Was you fan of MJ before or after his death?

Was you fan of mj before or after his death?

  • Before his death

    Votes: 428 94.3%
  • After his death

    Votes: 26 5.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Got Invincible for Christmas in 2001 and been a huge fan ever since.
I have loved MJ's music and dance since 1983/4.............Thriller and Billie Jean epic!
It's only since he passed that I have took this to another level..............
I followed the trials on news in 2003...............have always loved MJ......now he is another part of me..........eee hee
Seriously though............that man is a genius and a true pioneer...
Taking his love and legacy into next year.....
i HONESTLY THINK Mj had a lot of closet fans. People who loved his music but were too afraid to admit because he was so weird.
I've been a fan since I as long as I can remember, as I said a few times my earliest memories were from the "Bad" era.

although I myself didnt collect the albums and things like that until I got older because I didnt have any money and when I was younger my fascination with him was kept on the low because I didnt want anyone to know that I had a crush on him (I was a kid I was embarrased). But it was when Martin Bashir pulled his stunt and when Michael went back on trial, that was when I found out how much he meant to me and if he was sent to jail I would cry and never be the same.
From when I first watched Moonwalker age 4/5... But then suddenly about three years ago my sister (Michael Jackson Moonwalk) started going hardcore Michael Jackson, buying every single album, book, poster watching all sorts of interviews 24/7 hours a day and thats when I started going a little hardcore too and driving to Central London in the middle of the night to wave at him at his hotel room. We even managed to get VIP seats and front row seats for TII on opening night, we were so excited. Everyone I spoke to was mega jealous unfortunately it wasn't to be :(

I like your siggy...:) I have been a MJ fan since the 70's. Turned hard core in 2005. Since then, I would travel to see him where ever he was. My husband got so mad at me he took my passport from me..lol seriously :(
I have been a fan of Michaels for about 32 years maybe a little longer:)
I "discovered" him after...

My story -- In the 80's I don't remember what music I was into. The early 90's and continuing I saw, and followed, Garth Brooks, love him.
Some time many years ago, I remember hearing about the Jackson 5, a little kid that was supposed to be real good. Also, many years ago I remember seeing a small part of the Thriller video,and said to myself -- Whoah!! I really want to see all of that!! The dancing!! WOW! Michael Jackson! Time went on...

On June 25th I was on the internet reading about Farrah, feeling kinda sad. Then I went to another forum I belong to, and someone said that Michael Jackson just died! I said ---WHAT??

I went out and bought the 25th anniversary Thriller video, and watched it. Since then I've bought all his CDs, DVDs, VCDs, and books. I've watched all the DVDs, some several times. Listened to all his incredible music times over. Read all the articles about him I can find. My stack of "commemorative" books and mags are a foot and a half tall! I'm half way thru Moonwalk, Dancing the Dream is next.

As all of you already know -- what an incredible, beautiful person!! Inside and out!! I so love him!! I can't believe I "discovered" him about 25 yrs late! I cry alot now, just can't believe he's really gone!! It just can't be!

Well, I'm eight years older than Michael, I'm 59 now. I still think he's the most sexy, beautiful person!! He also is the most loving and caring man I think I have ever seen! I so wish I could have met him!!

I just kick myself for missing him all these years! Sheesh!
I "discovered" him after...

My story -- In the 80's I don't remember what music I was into. The early 90's and continuing I saw, and followed, Garth Brooks, love him.
Some time many years ago, I remember hearing about the Jackson 5, a little kid that was supposed to be real good. Also, many years ago I remember seeing a small part of the Thriller video,and said to myself -- Whoah!! I really want to see all of that!! The dancing!! WOW! Michael Jackson! Time went on...

On June 25th I was on the internet reading about Farrah, feeling kinda sad. Then I went to another forum I belong to, and someone said that Michael Jackson just died! I said ---WHAT??

