We Killed Michael Jackson

Nope... we didn't kill Michael! Michael was killed by an irresponsible doctor, together with irresponsible other doctors and some business ppl who wanted to wrench the last cent out of him!

But about fandom...

Stop this!

If haters become lovers, IF... then isn't that the most beautiful what could happen?


I have completely no understanding for this kind of 'elite' thinking in some.
So strange to me to find the weirdest reason why they could be a 'better fan'.
Everyone who needs to talk someone else down or who needs to talk about someone else bad to make themselves feel better about anything has a problem, a problem with self esteem and/or is pushing away a very own feeling of guilt.
In germany we say: "pick your own nose" to such ppl.

Please stop that.

I think whoever wants to represent Michael Jackson in their heart will always welcome everyone who wants to turn to the love, the tolerance, the peace, the fun, the joy and everything else Michael stood and will always stand for.
It completely doesn't matter when love/fandom started with someone and it doesn't make one fan better than the other... there is no 'too late' in this for sure.

It's not up to anyone but Michael Jackson himself to judge anyones fandom, that's crazy.

Again anyone who thinks he is a 'stronger', 'truer' etc fan, should really and sincerly question where this feeling is coming from... it is most likely a self esteem issue. Stop jealousy in between fans it's so ridiculous, Michael loves all of us.
If that is or feels not enough or maybe not fair to some then the problem is with those.

Always keep in mind there's ppl outside the fan community who would love to stirr up stuff like this inside... these ppl can come here also... the ppl can post on message boards also. Still let them come, let them learn the most important lesson here please!

We are the world, we can make a change if we make it to stand together as one we can make a difference and we will keep Michaels legacy with that.

Don't believe ppl who want to emphasize differences between us. Do believe ppl who emphasize what we do have in common because that is our strength.

love reading your posts...:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
I didn't kill anyone!!!!!!!!i didn't kill the man i love and admire so much!!!!!!!the man that save me!
Thanks to you that started this thread,i'm in tears andi can't control myself.
Just the thought...gosh...if being a fan means to do and have lots of stuff...but my michael knew better.he knew betterrr

are you sure you are a fan???

Than you should be careful with what you say.i might not be theonly one heartbroken thanks to you!

:better: please don't cry :better:

there are insensitive people... clearly she didn't mean every fan... i think she was lashing out in anger and pain. i got the impression she is an mj fan too.

the only thing is ... did she mention the biased media we have in this country? i mean lets face it... FOX NEWS, CNN, and MSNBC doesn't have a thing in common... but they did have one enemy in common... MJ.

they are to blame for half of MJ's misery in this god forsaken world. interesting since she is a journalist writing for the huff.... she didn't point the finger there. that is who she should be targeting.
Nope... we didn't kill Michael! Michael was killed by an irresponsible doctor, together with irresponsible other doctors and some business ppl who wanted to wrench the last cent out of him!

But about fandom...

Stop this!

If haters become lovers, IF... then isn't that the most beautiful what could happen?


I have completely no understanding for this kind of 'elite' thinking in some.
So strange to me to find the weirdest reason why they could be a 'better fan'.
Everyone who needs to talk someone else down or who needs to talk about someone else bad to make themselves feel better about anything has a problem, a problem with self esteem and/or is pushing away a very own feeling of guilt.
In germany we say: "pick your own nose" to such ppl.

Please stop that.

I think whoever wants to represent Michael Jackson in their heart will always welcome everyone who wants to turn to the love, the tolerance, the peace, the fun, the joy and everything else Michael stood and will always stand for.
It completely doesn't matter when love/fandom started with someone and it doesn't make one fan better than the other... there is no 'too late' in this for sure.

It's not up to anyone but Michael Jackson himself to judge anyones fandom, that's crazy.

Again anyone who thinks he is a 'stronger', 'truer' etc fan, should really and sincerly question where this feeling is coming from... it is most likely a self esteem issue. Stop jealousy in between fans it's so ridiculous, Michael loves all of us.
If that is or feels not enough or maybe not fair to some then the problem is with those.

Always keep in mind there's ppl outside the fan community who would love to stirr up stuff like this inside... these ppl can come here also... the ppl can post on message boards also. Still let them come, let them learn the most important lesson here please!

We are the world, we can make a change if we make it to stand together as one we can make a difference and we will keep Michaels legacy with that.

