We brought Christmas to Michael

Hi guy's
No need to thank us. We love Michael and miss him every single day. I visit MJ on a regular basis and I can answer some of your questions about the family. Our trip to Forest Lawn was on the 3rd of December. December 1st the brother's Jackie, Jermaine, Tito and Marlon made there first visit.. Prior to that, only Stevie Wonder And Karen Faye had been to visit! I was so happy to hear that family finally went to visit..until, we were told that they showed up with the A&E production crew. Look's like it was for the show. The stayed for an hour.. and then they left. I have so much more info I wish I could share but I don't want to jeopardize the friendships I have made with the guards out there. I am going to give the mail another week before I shut down the P.O. box. We are taking a package to the Encino Compound, The day we drop off the remainder of the stuff to Michael. To the person who wanted to send something to Paris. If you sent it today. You might be able to get it in but It would be close. The address for the Encino home is public. I would suggest you send it directly to the house.
That was a wonderful thing to do. I am sorry I missed it. If you do it again let us know because I want to be there for Michael.
Thank you so much for sharing the videos and the photos. I'm sure Michael will feel the love from you all. Wish I lived closer so I could visit there sometime.
ohh. I live in Colorado.. If I put this in the mail tonight, do you think it would get to you in time? I really want to give a Christmas message to Michael!

This is such an amazing idea....
I don't think we know if they are visiting or not. With all the fans around, perhaps they visit after public visiting hours. I'm sure they are doing what's best for them.

BTW, ashtanga...I love your signature!!

I commented that the press (TMZ) did not say that. They are always aware of everything. Well, as you said, the family is doing what is best.

Yeah! I also love my siggy! :wub:
Aww! :cry:
I didn't see your post about this or else I would have absolutely sent something!

That's lovely though. :heart:
omg that video was so special...
Im happy michael got some christmas gift :weeping:
like elizabeth taylor say: "i cant see christmas without michael or michael without christmas"

sooooo sweet :cry: thanks for sharing love to him
A few weeks ago I provided an address for everyone to send a card or ornament to Michael For Christmas. My group at Michael Jackson Fans Of Southern California brought a little Christmas to MJ at Forest Lawn yesterday. Thank you to everyone who sent something. I will be making one more trip before the holidays, because things are still arriving. I also have a package for the kids, that will be delivered. I wish everyone a happy holiday!


If you would like to see more Picture's of our visit please visit our site.

awww beautiful idea. Thank you for doing this!!

Merry Christmas Michael we love you!!!! :cry: