We Killed Michael Jackson


Proud Member
May 21, 2006

Before any mess starts up in here...

I did not write, nor give Title to this article, OKAY?!?

I simply posted it.:)

Where were all the weeping fans, the artists who hail him as their hero, the radio DJs who can't stop playing his music? Where were they 10 years ago? Oh right. Everyone thought Michael Jackson was a freak - a plastic surgery addicted child molester. His last studio album "Invincible," released 2001, failed to garner true hit single because radio stations refused to play the songs. Music critics tore him to shreds. He was blackballed. People made fun of him, he was considered a washed-up, has-been, crazy person.

The success of "Thriller," which as sold over 110 million copies worldwide and counting, can never be matched. ("Invincible," for the record managed to sell respectful 13 million copies worldwide to date. No artist can keep up that kind of string of hits. But, he put his heart and soul into every new recording he did, but judgment had already been cast before anyone heard the music.

He was a desperate man in pain and everyone threw stones at him. Now it's fashionable to be a Michael Jackson fan. Radio stations now play his music on heavy rotation. His albums are flying off the shelves. Urban Outfitters even carries a commemorative vinyl collection that hipsters can frame and put on their walls. Suddenly the entire world has rediscovered Michael Jackson. He's dead damn it. Imagine what this kind of love would have done for him while he was living? Maybe then he wouldn't need drugs to sleep.

Michael's body was still warm when celebrities, music execs, family members and even his personal staffed whored themselves to TV news programs professing to be Michaels' best friends. People who didn't even know him were releasing statements. Where were these so called best friends when Michael needed an intervention? Needed help? Nowhere. Yes, some tried, and Michael would not listen -- so keep trying!!!

Things had gotten so strange in Michael's world, that before he signed with AEG to do a string of concerts, one management company was trying to convince him to be 'virtual Michael.' No joke - they were going to set up a 3D Internet portal so Michael could interact with the world without leaving his house. That's enough to make anyone feel nuts.

The AEG deal gave him new life. It brought him back to what he does best - perform, be in front of fans, be around humans. Only the inner sanctum at AEG believed in him. The public and the pundits were waiting for him to fail. Many fans who bought tickets to the sold out concerts just wanted to go to see a historic spectacle, hoping they would witness a car crash.

We killed Michael Jackson. We helped create his gilded cage and then we rejected him. Death serves you well Michael, the world is finally acknowledging the amazing force of nature you were. You changed the face of music. Rest in peace.

Follow Tamara Conniff on Twitter: www.twitter.com/tamarastar

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wow that was an amazing article
very well said :cry:
ppl should have showed him the love he deserved when he was alive but there were also real fans who supported him all the way I mean look at the "this is it" tickets they sold out in minutes
We Killed Michael????! Ummm, I didn't!

I understand where you coming from, but your going about it the wrong way. Michael has been a target for years, its nothing new that people wanted him dead. Michael was a threat to a lot of people. We, the fans, had nothing to do with his death.

I wish Mike was here to see all the love that he is being shown, and I totally agree with you when you said
Now it's fashionable to be a Michael Jackson fan
I've gotten shit all my life because I was a fan, and as much as it burns me up inside there's nothing we can do about it. "You don't know what you've got till its gone" Michael ment so much to so many people, the world is still mourning! There will never be another Michael Jackson.

Michael knew how much his fans loved him and he loved us just as much. So please don't try and act as if WE killed Michael cause that's not the truth and that's not wat happend. I have supported Mike my entire life, wen Mike was on trial I and so many other packed up all our shit and got on the next thing smokin to be there for him. Michael has some really great fans who will stop at nothing to make sure he's happy. IDK wat fans you know, but the ones I know didn't kill him, didn't play any other part in his life but to make him happy.
'death serves you well'

hmm....I dunno. I definely think life served him better. Indeed he was in pain, but he felt immense love when he was alive. The adoration he felt from his fans was such a blessing, but almost in ways a 'curse' because it took away all his privacy and his 'normalcies'.

Not saying the article is bad, because it isn't, but I also find it almost to feel 'insulting'...I have loved Michael since middle school but never was an 'all out' fan. Since I have just started purchasing his CDs, does this make me any 'less' of a fan? I don't feel that I helped 'kill' Michael in any way...

Mixed emotions about this, obviously. lol

Before any mess starts up in here...

I did not write, nor give Title to this article, OKAY?!?