Don't believe ppl who want to emphasize differences between us. Do believe ppl who emphasize what we do have in common because that is our strength.

Mechi, you continue and continue and continue to amaze me...
Where is this strength of yours coming from?
You're a much better person than I am.

I can't help feeling bitter that while Michael was alive and could see it and needed support, these people that are claiming to be fans now were adding to his pain. And like I stated before - this does not go for every new fan. I've got some particular people I know personally in mind.

It's got nothing to do with feeling 'elitist' or 'a better fan' than them. I'd probably be the last person inclined to feel this way, as I've seen comments on this board about ppl with the join date of Jul 2009 that were very hurtful, and guess when I joined?
So yeah, no 'elitist' feeling this end whatsoever.

Thank god for ppl like you, Mechi.
Your heart is truly in the right place and you never fail to set us straight with some wise comment.
I know I did this..."We killed Michael Jackson. We helped create his gilded cage and then we rejected him. Death serves you well Michael, the world is finally acknowledging the amazing force of nature you were. You changed the face of music. Rest in peace.". I helped put him in that gilded cage...I posted stuff about how excited I was that he was going to perform again...I egged the man on.

I feel like I killed the poor man. My expectations were so high...Oh My God. I didn't reject him, however. I always loved the man...I just wish he was still around to know just how much we all loved him...truly loved him. It would have been enough to just know he was still around, taking his children to this place or the other. Now we have nothing....

Oh God... You know, I kept pushing these thoughts away, but I'll admit now that it did cross my mind - exactly like that.
I keep telling myself - you were only doing what fans do - being excited about Michael performing again! I don't know a fan who wouldn't be!

Linda, we didn't know... We didn't. If we had known, would we still act like this? Knowing there's a possibility this might kill him? That this was the beginning of the end?
We didn't know.
If we could turn back time, everything would have been different.

But still...
ok.... i have loved and admired MJ all my life (i'm 45) and i will admit i didn't follow him constantly all those years but he was always there always in the background for me, i supported him with each album release...what i do regret is this.............during the trials i NEVER for one minuite believed any of the accusations but i didn't stick up for him very much when other people slated him, i don't like argueing and fighting so i would just walk away from those people. i was wrong, i should of fought for his reputation.
shame on me......:(
now i'm getting ridiculed for my tattoos... " whats a woman your age doing this for"...all sorts of negative comments.
I DON'T CARE, i hold my head high and only buy tops without sleeves now. lol
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I've loved him since I was a toddler, but after that I wasn't a close follower of his life. I of course was always happy to see him on the TV and hear him on the radio. I think it was around 2003 watching part of the Martin Bashir interview (yes that horrid interview) and also watching Jacksons: The American Dream a few years back, that caused me to want to look into his life more, but even after that I didn't look further, and was pretty clueless about what was going on in his life after that. And to be fair, I'm like that with most celebrities anyway. But learning about his life I developed a great empathy for him. I remember thinking a few years back, I think when he moved to Iraq how I really couldn't blame him to get away from it all. I really wished the media would leave him alone. The childhood molestation charges pissed me off. I never believed that sh*t because I knew he didn't fit the profile of a child molestor. I could never say a bad word about Michael. How could I when I could totally identify with him? He reminded me it's ok to stay a kid inside. I would have wanted to hang with him and just be his friend. I was thinking how much he really needed a true friend.

There were a lot of songs I had never heard before that I've just now discovered. No, I didn't own any of his albums, but I don't think that makes me any less of a fan. Discovering these songs has been amazing to me, and now it feels like I've been listening to them for years. Instant classics. :) I'm also continuing to learn more about him every day, stuff I never knew about. I see it as a good thing. I don't really think Michael would care for the reasons why a person became a fan, or when, just that they did.
ok.... i have loved and admired MJ all my life (i'm 45) and i will admit i didn't follow him constantly all those years but he was always there always in the background for me, i supported him with each album release...what i do regret is this.............during the trials i NEVER for one minuite believed any of the accusations but i didn't stick up for him very much when other people slated him, i don't like argueing and fighting so i would just walk away from those people. i was wrong, i should of fought for his reputation.
shame on me......:(
now i'm getting ridiculed for my tattoos... " whats a woman your age doing this for"...all sorts of negative comments.
I DON'T CARE, i hold my head high and only buy tops without sleeves now. lol

Your tattoos are beautiful.
And what do they mean "woman your age", 45 is hardly old. Pft!
A fan, is a fan, is a fan.

