Was Michael Jackson one of a kind?

Jan 17, 2004
In my opinion he 100% sure as hell was. There has never been anyone else like him, and neither will that ever happen.

I'm talking about his many talents and his personality. As for his talents, never ever will there be someone who can dance like that, set trends like that, make videos like and will have a style like that. It simply is impossible.
Awhile ago i was just thinking about what kind of genre Michael's music really is, the thing is...he has so many different genres that you simply cannot put him in a genre. In my book he is a genre. Michael was a huge multi-talent and there will never ever be someone like that again. You know the saying; never say never, but that don't count for this....never!

So songwriting,dancing,entertaining, on top of that he could draw very well. The drawings in the HIStory booklet and other released drawings on the internet are incredible and full of meaning. He could write incredible poems, just check out Dancing the dream for that. Those poems,stories by him are so deep and meaningful...it really makes you think and yes, will make you emotional as well.

As for his personality, well name me one other person ...who has been in the spotlight, has been through hell, had no childhood, therefore didn't experience several key aspects of life and great things in general but STILL remained so strong. So much shit has been thrown at him, it's impossible for us to ever imagine what he really went through...and yet staying so strong. Always gentle, always humble, incredibly generous, never arrogant. I could have understand it very well if he hated human beings in general after the horrible things he went through, if he had chosen to never really want to be around people anymore....but that was not the case.

He still loved people, hell....i would almost said he'd forgive the two accusers ....MJ seemed like someone who could not hate. And he never gave up. There have been many times that i was afraid MJ was gonna do something to himself during the first allegations and 2005 trial, but that never happened. He was one incredible strong human being and i have lots and lots of respect for that. I don't have to ask fans this question, but if i'd ask non-fans and maybe even haters (unless they are too stupid) a person who was just like this....someone who went through so much shit and yet remained that same friendly, down to earth and goodhearted person....they would fail.

Not saying this because i'm a fan...but for me the most incredible human being ever lived is The Gloved One.
One Word: YES .

p.s. one more thing i always thought of Michael is that, after ALL his achievements, and how otherworldly talented he is,
he could be and pretty much has the right to be the most arrogant person in the world, BUT he is that he not arrogant at all he is SOOO Humble, and thats another reason why i love him and a lesson i have learnt from Michael
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One Word: YES .

p.s. one more thing i always thought of Michael is that, after ALL his achievements, and how otherworldly talented he is,
he could be and pretty much has the right to be the most arrogant person in the world, BUT he is that he not arrogant at all he is SOOO Humble, and thats another reason why i love him and a lesson i have learnt from Michael

Exactly, he would have had all the right, but he never was. I remember this interview of him where he's with his lama at Neverland...just sitting around and he talks about how songs like Billie Jean didn't come from him, but something up above....i mean, wow.

Also somewhere in 2001 i think....he actually told a interviewer he was honored to stand onstage along with Nsync and things...i was like 'Duuuuuuuude....THEY should be honored, come on' ahaha, awesome guy.
Yes, he was! Just as so many greats before him. God only selects a few chosen people to carry on his work and message. Michael was one of them. I wonder who the next will be?
Michael was totally unique. So, so special. So incredibly talented. He had the kindest heart and such a loving soul.
And I feel blessed for being on Earth during his time.
It just crossed my mind that actually after the 2005 trial, the poor guy
only had 4 years left...when you think about it....it just ain't right, that's all.
It's damn unfair.
Yes, there will be no one like him ever again. With his extra-ordinary talents, and being brought up in extra-ordinary circumstances made him the man that he was. He was really someone special. As much as we might try to find someone close to him, no one will even measure up. We lost an incredible human being. :( I still remain in awe of him, his music will never get old, his humanity and generosity never forgotten. No celebrity or person could be that profound.
I believe that michael was the most unique human being who has ever lived. he seemed so out of this world but yet so down to earth and humble. i am so grateful to have lived during the same lifetime as michael, beacuse i truly believe there will never be someone like him again.

he is so strong and full of confidence and that gives me strength to follow my dreams and believe in myself. he is such an inspiration source and he will always be a role model for me. i want to be everything he was, and even if i know i will never be as talented,generous,kindhearted or loving as michael, it gives me power to keep going and keep developing as a person.

i think that michael was so unique, and all that he was was to big for this world to understand. i think that the only one who fully understood michael was himself. but i do not think it is okay for the media to be as disrespectful just beacuse they dont know him. they dont know a damn thing, and still they make up so crazy stories. i wish that everyone could get to know the real michael, beacuse it kills me to know about the way he is being treated. he deserves SOOO much more, beacuse he is the most beautiful man there is! i adore michael for all that he is and all that he stands for, i will do my best to carry on michaels legacy and making this world a better place.

so yes, michael is one of a kind. no doubt about it.
Yes, yes, yes :yes:
It just crossed my mind that actually after the 2005 trial, the poor guy only had 4 years left...
heart squeezing to think now about it. if we only knew... :(
during the trial i thought: they're taking away the years of his life.............
Most definitely one of a kind. There will never be anyone as amazing as Michael.
YES! Michael was unique in every single way. I've never seen an entertainer or person like Michael in my entire life and there will never be another like him again, period. Michael is the best!
How can a single person make millions and millions of people feel so happy? How can he mean the entire world for some of us? I mean... how??? Michael was the most amazing person that I will ever know. I'm totally sure of that. There will never, never, never be anyone like him, not even close.
UH... lemme think about that for a second.

HELLS YEAH! There will never be another! I think that's why this is SO hard for SO many. Artists and entertainers have died before and we've been upset but you move on because in the back of your mind you kinda know that in a few years time there will be someone who can take their place. No one can ever replace Michael. No one.
Yeah.. Michael was very special as a musician and human being in general. I'm so thankful that I got to be here while he was alive and that I became a fan.
If someone ever comes close to Michael it's probably his children because they grew up in his precence and he taught them his way of life.. which is wonderful. God bless those children.
Yes. I have never seen a person so genuinely nice before. Unfortunately in a world full of sharks. His kindness was taken for weakness. There will never be another.

Michael was GOD:angel:
YES! Since he was a child u could see that!

Also, that DAMN trial was like watching a slow funeral if u ask me! I hated it and it destroyed his belief in people PERIOD! Except for his children who was the best thing and purest thing to ever happen to him. I thank god for his children, their so special! God bless them and Michael!
There will never be another person like Michael he was indeed one of a kind, unique. His beautiful loving heart leaves me speechless. I will never know how he could have gone through so much and he still smiled and only thought of helping others. Yes, Michael Jackson was indeed one of a kind.

I love you Michael

Yes, definitely. People like Michael come once in every blue moon; Or they wouldn't even come at all.

This is something non-fans will never understand. They think Michael was just an incredible performer. He actually was much, much more than that.

That's why I love him :)
Of course he was!
There will never be another Michael Jackson, perhaps imitators but no one else like him.
That's what made him so special and so wonderful, I believe he was a gift from God for the world to see, enjoy and most importantly to appreciate and love.
