Warning!!!! [ Privacy regarding Michael's children ]


Proud Member
Sep 3, 2007
I am completly out of line for saying this on someone elses forum, but you DO NOT POST INFO REGARDING MICHAELS CHILDREN HERE!!!

I feel very priveledged and am thankful for Gaz taking the time to talk to me and to trust me insuring that the 2000 Watts section of this forum is kept above board.

BUT, I am sick of seeing posts about Michaels children pushed forwards here, Someone is leaking them and is getting a kick from the attention, recently a post of Blanket was mentioned here.

THIS IS NOT THE PLACE!!! Respect these children and treat them as your own like I do, I would never want my children subjected to such public hunger and outcry!

I will put my position here on the line to remove deletee and Infract or Ban any member posting such disgusting content. It is one of the top rules and is mentioned over and over here on MJJC but is ignored.

I Hope the owner and admin respect my views, but I am hurting real bad, I cannot express my feel of loss for Michael, but even more my wrenching sorrow for his children not to have known such brilliance of a man, they should not be subjected to such a circus.

I love you as much as you love me, one for all, L.O.V.E
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Re: Warning!!!!

I am completly out of line for saying this on someone elses forum, but you DO NOT POST INFO REGARDING MICHAELS CHILDREN HERE!!!

I feel very priveledge and am thankful for Gaz taking the time to talk to me and to trust me insuring that the 2000 Watts section of this forum is kept above board.

BUT, I am sick of seeing posts about Michaels children pushed forwards here, Someone is leaking them and is getting a kick from the attention, recently a post of Blanket was mentioned here.

THIS IS NOT THE PLACE!!! Respect these children and treat them as your own like I do, I would never want my children subjected to such public hunger and outcry!

I will put my position here on the line to remove deltele and INFACT. BAN any member posting such disgusting content.

I Hope the owner and admin respect my views, but I am hurting real bad, I cannot express my feel of loss for Michael, but even more my wrenching sorrow for his children not to have known such brilliance of a man, they should not be subjected to such tribune!

I love you as much as you love me, one for alll, L.O.V.E From Above

i agree with you i was telling the other mj fans please let the kids have the privacy and i thinksome got a little angry at me and ignore me
Re: Warning!!!!

Well, I have been saying this all weekend at the great risk of being banned.
Re: Warning!!!!

Honestly, I am not sure what a podt is Birchey.:doh:

But it sounds like what you are saying is to respect the children's privacy. Which I completely agree with. :clapping:

I am completly out of line for saying this on someone elses forum, but you DO NOT POST INFO REGARDING MICHAELS CHILDREN HERE!!!

I feel very priveledge and am thankful for Gaz taking the time to talk to me and to trust me insuring that the 2000 Watts section of this forum is kept above board.

BUT, I am sick of seeing posts about Michaels children pushed forwards here, Someone is leaking them and is getting a kick from the attention, recently a post of Blanket was mentioned here.

THIS IS NOT THE PLACE!!! Respect these children and treat them as your own like I do, I would never want my children subjected to such public hunger and outcry!

I will put my position here on the line to remove deltele and INFACT. BAN any member posting such disgusting content.

I Hope the owner and admin respect my views, but I am hurting real bad, I cannot express my feel of loss for Michael, but even more my wrenching sorrow for his children not to have known such brilliance of a man, they should not be subjected to such tribune!

I love you as much as you love me, one for alll, L.O.V.E From Above
Re: Warning!!!! [ Michael's children and posting on the forum ]

:clapping: Thank you Birchey.

The privacy of Michael's children is something that MJJC has always respected.
The rule has always been and will always remain, That pictures/and now vidoes that invaid their privacy stay OFF of the board.

It was Michael's wish to not have them exploited, Please respect his wishes and repsect MJJC's rules on this matter.
Re: Warning!!!! [ Michael's children and posting on the forum ]

I could not agree more.. Well said!
CNN is reporting that the cousins have been moved out...so we will see if the leaks will stop. Or it might be even worst, if they are pissed off to be kicked out of their childhood home.
CNN is reporting that the cousins have been moved out...so we will see if the leaks will stop. Or it might be even worst, if they are pissed off to be kicked out of their childhood home.
I have been wondering if "the Jackson cousins" did this because they were mad about having to move off of Michael Jackson's property.
I am bumping this up and posting Gaz's warning about posting things when it comes to regarding the children.

Let me reiterate and support Birchey

Any instance of invasion of the children's privacy is banned from MJJC, only those that are official appearances which were organised by the guardians are allowed.

DO NOT post any threads or content invading the children's privacy.

We as fans and supporters have a responsibility to ENSURE we of all honour that for them.

I have briefed my staff on taking firm action against any member should they wish to ignore this warning,

Thank you

Let me reiterate and support Birchey

Any instance of invasion of the children's privacy is banned from MJJC, only those that are official appearances which were organised by the guardians are allowed.

DO NOT post any threads or content invading the children's privacy.

We as fans and supporters have a responsibility to ENSURE we of all honour that for them.

I have briefed my staff on taking firm action against any member should they wish to ignore this warning,

Thank you

100% :agree:

Well then TMZ should be banned from this forum. Aren't they the ones leaking/reporting everything JACKSON?
well, of course. like some fans said, they risked being banned for agreeing with you. problem is, the media is our enemy. they bait us. and when we go against them, on here, we are the bad guys..

but i'm on board with this, of course.
Well then TMZ should be banned from this forum. Aren't they the ones leaking/reporting everything JACKSON?

this is not about everything Jackson, this is about Michael's children.

Invasion of Michael's Children's privacy is not tolerated here - regardless of the source.
Birchey i totally agree with u 100%!

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Nice. Good for you for posting this.
I couldn't agree more.
Michael worked hard to keep his children's privacy...well in private. We must have respect for both Michael and his children.
Bumping this up again. It doesn't just include posting the videos direct but includes posting any articles that contain the links to the videos of the kids. Some articles do and some articles don't. How they leaked we don't know but we are not having them on here. As Lorraine said MJJC has always respected the privacy of Michael's children and that's what Michael liked about this place. Just because he's not here this isn't to stop.

Just to re-iterate that the only photos of Michael's children allowed on this board are from official appearances such as the memorial, Grammys, and images sanctioned by Gary for example the baby photos of Prince from OK that Michael oked himself. No pap pictures are to be posted here and no leaked pictures that came from the Malniks, the ones that appeared in last years OK!. If anyone is unsure please contact any of us.
I agree totally!! It's all about respecting Michael's wishes!

Thanks Birchey for bringing this up. Here at MJJC we will forever honour what Michael wanted. This is all for him, the amazing man that touched all of our lives in a big way. Lets act in a way that's befitting to him and what he stood for. :)
Thanks Birchey for bringing this up. Here at MJJC we will forever honour what Michael wanted. This is all for him, the amazing man that touched all of our lives in a big way. Lets act in a way that's befitting to him and what he stood for. :)
I'm glad to see that folks at MJJC honor Michael's wishes more than those folks who are releasing these videos ..
I'm glad to see that folks at MJJC honor Michael's wishes more than those folks who are releasing these videos ..

I agree with this post and I 100% agree with this thread...Michael's children have been exploited enough ...like Michael always said...Dont feed the beast!!
good post. It seems it could well be one of the other jackson kids in being spiteful by leaking those videos. Just way too wrong to do such thing.