Was Michael Jackson one of a kind?

Yes if there were more people like MJ the world would be a better place.
In my opinion he 100% sure as hell was. There has never been anyone else like him, and neither will that ever happen.

I'm talking about his many talents and his personality. As for his talents, never ever will there be someone who can dance like that, set trends like that, make videos like and will have a style like that. It simply is impossible.
Awhile ago i was just thinking about what kind of genre Michael's music really is, the thing is...he has so many different genres that you simply cannot put him in a genre. In my book he is a genre. Michael was a huge multi-talent and there will never ever be someone like that again. You know the saying; never say never, but that don't count for this....never!

So songwriting,dancing,entertaining, on top of that he could draw very well. The drawings in the HIStory booklet and other released drawings on the internet are incredible and full of meaning. He could write incredible poems, just check out Dancing the dream for that. Those poems,stories by him are so deep and meaningful...it really makes you think and yes, will make you emotional as well.

As for his personality, well name me one other person ...who has been in the spotlight, has been through hell, had no childhood, therefore didn't experience several key aspects of life and great things in general but STILL remained so strong. So much shit has been thrown at him, it's impossible for us to ever imagine what he really went through...and yet staying so strong. Always gentle, always humble, incredibly generous, never arrogant. I could have understand it very well if he hated human beings in general after the horrible things he went through, if he had chosen to never really want to be around people anymore....but that was not the case.

He still loved people, hell....i would almost said he'd forgive the two accusers ....MJ seemed like someone who could not hate. And he never gave up. There have been many times that i was afraid MJ was gonna do something to himself during the first allegations and 2005 trial, but that never happened. He was one incredible strong human being and i have lots and lots of respect for that. I don't have to ask fans this question, but if i'd ask non-fans and maybe even haters (unless they are too stupid) a person who was just like this....someone who went through so much shit and yet remained that same friendly, down to earth and goodhearted person....they would fail.

Not saying this because i'm a fan...but for me the most incredible human being ever lived is The Gloved One.

This post is soooo well said and exactly as I feel too! His incredible creativity - singing, dancing, drawing, writing, is just beyond words. His desire to help others and spread love around the world, all that he did for mankind!! -- unbelievable!! And his down to earth, humble, sweet, decent attitude, and sensitivity, was so "unusual" in these times, that most people just couldn't understand! -- they couldn't believe a person could be so "God -like". Unreal to them, couldn't conceve of it.

When Michael said" That's the most loving thing you can do is offer your bed" ( I probably didn't quote that exactly right.) I totally understood! Most people, or alot of people, didn't. Michael had no idea that people couldn't see the beauty in that, and that nasty people would attack one of his basic purposes -- to help and love children.