Was Joe Jackson left out of memorial program???

Joe was sitting right on the front row with Katherine and the rest of the family. I am glad to the bone that he did not speak. That would have been a disaster.
did he come up on stage with the rest of the family at the end? i don't remember seeing him.
he didn't go up there. there is something I wanna say so bad, but I will be respectful and hold it in.:bugeyed
oh I stand corrected. i didn't see him though sorry for the wrong info. but I still got words for him.
he was there, not sure if he was in the gold programme they gave out? is that what ur asking? But he wasnt allowed to make any decisions on the memorial as the fmaily were so appalled by his actions before.
he was there, not sure if he was in the gold programme they gave out? is that what ur asking? But he wasnt allowed to make any decisions on the memorial as the fmaily were so appalled by his actions before.
how did you find that out. I didn't know he wasn't allowed to make decisions
Magic Johnson left him out in his speech.
Al Sharpton didn't shake his hand when he came off the stage, eventhough Joe was coming directly up to him.
Stevie Wonder said before he sang "I told Michael countless times that I love him, so I am at peace...", and the way he said it sounded to me like it was aimed at Joe...

I think that says alot about how many people think about him. And maybe it will make Joe think a little bit about himself as well. Or his family. Or even Michael. But as I know him, he will be on television tomorrow explaining to the world how great his new blu-ray technology is, just in case somebody missed it the first time.
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joe was singing along to heal the world and waving his arm
hes irritating as hell tho
I'm trying to find the article but it said he wasn't mentioned n the memorial program...can anyone who went, verify this? ima stilla looking lol
Is that really something important? What difference does it make?
Why didn't he speak? Didn't he have a record company to promote or something?

No sorry. But I felt so.. "weird" when I saw him kind of like singing and dancing at the end, the grande finale. It was like Michael's life was just one big musical and now every character, good or bad, comes to the stage one last time and sings the last song of the show. I wouldn't even be surprised then to see Tom Sneddon up there singing along.
I dont usually say this about people but I hope god will give him what he deservs ... and its not good.. I hate him so *ucking much.
Please show some respect. Joe is Michael's father. Think about if someone said such negative, hateful things about your father.
Please show some respect. Joe is Michael's father. Think about if someone said such negative, hateful things about your father.

Sorry, but his father was a Piece of...

Even Magic Johnson realized that when he addressed the kids and told them "You have great aunts, uncles, cousins, and a great grandmother."

I, too, am glad he didn't speak. Joe doesn't deserve the attention. I can't even imagine what he must have done to poor Katherine and what he must have put her through.
You know, I could tell you about my father and make you all hate him speaking nothing but the truth. I could also make you think he is the greatest father in the world while still telling nothing but the truth. Like Michael's father, my dad has done some things that have traumatized me, including hit me, but I've never doubted that he loves me. He's tried to be a great father in the only way he knows how. You never know the whole story, and it is wrong to judge without experiencing it personally. As Michael said, do not judge someone without speaking to them one on one.

Joe was by no means a perfect father. By all accounts, he was cold, hard, and emotionally distant. The more I think about it, though, the more I have a certain grudging respect for Joseph. He could have left Katherine a single mother fending for her kids in the impoverished Gary. He could have gone off to seek his own fortune instead of working at a steel mill trying to provide for them. Instead of becoming the greatest entertainer, Michael could have become a victim of the streets. Joseph conveyed his love for his family in the only way he knew how-- by sticking around and trying to get them out of the ghetto. If he pushed them too hard, it was only because he wanted them to have a better life. His disciplinary methods were probably too harsh and he too insensitive, but he made sure to keep his children safe and well-provided for. For that reason, the world got Michael.

If Michael could still respect his father-- and I think he would be in a better position to judge than we-- then who are we to condemn Joseph? Let's leave that to Joseph, Michael, and God.
I agree, we need to lay off Joe. I don't like some things about the man either....like his obvious coldness and lack of emotion. But I would not go as far as to say I hate him. Michael never said he hated him. Despite all they went through as children, Michael gave his dad his props for being a smart man and getting them where they are today. He did this in LWMJ.

Now just like people judge Michael wrongfully and we get mad at him and demand that they give him respect for what he did do in the music industry and philanthropy and stuff...Michael would say do the same thing with his dad.
well said moonglider, everyone's dad has messed up. so he hasn't broken down in public, maybe that's how he deals. Putting on a brave "stage" face may be how he copes and remember he has to be strong for his family, he is their father, they love him faults and all. He is human and deserves our sympathies even if you don't like some of the things he's done. He lost a son.
Please show some respect. Joe is Michael's father. Think about if someone said such negative, hateful things about your father.

I don't know whether I should, but I felt sorry for him when some of the speakers ignored him. He seemed quite moved by Al Sharpton's speech only to get the cold shoulder when he went to thank him for it.

He made some mistakes while Michael was alive, but I suspect the memorial may leave him wishing he could turn back time and do things differently.
He made some mistakes while Michael was alive, but I suspect the memorial may leave him wishing he could turn back time and do things differently.

He had 50 years to think about that, I doubt he started yesterday.
His horrible "marketing interview" before the BET awards was the point where I realized that this person shows no respect whatsoever for his child, so I don't see ANY reason why he should have earned even a glimpse of respect from me.

And to those saying that every father had good and bad sides: I think you do not realize what Joe did to his family, especially in the 60s and 70s.
One thing I noticed of Joe at the end was his terrible out of time stiff swaying!! How on earth did that man give birth to that many talented children when he cant even sway !!!!!
Almost everybody who came off the stage went directly to Michaels mom, children, brothers and sisters ans skipped Joe.

I guess that says about enough.
one thing i noticed of joe at the end was his terrible out of time stiff swaying!! How on earth did that man give birth to that many talented children when he cant even sway !!!!!


I do feel for Joe though. We have no idea what he's feeling right now.
omg i know people dont like him on here..but i merely opened this thread to ask a question....was his name ommitted from the program?