We must stop SOPA -UPDATE SOPA and PIPA postponed indefinitely


Proud Member
May 25, 2008
I just got word from a deviantArt member who I don't know informed that SOPA is passing a congress bill to take down YouTube and deviantArt for online piracy act.

I'm very well against it, because I knew the government are always up to no good and I never trust any government whatsoever, they corrupt everything. I will not have my dA page being hacked by their corrupted ways.


Here's couple of links for info and to prepare youselves to stop them. http://publicknowledge.org/e-parasite-stop-online-piracy-act?gclid=CMGbmamEj


Here's a couple of petitions to help.



You must hurray, the vote is tomorrow!!!
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Re: We must stop sopa now!!!

Signed. But what exactly is SOPA? This is first time I hear about attempts like this.. :bugeyed
Re: We must stop sopa now!!!

Deviantart is one of the best sites for Photoshop learners. It has so many stuff there. Hope they do not take the site down.
Re: We must stop sopa now!!!

SOPA is "Stop Online Piracy Act". I refuse to have them remove deviantArt, I'm a member there.
Re: We must stop sopa now!!!

Well this is pretty damning. The very proponents of this bill, created file sharing software themselves and even encouraged people to download copyrighted material

Re: We must stop sopa now!!!

They are trying to kill YouTube?!?!?!?!?

It won't be long before they stop making headlines and slip into irrelevance!!!!!
Re: We must stop sopa now!!!

I've been worried about this bill too! Jeeze before we know it TV will be gone - completely and each country will have internet/tv channels subscriptions via company.like completely. Like how digital cable is.. exept it'll be subscription vis company for your websites and 'television/movies/shows' etc. like what company you'll choose, what sites...package etc. netflix/yahoo/google/HBO v/s msn/Showtime/movies2go
<dd>[h=1]SOPA and PIPA - Learn more[/h]<!-- /firstHeading --><!-- bodyContent --><!-- tagline -->From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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<dl><dt>Why is Wikipedia blacked-out?

Wikipedia is protesting against SOPA and PIPA by blacking out the English Wikipedia for 24 hours, beginning at midnight January 18, Eastern Time. Readers who come to English Wikipedia during the blackout will not be able to read the encyclopedia. Instead, you will see messages intended to raise awareness about SOPA and PIPA, encouraging you to share your views with your representatives, and with each other on social media.</dt></dl>

