
its good for taking over another country.
and its good for killing each other

That's actually a valid point. But what's that good for?
You know, I guess if you think from a really selfish and I-don't-give-a-crap-about-anything perspective, war can be pretty useful..
Also, do you think people who start wars etc think they're doing something wrong? I mean, apparently, Hitler thought what he was doing was perectly valid and he genuinely believed in all his nonsense. To him, that was an act of good for his people.

Today's wars.. do you think the leaders actually think they're justifiable?
That's actually a valid point. But what's that good for?
its a good for gaining power.

i guess if you think from a really selfish and I-don't-give-a-crap-about-anything perspective, war can be pretty useful..

Do not "guess" ... "be so sure"
its so true.

do you think the leaders actually think they're justifiable?
surely from their point of view what they do is right , no one does what he thinks is wrong. the point is concept of "right" and "wrong" varies from one to another.
If we do not end war - war will end us. Everybody says that, millions of people believe it, and nobody does anything. Together we must learn how to compose differences, not with arms, but with intellect and decent purpose.

War leads to no good.
No war is justifiable. War does not determine who's right, it determines who's left. There's no point to it most times. These would be invader type wars where bad things could be sorted out by discussion. The only wars which may be justifiable are where minorities are being oppressed, such as in Nazi Germany, or Iraq, whereby the leaders ordered for minorities to be killed etc. the efforts should not be on the leaders only, it should also be on all high up people in the Govt. The people who are innocent are never to blame. The only way to stop war is to encourage a positive and acceptant mindset to different cultures and people, and not to get riled so quickly.
Jay we are on the sameish wavelengths here. Thanks for shortened version of mine, i rant, as will be confirmed by Lassan, won't it?
Jay we are on the sameish wavelengths here. Thanks for shortened version of mine, i rant, as will be confirmed by Lassan, won't it?

Thank you emwill for agreeing with me, I agree with you 100% as well, sure Lassan do too! :yes:

I hope that someday they'll give a war and nobody will come.
surely from their point of view what they do is right , no one does what he thinks is wrong. the point is concept of "right" and "wrong" varies from one to another.
I don't think that's quite right. I mean, people often do realise what they're doing is wrong, just they decide to overlook it because of some other bigger advantage.
For example, if one wascheating on a test, usually one would realise it was wrong, but depending on the type of person one is, he would carry on cheating because the advantage is much greater that him just 'feeling bad'.

JayJackson and Emwill, I'll reply to you people in a bit after I fix my mouse. ;p
its a good for gaining power.

Do not "guess" ... "be so sure"
its so true.

surely from their point of view what they do is right , no one does what he thinks is wrong. the point is concept of "right" and "wrong" varies from one to another.

hello where are you from? as a matter of curiosity.
If we do not end war - war will end us. Everybody says that, millions of people believe it, and nobody does anything. Together we must learn how to compose differences, not with arms, but with intellect and decent purpose.

War leads to no good.

I agree with you absolutely. But I'm saying it, you're saying it, emwil is saying it, but we're not doing anything.. Is this a reality we just have to live with?

War does not determine who's right, it determines who's left.
Absolutely love that line.

The only way to stop war is to encourage a positive and acceptant mindset to different cultures and people, and not to get riled so quickly.
OMG! Muslims terrorists, Russian - those commies! ... Thinking from a human perspective, that's so much simpler to understand.. we all have a survival, aggressive instinct.
What I'm trying to say is, that I agree with you fully, but how..

Thanks for shortened version of mine, i rant, as will be confirmed by Lassan, won't it?
Rants are acceptable as long as they make sense, but you really don't, dear.

I hope that someday they'll give a war and nobody will come.
I hope that someday there just simply wouldn't be a person who calls war, and we live as one big happy family the way we dream about and the way we were meant to.
I agree with you absolutely. But I'm saying it, you're saying it, emwil is saying it, but we're not doing anything.. Is this a reality we just have to live with?

I hope that someday there just simply wouldn't be a person who calls war, and we live as one big happy family the way we dream about and the way we were meant to.

That's exactly my point. We all know it, we all say it, but nothing is being done. Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.

Let me say this; Peace is the only battle worth waging!
Actually, I believe we should have wars.

Say there is country A. Country A is led by a fierce dictator who has the ability to annihilate everybody and threatens to blow up various countries.

Do we sit there and hold hands screaming "Peace?"

Nope. Self defense all the way, which could lead to a war.

In an alternate ending, Country A's dictator takes starts annihilating countries in our 'peaceful world'. Millions die screaming peace. Eventually, humans are lead by evil dictator A, who let his empire take over the world.
"The only wars which may be justifiable are where minorities are being oppressed, such as in Nazi Germany, or Iraq, whereby the leaders ordered for minorities to be killed etc. the efforts should not be on the leaders only, it should also be on all high up people in the Govt. The people who are innocent are never to blame."
Say there is country A. Country A is led by a fierce dictator who has the ability to annihilate everybody and threatens to blow up various countries.
If people had sense, they wouldn't let a dictator in the first place (yeah, i'm idealistic, but whatever). Also, no one is that stupid to start threatening to blow up various countries, and no one posses the ability to annihilate everybody, I believe.

Do we sit there and hold hands screaming "Peace?"

Nope. Self defense all the way, which could lead to a war.
War is not the only solution to a problem. In fact, it's the worst solution. By waging war, which would inevitably lead to innocent civilian casualities, you are more likely to ring up support for said dictator and inspire other insane people to go ape too ("Freedom fighters/terrorists", anyone? Revenge, ya know) . Kind of like Hitler. Inspired by defeat in a war, starts a new one!
Yay, endless loop of chaos and destruction in which the children get screwed!
If people had sense, they wouldn't let a dictator in the first place (yeah, i'm idealistic, but whatever). Also, no one is that stupid to start threatening to blow up various countries, and no one posses the ability to annihilate everybody, I believe.