I went out and bought the 25th anniversary Thriller video, and watched it. Since then I've bought all his CDs, DVDs, VCDs, and books. I've watched all the DVDs, some several times. Listened to all his incredible music times over. Read all the articles about him I can find. My stack of "commemorative" books and mags are a foot and a half tall! I'm half way thru Moonwalk, Dancing the Dream is next.

As all of you already know -- what an incredible, beautiful person!! Inside and out!! I so love him!! I can't believe I "discovered" him about 25 yrs late! I cry alot now, just can't believe he's really gone!! It just can't be!

Well, I'm eight years older than Michael, I'm 59 now. I still think he's the most sexy, beautiful person!! He also is the most loving and caring man I think I have ever seen! I so wish I could have met him!!

I just kick myself for missing him all these years! Sheesh!

honey it is never too late to love him...

I jumped onto the bandwagon in November (ish!) 1983!! I'd always heard The Jacksons stuff played as my brother had their albums....but I went Michael mad in the "Thriller" era....I was just 13!!
I'll love him for the rest of my days....
I been a fan of MJ all of my life. I grew up off of his music and his videos. He touched my life in so many ways..It was a big event everytime he was on TV..
I've been a fan for nearly six or seven years now. It's been a pain dealing with his death. I can't even imagine how much this is affecting his children and his family.

Well, I'm eight years older than Michael, I'm 59 now. I still think he's the most sexy, beautiful person!! He also is the most loving and caring man I think I have ever seen! I so wish I could have met him!!

I just kick myself for missing him all these years! Sheesh!

Hugs, Jan! I'm so glad you discovered Michael!

I've loved Michael since 1983. He was my teenage love that continued into my twenties, thirties and (gulp!), forties! :cheeky:
I have a question to the people who are real followers of him. Does that mean whereever he went you followed him all the time? Or did you just do that from time to time in order to manage your own life?
I've been a fan for 6 years. I started buying MJ singles and albums in 2003. My first single was "Cry" and I bought it in the second-hand shop in Bournemouth where I was on holiday.It cost 0,99p. Ofcourse after Mj death my collection became bigger. I'm angry at myself that I didn't know more about MJ before his death but know I can't turn back time.
I had never listened to his songs before.... After his death, media in Greece went crazy and that's when I got to know him.... Needless to say that I am a big fan now.... :yes:
Put it this way, I have never grieved like this before in all my life. I have never felt such inner pain and sadness ever, only ever since Michael left us. I miss him so so much, it hurts so deeply.

His poor babies Prince, Paris and Blanket, god bless them all always.
Bumping this up, because I want you to read this PLEASE :). I also grew up with MJ's music I remeber Billie Jean, Thriller, Bad etc I also remember watch Moonwalker, I loved that Movie alot. I soon forgot the movie but sometimes I kept thinking about it. I use to dance to Black or White with my class mates. I loved the song includ RTT and In The Closet. In 1996 I went to a friends house, she had an MJ HISTORY Vid and I watched it with her, I somehow thought that was part of Moonwalker lol! :) Always had that confused, then by the 00's I kinda lost interest in MJ's music, I soon had a love hate thing going on. I'd like MJ maybe for awhile and then not like him Bit like whn you are friends with another Person you both like each other and have fun then the next you argue. That sort of thing. By 2008 the love hate thing started wearing of and I was liking MJ again. I became a fan on the day he annonced his comeback, I was thinking of getting his albums but I wanted to waited til MJ started his concerts, I was gonna jump on Youtube and watch his concerts. Saddly that never happen, I was shocked by the passing of MJ. I realzed I had always in my heart Loved MJ just never admitted it. I am not sad that it's too late because that's not important all it matters that I am a fan, you are a fan and everyone is a fan. We love MJ for who he was NOT what he was. He was just a human being like the rest of us. LOVE and god Bless


I've been a fan since I was 10 years old - I'm 23 now :) my earliest memory I have is when I was at my nan's house and I was dancing around to "They Don't Really Care About Us" :)