</dd><dl><dt>What are SOPA and PIPA?</dt></dl><dl><dd>SOPA and PIPA represent two bills in the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate respectively. SOPA is short for the "Stop Online Piracy Act," and PIPA is an acronym for the "Protect IP Act." ("IP" stands for "intellectual property.") In short, these bills are efforts to stop copyright infringement committed by foreign web sites, but, in our opinion, they do so in a way that actually infringes free expression while harming the Internet. Detailed information about these bills can be found in the Stop Online Piracy Act and PROTECT IP Act articles on Wikipedia, which are available during the blackout. GovTrack lets you follow both bills through the legislative process: SOPA on this page, and PIPA on this one. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to advocating for the public interest in the digital realm, has summarized why these bills are simply unacceptable in a world that values an open, secure, and free Internet.</dd></dl><dl><dt>Why is the blackout happening?</dt></dl><dl><dd>Wikipedians have chosen to black out the English Wikipedia for the first time ever, because we are concerned that SOPA and PIPA will severely inhibit people's access to online information. This is not a problem that will solely affect people in the United States: it will affect everyone around the world.</dd></dl><dl><dd>Why? SOPA and PIPA are badly drafted legislation that won't be effective at their stated goal (to stop copyright infringement), and will cause serious damage to the free and open Internet. They put the burden on website owners to police user-contributed material and call for the unnecessary blocking of entire sites. Small sites won't have sufficient resources to defend themselves. Big media companies may seek to cut off funding sources for their foreign competitors, even if copyright isn't being infringed. Foreign sites will be blacklisted, which means they won't show up in major search engines. And, SOPA and PIPA build a framework for future restrictions and suppression.</dd></dl><dl><dt>Does this mean that Wikipedia itself is violating copyright laws, or hosting pirated content?</dt></dl><dl><dd>No, not at all. Some supporters of SOPA and PIPA characterize everyone who opposes them as cavalier about copyright, but that is not accurate. Wikipedians are knowledgeable about copyright and vigilant in protecting against violations: Wikipedians spend thousands of hours every week reviewing and removing infringing content. We are careful about it because our mission is to share knowledge freely. To that end, all Wikipedians release their contributions under a free license, and all the material we offer is freely licensed. Free licenses are incompatible with copyright infringement, and so infringement is not tolerated.</dd></dl><dl><dt>Isn't SOPA dead? Wasn't the bill shelved, and didn't the White House declare that it won't sign anything that resembles the current bill?</dt></dl><dl><dd>No, neither SOPA nor PIPA is dead. On January 17th, SOPA's sponsor said the bill will be discussed in early February. There are signs PIPA may be debated on the Senate floor next week. Moreover, SOPA and PIPA are just indicators of a much broader problem. In many jurisdictions around the world, we're seeing the development of legislation that prioritizes overly-broad copyright enforcement laws, laws promoted by power players, over the preservation of individual civil liberties.</dd></dl><dl><dt>How could SOPA and PIPA hurt Wikipedia?</dt></dl><dl><dd>SOPA and PIPA are a threat to Wikipedia in many ways. For example, in its current form, SOPA would require Wikipedia to actively monitor every site we link to, to ensure it doesn't host infringing content. Any link to an infringing site could put us in jeopardy of being forced offline.</dd></dl><dl><dt>I live in the United States. What's the best way for me to help?</dt></dl><dl><dd>The most effective action you can take is to call your representatives and tell them you oppose SOPA and PIPA, and any similar legislation. Type your zipcode in the locator box to find your representatives' contact information. Text-based communication is okay, but phone calls have the most impact.</dd></dl><dl><dt>I don't live in the United States. How can I help?</dt></dl><dl><dd>Contact your local State Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or similar branch of government. Tell them you oppose SOPA and PIPA, and any similar legislation. SOPA and PIPA will affect sites outside of the United States, and actions to sites inside the United States (like Wikipedia) will also affect non-American readers -- like you. Calling your own government will also let them know you don't want them to create their own bad anti-Internet legislation.</dd></dl><dl><dt>Is it still possible to access Wikipedia in any way?</dt></dl><dl><dd>Yes. During the blackout, Wikipedia is accessible on mobile devices and smart phones. You can also view Wikipedia normally by disabling JavaScript in your browser, as explained on this Technical FAQ page. Our purpose here isn't to make it completely impossible for people to read Wikipedia, and it's okay for you to circumvent the blackout. We just want to make sure you see our message.</dd></dl><dl><dt>I keep hearing that this is a fight between Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Is that true?</dt></dl><dl><dd>No. Some people are characterizing it that way, probably in an effort to imply all the participants are motivated by commercial self-interest. But it's obviously not that simple. The proof of that is Wikipedia's involvement. Wikipedia has no financial self-interest at play here: we do not benefit from copyright infringement, nor are we trying to monetize traffic or sell ads. We are protesting to raise awareness about SOPA and PIPA solely because we think they will hurt the Internet, and your ability to access information online. We are doing this for you, because we're on your side.</dd></dl><dl><dt>In carrying out this protest, is Wikipedia abandoning neutrality?</dt></dl><dl><dd>We hope you continue to trust Wikipedia to be a neutral information source. We are staging this blackout because (as Wikimedia Foundation Trustee Kat Walsh said recently), although Wikipedia&#8217;s articles are neutral, its existence is not. For over a decade, Wikipedians have spent millions of hours building the largest encyclopedia in human history. Wikipedia is a tremendously useful resource, and its existence depends upon a free, open and uncensored Internet. SOPA and PIPA (and other similar laws under discussion inside and outside the United States) will hurt you, because they will make it impossible for sites you enjoy, and benefit from, to continue to exist. That's why we're doing this.</dd></dl><dl><dt>I have a question that isn't answered here, or, I would like to send feedback to Wikipedia.</dt></dl><dl><dd>You can reach Wikipedia editors at info-en(at)wikimedia(dot)org. If you need a response, please be patient: we may have trouble keeping up with the mail.</dd></dl>

<dl><dt>What can I read to get more information?</dt></dl><dl><dd>Try these links:
</dd></dl><dl><dd>As of 6AM PT, January 18, Google has more than 4,600 articles about the blackout. Here are a few:</dd></dl><dl><dd>
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

Good post Qbee.........

I can't help thinking:

1.) Cheaper cinema tickets and better quality films would reduce piracy.........movie piracy got out of control because of both high cinema prices and over-hyped films becoming a let down!!!!

2.) Better quality albums would lead to more people buying music........people have become annoyed at buying a whole album just to realize it only has 1/ or 2 good songs!!!!

3.) Today's music is bland and it has no identity. We are all familiar with the individual sounds of music from 1960's, 70's, 80's, 90's.......but what is the sound of the 2010's???

It's about time these big companies started giving people quality and not factory manufactured rubbish........

This SOPA act could actually have the opposite effect and it could start to kill off peoples interest in the film and music industry!!!

P.S. Michael Jackson is proof that quality sells better then anything else!!!!!
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Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

Does it mean this site won't be able to allow downloads in 2000 watts section? We know songs are copyrighted. It does not matter if they are unreleased.
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

Does it mean this site won't be able to allow downloads in 2000 watts section? We know songs are copyrighted. It does not matter if they are unreleased.

If Sony says so, then under the SOPA, we cannot download anything that Sony (or any other company) can claim ownership. Even if the stuff never gets released, we can never download it.

This also means that most of the videos on YouTube will get taken down and most of the uploaders will get suspended. In theory, Google Images might also be taken down. Pretty much any website not owned by a music label or a film company could possibly be taken down.

