We Made You - Eminem

Oh and yeah, the video is idiotic. The song as well.

Eminem is like Scary Movie. parody after parody after parody. It's just that in his case the "trilogy" never seems to come to an end. He has become a parody of himself.

I know that he has some good songs as well but the image he promotes is just beyond immature...
I wish he'd take his music more seriously, and i agree with dangerous_88, it's just parody after parody and I wish he would just learn how great and influencial music can be...and actually use it for a good cause.

I love his songs "Cleaning out my closet" , "Mockingbird" and "Lose Yourself". When he's serious, he's amazing.
exdactly zenab.

(btw people agree with a lot of my posts lately :) add to my reputation then lol ,it's kinda clumsy ahhahaha)