restored!
Things are getting worse,it seems :mat: I think the main reason this hasn't had much coverage yet is that it was done in secrecy,but it's out now and the protests are raising,thankfully.
I received this alert in my mail :

Dear friends,

Last week, 3 million of us beat back America's attack on our Internet! -- but there is an even bigger threat out there, and our global movement for freedom online is perfectly poised to kill it for good.

ACTA -- a global treaty -- could allow corporations to censor the Internet. Negotiated in secret by a small number of rich countries and corporate powers, it would set up a shadowy new anti-counterfeiting body to allow private interests to police everything that we do online and impose massive penalties -- even prison sentences -- against people they say have harmed their business.

Europe is deciding right now whether to ratify ACTA -- and without them, this global attack on Internet freedom will collapse. We know they have opposed ACTA before, but some members of Parliament are wavering -- let's give them the push they need to reject the treaty. Sign the petition -- we'll do a spectacular delivery in Brussels when we reach 5
00,000 signatures:


It's outrageous -- governments of four-fifths of the world’s people were excluded from the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) negotiations and unelected bureaucrats have worked closely with corporate lobbyists to craft new rules and a dangerously powerful enforcement regime. ACTA would initially cover the US, EU and 9 other countries, then be rolled out across the world. But if we can get the EU to say no now, the treaty will lose momentum and could stall for good.

The oppressively strict regulations could mean people everywhere are punished for simple acts such as sharing a newspaper article or uploading a video of a party where copyrighted music is played. Sold as a trade agreement to protect copyrights, ACTA could also ban lifesaving generic drugs and threaten local farmers' access to the seeds they need. And, amazingly, the ACTA committee will have carte blanche to change its own rules and sanctions with no democratic scrutiny.

Big corporate interests are pushing hard for this, but the EU Parliament stands in the way. Let's send a loud call to Parliamentarians to face down the lobbies and stand firm for Internet freedom. Sign now and send to everyone you know:


Last week, we saw the strength of our collective power when millions of us joined forces to stop the US from passing an Internet censorship law that would have struck at the heart of the Internet. We also showed the world how powerful our voices can be. Let's raise them again to tackle this new threat.

With hope and determination,

Dalia, Alice, Pascal, Emma, Ricken, Maria Paz and the rest of the Avaaz team

More information:

If You Thought SOPA Was Bad, Just Wait Until You Meet ACTA

ACTA vs. SOPA: Five Reasons ACTA is Scarier Threat to Internet Freedom

What's Wrong With ACTA

The secret treaty: Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and Its Impact on Access to Medicines

And I also found this page about ACTA :

What is ACTA?

ACTA is an international trade agreement negotiated by the European Union, the United States, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Australia, Mexico, Morocco, Singapur as well as a few other countries, whose aim is to enforce copyright and tackle counterfeited goods (hence its acronym: Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement).
Download and read the final version of the text.
The main problem with this treaty is that all the negotiations were done secretly, keeping the public and civil organizations out of the table. All the information until 2010 relied on leaks that reveal intentional secrecy to misled the public. ACTA negotiations started on 2007 and finalized in 2010.

Which countries already signed ACTA?

October 2010: Japan and United States, who crafted the treaty, together with Canada, Australia, New Zeland, Singapure and South Korea
January 2011 European Commission, in charge of negotiations, together with non elected representatives from 22 Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgary, Czech republic, Denmark,Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.
The signature of ACTA by European countries does not mean the deal is done, needs to be ratified by the European Parliament. They will vote on june 2012to either ratify or reject ACTA. Please read more how to act and call your MPs, tell them to vote against ratification. This would disarm ACTA in Europe.

Help stop ACTA in Europe

The main two things to do are contacting Members of the European Parliament and helping spread the word about ACTA.
Current main action: call members of the INTA committee to ask that their report on ACTA recommend the Parliament reject it, and to tell them about the dangers of ACTA.