I simply posted it.:)
I can tell you now that I have always loved Michael. My mum grew up listning to him and she always put his songs on when I was a baby. I danced to his songs through my childhood...Then when I became 'aware of boys' (you know what I mean) I eventually (like nearly ALL of his female fans) fell in love with him.

So yeah, it's great he's getting the attention he deserves now..but to me, the real fans are the ones who loved him BEFORE he died.
Oh god... I agree that the saying "don't know what you've got 'til it's gone" is very true in this present tragic situation, but... There were a lot of fans out there throughout the years that loved Michael and ALWAYS knew what we had long before it was gone.

'We' in that sense didn't kill Michael. We loved him.

I guess I got a little emotional reading this, because you'd never hear me say one word against him, and I know of many ppl who had his back and supported him no matter what.

I had freaking rocks thrown at me by some losers for liking him, and so I wore MJ t-shirt to school the next day - and although this brings no comfort whatsoever now, at least I know deep within myself that whether things were good or bad, I loved him and he was my baby, whether ppl liked or not, or whether this was fashionable or not.

I don't want to think that 'we', the real fans, killed Michael, because I for one would love to be able to pour some of my own life into him to bring him back - and I'm sure many of us here and the world over would, too.
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I can tell you now that I have always loved Michael. My mum grew up listning to him and she always put his songs on when I was a baby. I danced to his songs through my childhood...Then when I became 'aware of boys' (you know what I mean) I eventually (like nearly ALL of his female fans) fell in love with him.

So yeah, it's great he's getting the attention he deserves now..but to me, the real fans are the ones who loved him BEFORE he died.

All MJ fans are my friends, but the ones that were there with me throughout the years are the "special" ones.
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Before any mess starts up in here...

I did not write, nor give Title to this article, OKAY?!?

I simply posted it.:)

Just to clarify - I knew that before I posted my response. It wasn't directed at you, just my thoughts.
In case it came out a little aggressive.:cheeky:

Many fans who bought tickets to the sold out concerts just wanted to go to see a historic spectacle, hoping they would witness a car crash.

This just really pissed me off!:mat:
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Before any mess starts up in here...

I did not write, nor give Title to this article, OKAY?!?

I simply posted it.:)

Where were all the weeping fans, the artists who hail him as their hero, the radio DJs who can't stop playing his music? Where were they 10 years ago? Oh right. Everyone thought Michael Jackson was a freak - a plastic surgery addicted child molester. His last studio album "Invincible," released 2001, failed to garner true hit single because radio stations refused to play the songs. Music critics tore him to shreds. He was blackballed. People made fun of him, he was considered a washed-up, has-been, crazy person.

The success of "Thriller," which as sold over 110 million copies worldwide and counting, can never be matched. ("Invincible," for the record managed to sell respectful 13 million copies worldwide to date. No artist can keep up that kind of string of hits. But, he put his heart and soul into every new recording he did, but judgment had already been cast before anyone heard the music.

He was a desperate man in pain and everyone threw stones at him. Now it's fashionable to be a Michael Jackson fan. Radio stations now play his music on heavy rotation. His albums are flying off the shelves. Urban Outfitters even carries a commemorative vinyl collection that hipsters can frame and put on their walls. Suddenly the entire world has rediscovered Michael Jackson. He's dead damn it. Imagine what this kind of love would have done for him while he was living? Maybe then he wouldn't need drugs to sleep.

Michael's body was still warm when celebrities, music execs, family members and even his personal staffed whored themselves to TV news programs professing to be Michaels' best friends. People who didn't even know him were releasing statements. Where were these so called best friends when Michael needed an intervention? Needed help? Nowhere. Yes, some tried, and Michael would not listen -- so keep trying!!!

Things had gotten so strange in Michael's world, that before he signed with AEG to do a string of concerts, one management company was trying to convince him to be 'virtual Michael.' No joke - they were going to set up a 3D Internet portal so Michael could interact with the world without leaving his house. That's enough to make anyone feel nuts.

The AEG deal gave him new life. It brought him back to what he does best - perform, be in front of fans, be around humans. Only the inner sanctum at AEG believed in him. The public and the pundits were waiting for him to fail. Many fans who bought tickets to the sold out concerts just wanted to go to see a historic spectacle, hoping they would witness a car crash.

We killed Michael Jackson. We helped create his gilded cage and then we rejected him. Death serves you well Michael, the world is finally acknowledging the amazing force of nature you were. You changed the face of music. Rest in peace.