War is not the only solution to a problem. In fact, it's the worst solution. By waging war, which would inevitably lead to innocent civilian casualities, you are more likely to ring up support for said dictator and inspire other insane people to go ape too ("Freedom fighters/terrorists", anyone? Revenge, ya know) . Kind of like Hitler. Inspired by defeat in a war, starts a new one!
Yay, endless loop of chaos and destruction in which the children get screwed!

You say, if people had sense...but what you need to think about is that the dictator could be a wolf in sheeps clothing. I know my story of dictators annihilating everybody is far fetched, but...

War seems to be the solution to the problem. If we hold hands and scream peace while fighter planes are flying overour heads, I bet you that we will be dead in seconds. Its not about waging war, I'm talking about war in self defense. If we scream peace while someone drops a bomb on us, scream peace while someone shoots us, and scream peace when a we are tortured then where do you think we are going?

I feel that war is nessecary. While I am not in total support of it, I think that in some cases it's acceptable.
@ Smoothcriminal12, I agree with you, yes, you can't go about screaming peace while you'er being destroyed..
And yes, okay, sometime's it's necessary, but why does the world have to end up in that situation? I know that's a stupid, unanswerable, exasperated kind of question, because it just does and you can't control everyone, so..
But yeah, I don't really know what to say, just it would be so nice if there were no wars, everyone was considerate and not have a mental issue or the lust for power or greed for resources, because in the end, you're not going to take all that with you to the grave.
I wish people would realise that.

Also, I read my last post and realise it sounded pretty agressive. My sincere apologies, I was just trying to make a point. :) :p And out of interest, do you agree with the war resulting in further (likely guerilla) conflicts because of the revenge etc thing?
@ Smoothcriminal12, I agree with you, yes, you can't go about screaming peace while you'er being destroyed..
And yes, okay, sometime's it's necessary, but why does the world have to end up in that situation? I know that's a stupid, unanswerable, exasperated kind of question, because it just does and you can't control everyone, so..
But yeah, I don't really know what to say, just it would be so nice if there were no wars, everyone was considerate and not have a mental issue or the lust for power or greed for resources, because in the end, you're not going to take all that with you to the grave.
I wish people would realise that.

Also, I read my last post and realise it sounded pretty agressive. My sincere apologies, I was just trying to make a point. :) :p And out of interest, do you agree with the war resulting in further (likely guerilla) conflicts because of the revenge etc thing?

You mean, something like the war on terrorism happened because of 9/11?Well, I don't really agree with it. I'm going to use 9/11 for an ezample on this one. The conflict was all about revenge, although Bush's stated reasons is to destroy the thing that is al-Qaeda. I don't think that revenge should be a motive for war. Wars like that are never ending because, first of all, revenge, or at least some types of it, never truly satisfies people. They are always looking to punish the person who did them wrong, usually resulting in a long, drawn out plot to get revenge. Look at the War on Terror now. They're still looking for al-Qaeda, and they're not even close to victory. Revenge as a reason for guerilla-type wars? Not a chance. They will never end well.
The conflict was all about revenge, although Bush's stated reasons is to destroy the thing that is al-Qaeda. I don't think that revenge should be a motive for war. Wars like that are never ending because, first of all, revenge, or at least some types of it, never truly satisfies people. They are always looking to punish the person who did them wrong, usually resulting in a long, drawn out plot to get revenge. Look at the War on Terror now. They're still looking for al-Qaeda, and they're not even close to victory.
Exactly, it's like an infinite loop.
But I think al-Quaeda and taleban wouldn't really have existed if it wasn't for the war in Afghanistan in the 80s. [thus war resulting in 'terrorism']. But even after that war, we didn't really hear about them until the war in Iraq, which I beleive actually caused these 'organisations' to become active and start violence.
But it really is pointless, don't you think? The attack, which causes countries to send troops, which makes them attack more, which makes the countries send more troops...
Fairly pointless, no? [not looking at it from a greedy, selfish, profitable perspective]
Well, there is always an agressor, and I guess, you must retaliate..

It's the Circle of Life!
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the Circle
The Circle of Life

[Sorry, I love the Lion King :p )
Exactly, it's like an infinite loop.
But I think al-Quaeda and taleban wouldn't really have existed if it wasn't for the war in Afghanistan in the 80s. [thus war resulting in 'terrorism']. But even after that war, we didn't really hear about them until the war in Iraq, which I beleive actually caused these 'organisations' to become active and start violence.
But it really is pointless, don't you think? The attack, which causes countries to send troops, which makes them attack more, which makes the countries send more troops...
Fairly pointless, no? [not looking at it from a greedy, selfish, profitable perspective]
Well, there is always an agressor, and I guess, you must retaliate..

It's the Circle of Life!
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the Circle
The Circle of Life

[Sorry, I love the Lion King :p )

It was a waste of America's money to care enough to start war with al-Quaeda. I'd say, instead of war, just be on the lookout next time.
War is only good if it is for 'self-defence', in other cases it's pure evil and causes so much pain. MichaelsGuardianAngel - no comments...
War is only good if it is for 'self-defence', in other cases it's pure evil and causes so much pain.
Well, I'm sure it causes a lot of pain even if it is for 'self-defense' and isn't really that great, but yes, you could say it's necessary.