was mike full of himself?

was he full of himself?

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Jul 25, 2011
I dont mean for this to be a bash at mj, i personally think its quite attractive and he's probably the only man who could ever get away with being it.

Martin bashir asked him how much he thinks he was worth and he kept saying no, no but then he said somewhere in the billions.

in his songs like Scream, why you wanna trip on me and leave me alone he makes himself out to be all macho and as if everyone's obsessed with him. especially in why you wanna to trip on me.

in TII when he was rehearsing with the dancers for they dont care about us showing them what to do he was all "let me show you how its done, k bye" chewing his gum an all.

anyone else get the feeling that he was really really full of himself?

and his 'dream home' was so OTT like "im MICHAEL FUCKING JACKSON AND IM LIKE SO BUYING THIS PLACE" even though it would never suit anyone other than someone who was born into aristocracy?
Everyone who knew Michael claims he was very humble and gentle. While I think he had a really LOW self-esteem, I do believe that he was very secure and confident when it came to be on stage and be a showman.
I don't think he was. If you wanna see someone who is full of themselves go and watch Kanye West lol
But he really is badass and everyone IS obsessed with him.. he just IS THAT DAMN GOOD. But Mike was always humble and careful though.. and he always took command when it came to his work.
I don't think he was. If you wanna see someone who is full of themselves go and watch Kanye West lol

re read my post hun
i said that mike does it in style and an 'attractive' way. kanye west is no where near his level.
Michael was a perfectionist, and to be that you have to have a special attitude - otherwise people will not think you're serious and professional.
I feel he was confident in his abilities and all artists have an ego. Especially if your the King of Pop. He had a statue of himself floating down the thames for gods sake haha!

I do not think he had confidence when it came to his appearance though. Far from it actually.
You know Kanye has a right to have an ego, he is not bad at all-now all people are saying how rude of him was to take microphone away from that taylor svift or what-u know who cares, he was right, no one knew for this girl till kanye came, so he is genious, taylor should just salute Kanyey... catchy songs, don't get silly...energic performance....

I believe Mike had like two personalities, Mike-the mega super star and Mike-everyday normal guy :p .

Eh and with buying expensive places...he loved that kind of stuff, he had a taste!...the same with girls...Mike was playa.
Hmmm, I think that he knew he was amazing at what he did. But he was shy and gracious and humble. As far as insecurity goes, probably just insecure about whether or not he could still do a concert and have it recognized as being amazing (which was achieved by TII :wub:)
When you are that famous, that big a personality, where you are everywhere - of course you have a sense of being bigger-than-life. That is the side of MJ that is most attractive too. Yes, he was. And I wouldn't have him any other way.
He was shy and humble, but he was also very professional, a perfectionist, knew what he wanted and knew what he was worth. He was the most famous person on the planet, yet he never forgot his fans, he had respect for the people working with him and for him and he always always gave back, so I would say that he was not full of himself.
in TII when he was rehearsing with the dancers for they dont care about us showing them what to do he was all "let me show you how its done, k bye" chewing his gum an all.

no he didnt, he said to them "what is that"?

he was actually asking them what the dance was and making sure he got it right. its actually the opposite of what youre saying... :doh:
No doubt Michael knew he was a great. He knew he had somethin special. He was just so amazing to never boast about it.
I think he of course knew that he made good music, a good dancer etc..why shouldn't he think that? he had millions of fans and records sold to prove it also.. But he was very humble about it all. No diva attitude... I have read so many photographers, journalists etc who have worked with him.

I have Q magazine next to me her from august 2009, but like all magazines they were in the stores before this month, and written before he died...

It starts like this "Michael Jackson Unmasked. This is it."
"This month, Michael Jackson kicks off his 50-date residency at the 02 arena. It's the climax of four years of personal, emotional and financial turmoil. This is the tale of the BIGGEST comeback in HISTORY"

It then goes on writing about the tour and in the beginning of the 15 page article it says "(...) but several questions still hang in the air. Will he turn up? Will he sing more then a few lines? Can Michael Jackson really survive 50 shows or will his body or mind, both seemingly so fragile, disintegrate under the pressure of it all? There is still no bigger star: he has sold 730 million records...." They were right....he didn't make it to the first one.. :(

But what i was going to quote from was the photographer who worked with him, shooting the picture of him from the cover of this magazine... He goes on saying :

"I got a call saying MJ was in London and could I shoot him (...) He didn't have a huge entourage, 8 or 10 people anad a couple of fans - he pulls people out of the crowds that follow him around. He looked exactly like you'd expect Michael Jackson to look, hair weave, military jacket, shades on inside. He was very polite - he shook everybody's hand. He was quietly-spoken, but he had a normal speaking voice-he didnt have a Spitting Image-style MJ voice (...) He seemed fairly comfortable in front of the camera, though he wasn't jumping through hoops. I got a minute and a half to shoot him, which is no time at all. (here it comes) My abiding memory is how polite he was - forgetting everything that's gone on, if you were his parents, you'd be proud of how you'd brought him up"

This was a little "sidebar"... But the point is, that he wasn't "full of himself" that's a negative charged words...

He knew that what he did, he was good at..and also if you don't believe that, you are s*rewed. You will be chewed up alive. It was probably his music and dancing he had the most confidence on.

About teaching the dancers steps...it was his show, he is one of the best dancers ever lived..why not show them what he wanted..how he did his moves?