Follow Tamara Conniff on Twitter: www.twitter.com/tamarastar


with exception of two bolded comments.... i totally agree.

she sounds as angry and bitter as I feel.

say what you want about the celebs, say what you want about pretenders,

but fans (like me who knew MJ before I could speak english and loved him).... no we weren't excited about the concerts just to see him crash... we wanted to see him rise like a phoenix and rise above the haters.... the users.... the conspirators...

he always had us.... fans.... !!!!
This pillow explains that we (the fans) kept him alive (before he had his children?):

I love you all of you so so much.
I'm very lonely without you, you are my life always, please love me always.
"Burn" all tabloids
Michael Jackson

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Just to clarify - I knew that before I posted my response. It wasn't directed at you, just my thoughts.
In case it came out a little aggressive.:cheeky:

No problem, I wasn't directing it at you either.
But we know how some folk can be, so I decided I'd better post a disclaimer just in case. :cheeky:
this article was a nice thought but i wish that she wouldn't lump everyone into one giant michael jackson hating lump, did they they forget the legions of fans that have stood by Michaels side throughout the years? most people werent so flaky to just drop him the minute he was no longer cool to the world, and for them to say that many "fans" bought tickets just to see him fail is just complete bull ish!! I dont know any one who would spend thousands of dollars and fly across the freakin Atlantic just to watch a "car crash". So yea nice thought, but i think this person would be better just keeping some of her opinions to herself -_-
This pillow explains that we (the fans) kept him alive (before he had his children?):

I love you all of you so so much.
I'm very lonely without you, you are my life always, please love me always.
"Burn" all tabloids"
Michael Jackson


sooooooooo sad.... "PLEASE LOVE ME ALWAYS"????? **TEARS***

I must admit I don't like some things written here.

Where were all the weeping fans
Did the writer of this article not see the hundreds of fans outside screaming when Michael was acquited and there EVERDAY when he was at court to support him?

Everyone thought Michael Jackson was a freak - a plastic surgery addicted child molester.
I certainly didn't, the haters did. There are more MJ fans in this world than there is haters.

he was considered a washed-up, has-been, crazy person
WhenTF was Michael considered to be washed up?! No matter what, Michael Jackson would not have 'washed up', he's just too great for that.

Imagine what this kind of love would have done for him while he was living?
I'll refer back to my first quote.

the world is finally acknowledging the amazing force of nature you were
So the millions of fans never did? Again there are/were more fans than haters.
Did the writer of this article not see the hundreds of fans outside screaming when Michael was acquited and there EVERDAY when he was at court to support him?
I think... scratch that. I HOPE this was directed at those that couldn't give a rat's about him while he was alive, and suddenly found themselves caught up in the mourning...
I, for one, feel I have a RIGHT to weep!

Gee I'm in a bitey mood today, aren't I?:bugeyed
We killed Michael???If the fans killed him,than I killed him too.

I would die for Michael!How can you even suggest that I killed him?

I'm his fan since the age of 11,and i've ALWAYS loved Michael.I always will!There's not one day that goes by,that i don't think and pray for him.
No i don't have lots of mj stuff like some here have...
No i was not going to london and i didn't go to any tribute...
But is this what makes a fan???i don't think so!
Michael was(is)ALWAYS in my prayers.He Believed in God,i believe in God,and i already lost count on the amout of masses i asked to be prayed for Michael!
Michael to me was always an amazing man,and only after,a very talented artist.
There was so much i could relate to him..
He is a part of me!If it wasn't him i would be death for ages now!
I killed Michael???oh please....
I feel ashamed, that I join the boards after his death, I was a casual fan but didn't think of being an online fan until he died.

I think my dad deserves to be here more than i do, I'm not fake but I just came in too late. :cry:
We killed Michael???If the fans killed him,than I killed him too.

I would die for Michael!How can you even suggest that I killed him?

I'm his fan since the age of 11,and i've ALWAYS loved Michael.I always will!There's not one day that goes by,that i don't think and pray for him.
No i don't have lots of mj stuff like some here have...
No i was not going to london and i didn't go to any tribute...
But is this what makes a fan???i don't think so!
Michael was(is)ALWAYS in my prayers.He Believed in God,i believe in God,and i already lost count on the amout of masses i asked to be prayed for Michael!
Michael to me was always an amazing man,and only after,a very talented artist.
There was so much i could relate to him..
He is a part of me!If it wasn't him i would be death for ages now!
I killed Michael???oh please....

I think that article makes some good points, but also some false ones.

Not "everyone" thought Michael was a "freak" and a "child molester", so for that article to pin that garbage on "everyone" as some sort of slap in the face is utterly offensive, and beyond wrong!

