We Are the World Remake by the Westboro Baptist Church **WTF?!?!**

thats old and whats soooo stupid?...
they just dont think god exist or something like that

everyone has different opinions... and this is just a notnormal-cover

but nothing to get angry... just ignore if you dont like and dont post here maybe

this is sooo old

or are they against mike you think? :eek:
LMFAO This is SOOO FUNNY. How pathetic!! Btw, I think everything about these sick people should be banned on MJJC. They should just kill themselves if they hate this world soooo damn much. Who are their friends? I wanna see them on the day of judgement...lol.
LMFAO This is SOOO FUNNY. How pathetic!! Btw, I think everything about these sick people should be banned on MJJC. They should just kill themselves if they hate this world soooo damn much. Who are their friends?

lol hellz yah
eww I felt so sick near the end! I read this somewhere once... "Some people are alive because it's illegal to shoot them!" LOL.
You shouldnt give them attention which is just what they want.
Ahhh religion there isnt one ounce of good in it and always ends up corrupting people but it is funny how deluded it makes people as this video clearly shows, IMO Religion should be bannd completely its done more harm to the World than it has good!
Ahhh religion there isnt one ounce of good in it and always ends up corrupting people but it is funny how deluded it makes people as this video clearly shows, IMO Religion should be bannd completely its done more harm to the World than it has good!

Though I am an atheist, I realize that religion can be used for good in the same way that guns can be used for good. In the hands of responsible people, great things can come from religion. And besides, my mother is Christian. I am compelled to respect her beliefs. Banning religion is tempting, but it is not the answer.
Hmm, wasn't too keen on the ad libs. Seriously though, these people are depraved. The poor wee girl at the end. Being brainwashed. :(
You know MJ's melodies are universal and timeless when this crap still manages to get stuck in your head, lol
this is so funny god hates the world and all the people that is just soooooo funny i cant stop laughing!
First I'm like: Wow..... :mello:

Then I'm like: LMAOWTF?!?! AHAHAAA What has this world come to. :mello:

You know MJ's melodies are universal and timeless when this crap still manages to get stuck in your head, lol
Omg, LOL!
this is so funny god hates the world and all the people that is just soooooo funny i cant stop laughing!

rofl it is pretty funny, and the funnier thing is that their serious lol
I'm sry. But that is the funniest shyt! They are so way wrong for that that it's hilarious!!! BWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I wont even listen to that crap. They are nothing. I hope they wont show up to the memorial service like they claim they are going to do.
I wont even listen to that crap. They are nothing. I hope they wont show up to the memorial service like they claim they are going to do.

It dont matter. I have a feeling their asses will be kicked out fairly quickly.
The woman in the front is the leader. She had better stop this total disrespect for the dead lest she find herself dead in a coffin.
If you think this is funny, you should research a little into this 'church' and see some of the things they do, and even get their young children to participate in with their hateful protests, when they're not even old enough to understand what it's about. :/
Louis Theroux did a very good documentary when he spent time with this church

it is on youtube (The Most Hated Family in America)
thats old and whats soooo stupid?...
they just dont think god exist or something like that

everyone has different opinions... and this is just a notnormal-cover

but nothing to get angry... just ignore if you dont like and dont post here maybe

this is sooo old

they do believe in God. these are religous extremists.

or are they against mike you think? :eek:

It's okay for them to hate fags, liberals, and protest at funerals of gay soldiers, but if they are against Mike well than it finally offends you?

These people are sick, and taking a song that was used for good and turning it into this is truly offensive. If I had a gay family member who had died serving this country or in any other matter and they showed up at the funeral I would fight. Like literally I would get violent.
They got issues, cause I'd like to know who in that group does not sin? we are not perfect, God knows, that and that's why we have forgiveness but I will not get into that.

If any of them in that room can say they have never sinned a day in their life..then I will go live under a rock for 20 years. They are also using the music to "We are the World" a Secular song that is of the world..

They should not be bringing MJ's music into their hateful worlds. Passing this sic ish on to their kids and what not. God will have a surprise for them at the end. Dang! I don;t wish bad on anyone but some people are just stupid.
Ahhh religion there isnt one ounce of good in it and always ends up corrupting people but it is funny how deluded it makes people as this video clearly shows, IMO Religion should be bannd completely its done more harm to the World than it has good!

how can you ban a belief about a certain subject? punishing people for their beliefs, culture, or lifestyle, while using force or threats to make people believe this or that is 100% of the problem with religion.

but banning it would be just another example of that. you punish people with jail instead of hell for their beliefs, for their christain culture or muslim culture, and try to force them to believe something else instead.

It comes down to live and let live.