I think the only loophole will be concert footage that is recorded by amateurs/fans (i.e. not professional)!!!!!
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

@Krshna28: I'm not sure that's exactly true. People are a--holes and will generally steal whatever they can get away with stealing. Also, the film and music industry put out whatever makes money, ergo whatever receives popular support financially, which means your hypothesis regarding piss poor quality being a reason for piracy would make no sense. If everyone pirated crappy music/films, sales would decline and the demand would wane--that is obviously not the case.

I think piracy is linked to human laziness and avarice--why work/pay for it when you can snatch it for free? If the technology to easily steal material without getting caught had been made available in times prior, we would have seen the same occur in the eras which supposedly had "individual sounds."
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

will this bill, if passed, only apply to american sites/sites with stuff copyrighted by americans?
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

The latest xkcd: http://xkcd.com/1005/

...the black is not totally black ;)
Severus Snape;3583429 said:
@Krshna28: I'm not sure that's exactly true. People are a--holes and will generally steal whatever they can get away with stealing. Also, the film and music industry put out whatever makes money, ergo whatever receives popular support financially, which means your hypothesis regarding piss poor quality being a reason for piracy would make no sense. If everyone pirated crappy music/films, sales would decline and the demand would wane--that is obviously not the case.

I think piracy is linked to human laziness and avarice--why work/pay for it when you can snatch it for free? If the technology to easily steal material without getting caught had been made available in times prior, we would have seen the same occur in the eras which supposedly had "individual sounds."

Some good points!!!

Your partially right.......

.....but I like to think that most people are not thieves!!!

People don't want to be ripped off any more........

Another thread on the Music forum will tell you about Adele and her recent success........

......that's proof that proper lyrics and singing sell better then the shallow crap of bieber and gaga!!!!!

And I'm not even a fan of Adele!!!!

Cinema tickets are a complete rip off.........that's a fact........

.......you can't even take your own food or drink in the cinema and instead we are forced to pay their extortionate prices for even the most basic of items!!!

......If I want to go watch a film with popcorn and a drink, it'll cost me about £15 (€18 or $23)!!!....it's just not fair!!!!

In the old days, going to the cinema was just something people did regularly......as often as weekly.......tickets were way cheaper but films would still make big profits!!!!

As it is, most people I know have cut the number of times they go the Cinema because it is too expensive......and they only to see films that they really want to see or have received good reviews!!!!

If a film bombs at the box office........it is usually because it's utter crap!!!!....nothing to do with illegal downloading!!!!
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

Megaupload closed :(:(


You could get up to 5 years for uploading a Michael Jackson under SOPA, one year more than the man who killed him. This is truely sad.

Yep.....very sad......especially when you don't even live in the U.S.

One could even get jailed for uploading just one little .jpeg image!!....

.....Might as well have a worldwide communist rule under the Hollywood/Republican dictatorship!!!!

The Sopa bill will be the end of the internet!!!.....and the start of the end for freedom of speech!!!!

The U.S. government must understand that they don't own the World!!!

But at least support for this ludicrous bill is declining......hopefully it will get rejected!!!
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

This is truely sad. Megaupload was closed.
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

In the USA you download Michael Jackson you take 5 years of jail, if you kill him you take 4 years....
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

SOPA will be damned to away what we love. They have no frickin' right.

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Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!


I'm surprised that the people who paid to use megavideo aren't up in arms right now, I doubt they will be getting their money back...
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Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

SOPA and PIPA postponed indefinitely after protests

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- When the entire Internet gets angry, Congress takes notice. Both the House and the Senate on Friday backed away from a pair of controversial anti-piracy bills, tossing them into limbo and throwing doubt on their future viability.

The Senate had been scheduled to vote next week on the Protect IP Act (PIPA) -- a bill that once had widespread, bipartisan support. But on Friday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he was postponing the vote "in light of recent events."

Meanwhile, the House of Representatives said it is putting on hold its version of the bill, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). The House will "postpone consideration of the legislation until there is wider agreement on a solution," House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith said in a written statement.

The moves came after several lawmakers flipped their position on the bills in the wake of widespread online and offline protests against them.
Tech companies, who largely oppose the bills, mobilized their users this week to contact representatives and speak out against the legislation. Sites including Wikipedia and Reddit launched site blackouts on January 18, while protesters hit the streets in New York, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington, D.C. Google (GOOG, Fortune 500) drew more than 7 million signatures for an anti-SOPA and PIPA petition that it linked on its highly trafficked homepage.

The tide turned soon after the protest, and both bills lost some of their Congressional backers.

"I have heard from the critics and I take seriously their concerns," Smith said Friday in a prepared statement.
"It is clear that we need to revisit the approach on how best to address the problem of foreign thieves."
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

I was half expecting that because from a legal standpoint that would be difficult to implement across the board.
Re: We must stop SOPA now!!!

Indefinitely sounds good!!!

Well politicians won't back a new law if it means they will lose votes (unless it's a crazed fanatical republican)!!!!!