And for the many people who actually did believe that, most of that blame rests with the media, for their twisted, one-sided, biased, sensationalized, and malicious reporting, that painted Michael as the very picture of freakdom and criminal behavior. People who have closed minds or who blindly believe everything they see in print or hear on TV eat that kind of crap up and help to perpetuate the myth and lies that surrounded Michael in his life--and now in his death. And as a result, the truth gets either completely omitted or buried so deeply within the hype that the lies become perceived as the truth.

As for the success, or comparative lack of it, between Invincible and Thriller...I for one never even heard about the release of Invincible until well after the fact. Why? Because there wasn't the usual widespread hoopla and fanfare that usually accompanied the release of MJ's albums. I didn't live on the Internet at the time, nor did I watch much TV, so it would have been harder for me to hear about it. But the fact is, I don't remember any major promotion for that on TV the way we used to see it with MJ. It used to be that Michael would release an album, and almost every network and cable channel would have news about it, and you'd hear his songs over and over on the radio, so you couldn't NOT hear about it. But with Invincible, it just didn't happen. And that is somehow our fault too?

I also beg to differ with the statement that "the public and the pundits" waited for him to fail with the This Is It concerts. Maybe the so-called pundits waited for that, but I don't think the general public did. I am part of the public, and I sure wasn't waiting or hoping for his failure. I was waiting to see the King of Pop put the sparkle back in his crown and prove all his naysayers wrong. I wasn't thinking, let's see him blow this big comeback. I was thinking, YES, FINALLY, WELCOME BACK, MICHAEL JACKSON! Was I a 24/7 die-hard MJ fan? No. Did I live and breath Michael Jackson? No. But was I a doubter? Heck no! And I was thrilled for what surely would have been one of the biggest and best moments of his career.

I think the author of that article should speak only for herself. If she thinks she put MJ in a gilded cage and then rejected him, that's fine. But she shouldn't be projecting her own sense of guilt onto everyone else. I didn't follow MJ any more or less closely through the years because of or even in spite of the media and the myth that followed him. My focus in my life has always been on my family. And while I have always loved Michael and his music, he wasn't my reason for existing. And I sure don't think Michael would have expected that either. So I take offense at her implication that I, or any other MJ fan is to blame for his death.
I feel ashamed, that I join the boards after his death, I was a casual fan but didn't think of being an online fan until he died.

Me too :(. I keep thinking that other members might think I've joined and become a fan only because he's died.
I feel ashamed, that I join the boards after his death, I was a casual fan but didn't think of being an online fan until he died.

I think my dad deserves to be here more than i do, I'm not fake but I just came in too late. :cry:

Me too :(. I keep thinking that other members might think I've joined and become a fan only because he's died.

Psssh you guys dont have ANYTHING to be ashamed of! It doesn't matter if you weren't a member of some online forum, just the fact that you guys were supporting Michael during the times when he need you are enough... you dont need to join a forum to prove your fan-ness(i know that not a word :mello:) to the world
I feel ashamed, that I join the boards after his death, I was a casual fan but didn't think of being an online fan until he died.

I think my dad deserves to be here more than i do, I'm not fake but I just came in too late. :cry:

I think it matters so much more to know in your own heart that you loved him before you joined a forum, than what others might think.
I've seen some unfavourable comments on this board suggesting that anyone with the join date of Jul 2009 is a 'fake' fan, but I never let it get to me, because I KNOW who I've been and how intensely for the past 20 years.
So don't let it get to you, hun.
I lurked on here since 2004, but only joined in July because I just couldn't cope with Michael's death on my own, without talking to others.
Don't feel ashamed. You're as true as those with 10,000 posts and years of membership.

That goes for you MichaelFanNo1 too!:yes:
I think that article makes some good points, but also some false ones.

Not "everyone" thought Michael was a "freak" and a "child molester", so for that article to pin that garbage on "everyone" as some sort of slap in the face is utterly offensive, and beyond wrong!

And for the many people who actually did believe that, most of that blame rests with the media, for their twisted, one-sided, biased, sensationalized, and malicious reporting, that painted Michael as the very picture of freakdom and criminal behavior. People who have closed minds or who blindly believe everything they see in print or hear on TV eat that kind of crap up and help to perpetuate the myth and lies that surrounded Michael in his life--and now in his death. And as a result, the truth gets either completely omitted or buried so deeply within the hype that the lies become perceived as the truth.