Whether you loved him from the womb, from diapers, puberty, or college. All that matters is that you have him in your heart, you enjoy what he does, and you love him no matter what.

We all carry him with us now in our heart, souls and minds and it is unfair to compare and contrast 'fandom' by the amount of time you have enjoyed his talent. What matters is that we are all here now, for the same reason. If we were to tell Michael we loved him, he would tell us he loved us more, just like everyone else. He wouldn't ask us how long we had loved him. He wouldn't say something like 'you too!' just because we had just become fans. We are all equal and on the same level playing field. :)

Just sayin...I, and all the newcomers, are no less of a fan than everyone else :)
Mechi said:
If haters become lovers, IF... then isn't that the most beautiful what could happen?

Your entire post was great...but this line stuck out to me.
Very true. I think there ARE those among the "haters of yesterday" that really have come to "see the light" in Michael...and, though it is an awful truth that they previously scorned the man, it IS beautiful that they would experience a genuine change of heart. That's what we want for all the haters anyway, isn't it? We don't want them to just stop hating...but to really see the love and wonderment that was Michael. See him for who he really was.

orianalee said:
I just can't believe there is such a beautiful and gentle human being in the world with such a great talent and yet have been so misunderstood by the world at the same time, i don't get how people don't believe he was innocent.

Omg I so hear you. I remember the day I sat down to really learn about Michael and watch all his videos and interviews. I bawled my eyes out. I was just SO touched by his pure, loving, gentle spirit...it EMANATED from him. And it left me completely SHOCKED...how anyone could see anything less than love and innocence in him. When I realized everything that he had gone through...it hurt MY soul, knowing how it hurt his. I made a blog post and tribute about him after that...the first of many, to help open people's eyes to who he was, and to give him my love. http://abeautifulfrenzy.blogspot.com/2009/07/heal-world.html - that's where it all began.
A fan, is a fan, is a fan.

Whether you loved him from the womb, from diapers, puberty, or college. All that matters is that you have him in your heart, you enjoy what he does, and you love him no matter what.

We all carry him with us now in our heart, souls and minds and it is unfair to compare and contrast 'fandom' by the amount of time you have enjoyed his talent. What matters is that we are all here now, for the same reason. If we were to tell Michael we loved him, he would tell us he loved us more, just like everyone else. He wouldn't ask us how long we had loved him. He wouldn't say something like 'you too!' just because we had just become fans. We are all equal and on the same level playing field. :)

Just sayin...I, and all the newcomers, are no less of a fan than everyone else :)

great post.. we are all one and every fan is special :yes: :hug:
Omg I so hear you. I remember the day I sat down to really learn about Michael and watch all his videos and interviews. I bawled my eyes out. I was just SO touched by his pure, loving, gentle spirit...it EMANATED from him. And it left me completely SHOCKED...how anyone could see anything less than love and innocence in him. When I realized everything that he had gone through...it hurt MY soul, knowing how it hurt his. I made a blog post and tribute about him after that...the first of many, to help open people's eyes to who he was, and to give him my love. http://abeautifulfrenzy.blogspot.com/2009/07/heal-world.html - that's where it all began.
Focus on Michael.
Maybe if you believe this could be a prayer:

May his faith give us faith!

May his strength give us strength!

May his hope give us hope!

May his love give us love!

(and yes I've lend these lyrics from Bruce Springsteen)

Put Michael in the focus. We all do know him good enough. Focus on keeping his legacy!
And in the end I promise it will all be good. Please just have faith in Michael, your feelings for him and that's why also in yourself!

See all my motivation is my love for life and so very special ppl in my life.
I've been always lucky because I've always had lots of love in my life.
And lately I'm recognizing that love doesn't leave even when ppl have to leave.
Yes it hurts cuz I am missing them but their love is still so alive in my heart. And I really still want them to be happy with me because they will always only deserve my very best... it's them and their love making the best out of me.

See my boyfriend would have never left me. It wasn't his choice to leave. But that means his love is still with me.

See Michael would have never left us. It wasn't his choice to leave. But that means his love is still with us.

Let this love be the motor! Don't be scared! Do not fear pain.
Love will keep you going through everything. Love will keep us alive.
Love is the only way to find happiness again.

