We Are The World 25 - Your Rating!!!!

We Are The World 25 - The Poll

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Proud Member
Jul 27, 2009
This is just a poll to see your how you rate "We Are The World 25"!!!!

Feel free to add your comment about the song and don't forget to say what you liked/disliked about the song.

To Mods: If you feel this thread is in the wrong forum, don't hesitate to move it to the suitable place!


Well looking at the Poll, it seems that this remake won't be much of a big hit............and miles away from reaching the sales of the original!!!!!!!

Also in the news.....rapper/producer Jay-Z didn't like the remake as well.

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I just thought it was bad. I did not like it very much.:perrin::perrin:
I voted #1

I don't expect anything to be like the original....but this was just 100 different types of bad.
i voted less than zero, because it put me in the untenable position of being judged for being real. if you come across as charitable on sunday, and then carouse on monday, i'm going to regard you as phony. and if you judge me as uncharitable for not being phony, i'm going to regard you as being in a dark tunnel.

all i ask, is that you be real.

i don't understand what Wyclef Jean was doing. i really think that he thought he could get away with it, because he knew that a lot of people were gunna say..'it's all for charity, and no one would dare to challenge it'. i have never downloaded a song, for free, in my life. i'm not saying that to be proud. i'm saying that, because i honestly can't listen to a song, unless it's good. you can't pay me to listen to a song, unless it's good. period. and the true dichotomy is, that people find it impossible that an artist can be consistently good, in an objective way, all his or her life. it's easy for people to judge a person that sees that, as just being blindly loyal, and delusional.

the fact is, Michael has been excellent, all his life. i found myself tempted to steal his music out of a store, just to save my life from depression.

Michael's appearance in this revamped version, prompted me to go out of my way, to perform listening gymnastics. it made me listen to the original, countless times, to refresh myself, and it made me feel guilty, because Celine Dion, sounded as smooth as somebody can sound, trying to obey Quincy Jones, and duplicate a massively wonderfully explosive Cyndi Lauper riff. after that, i was never able to listen to the revamp, again. Michael's part was beautiful, and unspoiled by this new mess, even though it was inserted among it. it's very hard to mess up a great song. it's easier for a great singer to fail at doing a bad song. but, i found out, that it's possible to do the former, when listening to this. and everything i posted has absolutely, unequivocally nothing to do with what i did, or did not do, to help the victims of Haiti. i donated apart from this tragic remake. i can't even stand the spirit of a bad remake on my itunes player.

i'm of the firm belief that if you are not for real, the music will tell on you.
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Well okay hopefully I won't get trounced but I gave it 1 star. Michaels' part was the best part it truly was it was great to see him but I hated the rap they put it in it and without sounding to critical most of them seemed to be yelling. It just felt like they were all there to sing there part and that was it whereas in the original song everyone was singing together and seemed to care about what they were doing. It is just my opinion I didn't like it and I have donated in other ways because I certainly won't buy it!!

The only purpose for downloading this song is for helping the victims of Haiti and because Michael was in the song. I rated it a 3.
I voted 1 because it was a hack job of the original. If Michael was with us and worked with Quincy to remake WATW, this would not have been the end result because he would not have put it out until it met his standards and satisfaction.

I didn't care for it at all. I know some love it and say that it's for helping out Haiti. I agree with that, but at the cost of butchering a classic. I've said it before: Some songs are meant to be remade and some are better lefted untouched. We Are The World is one that should be left alone.
^^^ Exactly. Very bad production IMO....WAAAAAAAAAAY too much autotune......didn't I hear a bit of autotune on MJ's part or was I hearing things?
I rated it a 1. I listened to it and I had to turn it off.
All I am going to say is, I really think they could have done so much better with this song. They really could have. It was just...a mess in my opinion. If Michael was here and had helped work on this song, this would not be the outcome of it.
waste of time and they shouldn't had put Michael in there.
In the book of how to butcher a song this is chapter one.
I rated it a 3 stars, It's a decent, average and modern song, It's not really different from any other song that's out there today, It doesn't sound as if any Love was put into this song, except for Michael/Janets part, but that's for the obvious reasons. I feel they could've left Lil Wayne, T-Pain and the rap off the song, but I understand they wanted to branch out to every type of fan to earn more donations, Wyclef needed to tone it down, Like, A LOT. With all that said it's an average/decent song for todays common fan, some things just need to be left alone, it's obvious they experimented with WATW for a good cause, but in the end, it inevitably failed.
3. I didn't love but but didn't hate it either. Obviously it is not a patch on the original but its for a good cause and I prefer it to the 'Everbody Hurts' version that Simon Cowell did so I bought it.
I rated it 3 stars, just for Michael. I just listened it one time, after that, I found I so missed WATW demo lol.
I gave it 3 stars because the song's average by today's standards, and that's not hard to achieve.
Its a pretty wack song and really no need to re- make it BUT I only applaud because of the efforts for Haiti but its a vote of 1.
Well, I don't wanna talk too often about this as I already shared my opinion on here a few times!
I've chosen 4 stars - over and out, I won't go any further than that!
I voted 4* This is what modern music is these days. I quite enjoyed the mash up with the different genres of music, the point being all these people from different backgrounds/races/genres were coming together to sing 'we are the world' as one. Where else would you get Celine Dion and Lil Wayne on the same track? It's Michael's message, he's still there, and it's for an amazing cause. That's more than enough for me.