I just have to put a quote by Jane Fonda that also were in the magazine..it's so sad..there are many quotes by friends and family here, this is just one:

Jane Fonda : One day I said "God Michael, I wish I could find a movie I could produce for you" And suddenly I knew. I said, "I know, it's Peter Pan." He started to cry and said, "All over the walls of my room are pictures of Peter Pan...I totally identifyl with the lost boy of Never Never Land." :cry:
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I don't think Michael was full of himself at all. I think he was confident as an artist. How can Michael Jackson NOT know how great he is? The whole world knows it. What is he going to say? "Pshh nahhh. I only have the best-selling album of all time. No biggie." lol.
He stayed very humble though and didn't grow a big head. Which is very very rare among music artists these days now.
I think in some way he was full of himself but not in a bad way.
Like someone else said too I think he had two personalities: the Michael "biggest star on the planet" Jackson and Michael "humble dad of three children" Jackson.
I never thought Michael was full of himself. In fact, Michael actually said he didn't think having too much ego was a good idea. He seemed to be the sort of person who put 100% in everything he did. It's obvious that a lot of people assumed he was full of himself just b/c he liked to do things big. But if he wasnt the sort to do his best, then they would hold that against him too.
so what everyone here says in other words ''He is, ON stage''?

I must add the TII thingy after he finished Billie Jean he said: ''It should be something like this'' I dont remember correcly either lol. It was PERFECT yet he said that:lol:
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I don't think he was full of himself. In LWMJ, Bashir asked "Close to a billion?" and Michael just sort of timidly said "It's up there". He obviously knew he was incredible but never seemed to talk about it, he just kinda... did what he did.

But, when it came to games... :lol: "I'm the Michael Jordan of water balloon fights", "You're gonna get a head whooping, I will whoop your head" :lol:
I don't think Michael was full of himself at all. I think he was confident as an artist. How can Michael Jackson NOT know how great he is? The whole world knows it. What is he going to say? "Pshh nahhh. I only have the best-selling album of all time. No biggie." lol.
He stayed very humble though and didn't grow a big head. Which is very very rare among music artists these days now.

I agree with this post.
Besides, it was his show, of course he was showing people how to do things right. He was being assertive, imagine if he'd have been all like "oh I don't know.. you do as you feel right, I'm sure it'll be fine." He had a vision, everything had to be perfect. And gum-chewing has nothing to do with anything.
Naw, Michael wasn't full of himself.

But he used cockiness in a semi-similar way Kanye used to (not to Kanye's extent though, lol) - to build up the self esteem when people are kicking on you or don't believe in you.
Kind of like that anti-Sony speech when Michael is laughing at Sony or whatever :lol:
Or, when Michael announced This Is It in London he had this pep in his step, and came up to the stage and made awkward hand gestures and poses :p

Someone in this thread said something about Michael's self esteem, and to me it's kind of clear that Michael was secure on everything that he had and came from the inside - you know, his music, dance, philanthropy, manners, e.t.c. - but he had problems how people judge his outside. (Which is something Michael was far from alone with having)

Scream and WYWTOM are kind of autobiographical... Media have made his life miserable since forever, so it was his way of saying "Why are you tripping on me when there are so much real bullshit going on in this world?!"
It's a pretty f**ked up world we live in, just watch how they did Michael.


Found a Kanye West quote I was looking for:

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most of us say...if somethings worth doing then its worth doing well...

with Michael ....if its worth doing then its gonna be done to perfection.
I don't think he was full of himself. In LWMJ, Bashir asked "Close to a billion?" and Michael just sort of timidly said "It's up there". He obviously knew he was incredible but never seemed to talk about it, he just kinda... did what he did.

But, when it came to games... :lol: "I'm the Michael Jordan of water balloon fights", "You're gonna get a head whooping, I will whoop your head" :lol:

This made me laugh :lol:

I think like everyone else he was confident on stage.
But why wouldn't he be, he made his own music, and dance moves and he was good at it!
Off stage he was a shy loving person who cared for his fans and artists who are full of themselves don't really care about the fans.
yes he was and proud of it. i mean he just has a movie out where to quote Allen Iverson he is just practicing. Practice? and MJ shows you in a few hours how it is done. dude had that cool and cold "IT" and he knew he was bad.

he could enter anywhere with his hat on and his rademark pose and stance and folks might faint or act like oh MY!!!!!!! he knew he had that effect and impact. he had that Swag long before it had a name.

we need folks are full of themselves but also down to earth and MJ had that all combined rolled into one.

Kayne West is just a gobble head turkey with a false sense of something. marginal talent at best who is holding the plantation money until the master gets it all back.

MJ had the publsihing game, business savvy and he was real on it. you better have that kind of swag or you will get eaten alive. you gotta have that kind of strut to make it and considering how so many folks turned on him and he still had that drive and will. that was a Badd Brother.
He was confident, but down to earth. He never got mad when people treated him bad and underestimated him in some interviews and court hearings. He constantly attributed his success to god and fans.
Michael was born to rule the stage. He had that magic that no one else had. He was the Ultimate Entertainer. he didn't swindle anyone to get it, it was hard work and perseverance that got him were is is right now. You must have strong will and a driving force inside to accomplish that feat.
Michael mission was to Entertain and be loved by the WORLD, and guess what?
He did it..
he was self-confident as an artist but not very much as a person I guess.
so it makes for balance I guess, art was his way of gaining the confidence and privacy he never had in life.
no he didnt, he said to them "what is that"?

he was actually asking them what the dance was and making sure he got it right. its actually the opposite of what youre saying... :doh:

whatever. i was only multi quoting this post:
Yessssss, he was all "oh hay guys, hold on a sec while i show y'all how it's done. got it? k bye."

Totally nonchalant and cool. :cool:
That's part of what I always found so sexy about older Mike.
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