That is simply how I experience life.
Yes, Mechi, you are truely amazing, I really love reading all your posts, you give us so much comforts, thank you so much for all your comments and advises, such a huge help for us, I am so happy to have meet people like you in the forum, hugs to everyone :)
Your entire post was great...but this line stuck out to me.
Very true. I think there ARE those among the "haters of yesterday" that really have come to "see the light" in Michael...and, though it is an awful truth that they previously scorned the man, it IS beautiful that they would experience a genuine change of heart. That's what we want for all the haters anyway, isn't it? We don't want them to just stop hating...but to really see the love and wonderment that was Michael. See him for who he really was.

Omg I so hear you. I remember the day I sat down to really learn about Michael and watch all his videos and interviews. I bawled my eyes out. I was just SO touched by his pure, loving, gentle spirit...it EMANATED from him. And it left me completely SHOCKED...how anyone could see anything less than love and innocence in him. When I realized everything that he had gone through...it hurt MY soul, knowing how it hurt his. I made a blog post and tribute about him after that...the first of many, to help open people's eyes to who he was, and to give him my love. http://abeautifulfrenzy.blogspot.com/2009/07/heal-world.html - that's where it all began.

Imagine what this kind of love would have done for him while he was living? Maybe then he wouldn't need drugs to sleep.

We killed Michael Jackson. We helped create his gilded cage and then we rejected him. Death serves you well Michael, the world is finally acknowledging the amazing force of nature you were. You changed the face of music. Rest in peace.

i agree with the first part of this post. and the first sentence quoted is so true.

but i dont agree that fans are involved in that. the world contributed to his death in a major way. there are people directly responsible. lots.
but not fans. i dont feel guilty. i only feel helpless because i never had power to protect him. but the pressure of the whole world on one man's shoulders... that's too much...
You guys are just as amazing as I am.

Michael has always felt loved by his fans!

Fans were the reason why Michael felt loved and why Michael was happy!
Do not let anyone tell you different.
Michael was used, betrayed and put under pressure by other ppl!
Fans were the reason why Michael felt loved and why Michael was happy!

Everyone is so very special here.

And everyone is needed here.

To me it is Michaels message to leave clearly noone out.
To me it is Michaels message to welcome clearly everyone in the MJJfancommunity.

To me it is Michaels message to let love rule!
it hurts me to say: we killed michael...
because i did not!

i loved him since i was born, there was not a day i did not protect him...
every day i was writting him letters, i was praying for him,
and i wished to be with him to protect him from his so-called friends...
but i couldn't, because i had no money and no power to reach to him...

so why should i blame mysef?!

i'm sure here are fans who where doing the same way...
fans made him happy, fans made him feel he was loved...

so it's stuped to blame fans in death of michael...
we were there! we where with him always! we where the ones who never left him alone...
I was always a huge fan of Michael. Not as big a fan as I am now.. I've really developed a truly amazing love since his death. This article makes me feel bad though :( I owned 3 Michael albums before.. and when I went to buy the remaining ones I felt like people might be judging me as a bandwagoner or whatever. :(
as much as I agree with some elements of this article I step out and can say holding my head up high, I was there.
I was there in 1993
I was there in 1995
I was there in 2002 then in 2003 and in 2004 ..in good and bad...myself and many others, who were fortunate enough to be born "early" we were there

Did we the world kill Michael Jackson? Yes we did.
Did we gave him what he longed but never asked for?

I am glad to say I had the opportunity to do so once
and my heart goes out that he never got what he gave

but I hope he is getting that and lot more of it now
Oh God... You know, I kept pushing these thoughts away, but I'll admit now that it did cross my mind - exactly like that.
I keep telling myself - you were only doing what fans do - being excited about Michael performing again! I don't know a fan who wouldn't be!

Linda, we didn't know... We didn't. If we had known, would we still act like this? Knowing there's a possibility this might kill him? That this was the beginning of the end?
We didn't know.
If we could turn back time, everything would have been different.

But still...

I feel such a tremendous amount of personal guilt about this. If I didn't want him to perform so much, maybe he'd be alive now? I know he wanted to do this....but part of him wanted to please us fans so much.