As for the success, or comparative lack of it, between Invincible and Thriller...I for one never even heard about the release of Invincible until well after the fact. Why? Because there wasn't the usual widespread hoopla and fanfare that usually accompanied the release of MJ's albums. I didn't live on the Internet at the time, nor did I watch much TV, so it would have been harder for me to hear about it. But the fact is, I don't remember any major promotion for that on TV the way we used to see it with MJ. It used to be that Michael would release an album, and almost every network and cable channel would have news about it, and you'd hear his songs over and over on the radio, so you couldn't NOT hear about it. But with Invincible, it just didn't happen. And that is somehow our fault too?

I also beg to differ with the statement that "the public and the pundits" waited for him to fail with the This Is It concerts. Maybe the so-called pundits waited for that, but I don't think the general public did. I am part of the public, and I sure wasn't waiting or hoping for his failure. I was waiting to see the King of Pop put the sparkle back in his crown and prove all his naysayers wrong. I wasn't thinking, let's see him blow this big comeback. I was thinking, YES, FINALLY, WELCOME BACK, MICHAEL JACKSON! Was I a 24/7 die-hard MJ fan? No. Did I live and breath Michael Jackson? No. But was I a doubter? Heck no! And I was thrilled for what surely would have been one of the biggest and best moments of his career.

I think the author of that article should speak only for herself. If she thinks she put MJ in a gilded cage and then rejected him, that's fine. But she shouldn't be projecting her own sense of guilt onto everyone else. I didn't follow MJ any more or less closely through the years because of or even in spite of the media and the myth that followed him. My focus in my life has always been on my family. And while I have always loved Michael and his music, he wasn't my reason for existing. And I sure don't think Michael would have expected that either. So I take offense at her implication that I, or any other MJ fan is to blame for his death.

I feel ashamed, that I join the boards after his death, I was a casual fan but didn't think of being an online fan until he died.

I think my dad deserves to be here more than i do, I'm not fake but I just came in too late. :cry:

This is myself as well. I never really felt the need, or had the time, to be on a message board. After Michael passed I needed people to talk to that understood me. The people here can, and do, do that. I would hope that no one thought any less of us because of our 'joining' date. What really matters is how long Michael has been in your heart :hug:
This pillow explains that we (the fans) kept him alive (before he had his children?):

I love you all of you so so much.
I'm very lonely without you, you are my life always, please love me always.
"Burn" all tabloids
Michael Jackson


:cry: I miss him..
and I know we loves us very much.. Michael loved life and gave so much to the world.. I hate how people were so terrible. Its sickening :no:
We killed Michael???If the fans killed him,than I killed him too.

I would die for Michael!How can you even suggest that I killed him?

I'm his fan since the age of 11,and i've ALWAYS loved Michael.I always will!There's not one day that goes by,that i don't think and pray for him.
No i don't have lots of mj stuff like some here have...
No i was not going to london and i didn't go to any tribute...
But is this what makes a fan???i don't think so!
Michael was(is)ALWAYS in my prayers.He Believed in God,i believe in God,and i already lost count on the amout of masses i asked to be prayed for Michael!
Michael to me was always an amazing man,and only after,a very talented artist.
There was so much i could relate to him..
He is a part of me!If it wasn't him i would be death for ages now!
I killed Michael???oh please....

I would die for Michael too..
A few years ago I prayed to the lord please if something ever goes wrong with Michael please lord take me instead. I didnt want him to go before me because I knew the pain would be too much for me to bear. It really has been. I sometimes get frusterated and wish the lord would have listened to my prayer and taken me instead.
i am glad i found this place. but i can't be ashamed about joining this place before i did... i just didn't know. and i have never spent a lot of time online. certainly never joined forums.

there are false fans... like false celebs... i am not sure how you would calibrate who is a fan and who is a fake fan or who is a fanatic.

at the end of the day we all know who we are . a real fan. a part time fan. or a pretender.

but .... i hope none of us.... will discourage or make younger fans of MJ... or newly MJ fans..... feel less like they are fans. because they will carry the next generation of Michaels legacy.

In the U.S. the last almost 10-15 years.... it was never a popular thing to be an MJ fan...( not to say that it is easy now.... we are always fighting haters still) now that people are finding ways to pay tribute.. they are listening to our beloved's music and dance. i hope in one or two decades.. a new artist will rise (never will equal our michael) and say.... "my idol was MJ"... like he wanted his legacy will continue and live on like "michaelangelo".

i agree with a lot of what she wrote.... but i wish she would have not attacked the long time or newly fans.... even in anger and sadness.... we have to find the right target.