Was Michael a Karate black belt?

Honorary yes. Wether he actully knew some or not...he might have (the kids are taking it apparently so you never know).
What i can re call he said 'i know nothing about sport' at Exeter city football club.

where did you get info from ? plz i wanna know too
I've heard of this but not sure how reliable it is.

On a similar note - did he do ballet too?
I did found these tho:


"The persona that is created of Michael Jackson is very different when you're in a room with him, when you're talking to him. He's very funny. He actually fights. I was surprised. He's like a blue belt in Tae Kwan Do or something. I'd just done 'Ali,' and I felt that Michael Jackson might be able to hurt me. That dude looks sharp. He's a fast mover. You see how somebody could dance and move that good and do those spins. That takes strength man." --Will Smith (2002)

I think he had to know a little something about martial arts, since some of his most famous moves were inspired by it.​
Thank you for sharing those pictures - never seen them before.

"The persona that is created of Michael Jackson is very different when you're in a room with him, when you're talking to him. He's very funny. He actually fights. I was surprised. He's like a blue belt in Tae Kwan Do or something. I'd just done 'Ali,' and I felt that Michael Jackson might be able to hurt me. That dude looks sharp. He's a fast mover. You see how somebody could dance and move that good and do those spins. That takes strength man." --Will Smith (2002)​

I think he had to know a little something about martial arts, since some of his most famous moves were inspired by it.​

Do you have a source for that quote??
"The persona that is created of Michael Jackson is very different when you're in a room with him, when you're talking to him. He's very funny. He actually fights. I was surprised. He's like a blue belt in Tae Kwan Do or something. I'd just done 'Ali,' and I felt that Michael Jackson might be able to hurt me. That dude looks sharp. He's a fast mover. You see how somebody could dance and move that good and do those spins. That takes strength man." --Will Smith (2002)

I think he had to know a little something about martial arts, since some of his most famous moves were inspired by it.​

Yes I remember that too, here's a link on youtube Will Smith saying that I'm sure theres a better quality than this but..
Not sure if Michael really was a blue/ black belt but you never know...
Hahaha... you guys must be joking, right?
We all know how emotional MJ was and how he hated violence! :)

yeah. I mean I can't say he was or wasn't as I didn't know him personally,but i just think it's a possible rumour. however i am NOT doubting Michaels abilities. I did as i posted above) seen that Will Smith clip a long time ago,as to thatI have no ideal as to what exactly Will Smith was really referring to with Michael.
Will Smith said Michael was a black belt during an interview.
Hahaha... you guys must be joking, right?
We all know how emotional MJ was and how he hated violence! :)
You reminded me of something my Sensei said to me at my first Karate lesson.

"Karate isn't about fighting. It's about NOT fighting."

I didn't understand what he meant at first, especially whilst I was being taught to throw a mean punch. :lol:
But I worked it out. :cheeky:

Anyway, Michael learnt Yoga, didn't he?? So I don't find it so unlikely that he'd have learnt Karate.
Hahaha... you guys must be joking, right?
We all know how emotional MJ was and how he hated violence! :)

the martial arts weren't made for the practice of violence, but as a defense (especially against violence) :)
Michael was an honoruary black belt which is not the same thing as EARNING a black belt. It is very difficult to earn as black belt and it does involve you having to ACTUALLY avoid being hit.

Michael did the kata to get the black belt in 1998, but those are just simple movements anyone can do and is not part of the graduation of any belt except for the first colour (white) in most disciplines.

He was not a genuine black belt.
You reminded me of something my Sensei said to me at my first Karate lesson.

"Karate isn't about fighting. It's about NOT fighting."

I didn't understand what he meant at first, especially whilst I was being taught to throw a mean punch. :lol:
But I worked it out. :cheeky:

Anyway, Michael learnt Yoga, didn't he?? So I don't find it so unlikely that he'd have learnt Karate.

i bolded what I believe about Karate
You reminded me of something my Sensei said to me at my first Karate lesson.

"Karate isn't about fighting. It's about NOT fighting."

I didn't understand what he meant at first, especially whilst I was being taught to throw a mean punch. :lol:
But I worked it out. :cheeky:

Anyway, Michael learnt Yoga, didn't he?? So I don't find it so unlikely that he'd have learnt Karate.

i know it's not about fighting it's about defending yourself I did karate as a kid & yeah i'd heard about Mj being a black belt in some article somewhere when he turned 40 it was 40 things you never knew about Michael jackson & that was one of them!

btw hello kelzy :) it is me darklight from the mfc (as if you didn't notice lol) *waves* good to see you're on here too
Hi darklight ,its me mjjnj your friend from twitter :)
Could you please post link of that article ? 40 things about Michael ... thank you.
I never know before that he interested in Yoga or Karate