OMG. If I could take back the past 3 months, I would. If I could turn back time, I'd try to change the way things went....
as much as I agree with some elements of this article I step out and can say holding my head up high, I was there.
I was there in 1993:clapping:
I was there in 1995:clapping:
I was there in 2002 then in 2003 and in 2004 ..in good and bad...myself and many others, who were fortunate enough to be born "early" we were there:clapping:

Did we the world kill Michael Jackson? Yes we did.
Did we gave him what he longed but never asked for?

I am glad to say I had the opportunity to do so once
and my heart goes out that he never got what he gave

but I hope he is getting that and lot more of it now

A fan, is a fan, is a fan.

Whether you loved him from the womb, from diapers, puberty, or college. All that matters is that you have him in your heart, you enjoy what he does, and you love him no matter what.

We all carry him with us now in our heart, souls and minds and it is unfair to compare and contrast 'fandom' by the amount of time you have enjoyed his talent. What matters is that we are all here now, for the same reason. If we were to tell Michael we loved him, he would tell us he loved us more, just like everyone else. He wouldn't ask us how long we had loved him. He wouldn't say something like 'you too!' just because we had just become fans. We are all equal and on the same level playing field. :)

Just sayin...I, and all the newcomers, are no less of a fan than everyone else :)

Great post, I completely agree. I feel so bad that I've only joined this forum, but all that matters is, I've been a life-long fan of Michael, and that's all that matters. :) I'm proud to be here, and to be a Michael fan. :)
I actually really liked this article because I think the "we" referred to is for the media outlets and the general consumers who believed them and passed on their messages.

And those people did indeed kill Michael. Maybe not literally... but his name was dragged through the dirt of popular culture in the past ten years...

Michael always believed in *us* and we always believe in him :) But I always see us fans as expempt from these articles because the media knew we existed, they just ignored us or discredited us even if we did show in force.

I just wish he could have seen the absolute overwhelming crush of love now. From everyone.
Fluffy Oz said:
Heeeey!!! You can sing! :wild:
Haha...well, kind of. :p

orianalee said:
Exactly, he spoke from the bottom of his heart, so sincerely, I will never doubt a single word from him, you can see sadness in his eyes when he speak, it was like he knew people will still go against him and not trusting in what he said, I believed in everything he said and it hurts like hell when people are still giving hateful comments to attack our angel, I don't understand how people can dare to do so...... I'm going to read your blog tonight after I got home, I am sure I will find some amazing posts there.
I hear you. It PAINS me to hear people talking down about him...because he just doesn't deserve that. I truly hope he's getting peace where he's at now.
Thanks for wanting to take time out to read my blog :) It's fairly new so there's not much on it yet...but I'll soon be starting a photography series dedicated to Michael and his message. I'm excited about that...I feel it's my duty, to spread the truth about him, and to just spread love.
See, this is what is wonderful about Michael gaining new fans. It means he's touched more lives, and in doing so...starts a chain reaction to open even MORE people up to that.

I think the "we" referred to is for the media outlets and the general consumers who believed them and passed on their messages.
And those people did indeed kill Michael. Maybe not literally... but his name was dragged through the dirt of popular culture in the past ten years...
I just wish he could have seen the absolute overwhelming crush of love now. From everyone.

Hear hear.
It's so sad that a man with nothing to give but love...could receive nothing but hate from the very structure that speaks to society as a whole. That put so many against him...over LIES. Michael always said he had rhinoceros skin, but we know his heart was hurting. I do hope wherever he's at, he sees the outpouring of love for him that is rising up now on earth. It's an awful thing the way it had to happen - but, it's an amazing thing how his love has lasted...and will shape our world for generations.
Exactly. Obviously you are on the same road as all of us if you are even on the board, no need to feel ashamed of your joining date. I used to, I didn't want people to consider me to be a 'bandwagon' rider...but I am over and above it now and just happy to be here with all of you :) :heart:
Exactly. Obviously you are on the same road as all of us if you are even on the board, no need to feel ashamed of your joining date. I used to, I didn't want people to consider me to be a 'bandwagon' rider...but I am over and above it now and just happy to be here with all of you :) :heart:

Thanks for that reassurance :) I never thought I measured up in my love for Michael to join this board, but I have felt very comfortable posting here. I had to think back on the times I defended Michael when it wasn't "cool" to be a Michael fan, how a week would not go by w/out some Michael tracks on my mp3 player, etc so I guess I am a Michael fan after all.